BEFORE-THE-MAGISTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, December 3, 1966 27 Motorcycle Driver Rode With Hands Before Face AJAX (Staff) -- Careless|a cigaret in Ajax Magistrate's driving after he was stopped) Constable Burnett said he ob- .|served the acc travel two- driving took on the definition |Court Thursday. Jon Harwood Ave. by Alex Com |iooths of a milefwith hs hands 4 ' a Tanelne A Chast nlan matl ses ' ' Sut _+ 2 : mais pi sts+t+t a4, Ea = aa nuns a. m type be vened h at zv mpn OF & dikdia MiAvilig tite Aavevacs we reless'on Sept. 9. south on Harw ve, while using both hands to light!guilty to a charge of cx Burnett told the Court that Short, of RR 2 Whitby, told the Court that the only traffic around was a vehicle parked at the cruiser and that he didn't light his cigaret, but only at- tempted to. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn found the accused guilty and 30" KITCHEN 6-FOOT PING-PONG fined him $50 while suspending his licence for one year. ALUMINUM .| _ TABLES EXHAUST P pital SEVEN-DAY TERM | pie HOODS LADDER Lege' end Stend custody for sentencing, was 60" Size ' given a seven-day jail term Gloset doors. 25.95 19.95 8.95 18.50 when he appeared before Mag- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Dri, at Jacksonville, Po. ida, Peer guilty . ae cE Court Tuesday to a charge COURTICE SHOPPING CENTR : -1617 fa' to remain at the scene 728-1611 at or po ed berg ' ; Druhl is expected to be de- ass ported from Canada after he serves his term and will be turned over to the FBI agents at the border, He will be tried in the U.S. on numerous charges, including grand lar- ceny. FUMES A Pickering Township man who explained he had breathed ether fumes was convicted of ® a Make Her Christmas impaired driving in Ajax Magis- o trate's Court Thursday. & iz me ° Murray G. Crawford, 32, said : A Last. g ee he didn't remember being stop- an : With... ped by Pickering Township Con- : ' stable Ray Hobbs at 1.25 a.m. on Sept. 18, ar , coCinstable Hobbs fold the } ourt he had stop the ac- ee / FAMOUS BRAND é cused on Harwood Ave. N. r when he observed him driving i | in an erratic manner. He said | AL PLANNIN * the accused smelled strongly of | alcohol, and refused all alcohol | influence tests at the station, Crawford explained that he Look at these had used an ether spray can to fo einis Gorey the ae A CLOSE WATCH ON MUNICIPAL SPENDING nm some spray is face, == ' Example Buys! Magistrate Jermyn found the accused guilty and fined him $100 or 15 days. INTANT ASSAULTED INCREASED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT | A 24-year-old father of a 20- month-old infant was sentenced to three months in jail in Ajax Magistrate's Court Thursday. a CENTENNIAL PARKWAY RE-ASSESSMENT | saulting his infant occasioning bodily harm last week and was remanded in custody awaiting ha OPMENT Magistrate Jermyn desc: the accused as "'a bad tempered laddie", when sentencing La- ca INCLUDING PARKING KEEP YOUR HEAD Direct telephone diallis® to Europe, available within about : ST HOUSIN G 10 years, will require the use A of 13 to 15 digits, VOTE Terry O'Connor FEDERAL AID FOR THOSE HURT BY -- for -- Set pea AUTO PACT DEAL "HOME-NURSING" IMPROVED RECREATIONAL FACILITIES CALL A WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT! ae: oom NEW HARBOUR EXPANSION PROGRAM AUTOMATIC WTEVERYONE" WASHER & DRYER --3 2 speeds, fully iMumineted contro! NY Decaciggy are H a capocity tub, detergent saver iniet, : | 3 bleach dispenser, lint filter. | DRYER--Fully Hlumineted contro! panel, EXCLUSIVE cleer alr_ filter, Sap se Gas, She, "Seree Mininatiens, ete motile dry ai time cycle, 4 eS ae es AT CITY HALL OTHER MODELS FROM $418 A PAIR *« R Seperetely "159 seperately VOTE 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE Terry O'Connor on Parts and Labor on all Wringer Washers. Gclawa Sensioie T 2 School Board ; : A brand name wringer washer with ELECT '<a pump. and many other time saving -- features. AS LOW AS........ am oe Before You Buy . . . Give Starr a Try! | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES e. 4 CONTRO LT. COL. W. C. "BILL" 491 RITSON ROAD S. -- 723-3343 Open Nightly Till 9 Till Christmas x PAYNTER Ix| x** xk FOR ALDERMAN A t