soorounns Eppes nr reeadineemmetane Srnshtieneainat ae eee & ¥ (30---Automobiles For Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sate mm WAR ROOM, Tirnished s ay aniueniohe, oA Bi, Wests 723:281% io share iy lta oJ wi iar haes ots atleas 728-8792 ROOMS FOR RENT, © night iy and lightly and weekly rates. Apply Queen's Street 4 Bigg Bhat Cen sions please, Télephone 723- LIGHT fo 290 Albert ust thy Pras 'oly at ns para her aed os for one 'or two gentlemen, "xpply at 62 Aberdeen Street. BURNISHED Fin Engle and double rooms aval at Oshawa Motel, Tele phene mare. FWO SINGLE ROOMS, suit two genite- ry Street 19 mornings; 723-2050 py eae re Buamsiee bedroom girl, kitchen 'Sgn Memo vaclities. severe to GM, 7 "ese pital and with close room, bi (hy ce ee bene Ta ache and coreg room. Private | barn, park: Phases, sults two men or working couple, i) ie for rent, suit gentleman. Immediate possession, Apply» 200 Athol Street East, COMPORTARI Le ren in private home oe , Avialable Immediate: vy i Hn @ Blvd. South ory WARM EDROOM, separate cooking and laundry fe facilities. Phone 725-7824, Canoe FURNISHED room with "hot lounery | + Si anit plete, for lady or gentleman, close to) 6176 north GM, parking. Apply 18 Patricia | jj ann FOR RENT. "Ap ape 02 Clarke | 3864 Street of telephone COMPLETELY | SuaaTaHE® "ousekeop- | mB room, suitable for one or two tied All fom "south Apply 303 Pacific) off Park F ot Park 'oad South. Phone em CARGE furnished housekeep room, suitable for two genrtennen iy private home, parking. sapply '4 Seneca Ave. Telephone 728-07: CENTRAL, 23 23 Ovail ron King, "Easi, tur- nished room, light cooking privileges. Suit quiet gentleman, Apply above add- ress. FURNTEHES room, suitable for we Giris, USED CARS and LEASING HARRY DONALD LTD Corner of Highway No, 2 and Thickson Rood between Oshawa: ond Whitby, 7 23-602 H MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO 100 DAVENPORT ROAD AT BAY 927-5030 CONVER E TOPS Nylon Tetou Repairs to all makes of cors. Antique upholstery and re- storation, BILL'S CUSTOM hy Na 409 Brock St. S. Wh Days 668-8101 Eve, 655, $575 Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 ----- 723-8311 Qn the Spot _Financing 19 CHEVROLET, good shape, Apply ot Cedar Street, Whitby. 668-3276 or 668- AU Good condition. second car, $200, Telephone 72- a PARISIENNE, four-door hardtop, one owner, automatic -- transmission, 'power steering, radio, whitewalls, trim ey two-speed washers, $2,250, Phone 5447, int PONTIAC two-door hard "top. Fully equipped: with snow fires," Terms avali- able, Telephone 725-1808, 1962 OLDSMOBILE Starfire, Fully equipped, A-1 shape. Maybe seen at Mar- tin and White's Sunoco, Brock St. &., Whitby, 668-8801, i965 CHEV, Bel Air sedan, automatic, radio, whitewalls, age. T 726-8263, Se cylinder | -- fow mile- reset or apply 633 Drew Street. SINGLE "ROOM, furnished, ladies or Gentiemen, extra kitchen facilities, free) arking, yo fo north GM or hospital. | 'elephone 725-8150, 28---Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. coLsoRNE STREET | EAST, v7 Room and board for gentieman, willing to share, Close to north GM, central to downtown, ROOM oF room 4nd board for gentlemen willing fo share, single beds, Apply " MeGregor Street, 725-6721, wiitsy -- nee 'and board for two to piers Lunches gentlemen packed. Telephone 728-1686. WHITBY -- Central location. i, Shared "or rivate room d°eotional. br rit ss Bub nnd stl ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, ~ good home cooking. Lunches packed. Apply 148! neon Road South. 'or room and board in nice home. fase privileges and lunches packed. Bisir-Park Plaza district, Telephone 668- 6418, seu AND BOARD for two gentlemen. blue Lunches packed. in Columbus area. Tele- woos (655-4587 anytime. ROOM oF room and board for one or iophone 720-1 eres toe Eg lephone ets. NI RD for gentleman. . ae ply 38 Bi 3% Brock Street East. PRIVATE ROOM end board i tor gentie- | man in Y home. Near South General | Motors and Shopping Centre. Telephone 725-2614. wawey EWLY decorated room "for gentleman | GM and Houdaille, parking, | wer bus stop. Apply 863 Ritson Rd, S$. pe liu Ain lan atl ME ienalload ROOM AND BOARD for "ene five or seven da! ag Male or temele. Tele- phone 9677 30--Automobiles for Sale rk=ltown and country radio, Make an offer. ~ | 228-9567 'SY CHBV., 6 cylinder, good motor, new tires, $95, Telephone 725-95; |1964 FORD Galaxy 500, a condi- }tlon, Telephone 728-6950. 1 p.m.» "$ p.m. GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, Late models our specialty, Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238, Wt 1956 veenen nen $75 cash. phone 725-877. a 1962 "CHEVROLET Bet Air, hardtop, automatic, radio, new whitewall tires, rear seat speaker, Very clean cer with new paint, Must be seen, 725-6442, Colleen, After 6 p.m. Licence 92902, 194 PONTIAC, automatic, one owner Best offer, this week. Telephone 723~ 4645 after 5 p.m, Licence J15134, \é DELTA Oldsmobile Celebrity "sedan, beautiful charcoal bive, Many extras in- cluding AM-FM_ radio, Shadelite glass, | remote Sruok release. Asking $3,250, Pri- vate. 728-7831 Save DOLLARS! cars, 'S5's and up. Terms arranged. R. Bloor E NO TRADE IN for your new car? Take this '5? Monarctt and make $300, to $500. on the deal, It's automatic and powered, "Several good used Trades accepted. B, Motor Sales, 509 This Is a private sale, 725-6293 after 5 | P.M. only. 6 RAMBLER American, two-door, ex cellent condition, low down payment. |Easy terms. Licence 05080, Wellman }for Rambler, 728-7351. | 1965 OLDSMOBILE Jeistar, 4 door, hard- itop, power brakes and steering, mist A:1 condition Inside and al! also low milea ert r around §: hue; Mashenlonity Al tive car, Best offe: ana ft) --n.2 Se 198) DODGE, six cylinder, aulomatic, how |, condition, $90. Telephone' 728-0996. 1958 PONTIAC. Fully equipped, excetient | condition. Take over payments. Telephone i960 PONTIAC "Parisienne, ~~ gutomatic. Excellent condition, Phone 6682509 week- aeve after 5; weekends before 6 p.m. \1@9 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door he rd- top, black with maroon interior, 327 motor, four-speed transmission, radio, whitewalls, ises, 60-8457, | must "SELL i964 Chev. Biscayne, "four: ition, $900. Lic, H79907. Iso, 960 Chev. ee" «: "eur-door, |radi good saan. $425, Lic, N6S80, 725-6. '61 PONTIAC Six eylinder, Lic. J8589. 925 '60 PLYMOUTH V-8, standard, Lic, H77659. $450 '60 VAUXHALL Lic. 148725. $225 '59 PONTIAC Six.cylinder, automatic. Lic. 595 '57 DODGE Four door hardtop, V-8, outo- matic, Lic, 168391. $450 '57 CUSTOM ROYAL Four door hardtop. Lic. 198180. 225 '57 METEOR Six eytinder, 31684 automatic 150 '56 MERCURY V-8, stick, Lic. 317524 $195 RUSSELL'S TEXACO King St. E. at Darlington 723-0851 DOWN--$30 MO. | 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT | MOTORS 484 King W, 723-0371 _ MORE CASH Paid for Good Ciean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens poid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOTH 723-9421 he ee ew "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No, 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 WANT ADS reach Mmousancs oF interest o¢_prospects every day. Take advantage) | ot the wast dudience- by -teleptioning- 72 x aRvate "SALE, 1956 Lincoin Premier, freer fully powered, In condi- tion, will accept small cer as trade, Phone 725-3043, i§7 PONTIAC stationwa matic, Also 'St P Telephone 728-5455. '65 CHEVROLET super Sport, power equipped, excellent condition, $2, 450 or best offer, Can be seen at Jake and Bill's garage. 1s) MAYPAIR sedan, six automatic, radic, heater, Excellent. condition, Newly painted. Telephone 668-5613 after 5 p.m. 1963 RAMBLER, six cylinder standard, excellent condition throughout, $725, Tele phone 728-7649. 1962 CHEVROLET, all power. Fair shape, ya? iit CHEVROLET, _ six- cylinder stick lgcod body, motor needs rings, Must sell, 1$200 or best offer. 1956 Chevrolet, six, stick, good motor, fair body, Must sell, | $100. oF best offer, Telephone 725. 957". |LIENS PAID OFF, We trade up, down. | } Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- |ment, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 | CHEVROLET impale, two-door hard- |top, 283, automatic, radio, whitewalls, |rear speaker, new. exhaust and brakes, | Trade accepted, 723-0126. 3100. 1960 METEOR, radio, motor "Shot | | body fair, 668-4430 evenings, Ask for Jim. | "63 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard: | top, V-8, automatic, Licence J2278. Etfec- |tive until December 6, $1,495, Ted Cam- | pion Motors, Oshawa. | ALL CARS must be cleared by December 15.' Closing for Holiday Season. For a) \ genuine dollar saving buy, see Ted Cam pion Motors, Oshawa, }1982 CHEVROLET hardtop, few motor and snow tires, in fair condition. Call a | 77? Buckingham or phone 7A3-9107. 1966 PONTIAC Sirato Chief, Two door, | V8 automatic, radio, white walls, under- feoating. $2,250 or best offer, Telephone | | 728-429) '31--Compact Cars for Si Sole , Va auto gon, rontiac, six standard, convert ible, Telephone 728- | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S | Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Decler Specializing in Volkswagen | Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Seles and Service New and Used Cors emt eerie he he : me . |ward, Phone 723-2076, 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1300 deluxe, sun- roof, mileage 12,000, $1,575, Telephone Nee Peseta aR A 1960 VOLKSW. Best offer, Tele phone 725-1306, 457 NASH Meiropolitan, good | Funning leat New paint job, Snow tires, $125. 668-8225, Wie TAguAR XKi60, onvertible, radio, four-speed, chrome wire $800. Telephene 726-3035. TRADE your old car in ona is? Jag var sports mode! 3.4 litre, automatic, radio, gray, excellent condition, Privately owned, Phone 723-2573. 32---Trucks for Sale OMe, mode) V-3S2, five-ten, SiMe, siete! evens Combination tor and holst, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound reer he cepted. Telep! isso CHEV. New rubber. 7 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED, Buying A New Car ? © Sell your used cor to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'Save'. TED. CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. charge for towing, Telephone Robert N Nichols. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. cars bought or for sale, Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-231), 34---Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service, 35--Lost _ond _Found Losr, Late Tueedey 3 afternoon, child's Even" In vicinity of Sunset Heighst or + ene:ton "se 'elephone 9 hase veen Elizabeth schools, Telephone 725- cat ="She White German Shepherd, full size, answers to name of Duke, Re- LOST: Lady's black wallet, between Rit- son Read School and Bloor Street, Fri- day around noon, Contains important papers, Telephone 725-0567, 36--Legol a THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF | STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its meet- ing to be held on Monday the 19th day of Decmeber 1966 at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa intends to pass a by-law to close up part of Cadillac Avenue North as follows: "ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of: The eastetly 46 feet in perpendicular width © of Cadillac Avenue os shown on Registered Plan 306 ex- tending Northerly from the North Limit of Elgin Street to the production westerly of the south limit of Adel- aide Avenue as widened by by-low number 21-65 for The Corporation of the City of Oshawa and hav- ing a length of 710 feet 7% inches more or less.' A plan showing that part of Cadillac Avenue North to be closed is on file and may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Osh- awa, Ontario, AND TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, so- licitor or agent any person who claims that his land will 'be prejudically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard, DATED: AT OSHAWA THIS 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D, 1966, L. R. Borrand, Esq., City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontario, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE LAND mA cPRrIANr Bice EINDER The Corporation of the City of hawa hereby invites offers for the purchase from it of the following land: Parts of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Plan 370, Sheet 17-C-1, Vacant site located at the North- West corner of King Street West and Thornton Road. Site has 10,560 square feet, is zoned C-3 and fronts 87 on King and 134'6" on Thornton Road, Offers for the purchase of the above land may be made pe Pda provided for thot by the Property Otficer, ath floor, City Hall, Oshawa, The closing dote for tenders is 5 p.m, E.S.T., Monday, December 12th, i offers shall be sent to L, R, Barrand, City Clerk, « City Hall, Oshawa, in @ seoled envelope, clearly marked "Tender for Lond" and shall be accompanied by a certi- fied deposit cheque payoble to The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an amount equal to 10% of the amount offered. The Corporation of the City of Oshowe reserves the right to refuse any or all offers whether such offer is the highest or not, P. G, McDANIEL Property Officer FRIDAY, DEC, 2 7T-L.ord Hope, Wellwood 'Marlene. Ride, Millman Iedehomne © , Palme ine Started: mine Fi paver, Le Nelson, and SECOND RACE 5' Furlongs (Pace), Purse $800 (7; 24 tneadls Cham. Bd 400 730 sal rey "tn Cad Prato iis 0,10 ton fartedt Pin 'a 'csNe, Superior on 380 Ball, rey" 's iscayne Key, MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS FIRST RACE -- ong Mile (Trot), Purse | Vi Lee, Shirley Brooke,' and Miss dainty |e BAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND 2, PAID $16.00, per RACE = | Mile (Trot), Purse $600 ( 2 4-King '¢ iy Wroione gl 97.00 v4f0|corge 7 Nib, archer mee ole Ree it Vital Yet, Leo tbat, iddel!, Press On Amsong. Povaar Banh Win Finn ie tHE Marino, Fillion 7.0 9,90 3.20 se ho tn posh RACE -~ 1 Mile (Pace), Purse S-Adios oe Feagan 5.00 4.40 2,90| Brook SIXTH RACE -- "The Semi An Y 1 Norris Allon Creed and Heese 'ath, mda ma 10.0 ; M4 Mountain # tin teen 8: He wae Started: bat ele Seve Ww a ENG ALET EOLA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 3, 1966 95 Bike ie 29.10 7.40 4.00 870 tS , Herbert Cadenze, and uipee SxAcven, 4 AND % PAID $114,10, SEVENTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse $900 (6), 2Barry Johnston, Wapies 3.10 2.00. 2.50 /ebster 'n|7.Mighty Stein, Furness tyr Mae ns 4-Gaylord Gratien, Megens 6:00 3.40 3.107 Also Sieries: Noriiwooa evi | ver Jan's Magic, and High Hat Dan. > RACE == 1 Mile (Pace) ~ Ah pe in Davies 7.70 4m 370 ts nlagic Mil " iD wpesier norte, Hara ole un ba al Brown Node arn RACE i i Py nd > 1 Mile (Page), Purse 470 3, 1B ; 10 4Gard § Charron 7M se a & re ried: La Salle's Hope, a = a Rilenaance 3,10." Fotat Pool $a Mile (Trot), Jr. inv. Purse $3,000 (5), Here's where to ind gilts for everyone CHRISTMAS Be aie Leg Gifts for the Home Holiday Fun NOTICE Take notice thot the under- signed shall not be respon. sible for debts contracted on his behalf by any person with- out his authorization in writ- ing. Dated at Oshawa the 2nd Day of December A.D, 1966, William J, Cowle, 102 Rox- borough Ave,, Oshawa. ; ROGER A, MeQUAID, RR No. 3, Bow Haare: will not. be responsible jor any debts contracted in my name, by anyone, on or after this date December3, 1966, without my written consent. w-Roger A. McQuaid 38--Coming ) Events MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST, GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East ot Forewell --FREE-- ADMISSION -- FREE - 20 Reg. Games---Total $300. SNOWBALL---~-$240, in 56 Nos, Plus $10 each herizontal line, Regular Jackpot $100. In 52 Nos, $20, Con. SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available ot The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert and Jackson Sts. Every Monday 7:45 p.m. 20 regular games $10 and $20 $160 in 55 Nos, $5 each horizontal Consolation $10 Door prize $15. SOMETHING ; DISAPPEAR? Place ad in Classified to reach the finde: 723-3492 for an pe-writer now. line VOTE Jan DRYGALA | For Alderman For honest, energetic and sound administration, Progress with Economy. A Gift That Keeps On Giving ..* A CABLE TV GIFT CERTIFICATE 10 Perfect Channels OSHAWA CABLE TV 723-5278 East Mall Centre WISH YOURSELF MERRY CHRISTMAS. with a new ECHO HOME L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD, 723-0321 668-8941 Tillie Ryan 728-2313 Lillian Cameron 668-6762 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS PICTURES ....from $9.95 CEDAR CHESTS from $80.00 SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES ., . $35.00 POLE LAMPS from $8.88 DINNETTE SUITES from $37.00 LAMPS, MIRRORS, KINDER- GARTEN SETS, CHAIRS, HASSOCKS, PLAQUES, SMOKERS, MAGAZINE RACKS WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. FOR CHRISTMAS We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest cost, For FREE ESTIMATE call, 728-3651 INTERIORS by WINDOLF 39 Simcoe St. N TRIM WORK ~-- REC ROOMS ADDITIONS ROOFING _R. H. COMPANY | COURTICE 725-3219 | GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ~ CARPENTRY a MAKE A DATE TO ViI8IT Ve. THE GEORGIAN Motor Hotel @ Fine foods served in a delightful festive atmos- phere @ Top-flight entertainment you're sure to enjoy, @ Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now, THE GEORGIAN Champlain and Thornton 723-4693 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride With MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT; ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Tax! Holiday Food Make it a MERRIER CHRISTMAS with tasty APPLES ALGOMA ORCHARDS R.R. No. 2, Whitby 655-4961 from ALGOMA ORCHARDS SPECIAL. CHRISTMAS BOXES (All Varieties) GIFT "Y bu, Ya bu, GIFT SPOTTER Gifts for Everyone 'Re RUN UNE C A Christmas Gift of Enduring Beauty Largest Selection of Tropical Fish in Town Many Rare Species Available For Christmas Giving ALSO A great selection of acces- sories and beautiful aquatic plonts. We specialize in the complete installation and maintenance of aquariums for offices, hotel lobbies, and restaurants, etc, OSHAWA AQUARIUMS. 299 Simcoe Street South 725-4585 Gifts for Her The gift she wants... FASHION WIGS HAIRPIECES POSTICHES A gift certificate will solve the problem of how to give a hairpiece. WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 Simcoe N, 723-1149 TURKEY: CAPONS Order Now for C FRANK HOAG land Rd. PARTY HELP Neat, efficient waitresses available, Banquets, Wed- dings, cocktail parties. Com- plete bor 'service. Catering arranged also. Reserve now for private Banquets, Wed- for New Year's, 576-1835, BE THE LIFE OF eae 725-6837 Ss hristmas West LIKE ARMC SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gi of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS HAIR ft Packs THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Learn to play the guitar, boss, and drums, Lessons*now avail- able. Age no barrier, Phone: 942-5282 --- 728.3892 : "GIVE re yours Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 1120 Simcoe St, N,, 728-2361 Pick-Up and Delivery ENJOY THE FESTIVE SEASON Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 HOUR SERVICE 725-1127 ~ SAFETY is not A Gift IT'S AN Accomplishment and We Suggest You Have a SAFE and HAPPY Christmas by travelling with HEARD'S TAXI 124 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY "-- 668-3732 NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place os Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492 RE Gifts for the Home PERLE Get A New TV Tower BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. | ACTION ADS Taunton Rd, East---723-8131 GIFTS YOU' ON EVER Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms ond halls. A gift your whole family will enjoy. | 334 RITSON RD. S., 723-3461 Open Evenings | Ye VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshaya 728-0921 194) CORVAIR Monta, automatic, red with bucket seats, backup lights; 1964 motor, new tires: Telephone efter 20) P.M. 668-6627 eo VOLKSWAGEN, good cond Will sell or trade for bigger car. Tele phone 723-8994 | 196) CONSUL, four sinter Bi in Good shape. Telephone 725-860! | | | "in ition. | '68 MUSTANG. $2,000 trade-in accepted. Phone 623-5542, 6) ACADIAN, 'six-cylinder automatic, four-door sedan, flow mileage, new car condition, A rea! opportunity to buy a@ car in perfect condition at 9 bargein boa Examine end --meke --cifer._ Teie- 725-034. Elect RUSS McNEIL RUSS MeNEIL will give the calm, intelligent judgment Recessary in @ fost-expand- ing and growing municipel- ity. On Monday, December § For Alderman Elect | McNeil, Russ X Cers and Information 282 KING ST. W. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT INSTALLATION ANGUS-GRAYDON LL ADORE Y FLOOR'. 728-6254 Gifts for Everyone ELMER' "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore" Got gift problems ! Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family, S BARGAIN HOUSE ELMER STORE HOURS; 12 noon to 9 Sat, 9 am, 728-3473 ENJOY 'CHRISTMAS TV PROGRAMMING With Your Own Antenna HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOW Are Best Order Yours T T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner ond and Division $143 to 6 p.m. Closed all Day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E, S pm, ERS oday Sitting by appointment only ALSO ALL THE LOVE A GIFT CAN HOLD In a PORTRAIT by CLAR STUDI @ Custom Frames @ Art Supplie WHITBY 668-4497 325 BROCK ST. NORTH ARTIST SUPPLIES: Eosels --- Oil Paint Sets -- Canvos Boards --- Mediums ks, etc, By Grum- bacher --- Reeves == Wind- sor Newton, at Edgar's Decor Ce: tre 34 King St. W.- 723-7351 Be A Christmas "Belle" ina wy HAIRSTYLE B LES SALLAI @ recent graduate of Bruno' on | of Adveneed alr Dee PM Seytiate Delores Sallal and Ann Barret Specializing in Wigs and Heirpiecés MAKE IT "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" Give Trailer Accessories, Miller Trailers . AJAX 942-3491 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Airplane, Boat Kits. The Biggest Selec- tion in town, POLLARD: . __ 92 Simcoe St. N., 723-9512 ROMAN CATHOLIC ARTICLES ETC, Lovely assortment of Rosar- ies, crucifix and nativity sets, (EW VARIETY STORE 98 Olive Ave., Mrs, V. Bach- and: owner, Open till 10:00 p.m, 725-8232, Gifts for Him PACOIMA OSHAWA FLYING CLUB Christmas list, give him or her a flying gift certificate for os low os $5. @ Private and Commercial Flying Training @ Pleasure Flights Municipal 728-1626 Chrysler Outboards CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 9.2 hp. Reg, $395 -- Special $297 i! Wag Reg. $650 -- WILDE RENTAL 'sevice Whitby Oshawa Airport K O . Tee veer... CHECK THESE Cedar Chests Mattresses Bedroom Suites Desks A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL FURNITU 78 KING. ST. Colt 723.9640 \ FOR THE HOME Reclining Rocker Swivel Chairs Best Selection at Lowest Prices UNTIL CHRISTMAS M. COLLIS Give Something SUGGESTIONS Davenports. Breakfast Sets Chairs Lomps HOLD YOUR PURCHASE Is And Many More Beautiful ' GIFT IDEAS f GALBRAITH JEWELLERS RE CO, 725-0332 AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA CHRISTMAS... the Time To Give The Finest Pierced Earrings Watches Diamond Rings Stone Rings AJAX m= 942. a MERCHANT:- This Space Is Available For Your Message A Courteous Ad-Writer Will Help 0407 SALLAI HAIR STYLISTS 182 Simcoe St. S. 725-5581 the most flottering! feminine gift of al PERFUMES @ Revion @ Tabu @ Yardle @ Max @ Chanel McCORDICK'S PHARMACY 360 Wilson S. 725-8711 actor Gifts for Him or Her ASK SANTA FOR A PONY FOR CHRISTMAS Horses Boarded, bought and sold over the winter season, sat HILLTOP. RANCH HANCOCK RD, N, 728-7768 or 728-5738 Trees and Trim 5,000 TREES ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam 6 ft. «7 ft. - 8 fh Sprayed any Color For nominal Charge, Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simeoe St. N:, 723-1161 OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS TREES and DECORATIONS RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015S King E. 725-655! CHIDIN'S, Park South at Hillside, Fresh cut spruce and Scotch. pine, 8¢ up Sprayed and delivered, 728-7288, 723-7088, Gifts for Motorists Give 365 Days of Motoring Protection ond Service with an O.MiL. CHRISTMAS GIFT MEMBERSHIP Call EARL BROWN ONTARIQ MOTOR LEAGUE Qshawe 723-5203 728-8334 GET SPO' CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS