Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Dec 1966, p. 13

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MAYOR LYMAN GIF. FORD is seeking to add two years to his record seven years as mayor of Oshawa, He first entered council ia 1953 placing fourth, He has held office since then except in 1061 and 1962 when Ald, Christine Thomas wrested the mayor's chair from him, He was first elected mayor for 1958, He defeated Ald, Thomas to regain the mayoralty in 1963 and two years ago he won by ac- clamation. The mayor was born on a farm on Fares well Avenue, just north of his present Sydenhom Har- bor home on Lake Ontario, He still operates a beef farm, He was elected at age 27 to the East Whitby Township Council in 1087 and later served as deputy reeve, reeve and in 1038 as the youngest Ontario County warden in history, In 1948 he was unsuccessful in his attempt to win the provincial riding seat in a by-election saline 206 Nis | ey oe eS ee SS er t cteaniamenaneniammeemnaneimemnnnmmnmmemmemmnimesneal THEY STAND Regional Government The Times has asked cans Oshawa and Whitby, T approe-|reorganization of its municipal didates for the mayoralty |ched Dr, Berry of the Ontariojand. school system," and the board of control in |Water Resources and was ad Monday's election to put on [vised that upon a request from record, in their own words, [the municipalities the project their views on some of the jcould be financed under the|Municipalities, including the prominent. issues of the cam- |Federal loans and subsidies; |County, to ascertain if they are paign. each municipality paying ac+jin agreement with an indepen- Today they discuss how the {cording to use on a gallonage dont study to consider and re- clty can take the lead in en- |asis. My approach to the May- view present Government struc: couraging studiey and inter. |0" of Whitby and to the Reeve |tures, and propose changes that ext in regional government |of the Township at that time/may icad fo an eventual reor- with a view to the eventual |Was received coldly, ganization in the area into some reorganization of local gov: | 'I. discussed this with mom-|/orm of regional government, ornaments in the area into |bers of our staff and was In-| "I understand the Minister of some form of regional gov- psp the plan was, in their -- pee " prrense ernment, opinion, premature, a study commission for this "The required services st/Purpose, if the area Munici- MAYOR GIFFORD 'be made available economical-|Palities are willing to show him "City Council by resolution on/ly to promote the development they are interested and in ag: Super ee ye Indicated thatlof this industrial and residen.|reement with such a study, the City of Oshawa will par-|tial district, "The, City would probably ticipate in a Regional Govern! wpnis can only be accomp-|have to hire its own Consult: ment Study along with thelished after a comprehensivelants, with the support of its County of Ontario, County Coun-| study of the area "and a free, Planning Board and Senior De- cll has referred this resolution |rrank discussion by the mem:|partment heads, to present the to a Committee, waa pin ay bers of the municipal councils|City's. point of view on. this ey Fl eel hack t/ concerned," matter, Boundary lines would be , ; "oboe | a major factor in this presen. "It is my firm conviction that|\ JOHN G, BRADY bony: ce piece + meal approach, disgui-) 'The Clty of Oshawa is cur: sed in the form of annexation|rently presenting to the proper|ROBERT NICOL or amalgamation, is not the/authorities a redevelopment| Jn recent years the Provincial solution to local municipal prob-istudy, Also thru the regional|Government has sponsored a lems. Past experience hasiplanning, steps are being taken|number of studies and surveys clearly demonstrated that boun|which will lead to a study and|which make it very clear that dary extensions outward from|eventually regional governmentilocal governemt before too long the urban core serve only a8/Steps must be taken to insist/will be handled on a Regional a temporary expediency, that the Provincial Government|basis, A major step toward re- "Our present municipal/take immediate action in this/gional co-operation was taken creas won Senet S 1867| regard," when the Central Ontario Re Sooebly. well, Pade ewhen FINLEY DAFOE sional Kangana on « hig Pac one considers the advancement|, "t, Was instrumental in es-/in04' 4 ine the anlver to Ge Aeros tablishment of the planning| at this ts the answer to the) during the past century in the problems of our area sciences, transportation, com-|008rd in 1038. I have been a/?" a We munications, level of services|member of the board most of] We all know that the at demanded, etc., the heed for re- {the intervening years, The plan-/of Whitby and Whitby 'Town. examination of local govern-|"98 board was instrumental ship propose to amalgamate | ment structure becomes increa-|if setting up the regional coun-/and this is being done practh:| singly apparent. cil, As a member along with|cally without regard to the in-| "Tf we are to provide the/others on the board we realized FRANK McCALLUM "IT would contact the area terests of ~~ Oshawa has} citizens with the level of ser-|the need for co-operation in the|come out of the political rut, vices which they. properly de. development of a master street|/Oshawa should ask that this} >; mum value r dollar spent,|Major -est-west arteries, rep- at the same time ask the Prov-| the answer clearly lies in larg-|Fesentations were made to the/lace (0 sponsor a Regiona er governmental units, Metro/Provincial authorities for ag-/Government Study to com:| ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., is making his first bid for the mayor's chair, He ser- ved as aldermen in 1957, 1958 and 1959. In 1087 he placed fourth in the voting. The following year he placed second, just 77 votes be- hind = «Ald, Thomas, Mr, Marks retired from council after serving three years but led the polls in the 1062 race for the separate school board, He was re « elected, Fourty-one are eligible Peg gy) popes thousand voters and headed the again in an election two years later, He resigned from the board just prior to nom, ination night to run for mayor, Mr, Marks has liv. ed in Oshawa moat of his life and has seven children, His father was mayor of Oshawa in 1031, He has also served on the Oshawa General Hospital Board, He has a law partnership with former city solicitor Bd- ward McNeely, Also 'on the ballot is a pleb- to mark ballots/iscite " Sunday sports, Monday in what many candi-| VOTIN' aes and one have -- - Flectors do pe have to vote ed as one of the "most import-|for the maximum vacancies, mand and still achieve maxi-{Plan for the extension of our/amalsemation be delayed and/ani" and one of the 'most|'They can vote for only one per- in| son if they choose, However, they must not vote The polls will be open from|for more than the vacancies interesting" civic elections Oshawa's history, 41,000 Eligible Vote Monday TS eae koe eel Pee tok hic te a gee eet 4 ALD. CHRISTINE THOM. AS will be trying Monday to win back the mayor's chair she lost to Lyman Gifford in 1961 and 10962 after hav» ing defeated him in the mayoralty two years earli- er, to become the city's tirst woman mayor, Ald, 'Thomas failed on her first two attempts to win an al- dermanic seat in 1952 and , 1053 but was elected in 1054, After losing the mayor's chair she was out of politics for two years but made @ successful comeback two years ago, placing second in a field of 21 aldermanic candidates, A housewife, Ald; Thomas is married to former Oshawa riding MPP T. D. "Tommy" Thomas, & member of the New Demo cratic Party, Ald, Thomas was born in Scotland, Toronto is a shining illustration |sistance in setting up a major/mence immediately, I would) of the larger grvevemneat unit," block plan to "cover the entire/hope that by following the rec- area of the municipalities, who/ommendations of such a study ERNEST MARKS are a part of the regional coun- it would be possible to aboid In recent years the Provins|<il. T think the planning boards |the serious problems and fans) oii, jarated by perforgtions, cial Governtnent has sponsored | of these municipalities covper:|'astic expense which occurred Nan n iq}, DO not tearAhe ballot, Fold A number of studies and sur-(ating would be the best group| When Oshawa last expanded in) |\n advance | poll was Neldln ang drop it into the box, veys which make it very clear|!0 study the question and make |!05!, ; | When you enter the polling that local, government - before|recommendations," jout of town Monday, booth give your name to one too long will be handled on a ALD, SHAW A last reminder to vote was) of the atte ts and ensure it Regional basis, A major step CLIFFORD PILKEY | "Phe eity is doing this at/sent in the mails by Chief Re-iic struck off the voter's list toward regional co + operation; "Oshawa along with the ad. the present time, We are reach: turning Officer, Roy Barrand,| penceNnTAGRS was taken when the Central|adiourning municipalities should ing towards regional govern-|city clerk, He has sent about Only three times since 1043 Ontario Regional Planning|take tho lead in acquiring a/ment, however it can be very 20,000 cards to city homes te! n2"the Oshawa municipal vote Board was formed, but we must (Regional Study such ax the Ni-/sOw in progressing, I am all/minding electors where theY/iooned the $0 per cent mark, mot think that this is the an-[agara | Region Local Gavern.| or it. |va any ome is atill uneure|,.20e lareest, turnout was tn teh the pronems ot our /mem reve ak WHS TOO aaron 'were 9 Haan eS een pr cet old We all know that the Town) "Oshawa has already recog-| "I am informed that) some-/fers him to a full» Page 24°! wears was in 1058 when Mayor at Whihy aad) Wing To [ete oncay of rgonn ng, las summer the Cy reverent i fe Te dl Lomita wae ered ip propose to amalgamate/planning and is a member of ques Y | on Ec office by accl , a, po Sis' being None prac-|the Central Ontario Joint Plan: Council, by letter, to form aj from a slate of 64, To be elected) oy ¥ jamation, 37.00 per i Br vostig 7 ayor, 12 aldermen, four u , he in-/ning Board involving a number /Committee to investigate with}on@ mayor eae Soe 9) ope dln "Oshawa the question of region:| Controllers, four Public Utilities In ae roe ot ve erests of Oshawa, Oshawa/of local municipalities, sy : "4 Should ask that this amalga-| "There could de a co = ordin:|#! government, I further under. een, 10 i Ed+| mayoralty race, H mation be dolayed and at the/ated effort under a regional/stand that the County Council, | ben oo my ceua't h S@P| Only once has the voting drop- S same time ask the Province to/government in the many dup-|t0 date has taken no action on) arate school boar' (rustees. | neq below 40 per cent when sponsor a Regional Gov-/licities of administration an athis matter, It is doubtful that the mayor's office was at stake, ment Study to commence im-|services, the County will do very much/ Township This was in 1954 when Norman mediately, I would hope that} "With a Metropolitan Local/in this regard at this time,/by a trunk sewer running) Down won a four + way race by following the recommenda:|Government and cities and bor.) since they will be presentlyjup Farewell Creek --and/and only $7.3 per cent. went to tions of such a study it would/oughs involved could plan on a studying the recommendation/Black Creek, If nothing comes] the ib, be possible to avoid the serious|more extensive basis in the/for annexation by the Town ofjof these requests, then repre-| In 1952, 26 candidates ran for problems and fantastic expense|areas of Parks and Recreation, Whitby, of the Township of Whits/ sentation should be made to/ 129 aldermanic seats. There was whelh occurred when Oshawa|Water Resources and Pollution, |by. Since the corridor between /the Ontario Government to ask/a 51.62 per cent turn = out, last expanded in 1951," Transportation, Police, Admin-/Oshawa and Whitby is quite Vivitheir help in setting up inter} The ballot that year included istration of Justice. and Fire|tal to the future devolopmentiiocking committees, to dealitwo questions, Sunday sports CHRISTINE THOMAS |Protection, Public Health and/of Oshawa, our previous letter) with this problem, Discussions| and approval for an $85,000 ad- "In the future Oshawa, Whit-|Welfare and our Educational/should be followed by a furth-should be presently held with/dition to the Oshawa General by Township and Whitby Town/system." er request, In addition Oshawa) Mr, Walker, our M.L.A,, in or-| Hospital, be one large Metropolitan; 'The Metropolitan Local Go-|should get in touch with the/der that he can make repre-| The worst election years ever area, This I predicted in 1959,|vernment representation would Darlington Township Council/sentation on our dehalf, to the! were 1942 and 1049, In 1942, all 'hy 1961, when Mayor of our/be on the basis of size and|xnd the Council of the United) Cabinet level, In the meantime,|civic officials but aldermen city, | foresaw growth to the population. }Countries of Northcumberland/the Planning Board should be}were returned by acclamation, west and suggested considera-| "In any amalgamation the/and Durham 0 fthe same ques-/asked to make a study of future] Only 12.9 per cent voted, tion be given to the building/designated region must not suf-jtion of regional government, /annexation, which study would) The following year, with the of a sewage disposal plant to/fer any reduction in municipal/This is necessary since a include the Township of Whit-imayor again returned by acc: accommodate the area between/or school grants because of the'great deal of the Darlington'by corridor," lamation, 17,08 per cent voted, Ue 0 am, to 8 p.m, There are| existing or their ballots will be 154 polling stations and each| spoiled, one is manned by a deputy} The ballot is one sheet of returning officer and a polling| Paper and each office is sep- can be serviced ALD, JOHN BRADY has served 12 years on city council since first being elected in 1034, He is a former president and sec- retary « treasurer of Local 222, UAW and has been an executive member of the Canadian Congress of Labor for three years, He is edi- tor of the Oshaworker, He has served on all. council committees except finance, He also served nine years on the separate achoel board and was chairman for theree, He is a former nine - year member of the Oshawa parks board of which. he was chairman for.' three years, Mr, Brady is married and has six ¢ ren, At present, he is chair man of council's traffic and public safety. committee, Michael Starr, now Ontario riding MP, He was also de- feated in the 1954 race by Norman Down, He never lost an election when seek ing an aldermanic seat, Mr Dafoe is making a come- back after his two-year ab- sence in the board of con- trol race. He is a city re- tired carpenter and builder. FINLEY DAFOE is a vet- eran civic politician, He was first elected to city council in 1938 and served almost continuously until 1984 when he retired. He was defeated three times in mayoralty contests, the first by Frank McCallum in 187 In 1951 he was defeated by FRANK McCALLUM a municipal political his tory that dates back to 194 when he was first elected alderman, He servedas in mayor of the city in 1946, 194? and 1948, He was elect- ed to the Public Utilities Commission, Mr, McCallum came to Oshawa in 1927 and was employed at General Motors. He formed his own trucking business in 1833 which still beard his name, He is a past . president of the Kiwanis Club and has held vice-presidential offices the Chamber of Com- merce and Community for city council in 1964, She finished in seventh place and served on the traffic and public committee, Mrs. Shaw married and has four child. Chest. He has also been ren. She was bern in Bel- active in various sports or. fast Ireland and has lived ginizations in Oshawa the past 32 ALD, MARGARET SHAW years. She is a past direct. was first elected to the or of the Canadian Mental board of education in 1937 Health Association and is a and served until she ran member of the Ladies' Aux- 1936 and placed 18h in a field of candidates, He has been active in a number of community organizations including the Children's Aid Society, His wife Frances was -the unsuccessfal Lib. eral candidate in the 1963 provincial election, bag Albert Walker and T. D. Thomas Oshawa Times Photes By Joe Serge 1964, Mr, Nicol was born ia the city and is now division: al manager of the commer: cial division of Onward Manulacturing [id., .Kitch- itiary of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, On the board of education she was vice + chairman of building and planning and chairman. of the property committee, RALPH JONES, a city lawyer, is making his sec- ond bid to enter municipal life, this time as a board of contrel candidate, He ran fer an aldermanic seat in ROBERT NICOL is mak- ing dis first attempt to win a council seat in the board man of council's finance committee and vice - chair man of the Oshawa busi- ALD. CLIFFORD PILKEY was elected to council on his first try in 192 and gained 10th spot ness and industrial develop. of control race, In the 1962 Two years later he ment commission, He is a saparate school board race pid. ed third place) in momber of the city planning he Was - unsuccessful, ener. He is the son-in-law attain bird plac board and of the Central AMS We was on of MP Michael Starr, and Yoters' popularity on city Ontario Joint Planning placing 1s as ay has served. aa his Campalna council, He is now serving heard. Mr. Pilkey ' pointed by the manager in past elections his eighth term as president ried and has two child board as its He is also active in the of the Oshawa and District and has lived in the city Oshawa Civie Affairs Asse Laber Council, is vice chair all his life, ciation, separate school resentative on the board of education during 1963 and

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