PICK UP LAUNDRY, BUY LIGHT BULBS, » MAIL. PACKAGES, SPEAK TO PLUMBER, 120262 06 Ge 04 #46 oe 66 660s bee i PERFECT RECEPTION 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) "SECRET AGENT X9 NO ANTENNA There's More To See With Cable TV OH, HE DIDN'T TAKE MONEY FROM ME, MR, PFENNIG! 'Channet 'Channe! + fo Beaver Out 6:00 P. Chuck sNews Spectat 9--Seaspray 6:8 PLM, 12--Iron Horse li--Plerre Berton 9-6-3--News, Weather 8-4--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News 7:00 PLM, VIt's About Time 9--P: A. 12-4-4---News, Sores with | 3--Mov ¥ 0:90 PLM, Ni--Rat Patrol 28--T.H.E, Cat ve:08 P.M. 1--Merv Griffin 8-2--Leredo 9--Run_ for r Lite T--12 O'Clock High Edger Wallace 11:00 P.M, 118-7: Weather, Sports Thee PA, Viewpoint 4--Movle 1:25 PLM, Ni--Plerre-Berton 6--News, Weather, Sports 138 PLM, 24--Johnny Carson J--Memory Game V.38 PLM. le 1:48 PM, 12%---Bourbon St. Beat 9M SATURDAY 6:00 A.M. rultts of Wonderful World 6--TBA 2--News, Weather 4--People Are Funny 3--Monroes 4--Hogan's Heroes 36-12--Tommy Hunter 2:00 PLM, 12--Movie 9--Mission Impossible 7--Milton Berle 6--Movie 4--Mavie 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.8, @--Davey and Goliath 4--Santa Claus 2--Clutch Cargo 6:30 A.M. 1--somnitze! Houses 9--Cartoon Playhouse &--Three Si J--Rocketship 7 2--Hercules 9:08 A.M. %--Cartoon Playhouse Squirre! 3--Popeye, Gumby 4--Frankenstein Jr. %--Sinbed Jr. TELEVISION LOG Vr08 AWM, 9--Space Ghost 8-2---Cool McCool 7--Casper 6--Cousin Bill juperman 3-On Safari 1:38 AM. VN--Your Home and Garden 8--Ski Sam 7--Magl i. Gonlle 9--Lone Ranger 2--Jetsons 4--Lone Ranger 3--Greater London Crusade 12 NOO! 12--Physics 9--Beatles 7--Popeye 6--Uncle Waldo 4---Road Runner 28--Top Cat 12:30 P.M, 12-Ontarlo Schools 9---Grey Cup Preview 4--Beagiles 7--College Football 32:45 P.M, li--Saturday Afternoon at the Races 1:00 P.M, 3-412---Grey Cup Festival 4--Rural Review 24--Animais Secrets 1:30 P.M, ovie 4--Science Reporter 2--Sea Hunt 2:00 P.M, %--Grey Cup Special 4--Car 54 3-6-12--Grey Cup Parade 3-6-12--Pro Football 2.90 P.M, 2--Topper z Outdoors Unilmited 4--Bat Masterson 2--Movie 3:00 P.M. T--White Hunter 4--Forest Rangers 9--G Cup Forecast 3461 rey Cup Preview 2:30 P.M, li--Donne Reed 4-Sclence Fiction Theatre. 34-9-12--Grey Cup Game 4:00 PLM, 1-- Wrestling 8--Brighton Rolloffs ralt of a Tram .F.L, Countdown GOGH, WHY I6 SHE RUNNING IN THE OPPOSITE Di WHAT TIME (SIT DOWN THERE 22, Girl's name 24. Be- BRIAGMISILAIT] RAISER $2. Indefinite article 33. Bpochs 34. Greeting * MUGGS AND SKEETER | ' DIAL 723-5278 SOME OF ITS HAS CUR HOSPITALITY I HEAR SOBBING IN THE tosT GRACIOUSNESS ? rp Fs Hl ; E ~EeRRGES 2 3 e2 y faite: ? ge iit z ; mee oneecee clue fh pail oe Hi af i E tf | Xl i i it i f F mT! AL 3 i i YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I am an epileptic and take four capsules of dilantin a day plus four quar- ter-grain tablets of phenobarbi- tal. I have not had a seizure in over a year, The doctor feels that my epi- lepsy is the result of a birth what effect would these drugs have on the baby?--Mrs. W. F. In a rather long list of drugs which may cause harm to a baby, dilantin is not mentioned. Phenobarbital in excessive doses can provoke bleeding in newborn babies. But the amount you mention is not excessive. Discuss the subject with your doctor. He may want to try some reduction in dosage, particu- larly in the first three months of pregnancy, since that is when the danger from drugs occurs in most instances. ~ It is also possible that he may want to try such a reduction before pregnancy, to see whether the smaller amount will still prevent seizures, After all, the fewer drugs of any type and the smallest dos- age which will do what needs to be done are obviously desir- able. But it is also necessary that you have enough to prevent seizures. Dear Dr. Molner: Years ago I recall that use of iodized salt was a preventive for goiter. It has been so long since then, I wonder if you would comment on whether experience has borne out the theory?--D.A. Todized salt first came into wide use in the 1920s. It has peeve to be extremely success- al. Some people still develop goiters (swollen thyroid) for various reasons, but not in the large numbers that once pre- Anti-Epilepsy Drug May Not Harm Baby By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD injury. If I become pregnant, there Todized salt 1 in that goiter body lacks system needs must have arts of the reat Lakes been washed it TH lt E 4. F a i eg 2 2 3 tance shipment of plus the iodine in make it rare for a to get the tiny bit of i body needs. Dear Dr, Molner: I have ted again and would know if there is any chan I can become pregnant. my tubes cut and tied 1 ago after three Caesarean tions. I am 35. -- Mrs. N, 8. Sometimes the tubes can repaired, but the ai t quently fails, Discuss your doctor. If you have such a repair operation you must be prepared for the possibility that] it still will not make pregnancy' possible. Dear Dr. Molner: What is the name of the drug that makes a person quit drinking? Is it dan- gerous?--Mrs. R. W. M. Antabuse (disulfiram) is prob-] ably the drug you mean, but you] need a prescription for it plus] a physician's supervision. Yes, it can be dangerous if not used properly. It is also necessary that the patient not have alcohol) for some hours before taking the] first dose; therefore, it cannot be given without his prior knowl- edge. In any 'event, it is only part of the cure; it's a help for some individuals who want to ~3 eck 34 gob9s "8 ! yag stop drinking, { el BUILDING - ASSOCIATES presents . Oshawa's Most Economical Housing Community .. se $14,995 with $1,827 DOWN to one 6%4% N.HA. Mortgage e DIRECTIONS: H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd, 728-1656 728-1678