Caey Aen aie ail STOCK MARKET |:° 2 1,ate pes or TORONTO (CP) --Trading hohe Steel was off 1 was light on the eat apg Stock)a low of 21% and Massey- Pog apne 'Thursday as ; of 20, PULL ee a ee WIPRO ECOL TTL Tt seit shares, 'oils closed Only 2,087,000. shares changed %. too of which were involved| with Union Oil and Scurry Rain. hands compared with 2,245,000 size 'transaction, bow down % each to 304 and ba aed and 2,019,000 Tues- Toe industrial index was down 90%. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Hopper Cars Spearhead Rail Freight Revolution CPR currently is preparing cars to go into service hauling cement to the huge Arrow Dam || p ct on the Columbia River | tish Columbia. Cement under pressure can 0:4 Net baits re aw a. ar fd bry ea re 10 Vash atv atv 2 \ Nid avs Sh peas 1220 & 20% 26% -- 875 $1244 12% 12¥h me te 200 250 250 250 600 295 295 fe 100 340 340 5 ia nm Ne crea 320 320 SS od 253 253 2 m5 +25 4) mas 210 t3 Ww i if - MONTREAL (CP -- Pres- Steel Car in ! sure from shippers across Can-)while the CNR has made two in ayy me rompted the CNR and/its own shops and 30 oth- CPR to invest heavily in more|ers aa American Car specialized freight equipment--|Corp. steiaaai SeaRy Sueny Zeedeeu$ i+ FE 3 Fy g § xeSige ea Se we me BERSSE i+ +1+ + e S=5 as ms ' ~ 25.858 =e> © Sqrsroks sve 15s % 9% wo W2 172 --13 » is Ww. 8 +1 Mh 5M 5M 7 240 240 240 4 1% 14+ 10a 10% WM 164 164 1k 8 2% ihe < gods. 8s8cserestcx seSeeeSsiss = ae aaa 3S -?} 5 is =u tiie Te ad + wand A] ae 33 Ssxeuceas sz Atl Sug A Bahama Bank Mf Bathurst Bathrst A Bell Phne Brazilian BA Oil BC Forest BC Frest p BC Sugar p BC Phone BCPh 4% p Br Intl Fin Burns Fds CAE Ind 14700 350 1550 8000 2125 2750 17% 1000 16 3 255 bot 4) "4 300 285 28) 210 v 2B 254 3B 435 v7 16 M5. 350 +10 107% 10% 1004 + Yo ms 219 26 ne Lg (equipment is a 100-ton capacity 215 $30%4 30Va_ 30Va 30355 360 v 900. 340 335. 335 INDUSTRIALS 225 $10 55% $32 ne $21% $28e 120: $35%4 15 55 $44Va $19% 200 495 200 78 0 5M 32 21 28 35% 40 an v 78 495 Pia 25 $17% 17% 7%" ye ee) Ho xy} |and start' a pressure play 3 +2 of their own, The latest step in the trendja toward more sophisticated + {pressure unloading hopper car >a : now being put into service by 6 =] both railways. CPR has purchased 20 of the covered cars from National NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS National Trust Co, Ltd., year ended Oct. 31: 1966, $1,881,666; 1965; $1,682,483. Hayes Dana Ltd,. three months ended Oct. 31: 1966, $294,000, 13 cents a share; 1965, = 14} $302,000, 17 cents. Dominion Stores Ltd., six months ended Sept. 17: 1966, $5,370,413, 66 cents a share; 1965, $5,009,100, 62 cents. Magna Electronics Corp, Ltd. year ended Aug. 31: 1966, $312,- 871, 85 cents a share; 1966, $100,176, 24.2 cents. : are the dof to trl car revelation," enld 'NR spokesman. "The pres- ture is on us ao we're using @ ourselves." tose operas, et br e unloai operation, cuts down handling costs, provides all-weather protection for the cargo during unloading and eliminates the need for perma- nént unloading facilities other than an air compressor and storage silos, NEW UNLOADING SETUP Like conventional covered hopper cars, the new cars are loaded through hatches on top: The big difference is in the un- loading operation, Compressed air is used to agi- tate the cargo and force it through outlets in the bottom o the cars into pipes, then di- rectly into trucks, silos or any container. The cargo need never be exposed to the weather. The end of the discharge pipe can be shifted from one side of be unloaded at about 4,000 pounds a minute or more com- pared with an av of 1,500 pounds a minute by conven- tional 8 y stem of opening} hatches in the bottom won cars and letting the cement spill out " a bin, kesmen for CNR and CPR f the cars are "'considera- bly" more expensive than con- véntional hop; 'and haven't been practical until recently. : "We need these cars now that the freight car revolution is really under way," said a CNR spokesman, "The freight busi- ness has fast become extraordi- narily complicated, specialized and competitive, "The pressure cars should be particularly useful in co-opera- tion with the trucking industry. With direct unloading and load- ing from the hoppers to trucks you combine the low cost of rail transportation with the mobil- ity of trucking." School Trustee 1959 - 60 - 64-65 - 66 William Werry hes the experience and bility to aes wiser's Wiser's Oldest, 18 years Wiser's De Luxe, 10 years Wiser's 101, 6 years old: balgendid yp ogy ow Wiser's Special Blend, 4 (years old. SANTA'S: FOREMOST FINS MEN'S WEAR Seloary FP the car to the other so that un- loading can be done on either side of the tracks--an impor- tant advantage for shippers tak- ing delivery of large cargoes. CNR and CPR are conducting marketing experiments with the new cars, testing their ef- ficiency in handling dozens of powdered or granular cargoes that are shipped in bulk. They expect that the pressure system will be particularly: useful in meeting the expanding market for shipment of cement, ferti- lizers, salt, sugar, flour and malt. The Way To A Man's Heart Is Through Our Front Door give the intelligent judg- ment necessary, in « fast- Good Names Te Remember When Buying or YAling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill MeFesters -- Vice Pres. SOHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Egeeescs DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nova Scotia Light and Power Co, Ltd., common 10 cents, Jan. 2, record Dec. 7. Craig Bit Co. Ltd., 2 cents, Jan. 13, record Dec, 31. Erie Flooring and Wood Prod- ucts, class A 30 cents, Dec. 30, record Dec, 15, 25 295 25 + S114 11% 114+ % Vv sW iW 2 wo WS NS " 6 6 33 growing municipality. ELECT for ALDERMAN WERRY, wu». x Cars and Information Cell 725-1209 --_ 2 357% S74 57% -- % pied PP seg a; Mi) Save 7s wes aie Nig ve. $i4 i" $13 tie beng -- VM $3. Pt Sve 35 $4 $75 'ie 5 53 $18ve 18a 18% a... a : 150. $92 92 9a--IM 24% Mia Ma + Ve Me wis Molson A 210 $18% 18% 18% 9 9 9 =I Mocre 150 $87 87 87 a A a Nt Contn w 38 Noranda 255 i » w ompu' 8 8 +1 Nc G (19888 Gon Paper 324 $38% 38v2 38 pra at $147 14% 3 20% 20% $33% 33% $30V8 $16%4 $13Va . 8 8 8 $12% 12% 12% We 17Va 17Va $18% 18% 18% 390 400 75 WS WS = 2 200 200 -- 3 15 1S + 7 7 ST = LADIES .. . VISIT OUR GIFT BAR... *Never Press Sport Shirts Styled and Imported by Black's Shirts by Forsythe & Hathawey Colognes by Jade East, Brut & Ceaser Sportswear by Jentzen Sweeters by Gino ram Te Berma hs Parker of Vienna me: Handsome TV Gowns Shoes by Slater Hats by Dobbs Cuff Link Sete styled by Black's Gloves, Vests and Ties Gift Certificates Benge 3 SénS2eSa8Sez8ss S + 2844 -- 2 baa) 9 234 + Ve & ey 0 2% 30 +1 140 844 S44 M+ 2 4) ah a TM Sua ae ae 700 224 -- Ve 20 2 20 10 Sa es beep THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 50 $484 48%4 4814 -- HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL Condensed Annual Statement October 31, 1966 S380 "3° Eo F 3 " fH Sesscetetsdehesey..o¥ S3¢ he IL Be ind Wire Int Nickel intpr Pipe Intpr_ Steel §* = 3 Besys.Eu8 2 +i+ +1111 s*- s7-ee aii roll g3sBexS Subs Ss 7. Beck sbsue nee OCTOBER 33 1966 $1,156,260,160 OCTOBER $1 $ 927,694,157 465 465 my 70 ae -8 1 375 365 37S +18 $1644 164 16% 310% 10% 1 220° 220 220 +10 $8 8 8 $%- 2% 2% 9% 9% We 200 $52 5M BY 225 $16% 16% TISS $20Ve 20% toy + ASSETS Cash on hand and due from banks (including items in transit) . Government of Canada and provincial government securities, at amortized value yon % Other securities, not exceeding market value . Call loans, fully secuted . . . Total quick assets: .. . Other loans and discounts . . . Mortgages and hypothecs insured under N.H.A. . 2Ee8e MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 74 SIMCOE NORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Open Nightly ti & for your shopping convenience 3 , 2s Ss White Pas we A = e Zellers Sales to 11 @.m.: $87,000, 'Riles al ere Coch Will 205 208 Dickensn 00 io 325 325 20 Silvert 200 325 325 4 Un Keno 1300 280 280 oh = 8x38 896,866,701 578,697,850 436,478,003 $2,839,736,711 3,118,772,614 216,748,235 70,775,716 1,044,470,732 411,723,138 399,051,392 $3,011,505,422 3,340,593,255 200,497,113 16,987,247 ae3 8853 i - ezesa 5 E-8 2 a ith a ha thy new bottle and a celebrated _ that's how agin sho That's how White Satin is. Still made to Sir Robert Burnett's original 1770 London Dry formula; still exactly as dry and satin-smooth today as it ever was. After all, when great taste can keep a gin famous for generations on both sides of the ocean--we wouldn't dream of changing it. What we have done, though, is change the White Satin bottle. It's the best way we know to salute a celebrated gin. Have a look. Have a buy. White Satin! That's how a gin should be. oe eee eee ee Liabilities of customers under acceptances, guarantees and letters Ofcrédit..) «eae 303,918,701 21,103,266 $6,571,055,243 277,173,169 29,174,344 $6,935,930,550 BANQUETS GROUP bined Sam 35,921,044,810 303,918,701 15,230,142 $6,240,793,653 66,528,000 262,000,000 1,733,590 $6,571,055,243 56,304,214,969 277,173,169 16,806,934 $6,598,195,072 66,528,000 269,000,000 2,207,478 $6,935,930,550 Statement of Undivided Profits YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31 1966 Deposits se oe Acceptances, guarantees and letters of credit . Other liabilities. . . . Total liabilities to the public eoveee ere eer ees e@eevoeevenwe ern eee Capital paid up Rest Account Undivided profits... s . Highlight of the Year -- AT CHRISTMAS Celebrate the yeor with o del 1 even- ing spent ot the Flying Dutchman. Your guests will thoroughly enjoy themselves we ore sure. SIR ROBERT Fy IkTrre Profits, after provision for depzsciation and "income taxes and BURNEI I S after making transfers to loss reserves out of which full pro- vision has been made for diminution in value of investments andloans ;.... Dividends from Oshewe on the Bowmanville Interchange (No. 73) We at the Flying Dutchman are especially proud of the prestige which hos been achiev- ed through the personal and meticulous con- sideration which is given to the. minutest cetail of your function. For Reservations Phone 623-3373 LICENCED UNDER L.C.B.0. $ 27,432,288 $ 19,958,400 7,473,888 1,733,590 9,207,478 7,000,000 2,207,478 23,239,254 17,297,280 5,941,974 1,791,616 7,733,590 6,000,000 1,733,590 WHITE SATIN Balance of undivided profits at beginning of period pRy* LONDON GIN Transferred to Rest Account . Balance of undivided profits at end of period . . *Total provision for income taxes $25.450,000 (1965--$22,350,000) J. H. COLEMAN, Chief General Manager W. EARLE McLAUGHLIN, Chairman and President & "white satin The Premium Gin s