Fisherman Seeks Damages From Cornwall Paper Mill ALL ° of the Ontario FP gy er. =. ae. arlo Supreme 1td. and} pigintiff in ihs action, fisher- tar Pulp and Paper Howard Smith Paper Mills Ltd.|man Walter MacPhearson of| (maaseuem was set down inureuay io 06 i * heard here at the January' sit-ling damager, because he says his fishin in the St. Date Announced THE CSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1966 19 MONTREAL (CP)--The offi-|: cial closing of the St. Lawrence Seaway from Montreal to Lake Ontario has been set for Satur-| day by the St. Lawrence Sea:| way Authority and the St, Law- rence Seaway Nevelanmen? Cav. i lporation of the United States, Shipping companies have been advised by the authorities | FOOD SERVICE SOCIAL | Senne meee ea | Gilbert L. | MonRAru | MURD Vin Q.¢. that beyond Saturday the sea- 'way will be kept open on a day- in Cornwall, to-day basis if the weather is He claims discharge from the facorable, and that announce- plant taints fish and he is un- } ments concerning extensions able to sell his catches. will be made each day. CATERING CALL 728-7305 _ same ous river by the defendants' plant Don't you wish someone would | 2 weeks in Lisbon and Madeira only $445 with CPA Enjoy a week in Usbon, one of Europe's most fascinating capitals, another week on tropical Madeira Island, 15 sun-filied days in all (IT/ST/182), Low price Includes economy excursion return fare from Toronto, hotels, slepnnscing. some meals, $45 down, balance in 24 monthly instaliments of $17.71, See your Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific... and 6 y ? | give:you a Heetwood? NO HALLOWE'EN HAT There'll be thanks aplenty when your holiday gift proves It looks as though Maija (CP. Wirephoto) to be a Fleetwood television, radio or record player. And Bismanis, assistant curator maa wo. | ie wots, AS. The Salvation no wonder! Superbly engineered, beautifully styled, every Pt oe ot a Fleetwood model Is designed to give lasting pleasure. pty Canadian Chcific artes §2) po Pr i a dd Army BER DE 2) Stelco Rehires Will Be " And here's an added bonus that makes a Fleetwood the For Reservation and Travel Information Call S d ed M CHRISTMAS ideal gift. Every Fleetwood unit carries a 12 months' DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE pUEPEOCS 'hs on SERENADING Warranty on ALL parts, excepting Solid State (transistor) . " ) (UP = ie ee) 106 anos 8, WHITEY Powe tue [e's ne eat vice which are gurantee fra fl FIVE YEARS from pended for taking part in a Nov. 29, 30 date of purchase. fi 1 Complete Travel Arrangements and Trovel tional Se ee Dec. 6, 7, 8, 13, nformation Call or See: There are 19 men who will not 1 14 1 FOUR EA i VE get their jobs back, according and 15. L - EA oe inte room ee bbe Serene ane eohacirs n leelworke "it wi easily identifi thei OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN ica, 'Iwo other men 'were of-|| regulation Solvation Army Un- 57 King St, E., Oshawa--728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 fered thelr Jobs, but refused iform, SA SLO TEATRO AALS TB NSEC NGEE PAS EOE AEDS ANDIGRER ENO IN RSA em. AT \ON NERY" 2 ,@) Friday? Dec. Model 5075. Solld State personal raile, Model 5082, Clockradie. te For quality' and value in homo entertainment products -- you can rely on Fleetwood. YOUR AUTHORIZED FLEETWOOD DEALER... ROGER APPLIANCES and FURNITURE 50 BOND ST. E. -- Next to the U.A.W. Hall - TELEPHONE 728-2151 YOLLES FURNITURE CO. "PLAN YOUR LAYAWAY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |