Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1966, p. 31

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asi Ee ee a ee eS Datiedindtalind ns isi ima tsa Rammstein ie Stanne ea Self-Denial, Self-Discipline , MARY WILLIAMS -- | time. It is of the utmost impor- Ne 'of The Times Staff [tance that the daily food allow- es wishes to find ajance should all be eaten but a wt) ie 'i Bye |diabetic must not eat more capone, oat go ye than Is prescribed. *woRager, 'than a diabetic! Meals following exercise ' should not be re gee? : goon as the diagnosis has|burns sugar -- and more - confirmed that a child 9 the usual amount will cause & 'ters from diabetes, from. that|reaction similar to extra insu- day on, the child is taught to|Jin less than usual will ine do everything required for him-jcrease the need for insulin, : a / "| "In maintaining control of his" He is taught to prepare his|diabetes, the child and his diet, set by his doctor and|mother try to approach perfec- to follow it exactly, He is|tion as nearly as possible, tna to administer his own|. When one or more of the four insulin daily -- to measure itjurine tests done in a day to the exact amount and to in-|shows sugar, the mother and ject it himself -- to clean andjchild must determine why -- sterilize his own syringe and|was extra food taken at one or needle -- to conduct his own|more meals -- were meals urine fé@sts, which must be done|taken at the usual hour -- was four s daily and a chart|there less than the usual exer- kepi -- and. to refuse all edible|cise -- was there any sign of things not on his diet, infection such as.a cough, fever, if the child is too young,|nausea. vomiting or an_ in- puch as a pre-schooler, as he|flamed wound or was the insu- grows older and develops hisilin injected in .# swollen site mentality, he is taught as he isjoften used previously (the site able to absorb and use the/of injection must be changed knowledge, so that by the timejdaily)? If positive tests. con- he goes to school he is com-/tinue, the doctor must be noti- pletely self-sufficient. fied so an adjustment can be es i made in either diet, exercise or insulin. ' j But are carefree, so|/DIABETIC MOTHERS' the mother of the diabetic child) GROUP assumes the responsibility of} There are about 40 known dia- seeing that her: child adheres|betic children in Oshawa and to the new routine-so closely it} District and because of the es second nature, Shejnature of the infliction, the # , : . has to be ever on the. alert to|mothers of these children form- Fae EE LAE + ; - teh egewerd - the on Petts A hor Lai -- of the " ' var et 7 tests are done ex-|Diabetic Association, ' mT 7 ' nt , eess sugar and make sure} Their purpose is to increase DIABETIC CHILDREN PREPARE OWN VEGETABLE meals and snacks are eaten on|thefr knowledge of the disease hi way through talks by properly train-|44 cup exact. For cereal, he ed specialists, and to raise|may have a choice of a puff funds to send their children to/grain cereal, 1 cup; flakes, a diabetic camp if possible three-quarter cup;. hot cooked Why must a child go to alcereal, 4 cup, all with exactly special camp for diabetics?' |6 ounces of whole milk -- no Because there can be no vari-jsugar, but he may use an arti- ation in his routine, Trained/|ficial sweetner. help must always be available} He must have either two boll- on a 24-hour basis for emer-jed or poached eggs, or 1 egg gencies, A-short while in anj|with three slices of lean bacon } insulin reaction or a diabetic) with the og fried in the bacon THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 1, 1966 3] coma can have serious conse-|fat; two Slices of toast with -= | quences if not given immediate|two level teaspoons butter. If ' i treatment and could have fatal|any food is fried, no fat must|before his mother adds any) A doctor's wages, wages for GORDON, 18, AND DOUGLAS PROCTOR, 15 results, be added. except. that which {s|milk or butter or changes the|two nurses ind a dietitian are Sometimes It's Tough To Resist A Place Of Cake A diabetic child needs to bejborrowed from other fat in the/original in any way). If he/not small amounts, adequate : iwith others with the same prob-/diet such as butter. wishes butter on his potatoes|supervision is costly and spe- Jems, and not be subject to the; Douglas attends one of the he must use some of his allo-jcial foods in a wider variety torment of children who do not|collegiates and at 10.45 a.m,jcated amount, His serving of|are other items which make the understand. In a special camp|must have his morning snack, vegetables varies according to|cost higher, his food intake is carefully|which his teacher allows him|type but he may also have a To help send some of the Osh- supervised and his schedule ad.|to eat at his desk. It consists of|serving of one of the free vege-/@ children, the Diabetic hered to, He could be tempted|! medium apple or orange; 1/|tables méntioned previously. He Mothers Group -has held rum. or forced at an ordinary camp|eunce meat or 1 slive plain|finishes with another serving of] mage sales, card parties and 3 to eat something he knows' he|bread or as-a substitute for the|fruit or dietetic desserts and 2/Has a Valentine Card Party Ge shouldn't have, thus creating|bread he could have 3 arrow-|ounces of milk Planned, to be held in the UAW the .need for prompt medical /root' cookies (a Jist of cookies} Before bed he does his final hall, attention, which would not be|With amounts of fat and carbo-|test of the day and then has The @ has unsuccessfully available in most camps. hydrates has been supplied to|his bedtime snack of one and applied service clubs in the Mos( 'ordinary camps refusejhis mother by the Canadian|two-thirds slices of bread, 1)area an have been told by one to accept a diabetic child for|Diabetic Association teaspoon butter 'and 2 ounces |!m particular that their ¢ mn handicapped and could these reasons,* nor do" they of meat, a. serving of fruit and| Were not ty wish to take the resvonsiilty. Dougan retums home ai nogn| "This totals. 2400 man for this cub in ie This total 'an for SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE {and his first act is another test/day, the redeltemeie yt syp proverbial estrich who 'idee To illustrate this point thejand then his lunch by. 12.15igrowing boy in his teens." Heifis head and thinks that what Vdatly*schedule"and diet of a°15-/p:m. Lunch is:2-ounees of leanifnyst eat every bit of it but no|he can't see can't be there. year-old Oshawa boy, Douglas Nene meat or Bags of hore than required, Douglas|~ Proctor, was obtained from his{cheese, any type. creamed /doesn't like ; H mother, Mrs. Maurice Proctor,|cheese is -used, 6 tablespoons, /has been fuilt' teking: that iste Quick Candy Gifts Mary street. His schedule andjlevel, equals the. 2 ounces. of|account. : diet were worked out for hisjmeat. He has two slices of] Can you imagine the cook at At Last Minute special case by his doctor while|bread with two teaspoons ofjan ordinary camp having to he was at the Oshawa Generaljbutter or margarimé and &jfuss like this for one child when Last minute sifts got you tn Hospital. Every child's diet, is|serving of raw celery, cucum-jhe has to prepare for so many|* tizzy? Make some yourself, different and is set to his own|bers, or radishes, known as.free|others? Multiply this by 40 and page wi with candy placed! in r requirements. vegetables, because they can-lyou can see why a dietitian is|0) aglnative Calarge ane jovernor $8.98 || On arising at 7.15 a.m, Doug-/tain very little fat or carbohy:|needed at camp. tied up with ribbons, las does his first urine test of|drates. He has. one serving of Be gem key = mar ler with stu lates - the day to determine amount|raw fruit, canned dietetic fruit;DIABETIC CAMP At the diabetic camp for chil-|Vidually wrapped in pretty Ld of sugar his body has not usedjor dietetic 'pudding. With : u ] ee from. the day before, and it is|fruit the amounts differ with|dren, the children help prepare |C0ored cellophane , . . or fill recorded. each fruit and he has 2 ounces|their own food, so that If the|@" apotherary jar with them, | If his mother is not avail-jof milk, which Douglas takes |need arises they can do it. The| You could also Nght up ® able, he gives his own insulin|in his tea. meals are served cafeteria|candy-lovin' eyes with Turkish injection 'next. After school comes his after-|Style. The child picks up his|Delight in refrigerator dishes Most mornings his mother/noon snack containing an ounce|tray on which is his diet sheet |" other container for the prepares his' breakfast, but if/of meat with a slice of bread or/and as he passes down the line, |freezer. Gourmets would love lfor some reason she is not|6 soda biscuits and an ounce|attendants serve him his exact|® Sift in covered onion soup jpresent, Douglas prepares itiof cheese. amounts, At the end of the/Dowls or a casserole dish! The Most Luxurious Slipper You Can Buy! | |himsei| measuring the| Before supper he must do his|line, the dietitian checks his| Old shops sometimes have a amounts exactly as his mother/third test of the day for cast-|tray to make sure his food is;myriad of old jars, cannisters : \ ; would, off sugar and then have his|Mght and no mistakes haye|or tins . . . fill them with Packard Slippers can make even Christmas a little bit For breakfast he must have|supper, which is his main meal/been made. cookie shapes. better. They're made of fine, supple, mellowtanleather,and | |frult juice, unsweetened -- the}of the day. He has $ ounces of} All meals and snacks are} Here are some tested recipes finished by hand, They look luxurious. They feel luxurious. oye a, on the of }cooked ae meat with excena |S0Eved on time, All sports and |from the Canadian Sugar Insti- s y a ' ruit -- apple juice, one-third of |fat trimmed. off; one-third cup/activities of any regular camp) tute. And they wear as only real leather can--superbly! a cup, exactly; orange juice, 'of potatoes (his are removed|are held and the children take STUFFED DATES Treat him to Packards this Christmas. 'They're truly the | [7 a ay we = part freely, 8 pounds pitted dates } At the camp. the staff is com-| 4 cup butter most luxurious slipper you can buy, liad . . prised of a fully credited doc-|1% iS ich »\ CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS FiAgetRR es tettnea Rares Areal RLdA Loon Lata? jtor, tw [as well as regular staff. The|! teaspoon grated orange jdoctor and nurses are on rind MONTREAL, December Ist-~What do J/ound-the-clock duty, 24 hours] % cup finely chopped always want for Christmas? Money! That's ® Gay. walnuts : " ; why I think Scotiabank Savi Certificates How much does it cost to brandy (optional) MRS. WwW. G SMITH, MRS. JULES ETHIER, AND MRS, M@URICE PROCTOR from THE BANK OF NOVA: SCOTIA make/send a diabetic child to camp sugar. j Members Of Diabetic Mothers Group Sort Garments For Sale * such marvellous (and thoughtful) Christmas) and why is it so much more? Split the dates without cut-| ia, URAL ANS MNEs aN ag SUNLESS th on set gifts. jaar bound to be the most popular, : Two weeks' camping atjting clean through, Cream the| " } \ pe TF ee erty arly in their -- givers gold: C amp Banting in Ottawa costs|butter, icing sugar and salt to- Hot Sou Fills An Inn T Need {tomato SD GaN ORE etaitatidiiitrtee pened omg " p Ree Evy ys £ ae : m9 to $e Tone) $125.00. The camper's family|gether until very light and p e wg es bp Pade ppd | Kitchener, Montreal, lavourité Scotiabranch 'and ask tee Scotiabank saat C yea PAYS $60.00 and the balance has|fluffy. Add the orange rind, heater - moter ns a saree) Sherbrooke cates, available in d inati gs Certifi'ig be made up. Other camps|walnuts and a little brandy. ' i Pa agg beggin re paper ; able in denominations from $10 and up. They grow io); ne By \ ] utumn a created by serving cheese |to full value in just six years -- but they're cashable any time, UC" 88 Camp Huronda on /Stuff the dates generously. Roll y ys sticks along with the soup. so either way, it will be a Merry Christmas for your 'giftee', || Beausolell Island in Georgian/in sugar and allow to stand 4 . i : Bay and Camp Mahee at hours : When autumn rolls round; Tinned soups are fine dirgot| CRG cae % -- lmake an a st Get them at leading department stores and at these fine shoe shops LAR ape TOOK A MILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT... to produce|bourg have and there's a nip in the air,|/from the can, prepared accord- Just sprinkle cheese on' strips : bourg have ' \Just s » cheese ons The Packard Traveller with matching zipper case, $9.98 'SLIPPERS 56644 | | the wines that go into the making of Brights : , ; aed hts pom on - ~jthere's nothing like a pot ofjing to directions. But the cook) wer pr oa IN bag Pradieet Chentioe e e . lbeas to give a. quick warmup] with a bit of imagination and/°! gern 94 f and ) pop | President Sherry, Sauterne, Port and Extra | Brights "SF I! land a fast fill-up. lingenuity. can mix and mateh|!™ "a Bone SS ther ; -_* De Dry. In 1934 Brights began to import young | PRESIDENT Thanks to the wonderful tin-/ various kinds of soup for taste)" tie rye the' cheese: seas vines of the finest wine grapes grown in |, - ah : jned soups on the market, the| combinations that are exotic|*:@ Hauld delight BURNS SHOE STORE the world. Then they nursed and nourished amudian Champagne lsoup kettle simmering on the/and appealing. era Saas aS ek a hy ting ag Psa full, delicious | y back of the stove is now only! This recipe for Creamy Crab es sorsiant SOUP feature you ane ie Canes. Ane ane & wontalgic. memory. (Soup \usen Foe _combination oth tin (10-ounces) tomato ) particularly like, these fine Canadian wines are | sy : ; |modestly priced by any standard! Just ask for any of Brig! -- 1 KING WEST OSHAWA President Wines and you can't go wrong! y of Brights tin (10-ounces) cream of | MORE PEOPLE ARE DISCOVERING extra savings at DOMINION : ps pi KAUFMAN FOAMTREAD SLIPPER AVAILABLE AT | «cum --_ gg Pgs Richmello Instant Coffee. But fr peas = 4 ' jl cup water ear et the low price fool you! For sheer om ou ' it tin (S-ounces) crabmeat | teaspoon Worchestershite" 'ole) L Ll N | gr igen and rich ancy? I find it's truly be s é finest money can, buy. Richmello j . J @) ES 7 Coffee is one of afion's many own duaiite utique | Sauce Bee ) pane ad that x ete ly retommend to help you co. Dae Aaa ' A\ er onion salt 119 BROCK ST. S.--WHITBY--OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M.--668-3476| BEWII @ oeiees et Ttelan: ilivon'* Semeene po 4 . le stlees white sliced neted | Country Club brands, to name just:a few! o rred Neves rh tablespoon butter \ C : pe The savings you'll make in a year on Richmello popular sh i INTERIOR DECORATOR tablespoons freshly gratéd « omplete Selection of Foomtreads Now at coffee alone add up to.a tidy. sum! If like me, you want variety, black dressmaker FURNITURE cheddar cheese ~ ' quality and everyday low prices, switch to Dominion ... and, of ' ' } h Baa DRAPERIES | In a medium saucepan, bleud course, mainly because of the meat! bag of 'elephant qe es" . EAS a BROADLOOM ltomato : soup and creat : DAVIDSON SHOE STORE cnnsruas weiss sous of, wor... te unatang| | ein vin Se A Ww |) b 1 tng Sh tas' | eaten eer ee a 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DOWNT: lmade by you right in. your Bitchen, Christ 10 a | you rig ur kitchen. C - -- Tee | oe sds ss . $ti seas Ss. ee SAA tat it Complete without name baking -- 00 REA! cusrom maoe onares [nhs 'ht wily "cheea teh ig, I've foun $0 much Ma ; ; 7 G : w : Select Your 1s better with MONARCH SOFT WHEAT . Prone 725-2686 ben eoey soup with chopped FLOUR. You see, unlike all-purpose flours, -- ' SE 8 SAUBMAN sumcoe sr. [this soft wheat' flour guarantees tender oh \ CHEESE STICKS every time, particularly when you | neg : , Cut crusts from bread. Bul: . souTn liow Monarch's special Tender Pastry ; } rr ter bread, sprinkle cheese on * FOAMTREADS Recipe on the back of the bag. With the kind of cookies 'and "an Pts top, Cut - in. tour sticke par» pownTown jcakes that Monarch helps you to bake, you'll have an extra-| slice M baked Monarch Place. under the broiler for Mew ef... erry Christmas! (Your home- ) OSHAWA |marecious Christman gift!) COOKIES «66 "7 . 23 minutes until -gheese' ts oe 8 AMR Oe sa Me Rs Rint a MR itera a anti alata

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