P é Pe Gy TriTTtTir LiLo CO " : BUSINESS SPOTLICHT see ese | Overtime Work nade: tomato weighted prices as ee a _--nseene nan A a t F nF, Prete am Dn rm Pasi Fa department of of ° (2130 "Sima "Tiva 'Ti8 0 "Wo" i : weWLLWULLLD Bde: Aas bES BE yo. od dium 61.8 A small 484, sa 800 110 110. 110 a z a 6 8% Salada F By THE CANADIAN PRESS | VICTORIA (CP) -- British,Brothers and Wilson, said con-|cost of operating camps and 2100 sn4 2 33 <M $26% 26% Co. 14d, extra 10 cents Columbia's contractors are con-| tractors have a duty, to adhere ete expensive machines con- We Sie ie ie | Tae 2 Fl cord Dec. 15 "\cerned about Premier Bennett's/to the:hours of work specified|tinues when no work is being an ort ee ae ler st $4 9 9% fa ch ; ban on 'overtime work as ajin collective agreements, It| done by employees. To95 Stet 16% Vein Dam 12 $22 24 Wa--%| Rio Algom Mines Ltd, first|means of reducing inflationary| would be good for the industry| 'Robert' Saunders, represent- ae ee Be Con 400, 400. 400. ~as (Pref. series A $1.45, Jan. 1, rec-| presgures. and good for the economy. ing general contractors, said the 80 see 04 Ble Thom NF 280 sae Te "tee | Jord Dec..2, Many believe the idea is fine| D. E. Smith of Ocean Cement|industry could expect prosecu- 'oun in im Ft " 9 9 New Hosco Mines Ltd., 10) put won't work. How will inves-|Co., said there should. be no/tions. soon. for overtime. viola- 200 $164 164 leva -- Vu $n% 204 204 |. \cents interim, Feb, 17, record/tors look at the ban? Overtime|ban and contractors should be| tions. He said government over- "14 ba bam Va| TheGan PL B95 $24 tame ma + JAM, 20, '|rates, though expensive, can be/left to do what they wished. time work permits will be as 0 # Tr Can Pip $45% 45% 45% Price Co. Ltd, 18% cents, |less expensive than delays in a) He said long hours and over-\scarce as hen's teeth after Dec, ae Bw Dat ih) Teen Te ier ie, eb. 1, recon Jan, 2 project, says George H.|time are more economical than| $1, 5 $63 63 a i il Scott Misener Steamships Lid.,| Wheaton of Victoria, vice-presi- deploying more men on the'job| Mr. Saunders said the govern- sia 196 19% aes $1000 10 ible + 5% - per - cent first pref. 2744|dent of the 600-member Amal- working a shorter time; the|ment plans legislation to enforce ir #3700 224 200 a --1| Un Gas P egislat Dae $38 oY 4a "ey ° 6 FY ied a" 419 Cents, Jan. 15, record Dee. 15. gamated Construction Associa en ioe 7925 Now tain] Nendo 700. ¢ is ab as 20, : oll Machine and Tool| ""- ig a asemdll edie 00 tae "hte 944. 19% Ce Lid, class A 12% cents,| George Wilkinson, vice-presi mr i Ww =$ INDUSTRIALS i Bey < ive A 245 S164 164 162 ~-- | Jan. 2, record Dec. 19. dent -of Marwell Construction 250 290 x10 5 B20. $174 17%_17% Co,, said the premier's proposal 700 $10 10 10 Woodwa "A. 210 $2Me 21a 204--v| Unas Investments Ltd,, 10|°%» 8 F- 16¥ ar 164 + Val Abitibi i 0 ai 435 | Huron Eri 200. $0%4 ie si hs conta; dip; 90, vetord: Dec: 18 will kill exploration and devel $224 ve ' opment projects in remote imo $44 jan tee % iat a5its Site See | Sales fo 11 a.m: 493,000, Jamale= Public Service Ltd.,| sections of the province. 13M RN gr ONS 4 100. $17 if 4 ine beet m2 2 FOREIGN TRADING common 27 Cents, 79H. 9. re0 He told the association's con- 2 $22% 00 96% 8 m+) Un Keno 400 295 295 25 +5 |ord Dec. 8. vention Tuesday that it would 7) % | * Signe asrs jot Nicht 45h 390 Oy Guaranty Trust Co, of Canada, | no he economical to add more 22 Asbestos $192 19% int Util $24 4 2 common 10.cents, Jan, 15, record|men to remote construction $u 350 $9494 ; ; y Behama 200 10 om gO Fe lode 6 < om a m. "| BOND MARKET Dec. 31. camps where operational costs : Bonk NS 95 $6242 62 + 14) mau 0.400 40. | "TORONTO (CP) -- 'The Cana-| British Columbia Forest Pro-|4"@ high. Bathrst w 05 + S| Sette fim "in 24+ %/dian bond market was down|ducts, common 25 cents, 6-per-| Putting a 40-hour work week Bell Phne $46 45% 457 Jeftersn iw 150 jabout % point in moderate|cent pret. 65 cents, Feb. 1, rec-|into effect in camps would mean Brazili M | 0 razilian : Jockey E, he i " [trading Wednesday. ord Jan, 13. the construction industry is a eons yo 'ss. 8 '§ --1| Short-term Government of| Power Corp. of Canada Lid,,|""80ne goose as far as camp 4| BCPh 5, 9 Lafarge A % 9% ¥ --/Canada bonds closed down 5/4%-per-cent 1965 series first pr|WOrk is concerned," Mr. Wilkin- Ey ' Oe ; Burns. Fou 15 ; H Louse sec "950 $13 12% 19% . [Cents with the 4%4-per-cent Oct, |59.375. cents, Jan. 13, record | $on said. pct he 5 360 360 360 10 |1, 1967, issue at 98.78 bid and/| Dec, 20, | WILL-DO OTHER JOBS i Calgary P Co 8 300. $8 8 8 | " " | €D Sugar "BM 2 +4 ig $2644 264 264 A rene asked, | Ontario Store Fixture Co. Ltd. +} He said.a 40-hour week in the yy , "| Loeh M 65 $92 74 Ya Ye! Long-term Canada and pro-|common 2% cents, Dec. 30, rec- | " . t . Can | % 25 |populous centres means em CSL 3% 90 | MLE Mills v7 WV | vincial bonds were down % with|ord Dec. 13. | ployees moonlight Saturday on Sari brew ry ie eat | ios ton ioe ~ % | the og ha gt bs Aon a National Trust Co, Ltd., com-|house building jobs. , - | C Brew Bp 45% Food $7 |per-cent Sep Ssue ClOS- | mon 15 cents, extra 5 cents, Jan. CB Alum A ™ a a 18 0 +9 | jing at 84% bid and 84% asked. |3° record Dec. 9 | R, G. Saunders of Smith 650 360 Moore 7 87 - : Ot eee ee par sash tA aah 31081010 =10 | NF. Contain $5% " |. Day-to-day money traded at! Premium Iron Ores Lid., TUNNELS COST CASH 10 100 100 --1 $19%e 19s Neon 100 $6% 64 yd per cent, jcommen 7 cents, Dec. 22, record , AS : 5 ath Mm § Imp 452 $582 58 ee Vel NB Tel $)5% 136 1580+ Ve} It is costing $18,000,000 to " ¥ Fa et id cit sisi cul Wat Save 13M ihe Treasury bills ended the day | Dec. 8. dy fs am ai ise Hi fu tx [at'satanaYa-ay meat $a Ibee Hs tear Dee 0" lange ourest MAO au igs ade 2 $134 } M me gree. 18: i 5 n lay bills at 5.27.|Dec. 31, record Dec. A ; ' : x a wa ax 2210 $1i% 11% 11% ' $10%4 $242 242 24V0 me . ' ¥ 7 zi 100 100 100 Chemcell $13 013«13 $10% 10% 10% -- Ye : is $12%4 12% 12%-- Ye! Chem 75 @ 1 y 100390 390 19) 191-191 Chrysler poste! 101 101 P C ss s s % s ao ies agi 21% 21%-- Yel Columbia 200 $5% r } 9%, Bee 1g | Semis : He sia ia i + We anadian nadio Vommercial Festiva | the 2200 8 8 Gas | 1050 $10%, 1014 10% ! 38 ¥ Rise 1 1 30 $86 8686 ¥ Y os : w 1 Rank Org 100 370 370 370 --8 | Ree giao ; | HONORS aati Christmas | : Gift for the } = sf 5s ® ' 26: Wie 8 eT! | | : . Whole Family 15% 15% 15% + Ye -- - : | sino 1% lie 16 -- : pore * 'ie { r 2 eB -- | | ; ' aia, 274 z= 700 5 t i q i BSSesss 10:40 Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge = ag fo -ufine¥ieses SaoeSse8sex pine San se Suan Sg82sS8ees83 t+ Bow os 500 2) 2) 2 3 i 215 $5334 53% 5314 i : 215 $2 8 ' ' $050 1) 1% i 4 225 $19% 13% 13% . ean 1 al a hid Be ee Ss t JACK) VEUVE! i ve | 4 | 400 7. 70 (77 | j \ Ke as Sisk d 10.10 a: month A Price to tit %, everyone's Budget 'One of the finest Fone" eo Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' by GILBEY's eo 7 $164 16% yeu -v 00-25) 25 'a 500 4 --0 _ 's 640 (645 Homestd 600 " 2% nm --3! ; STARR SPORTS HAS Nothing but the PRODUCTS OF best English FINE QUALITY woollen cloth 1 used In ell pool Mrs, Joy Dell chief eopy writer for ! ---- Lokeland Broadcasting Compony oper- ~ otors of CKQS and CKLB is seen re- If you have a sportsman on your Christmas Gift list. . . you.will be well ad- ee oe ceiving the certificate of recognition : vised to visit Starr Sports and Marina and see the fabulous selection of ee 3 from Dennis Whitaker, president of GREAT. CHRISTMAS BUYS: items for the sports-minded. : the Radio Sales Bureau of Canade at ; > | GALAXIE $471 va MOTO SKI way Be aaa JIGGER Y ce 4 (an tar a |, 95¢ DOWN -- $10.30 A MONTH -- PRICE $179.95 SNOW MOBILE Mitchell 300 |The Mochine thot goes any- IM ee We Pork. iv Tora, eens» GALAXIE $481 where, Ideal for Hunting, ' oe the actual certificate. The Radio : 50c DOWN -- $10.10 A MONTH PRICE $199.50 With 1s. 1s ho motor, speeds up to SPINNING Fishing or just plain enjoy- . Commercials Festival is a joint under- | : mp ment. = taking of the Radio Sales Bureau and IMPERIAL S483 Meee Canad 95¢ DOWN -- $13.70 A MONTH -- PRICE $379.95 NOW IN STOCK REELS NOW IN STOCK fi hie oe een eee ee een 1967 MERCURY fag COLEMAN | ' ~-- F RICE $479.50 $ 95 ; 50c DOWN $17.20 A MONTH P 6 aguers 6e yell 19 OUTBOARDS | rLaRiWeaGl Sern mos Jugs, Ice Chest. Cannot be vepeoted at this price, Trade now for a good deal, : | F 50c DOWN bananas $17.90 A MONTH PRICE $499.50 mired or & ELDORADO $4800 EXPRA SPECIAL... | i - 50¢ DOWN -- $21.10 A MONTH PRICE $589.50 22 'Nylon REMINGTON | 4 > ' Mk Soe DOWN $21.40 A MONTH -- PRICE $599.50 _ Autoloader --- with 4 power scope Lakeland Broadcasting Company's FM h, : SS : : : Station CKQS wos the recipient of a FISHING SUPPLIES SLOT CAR | ne SS: certificate of recognition for a Radio Spinning, Casting ond Trolling Rods ond RACING KITS | : Commercial written and used during Reels, Baits ond Lures, Tackle Boxes, Creels, « by Aurora -- Now in Stock me ] 1966. The award--o runner up award Minnow Traps and Buckets, Lending Nets, ides! Chrictmas presente fer the wens wr i. : was for a commercial eritered in | . fad Cored. Page oat 5 young a he 'cteauecy of ssuaueaak oitvan @ Manufactured Here In Oshawa @. Larger eying Surface (check | without the use of music but using k F Others yourself) HUNTING SUPPLIES . production devices. Winner in this @ Non Skidding Duck Feet @ Better Quality Materials All A 1 €ategory was Radio Stotion CKOW, Mo "RUE soraangenctallipat seth yr sear Few 1966 h a fo cee : et mien New Brunswick, The CKQS commercial was © Sul ca sds alte Vall cinaones -- have English wool billiard underweer, skeet vest, jackets. Gun cases, MERCURY af | ey Mountain ge and was used during June of 1966 on both CKOS and | Pp c \ % cleaning kits, knives, scopes, boots, decoys, ' CKLB -but was entered by CKQS. This commercial was written by Mrs. Joy Dell, chief of ! penet Tan F Deli Call 725-6582 cross bows, gun racks, flashlights ond lan- OCUTBOARDS Ye | Lakeland Broadcostirig's copy department and produced by Doug Crysdale, Close to 600 com- Livelier Cushi @ Free Delivery 9151 perianal Bde acyl ate ane high at REDUCED PRICES on | mercials were entered in the Festival from stations coast to coast and the CKQS award was @ Livelier Cushions : ; 4 one of 26 out of a possible 42 awards granted by the panel of judges made up of broad- P T h. | Casters, advertisers and personnel from advertising agencies. Overall winner among English | ' language. radio. stations wes CHUM Toronto, | S OR S & | conn J and MARINA = 7 Lk I valine 723-0211 ff aKe vi ry Lakeland Broadca sting : 690 Drake Street Gust South of 401) TRULY GREAT FEATURES