16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 1, 1966 'Mining Towns' Delegation Talks With Cabinet Group OTTAWA (CP)--A delegation gold mining communities 'optimistic feeling" four hours of talks with t ministers Wednesday, tre they discussed extensions modifications to the federal assistance program. "tWe had a very good recep- On and got some of our main across," said Frank Rain- -reeve of Teck Township, includes Kirkland Lake. About 150 delegates, mainly from mining centres in Ontario and Quebec but.also from Mani- toba, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories, had two meetings with a cabinet group. Energy Minister Pepin, Fi- nance Minister Sharp and La- bor Minister Nicholson attended a two-hour morning session, while Mr. Pepin and Mr. Sharp returned for an evening session. The delegation's main con- 'Maritime Unions Complain 'Over 56-Hour Work Week "OTTAWA: (CP)--Four mari- ne unions complained to La- Minister Nicholson Wednes- about the length of time it taken to apply the federal r code's 40-hour work week sion to the shipping indus- , where a 56-hour week now Mr. Nicholson said he and his, ials hoped to arrange a ting between labor and ement early in December discuss the subject fully. The labor code became law uly 1, 1965. But it provided at industries requiring time to pt. to the code's wage or r provisions could obtain au- matic deferments pending a sion on their applications. + The shipping industry' was among the first to apply for a deferment. } After the 50-minuté session in minister's office, George ythorne, deputy labor minis- week had been received from shipping employers by the labor department. Mr. Haythorne said it would be discussed further with -the ship-owners and a later meeting arranged with both sides. cern was to obtain a four-year extension of the present Emer- gency Gold Mining Assistance Act and to modify the terms of the act to provide more assist- ance to operating mires. WANT COST COVERED At present, the federal sub- sidy covers up to two-thirds of the production cost of gold of a mine that is sold to the mint. The. mining areas want this in- creased to 100 per cent to keep pace with rising costs that have hit the industry. "We have regional differ- ences, but we all have the same goal,' Mr. Rainford told a re- porter after the meeting. "In Kirkland Lake, the most important step would be for ex- ploration assistance, while in Timmins the accent is on help for producing mines." A separate brief was sub- mitted to Mr. Pepin by the United Steelworkers of Amer- ica, dealing with pension needs for miners at present employed (Closeup Moon Photographs pact of a giant meteorite which ejected the angular blocks, up to 150 feet across, that surround the crater rim. Another shot shows keyhole- shaped Crater Fauth, 13 mile across and 4,500 feet deep, miles south of Copernicus. NASA identified a triangular Thev were taken hv Lumar shaped flat area in the fore- Orbiter IL at 7:05. p.m, BSpjgrouna or tis picture, un the Nov. 23, when 'the spacecralijeft margin, as a fault trough, was 28% miles above the moon's|filled by young volcanic rocks. surface. . These are the first closeup pictures of the Copernicus era- ter, 60 miles across and two miles deep. NASA' scientists 'said it was formed by the im- VOTE- ELECT Reveal Lunar Topography WASHINGTON (AP) -- Strik- ingly clear new photographs of the moon. made public Wednes- day, showed one of the. most prominent lunar: features--Cra- ted Copernicus--to be a rough and barren destrt, Mountains rise 1,000 feet from the flat floor of the centre of the crater, and they have slopes up to 30 degrees. One picture, looking due north from the crater's southern rim, shows on the horizon the 3,000. foot'Gay-Lussac promontory in the Carpathian Mountains. Cliffs on to crater's rim are 1,000 feet high 'and show clear traces of the continual slippage or downward movement of de- bris. The pictures: were released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Langley oor mementos aera research centre at Hampton, Va. MAY EAT GAS Bacteria can convert' petro- leum into edible protein and may provide synthetic food for future ---- FRED BRITTEN 23-Day Estortéd Tout T FLORIDA 180,00, Bia neigh and acne wl Acco! 25th to 6 "Tat 136 ie COLMER TRAVEL. SERVICE 14 Orchard Savane, "Snterie OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveilable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders ef 5 or More Pictures in the gold industry. RN She ed 5 BEES eR A Sas BA Kinloch OSHAWA'S SMART MEN'S SHOP 10 KING STREET WEST The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear Sl Hila QUALITY Talons Trustee BOARD of EDUCATION School Trustee - 1958-59-60 Member Oshawa Education Authority For Retarded Children. HONESTY & INTEGRITY - GUARANTEED CP gl ae o That is if you like an easy whisky. If so, you should have no difficulty liking 5 Star. Where things get difficult is in making a whisky this good, , Itmeans selecting whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has 5, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste. Is it worth-all the trouble? Easy for you to find out. 5 Star. Easy whisky. r, told reporters a proposal implementing the 40-hour Your Mills Man, through the years, has built a solid reputation for both competi- tive price AND comparable value ! When your Mills Man. accepts a better than average vehicle as trade, this same vehicle is, naturally, placed on the market at a comparably higher price. . , because it's WORTH more! BUT! If you are shop: ping strictly on the basis of price alone, your Mills Man can satisfy your needs here, too ! They will compete with any price on comparable terms, Either way! For Price ! For Value !... or a pleasant combination of both, see your Mills Man. By all means compare ! 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