fe mwa Tne rn, omit 18 srcorpans scwoot R000") BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE eS stn. Bn + 7 Athen Moin belee Ja mes CARELESS DRIVING FOR A MAN etek, ee anne Me LIi awh Cah anl Frederick Blunt, David Byron Naichhares' Bitter Feud: A threpieny wpllinies on Big WHO CARES whiny. SLINALAV AAAS BARS EERO Silla John Comven | ca = Lregulted ina careless. driving!) Semmens = 2-0 20S Ww in Commencement Conducted j:.sce2') Has Sequel In Court infec our hv Se , sae " ht, Stephen C,,DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT i gag By a ts go Be ys gn ove gh «igen om gt detente, Gaunt dentate tBu * fave noah was on od hr, atm Lee, Brac IGH SCHOOL BOARD |KONK. ss aragny Ad" NM daa linet unre ang th conicia and ined 8 nd | © High Tose Sarat Si a ney an, a Be an Ha a Me Pas -- oe rises Grade 10--Barry Krawchuk, Jennifer Lee Purdy, Virginia) Russell McQuaid, RR 3,|previous occasion, McQuaid ad- tne Pee Poem A AGRICULTURE. PRIZES Grade 11--Daine Hoar. Lee Slemon, Christena Lols|pjeaded not guilty to pointing mitted threatening to hit Munro ' John hn DeHART and another speaker} Grade 9--Thomas Barrie. Grade 12--Neil Richards. |Tighe, Verna Vander Meer. | .22 rifle at his neighbor atjoyer the _ " denied point- ' j eT W. C. Keyes, chairman of] Grade 10--Martha Boyd, Junior Commercial, --Susan| Veter James Vanstone, Anne|close range, He was defended gg, or rg at sb ' 728.6201 : fer Tron Durham County District avid Meadows, Marie Werry, Melvin Paul Wil- oy Jae A, MacDonald, Osh- cQuaid was given suspend: as ty -- School Board. Susan Grade 11--Gary Ball. Senior Commercial --- Mar-|son, Sally Jane . Witherly, ed sentence for one year andi Four Seasons Travel eboe gave the valedictory; Grade 12--Wesley Lane, jorie Henry, Thomas Arthur Callan. "abated evidence showed ajbound over to keep the peace wand Barry Virtue the) OME ECONOMICS Grade 9--Darla Bacon. @SECONDARY SCHOO, Grade 10--Joann Collocutt. ARTS AND SCIENCE Grade 11--Susan Holroyd. Brian J, eee 3 Pa tg M.| Grade 12---Rose Marie Roach. . , L June Bocen Elisabeth "2. Beuden, MUSIC AWARDS John L. Brimicombe, TB Sigh Wayne} Grade 9--Carl Hayman. et 3 Brian) Grade 10--Debbie Sol. von Henty Dyk.| Grade 11--Jill, Nichols. astra, aries J. Elston. Grade 12--Brian Elston. Phyllis A, Emmerson, Charles C. Ewert, Patricia J,| INDUSTRIAL ARTS PRIZES Fair, Douglas R. Ferris,| Grade 9--John Froats, John Janet -M. Graham, Sandra M.|sturrock, Timothy. Taylor. Griffin, Merridy A: Hately, Grade 10--Barry Krawchuk, no a yen 'adams: :, Grade 11--Charles Friedrich, Richard P. Bates, James A.| Stade 12~--Daniel Lemon. Budai, Terry A. Devitt, Gerald) ERS RO J. Hardy, Wayne D. Hazelton, yg ek B. mehr we ee edt tenes to Reminbes A, Jackson, Donald G. Jamie- gon, Wolfgang P. Kerekes, Gail When Buying or Silling L. Kirkpatrick, Wesley G. Lane, Daniel C. Lemon, Den- REAL ESTATE nis J. Lemon, Paul A, Lucas, Gail C, Masters. Reg. Aker -- President Paul A, Parker, Glenn M./|] Bill MeFeeters -- Vice Pres. Rabb, W. E. Neil Richards Rose Marie 'Roach, Ronald G. SCHOFIELD-AKER Simpson, Jennie M. _ Stout, Laura Talsma, Donald D. Tay- for, Kathleen E. Twist, Brenda LTD. "Robin W. Virtue, Janice L. 723-2265 VOTE & ELECT WALTER M. HOLLIDAY ) DEPUTY REEVE Eost Whitby Peta : Ford Galaxie $00 Township 1967 - 68 #522! Say "Quiet Ford'and the next word has to be"Quality.' o Couneil Work. 1 heave time ond experience te consider eli matters coming be- fore council and will work end ff asap niin -- Hietie ae ' This year's Fords are quieter because vote for the best interests of the Township es @ whole. ' they're stronger, stronger because For Transportation call 655-4666 | his \ they're better built. And again... the. Quiet Ones come from Ford, The'67 Fords VOTING DAY -- MON., DEC. 5, 1966 | sca 6 : are even quieter than the '66's--and'66's proved quieter than one 10 A.M. te 7 P.M. | ome, eae of the world's most expensive cars, This is the result of quality, : : And it's this quality that makes a Ford-built sedan better value ee | \ than other cars, So when you buy one, you know you're getting a car that's worth more, One that's built stronger and lasts longer. PUBLIC EDUCATION , ie, . iia S 7 Ford sedans are the Quiet Ones, with the famous quiet ride, The . iceland quietness is the first thing you notice when you drive one and it's V OTE : wonderful! These sedans have the solid worth that makes all the other features meaningful: the stylish appearance, the luxury touches, the roomy comfort--and one big Ford advantage you'll notice right in the showroom: the trunk has one of the lowest DOUG Bs te \ pattie or ociget 14a BEES champions. They're big, they're roomy, And they're performance packed! You'll find Ww i LSON ae . ele them easy to handle and a joy to park, a ' Falcon sedans are the limousines of the compacts. bps Np dd - wy --~---- ~ buy, economical to operate. And you'll be am at MORE FOR YOUR | Ny cn | = performance, Falcon has two V-8 options this year, TAX DOLLAR Svanbnsesen Take any one of these Ford-built sedans for a test drive. See what Standard school | ! \ y a difference Ford's extra quality makes. plans. - More public use of buildings. Multi-storey ee nv Youre ahead in a DOUG WILSON on learning. | FORD OF CANADA @ 5-year/50,000-mile warranty UNRESERVED BANKRUPTCY MORE COMPREHENSIVE on the power train, steering, suspension and wheels. AUCTION ) THREE POINT © 2-year/24,000-mile warranty or | . WORLD PLYWOOD end VENEER LTD. NEW CAR on the entire car. ST, CASIMIR, P.Q. Utes, nstacins recived trom, R. V. Beret, Jit trie ond ote WARRANTY © Only one dealer certification per year. lerkson & Co. end A, P. Lewrence, joint trustee, scam: rcaisad> es | See your dealer for details, PLYWOOD & VENEER MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT 4 VENEER LATHES: Coe 50" x 122" Mod. Coe 50" x 66" Mod. 242 =--(1) 77"---(1) 66". 2 DRYING OVENS: Coe 4 run 14' wide x 50' long w/Super Heater. Siemetkramp 4 run 12' wide. el 2 HOT Mgr Berthelson 10 opening Ne, 3612. Siempetkemp 5 pening. 200 P.S.1 Emi SPLICERS: 6 Mod, 890 1 Mod 800 Ruckle Guillotine Clipper e 96" cap. 7 Power Clippers 60" & 96" Air & Electric Diehi Jointer Med. 690 Reimenn Potcher 60" Throet Block oo Glue Spreoders 48" & 60". Giue Mixers Ruckle Double End Cut Off Sew 8" Cop. & 2 Groovers. B SANDERS: Solem 4 Drum Top. Columbie Triple Drum Bottom, Pree- je Drum Top. Ete. Sissors Lift Tebles, Redial, Table Sewe--2 Weed Hoss. ¥O FORK LIFT TRUCKS 2), & 3 TON. COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP. 3 COMPRESSORS, 2 1966 PONTIAC CARS, CASE F.E. LOADER, . ' $120,000.00 VENEER INVENTORY | ord SelectShift. It's automatic or man- Reversible Keys. They '© Stereo-Tape System. Your own Convenience Control Panel, Red = Dise Brakes. Front power dise ual! Put it in drive and use it as an = come with all Ford cars, choice of uninterrupted music for up to lights warn you if: seat belts are un- brakes help you stop more surely | eutomatic or shift it through the gears. They. fit-either way up 70 minutes. Buy pre-recorded tapes fastened, fuel is low, parking brake is on, from high speeds or when travelling 42,000 PLYWOOD INVENTORY | like a sporty 8-speed manual, to save you time. at better record stores everywhere, orif.a door is not properly shut. with heavy loads, Bart: 11 AM, eon ST. CASIMIR, P.Q. | PREVIEW Wa, Dee. 7 |i, git, Wishway" "R Between] Mon. & Tues, | EVERY 1967 FORD CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE. Write -- Phone or Wire for FREE 24 Page Bilingue! Pictorial Brochure, | | PHONES: Toronto 363-8779 Montreal 636-1511 St, Cesimir 67 520 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. 723-5241 MAYNARDS @onded AUCTIONEERS | | MACDONALD FORD SALES and 219 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-2534 1233. West sg Street 4 King St, West Venecouver, B.C. - Torente, Ont. --~ 363-8779 Mein Ofties Torento/ Veneouver