36. 1 OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 30, 1966 Commencement Exercises ew 18 Ra ALL Wt LTS lL PICA FAL wuswusiwis satya DUNBARTON (Staff) -- The fourth annual commencement exercises were held at the Dun- barton High School Friday night, 'The yearly event was well at: tended and following the invo- cation by Rev, B. P. Smyth " cipal's wi e by A, W. Peg * igh choo Board Chairman G, H, Bray remark: ed briefly on the school's his- There was no special guest for the evening, The presentation of awards was in- troduced by school superinten- dent J, C. Richardson. Valerie Baker, now attending York University, made her val- édictory address in a most capable way, A reception was held after the presentations in the gaily decorated school cafe- teria. 'SCHOLARSHIPS -- AWARDS Grade 9, 5 yr, Program --- Peter Koebisch; Grade 9, 4 yr. Business and Commerce --~ Marie Palumbo; Grade 9, 4 yr. Science Technology and Trades -- Gustave Hansen; Grade 10, § yr. Programme -- Lynn Ker- foot; Grade 10, 4 yr. Business and Commerce -- Janice Hill; Grade 10, 4 yr. Science' Tech- nology and Trades -- Barry Brett; Grade 11, 5 yr. Pro gramme -- Claire Adamson. Grade 11, 4 yr. Business and Commerce -- Dorothy Hollin- ger; Grade Ul, 4 yr. Science Technology and Trades--Doug- las Crawlord; Grade 12, 5 yr mme -- Lynda McGee; Grade 12, 4 yr. Business and Commerce Linda James; Grade 12, 4 yr. Science tech- nology and Trades -- David O'Blenes; Grade 13, § yr. Pro- gram -- Valerie Baker; Occu- pation Course, 2nd year--Giles Trudeau. PROFICIENCY AWARDS Grade 9, 5 yr. Arts and Sci- ence -- Peter Koebisch; Grade 5 yr. Business and Commerce David Pavey; Grade 9, 5 yr. Science Technology and Trades i John Taylor; Grade 9, 4 yr. Business and Commerce --- Marie Palumbo; Grade 9, 4 yr. Science Technology and Trades -- Gustave Hansen; Grade 10, 5 yr, Arts and Science -- Lynn Kerfoot; Grade 10, 5 yr. Busi- ress and Commerce -- Chris- tina Pudlipski; Grade 10, 5 yr. Science Technology and Trades -- Stanley Bialeck!; Grade 10, 4 yr. Business and Commerce -- Janice Hill; Grade 10, 4 yr. Scl- ence Technology and Trades -- Barry Brett; Grade li, 5 yr. Arts and Science Claire Adamson. Grade 11, § yr. Business and Commerce -- Rebecca Park; Grade ll, § yr. Science Tech- nology and Trades -- Daniel : Grade 11, 4 yr. Business and Commerce -- Dorothy Hol- linger; Grade 11, 4 yr, Science Technology and Trades--Doug- las Crawiord; Grade 12, 5 yr. Arts and Science -- Lynda Mc- Kee; Grade 12, § yr. Science GRADE 13 AWARDS Home and School Association Award went to Mary Lou An- derson and Susan Ward; Local 222 UAW award to Thomas En- gland; boys' leadership award to Peter Kendell and girls' leadership to Gayle Rutledge; Principal's award went to Peter Kendell while the general pro- ficiency award and an Ontario Scholarship went to Valerie Baker, Proficiency in English to Geraldine Collett; Proficiency in Science to Stephen MacDon- ald; Proficiency in History to Valerie Baker; Proficiency in Latin and French to Linda Gor- don; Proficiency in' Mathe- matics to Stephen MacDonald; the Dorothy J, Stetler award for nursing to Frances Carter and the Ajax Hospital Auxiliary award for nursing to Florence Mitchell, FIVE-YEAR GRADUATION Anderson, Stewart; Ansley, Donald; Archer, Dawn; Astley, Richard; Austin, - Victor; Bal- lans, Elizabeth; Beeching, | Sharon; Beegan, Colleen; Betts,| Richard; Bilton, Patricia;| Brett, William; Brewer, Paul; Brownridge, Brenda; Carr, Gail; Clarke, Linda; Coates, Sandra; Craig, Bruce. Crandell, James; Curtis, Der- rick; Desjardins, Linda; Diep- enhorst, Guusje; Dodd, Bob; Dyke, Brian; Egerton-Jones, Neil; - Eriksson, John; Far: uhar, Larry; Fitzpatrick, Deir- re; Fuhre, Hans; George, Marilyn; Gomille, Edie; Groff, Edward; Groves, Hachey, Mary David, Hansen, Stanley; Hansen, Ju- dith; Hart, Glenn; Hesp, Eliza- Lou; Hann, Rex; Alexander; |* Rough, Aléxander; Ryan, Terry. Schnabel, Sonja; Simmons, David; Sivertson, Gertrud; Sny- der, Sandra; Stewart, Jeremi; Stone, Kenneth; Urqhart, Diana; Ushtchenko, Linda; Vis- ser, ichael; Walker, Eliza- beth; Wank, Wendy; Watkins, John; Welsh, Deirdre; Woitzik, Reinhard; Worwood, Bertus; Wright, Lynda, ' BUSINESS -- COMMERCE Berry, Sanadra; Cooney Janet; Copithorn, Sharon; Hall, Susan; Hunter, Diane; James, Linda; McKeown, Dale; Miller, Bonnie; O'Connor, Linda; Pen- ney, Lorraine, Petrovs, Valentina; sen, Dale; Schleich, Helen; Vanderlip, Robert; Wagar, Karen; Yetman, Margaret, TECHNOLOGY -- TRADES Andruss, Alex; Bromfield, Clegg, Robert; Draper, Paul; Haley, Paul; Holman, Thomas; Hotner, Fred; Jones, William; Kaaz, Rudolf; Liddell, Rasmus- Telephone Executive Calls For Communications Plan This CAN'T INCLUDE ALL ARNOLD, England (CP) -- Nottinghamshire town's council had no alternative -- Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and Bobby Chariton. had to be geup + winning soccer team, Streets on a new housing de: velopment 'were being named for each of the.11 team mem- bers, but the post office pointed out there already are roads with names similar {to those three and mail might go astray. h DOG CARRIES MATL ALCONBURY, England (CP) Inventiveness overcame the Huntingdonshire, The answer ; a dog named Bumble, The three Britons on the base found phone problem of communication/lines were often busy so they dog to carry messages among the RAF liaison officers) use the on a U.S, Air Force base in'among themselves, MONTREAL, (cP) --A., G. dropped from England's World Vactaen avanitiva olsanene ew for planning and research of the| Rell Telephone Co, of Canada Tuesday called for = "zie, fully-integrated countrywide tel- ecommunications system to be set up and operated by the tele- phone industry, Mr. Lester, who is also chief technical co-ordinator for the Telephone Association of Can- ada, made his recommendation in a apeech to the Rotary Club of Montreal, 'We think satellites, in so far as communication is concerned, are naturally a part of a com- plete communication system and should be supplied by the telephone system in this coun-joperative by the end of 1970, try," Mr. Lester said in' an in-!would be about $75,000,000, [tervlew following his sp Dawav Mavanentlan af Manda Ltd., a Montreat investment and| halding camnane siest put ce - for the creation of a new satellite-operated television net- work, On Oct, 27, that corporation, in conjunction with Niagara Tel- evision Ltd., placed before the Board of Broadcast Governors a proposal for the establishment of a national television network that would operate stations across Canada by means of two satellites, The satellites, the proposal said, would be operated by Ca: nadian Satellite Corp,, and the cost of the new network, to be Beethoven to The Beatles ! Give Groovy Gifts that Make Yule Hits With The Young Records ore the gifte they will really love you for +» » fecords to add to thelr collection, You'll find all thelr favorite hits by oll thelr favorite artiste of erty 5. Be sure end see Marty's for the Biggest Selection, ' Tee-Pee Drive-in MISS HONEY ano MISS GALORE . HAVE JAMES BOND BACK FOR MORE! Now Showing All Color Show Robert; Meinnis, James; Mor} ris, Wayne, Muldowney, Malcolm; Munn, Brian; O'Blenes, David; Rattle, Tan} Woods, David, Glyn; Weldon, Donald; Wilson, | MARTY'S He Sees RECORD CENTRE ad 3514 Simcoe North 723-0731 IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728.0192 EPI'S beth; Herdman, Sharon; Hil-/ born, Craig; Hill, Daniel; Hox- mark, Brenda; --Hughes,| Michael; Joliffe, Jennifer; Ken-| dell, Peter; Kerr, Richard; Kirk, Gordon; Lansdale, Chris-/ topher; Laureyssens, Hubert; | LeBlanc, Larry. { Lesiuk, Victor; MacKeracher, | James; McCance, Ward; Mc: Clelland, Gary; McEachen, | Dean; McGee,- Lynda; Me- Intyre, Dale; Milne, Margaret; Newmarch,: Michael; Oerle- manns, Corrye; Pentland, Cath- erine; Phillips, Richard; Quick, Judy; Robertsson, Lotta; SKATING TONITE 8:00 P.M. Admission 75¢ ' Technology and Trades--Peter Kendell; Grade 12, 4 yr. Busi- ness and Commerce -- Linda] James; Grade 12, 4 yr. Science| : Technology and Trades---David) O'Blenes; Grade 13, 5 yr. Pro-| -- Valerie Baker; Oc-| @ ADDED HIT @ "MARINE BATTLEGROUND" with Jock Mahoney cupations Course, Ind year --| Giles Trudeau. ' The Technical Director's! award for the highest standing in Grade 11 of the four - year acience-technology and trades course was awarded to D.) Crawford. \ GRADE 123 AWARDS ; Proficiency in English, Lynda McGee; Proficiency in Science, | Guusje Diepenhorst; Proficien- MEET THE GIRLS 'WITH THE THERMO- DAGOLDEOOTs: IH (iRLBOMBS TECHNICOLWR "Gome Where The Action Is" THE RENDEZVOUS CLUB == Presents ---- DANCE cy in History, Marilyn George; | Proficiency Colleen Beegan. | Proficiency in French, Lynda McGee; Proficiency in Geog-| raphy, Marilyn George; Pro-| ficiency in Latin, Lynda Mc-/ Gee; Home Economics Award, Joanne Armstrong. CASPAR WINS MOST j PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (AP)--Billy Casper is far ahead of the pack in winnings | on the U.S, Professional Golfers | Association circuit this year} with a bankroll of $145,723 through the Cajun classic which ended Sunday. The PGA re- ported Monday that Casper has won $121,945 in official PGA events and $23,778 in others in 25 tournaments. Arnold Palmer, with $110,468 in official and $19,- 224 in other winnings was second at $129,692, followed by Jack Nicklaus with $111,419 and $4,216, respectively, for a total | of $115,635 | STARTS TOMORROW THE © WRONG BOX EASTMAN COLOR Adult Entertainment PLUS LEE MARVIN LLoU" aot Ae DAN yUGREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" 'Men. te Fri Show Storts 7:20 Set. and Sun, Show Starts 1:30 PREE IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE A BAY RIDGES few ae TT ' 668.2692 282.3969 in Mathematics, | | PARTY Featuring -- The Widely Acclaimed "JAGS" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd e DANCING -- 9 P.M. TILL 2 A.M, ADMISSION -- Gents 2.00 - Ladies 1.75 Age Limit 2) yeors and over Free Membership BAR FACILITIES AND REFRESHMENTS at the - a -- | U.A.W. HALL Bond Street East, Oshewe GUEST BAND: Clyde Don Quartet Tickets et the Door Bor Facilities FRI. DEG, 2 - ! DANCE PARTY at the Carousol Inn AJAX SOUTH OF 401 (FOR YOUNG ADULTS 21 TO 35) Admission $2.00 PER PERSON Membership $1.00 Dress -- Jecket & Tie 9 P.M. to 1 AM. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Fs Super-Thief... Master Lover... He's out to ransack the world! A Film of ANORE HUNEBELLE COLOR by Detuxe CinemaScope® Released thu UNITED ARTISTS a ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAST DAY -- "MORGAN" -- (Adult) THE NEW ODEON THE ia KING STREET EAST ATRE PHONE 725-5633 -- | GLECOFF'S are Stocking up the | Supermarket Bargains Again! Sultenne RAISINS 2-L8. REG, 6% ¢ PKG, SPEC, 59 Wonder MARGARINE 4 ws. 99° Queker Gots Ready to serve suger end epic "OATMEAL 'we. Brox 1,00 SPEC, Lyons 100, 2 cup TEA BAGS 75° Christmas Candy ALL SORTS 29° vo 39° THE PRICE TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 64.02, PLASTIC 2 89° BOTTLES SUPREME HOMOGONIZED PEANUT BUTTER wus 1,00 TUMBLERS OCEAN SPRAY JELLIED or WHOLE : : CRANBERRY SAUCE oy / (sie foo TINS Sunny Brot FROZEN Orange Drink 6 6-02, 89° TINS KENT BRAND Orange Juice 6-02. 89° TINS GLECOFF® "= 174 RITSON RD. S. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT SAVINGS GLECOFF'S OFFER! NO GIMMICKS, JUST PLAIN GOOD FOO. PRICES. LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY sere 85« KOTEX REG. Ste SPECIAL CANADA FINEST EASTERN - Potatoes Winter keepers No, 1 grade | 50 Ib. beg Florida Fresh CORN ON THE COB 6 cn 39° Florida Tangele ORANGES 2 voz. 59° 45« VICKS Cough Syrup weet 59 BROMO- SELTZER Shop by Phone 725-3445 | picture with the | i } FEAR FLASHER and the HORROR HORN, PATRI WYMKRE SUD) PARNER: ) Bette Devis m Joan Crawford CSAC RO ELAR Pa AD OR ae A FAMOUS PLAYERS THE How Harry Hinkle became a fortune ATRt cookie OR: some people will do anything for $249,000.92 Re apnea git ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © Ris wife to come nBILLY WILDER'S THE FORTUNE WalTeR MarTHau At 1:50--4:20 Boor: Boom Jackson, eigt ADULT "Fake! Fake!" ried Private Detective ? 6:50---9:20 Two HORROR-FILLED HITS! | a ae