Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1966, p. 34

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34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 30, 1966 Christmas Beginning To Haunt You?... Gain Extra Cash With A Wan Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. rare "ey SEN ih SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R LSCOTT i tetas a ote BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ok o-- ew 725-0508. Residential No weekly, Adders, cashiers, solid rou : : od, rent Fane, servic, Wades. Bi] REP RENTaArives Commercial Tass. WW x iat oe navn frome Wy nat Bare 7 TSI81 1 f R : Industrial relia oF 'Ae Tar seatcanea Totshon' akan"| SHOWCASE cOmMITC Repairs -- Alterations ' pe rfect Additions -- Remodelling . 728-46, \ ameran * Cenarion tv a! soe ia ye ee RECEPTIONIST nite ~ CONSOLIDATE reception f lest, lust Real Estate office, Must be _ good typist ond have on extra JAMES AL EN & SONS Pay Mtly pa: Geaaine ae yo a sree fA, ad _ Secale : ve ; Soy Siag0 setenenene ia 3 '! KODAK COMPAKY pr 725-1109. heb beab's es -_. SUFFER HOME. RECOVERS 156,250 Ge pe a an ne HAWA Hi 10 ACCIDENTS EACH 'ven |cliner chair, $58. Largest selection In caso be channels | "| RAR | Sete leeaurearine tener arlene Rite meee | ° Mi caLemns @ nee Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- ; Ans masini esta Fe ced ed fi A IB a ge lf Anyone tniaresied apply Box' room ---- rec. rooms --= and nts: 5 age per tt with MA tax ony % tur Gens! ? ene Troan. 1671. rs 'ta ats "Sincon siren oi So taet spare tine Te inte cash. WRAPPE all Generel Repairs. ia TES: LOM pet anion) Fa ¥ un bo BEATELN ton ALEVE MnLLION, rt Reka ae puna |e as te aa Tome H. McKOY Prop depending on amount borrow- dg MIS TRIBE. CAPRICAD Heroin pl page el ashley Pog 2 anlar 725-8576 ed, Interest calculated on the ontend chine, $90.1 cash register, $40. 7a24ese. |WATTRASS required. Must be Sper reducing balance, 8 gy sl A ply Lathons Taree § tiset Maak ped in good condition, Box 57293, Osh EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, night work, a Times, $50 weekly. Apply | HOME REPAIR C.A.C. REALTY get CUSTOM FRAMES "A.C, SSRI AUTOMATIC gox--wea--Fou|Remoon Recteurents" 16S Brock Sirest gun. New. 'ele- Nort Whi itby, Y CLARK STUDIO SERVICE 728-169 cor cable 5--Trailers 8--Articles for Sale na et re i po A Must have CHESTERFIELD -- te com * TRAILER CLEARANCE |ired™ stu estima atmo, cum outa ean faunas "gang tit" eo Moy 1 pm 325 BROCK ST. NORTH | our speciality. month SHON 668-497 668-8901 MORTGAGE FRICERATORS' muthonzed [BATA (Pci, "Sei it ysis" * leat tome aa Wa Socata Barristers EXPERT PAVING. Free eatimates, in Service on traller heating and' 1 Ces tere nas vee Cnr, "| BARORTN SALE I anace havlee, premsine WOMA\ 725-6344, i iN ete ma 30%-| foo. "1 Youre fa business. Tere pe errano Baving,| LOANS call mien: Odean emia ateece is he ieee, stig ee chisren fr saatene ie I i We egg a7 Resides Toa 723-9841. Moneys avalloble for first 723-5278 MILLER HEATING purehene frome "Wontern" OW 'compere | PF Wipiet| EXPERIENCED GIRL for lunch court MeL Al 8.Samin, UL pa Sh | end second mortgages. Open 9 bs , 942240 (725-1212, recorder,portable nd @arly shift. Apply ter and falctor. 'nave King 'St. Hy SIC Rene ee tnartgones, No bonus First Tudor St. ee REDUCING machine, | Relee-A-Cinor, f- record p myer, Fe rang 'rain and pins. $45 'Ritson Rel South. : mortgages, sec mortgages eles, e rew. | tric apts, elecrets Grit. 729 907K Original desi i Erebus fe Octet em rt ar) Serena or ler AMSALE-- RENT |e pb Sea re EM ely Wonted | Cites arc na sed. 8. rn Holl ki Berrie |gament work, ae wok, dewalt ge M. F. SWARTZ Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. pe fin war AR ee eee even: S nial ware ond age Notary Fuustic, The) Prem Mccann, RR 3, Cehewe. 665-361, » F : V TOWERS BUDDY TRAILERS |x Arey se Nee new, calt eve-| 9-----Market Basket TOOL and DIE brick home, 5 years old, is in h bullng, ae ie weet YOUR LocaL aes cleaner, Chi 444 | King St. & POTATOES, C 1 Client avail ing ast mings. POTAT vous, Ontario No. 1, seventy- excellent condition, recent! fs, Seperie, clon parking | tas tapered ges, nin ia instead, Oshawa, Ontario PORT HOPE aTeRES aus erie er as roti na bent Sted" eee ~aaeae tal eae - " " Lot at 401 and 28 with extra speaker, paki T9996 oF 7 Att T¥Pas bul Bin R vs BUILT IN OSHAWA evi nh athe J mortgage Is really on opportun- Te ay Bag era, 723-4697 AT OUR OWN PLANT [FOR GALE OR RENT. Glendale "hoveelfor Erie. Perma.) Tash sno CRAG: chviaires, Trees, "Waste. MAKERS ity for only $18,900. Call us 'Street for more in ton. aces masonry." Gerd Maye Whiley, Ist and 2nd Mortgages wa as aos Seer aS Digi eect, Mee pceens." |FORMICA corner donk unit wilh drawers, prices. Fowler Rorestry, 306 King @ give you a better Y , GE Moor pollaher. Call at S66 Ridgeway WHY PAY RENT ? j PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? A and/ ROOFING, hot ter at fess ne nd tower for less Money 6--Marine Equipment Ave POR ear = Small garden. One scre,| Our Company, the leading IV. when you may be the owner ated fa oP rm Rae: and snall Why not consolidate ali your Ue - attag oe swivel ture Barristers, Salle) ® b= ; ni Serreat =! ona " manufacturer of porate fire- of a f we, 14 King 'street East Die Tuna Tarawa fers is go earparh, OSH AW A 1 V <STARERAFT", new Traveler "toae| SI. Sale ricah,Eany 'Terma, Boron repen ang currents) 'slanting. space for -- pis: | Seen ren bungalow situate aon kitchen cabinets. Quality work. weekends. Marine ie Sorage and Ssuppiy| FURNITURE -- three rooms of new tur- FOTATONE for dele, Free delivery. Tele-| ments for qualified a TOOL & fares to south Gerlatal Mote, through 4. M, Pg Vv. Kev ac. 'a 1 SLAWTIS" PAVING on tails coll Ltd., Brooklin, niture, Pay only $15. monthly. Unbeat- fp hems to ULs, Sear aueies baad i and oy Get Boug TERWILS teen, Maon- SUPPLY LTD: HUSKIG AND POLARIS &n nes, adle svawel Barons' Home Furnishings, CHRISTMAS TREES -- 'acres poe ae or dale tad he INCOME oe tah All work guar 9 yours: Tistamie TAUNTON RD. E. rentals and sales. Wilde Rental Service, SIU icine ua uiade RPSET ion Scotch pine, Phone. Hampton 668477, rains ond repair of Jigs, fix. | V: We have @ splendid brick CLASSIFIED RATES 'BRANCH REALTY Gust - East of Ritson) bntatea 'Phe tian $20. Girl's winter, cost, 'Nght| SPECIALS on Grade A large eo0%, Fr-| tures and dies. on @-dulet aireet with @ Carpentry beige, 14-16, $57 Man's winter coat, bluei(ay and Saturday, 40c. per dozen. Free good Income ADs INVESTMENTS LIMITED 723-8131 - 723-8132 |?--Swap_ and Barter ray ae fo lots: Telentone after c [delivery. Telephone Hampton 263-2236 ig ay | -- ,! Insertion of 24 words, $1.00) /REMODELLING, trim work, wort, quoboerds,| | 51 King Street East, Oshawa. | _ 729° . P Pe ag gag 78 : collect. Apolt PENTEL GE Ae ope ve ee di into 3 words, $2.60)| recent, roomie. and sr ree esth! Bus. 723-1157. Res. 725-6210 basins, $10.; stainless steel sinks, $11.50. | RU " se 7x 12, one 10 x 15. New a0 |10--~Farmers' Column dentured apprenticeship or veh may be A pe oe a He a oe TELEVISION -- RADIO: |tubs: "tollets, laund tube, | 15-plece silver punch bowl. New S-plece| ~~ fm 85.04; |BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Ree. rooms, re- . oe Mae cod nN . proven record of at least 10 rey 000 % doen, modelling, buliding, ete. Quallty werk, FIRST and SECOND 24 HOUR SERVICE bas " hanks, H. Chinn 968" 288 Hillside. miain sate pot ae hee me omog years in the trade and must NORT honest tradesman, 576-0296 Tyrone sTalephone € Mallee! Hampton 26%) be -- of doing tool de- H WEST 272, . If you prefer the north west --All Classes---- Lu --City, Rural, Vacation | 1.V. RENTALS |8--Articles for Sole Ser? Gurinieee pees Cendhice eas' S° WaneaD Te BUY----arew-Tateanens| a" work wee of Remit oe eee SUMMERLAND ply ag 98 bunaaion CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental 50 Bond Street Wee re Se oe | for @ good 5 room Surgeon, 172 King Street Mast, Oshawe. SECURITIES LIMITED HOLMES ANTIQUE FURNITURE, French provin-|BARN FOR RENT, Close fo Oshawa. Two| Excellent starting woge and | with Piro lied basement. gi For appointment, 728-5171, Member Ontario Mortgoge cial love seat rocker and side chair, good|horses for sale and two saddles and one give "4 fringe benefit program. us a call to-day for an appoint. Brok. condition. Telephone 728-8837 after é p.m. pony saddle. Telephone 112 Simcoe St. Ne 725-3568 ELECTRONICS ment. Must be seen to be ap- nda tonaition, aie ving. Overall 'dimen-| ments exellent for_amell frm er°mer| Apply ler writing. Preciated. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, aleo|MIRST AND SECOND mortgagee, sole HON sions 31¥6 wide, 6lvs h high, 27 deep. Freex-|ket gardener. 728-5221. 2 bbe ' and. sold. Hennick 4 ° WHY PAY M , QUANTITY GF akeO ART ROW Went ores. Yang OS™ aad cl, Sener 81 Kg See 668-5679 FOR FASTER SERVICE | tis anny sist" OT" (QUANTITY GF BALED aT YW] LYE NIELSON peg yan me re Large rey room West area. DRESSMAKING, -- ulte, COM RRs | mn WINCHESTER, 5 ction -- shotgun, ' Sethian tat anew tate ane ae] T.V. Rentals . oat Tenb, stom fa te Sd] 11--Pate end Livestock | WINCHESTER (CANADA)| promi' siti" ith Moe condition.' . $80. Telephone month, plus owners accommo= == Expertly fitted sulls,| sess AVAILABLE to lend onv or pur. New Set: WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |HEINTZMAN-WEBER plano, mahogany p dresses, Bowutiuly tallores 'ap: | 8100 8 Le gy CT ALC AN Chev., Dodge, Fotd, Ply. |sabinet. Very reasonable "Telephone 92] HILLTOP RANCH ' ph dations. Located close to downe to down. = pes. Mra seam. peril Write Box 59336, Oshawa mouth, Pontiac, We correct 19S MODEL Admiral stereo in pertect| Horses boarded, bought end condition with detached gora Gardening and Supplies FURNITURE AND wheel alignment, inspect and conaition, medium Brown "fnsh Petes! sold, , and well landscaped gi . | cOrrect castor and camber, Inay i pes tie, ll a et he i align toe-in and toe-out to |S8T OF Canadiana Encyclopedia, In god] HANCOCK ROAD NORTH Are You Interested -- in your future by calling 'Winter Ideas 1, rhythm and oe oe 723 0011 . correct condition . . . $6.88 condition, only two years old, hardly just east of Courtice I R ding Co | gen ewe now for an imme- |e kinss Soteatr Peat - © Ports, extra if required lire. WicTON Wlevuls __ 728-7768 or 728-5738 a 1 YEAR OLD SALES St. 728-3092. R.C.A, VICTOR television, recently ever- a ree We pan insertion. WILD BIRD MIXTURE seach nas CITY: TV televisions, radios, bd hac bar adjustment {nsvied. Telephone 728-0568, BEAUTIFUL GARY. SUDBING, READY HERE Is WHAT VIII, Close to shopping and Sep- : BIANO, upright. 15 cu. Fi. treezer. Eriol 1Or tren te gee, oe arate School. This well-kept 3 tometrist Servi DEADLINES SUNFLOWER SEED Op et service and repairs. Service e daire, frig, stove, washing machi i ere | B®. RICHARD BLACK, OD, im SI dept. open 7 days a week. ining sulfe, two cont Mc ; German Z I| d bedroom rear-split bungalow hes Win. DAY Pravious WILD BIRD GRAINS [sirest North, suite 4, Oshews, Telephone] Algo T-V. towers, color and BRAKE SPECIAL good" condition, resnonsble. Telep eras, pups, Show marein toa" arte eer s Limite © syed Bae eat Ge ano pouNn BIRD FEEDING black and white T.V. Anten- Most popular cars. First (#544 after <'pm. "| __thorse.' Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, OFFERS YOU IN You may use the full igor Bn DRY" OF PUBLICATION STATIONS Plumbing and Heating nas, rotors installed. Sales Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, -- /RRNMORE dryer in excellent condition. SERNA -SNRPHIG Rie Coca en ree te RPHERDE, car te -- fully landscaped: yard IRTHS AND DEATHS ALU PLUMBING AND WEATING wp-| Md Service 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. srove shing machine, Like new. purebred. It = going' te own a| RETAIL MANAGEMENT | well located home jee cost 'ot PE DAY oF PUBLICATION WATER SOFT SALT les. Telephone: 725-2521, Harold 4. Stark; 248 Quebec St. Call 735- j STOVE wang mt, Cie fog, buy the best, "Excelent character: : Wilson Road, close to King PURITY DOG MEAL Jd. Plumbing, Heating and Engineering.) 0500. All work guaranteed. e WESTINGHOUSE rerioeator, chine eb ie ce SOA nee Lan nneaid * Good starting salary '| Street, ARDS OF THANKS, 889 Lirnose eet foun, WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |inet, kitchen table, extension ladder, | CHINUAHUA, fon and Snre catia, iwe Excellent training program NEW HOME PURINA DOG FEEDS ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- Rust roll-away bed, sewing machine portable. istered, lovable. Rapid advancement for jm. DAY PREVIOUS ing, new and oved material, Rensanebie T.V. TOWERS Including weights per wheel |fojcaway bed, sev P Ehalt-years old, op) roncemen IX. N.H.A. mortgage 634%. MASTER DOG FEEDS -- [rate Proof 95 female, 7m-| those with industry and | Located west of ing Cone IFIED Pury, atimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. $1 TWO single beds. $10 each. One set bunk | 2065. Pata d pane eey provieuts 8 cob COLORED TV HOCK FF 28 bests ability : tre. 1,100 squa Legon = 4 9mm, Ou prevent: 0 cab PET SUPPLIES Rug - Upholstery Service or blaakond Walle "SraHocis. MUphLEns Shea apertment-site frig. ooe-| DRITTANY, Shania Liberal benefits dod ae extras included bal. BRITANNIA MALT 492. Company policy of pro- bock ga a ome RECTION PROFESSIONAL 723-0085 or 6685830 COMPARASEE PRICES [VOTE fe, Fred POP TAI a tials na aia De: ion from within futchien, double eek. Glad sinsa sized ¥ or a for PROGRESS. Protect your Invest he purebred Foot. AW Opprotunity for high-level living room and 3 bedrooms. "yt FLOUR am. DAY MOF PUBLICATION RUG CLEANING seven ttton Bat site acess ears" task| CANARY SEED RAE'S RADIO and T.V. UNIROYAL __|it 2etewe. Elect Popher to Puc. {sem will be che day's Ss 2 Day Service an HONEST c T CAL'S factory ricees nev new 0 rok] THOROUSHRED. Woimarear OW pseu elas m 73 x nee Age BUDGIE SEED Free Pick-Up ond Delivery COLOR T.V. CENTRES i.e we. Span nly two. hours reveal 4] tee highway only 7 minutes from 4 NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 FLOWER POTS A 205 Rouse TRAINED, smooth-haired, chil- " every endeavor by | be made to rr us-Gra' don 14 Strong s. ig y' OR BLACK AND WHITE Ginttoy: Telephone CSO oF TSN ren weer companions. | Labrador, | Baxer, r 3 in a ing $4,800 pth to the The New Name of ~ STRAW 728-6254 DOMINION TIRE STORES |] WE BUY used furniture and appliances phone unity for progress "FOR Te ane GROWING advertisers a ASM a ed tase tle aN t . Telephone SRE demooe Cat Sn teeny. Pres, aot ns us a OA. Wa. porerveet 17 Park Rd. $. 60-650. oe isnt! CLIPPING "TER ai ail pol 7, oe. Maal M Be A @ delay in . TV TOWER SPECIAL -- a ff. structure, | Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 685-3681 i pl pe lle regg Hg na A Cooper-Smith Co. ae, Beans Ta cheries T.R.I.O. TELEVISION Phone 725-6511 Ail channel antenna, $80, TRIO Television, FOX TERRIER FOR SALE, Telephone Te Boleoies mh 2. Sm Situated near ot King and Wi 16 CELINA ST. REUPALIVERY --W7ina evo: "a 728-5143 CARRIAGE -- Thistle, bive, like new. i _-- Wanted Jute Matrieviata has a "gh kitchen and vig m ran: 723-2312--723-1139 teed. Free estimates. "Croat terme. Ma SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 WHY p AY PIANO FOR ae ood condition. Tale:| MECCANO, end LHOO, complete vote or s Essentia 2nd Pid Porgy 19 pat A phone . . : wl gwa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725- Fast T.V. Service IN? SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE bybomber 005" UaND FURNITURE Wb vse, FURNITURE. "What have Please _ "to ag To If you Pit in -- of such @ - it | you al o r home oe. 3 established 1909 Pages en DOMINION MORE ? Genicles Nand' Retaitoch chon tuvns| $8400 56313 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sees ae eer Seen. ° Bee ang ay: united Rent-All Marine ELECTRIC TAPE recorder. Telephone : XII. "Modern brick bungalow SMITH'S TREE FARM TELEVISION TRON CORT ee 725-6561 between 85 im. Monday = Fri Oshawa Times The Oshawa Times reserves the right to APPLIA C We deliver to Your Door PERSIAN COAT, biack, long, size ed day. Ask for Carolyn. classify advertising according to ts N E siso 14 x 7.50 snow tires. Telephone 723 1600p USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. - S can Oe tee REPAIRS MA eh dh all Nai kkk * ae. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNell's CARS -- BUSES in cases ot display advertisements} © Manure (cow, sheep or horse) EO'S TV TOWER ond Aerial service HIND VY, units of pg cg Bg tan gta par Pha | abit Maes 9 All te: ities, Florid 73 'BRODUCTIVE ACRES Vas tenes wid tot bebe reeporiie| © Dry fire wood cut to suit Expert repairs, to all makes | /'ee estimates, all work uaranteed, For er 3 : we seo en tors 198 Nelsen st. /13--Articles for Rent px Rise mm cities, Florida XIII. This te @ dandy 99 exe at ' for more space than that which the actual ts and les. jes, p endea pos' poles, of washers, dryers, ranges, | 04a B Street South, Whi ain @ tok yar er ~e*e * APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds i@| Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ea eae lumbus. There is ap- cor- etc. te acres good yo ale Ba eenti Ah etd a wie, Tae S08 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Well t Drilling--Diggirg __ Gressers $10... cribs' $10. stoves, si9.] es, Cutlery, by sah an camin Sey. : loam, all Slim, or Vil cut SIDES of PORK. .49c Ib. [Washers ore Se Wein | Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Toronto 1, Ont: 362-1391 flat land, remainder di them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 WELL DIGGING by machine jal. OR 47 Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. Wear, Men's Fi Is, White 137 Y a'St. tArcods Bldg.) to ate ne wes rops asf or IT'S BASY TO PLACE A a A L¢ AN fut Streak West, Whitty, Genie crak! SIDES of + IVACUUM REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, Mink Stol LE ech ih Ml sere a Atk Racing tardies sinaisthdiin ed apmiaonidi but 'Street West, Winiby, 664-2563 or 64 SIDES of LAMB .49c ib. a ME Te he . Fox Furs, fs Stoles. in a hardwood and cedar bush. Ginens +e et Picker' SARGEANT'S RENTALS SHINGLERS "723-3492 GUARANTEED TRADE-INS "Telephone 723.00'1"° _ |2--Personel ian Mvorking. call 4ss4r97 Brooks] _ 463. Ritson Rd S. 725-3338 Open House J é Removal of superfiuous hair |/PRONTS of VEAL .49¢ Ib, |Piaver not working. Call 4853797 Brook: ENTERTATNING?_Fiy Te one ronsred| Sub controct, new work. le? is Behind ear and loss R A . . ee Marie Murduff will be | Oshawa for ban- ® 211 Switze INDEX TO models $69.80 -- $129.50. 'ent A Piano Oshawa, Dec. Sth. 6th. end nl sae ttagike ith bingy ell tanks olt'ond piper sive [abel parties: weddings, Bar, itchen,| Steedy, highest wages. Tele ii CLASSIFICATIONS ACOUSTICON--BELLINGER SEE 7th, Phone Genosha Hotel All cut and wrapped ene Ta hoasiar berwamen:| Prone Torento 783-1138. Wed., Nov. 30 Hearing Aid Service HEINTZMAN on these dates for appoint. with Budget terms. BRIS AND POL eS. oy Reaanih teem [reaueng, mechings sick rea supe: | "a 23 Athol St, W. Phone 723-5401] 79 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa mmreLECTROLY is a a sty Bs bors ga ome fa, loge |e Reve 1 Beste, Vrie SALESMAN WANTED for, @_eitimate to weekend ) main '| 14---Business Opportunities |iromearenle require cephal. Write 2 to 9 p.m. daily Instruction Telephone 728-2921 723-464) BUY AND SELL -- Good vsed furniture | GENERAL STORE with living quarters, Box, S472 for personal confidential {n- Harris Aluminum Sales. |'or py ee page peer KLEER-PAK Furnitores set" Simeoe South i ony monthly. ang ha ease aon nas "aparloncs. REN "10 CHOOSE MUSIC LESSONS Taunton Road €. 725-1495, FOODS LTT): MATTRESS BARGAINE. All types of mat 330), Must be neat In appearance, Guiter Bass and Drum Les- Hampton LADY REQUIRES ride trom Townline tresses, att ; a Re ae sons gi qualified teach- tiene . Morin to MIN and Simcoe Street, ar. Oshawa 725-8863 Hresses, $29.1 crib mattresses, $9.88) mat-| SELLING OUT, m Comelels Soa [WAITER for beverage room. Steady given by ed P Oshawa 725 6064 |riving betore & am. Telephone 798-1907, tresses for, bunk beds, $148) roll-eway|siore equipment. Apply 18 Mel.sughiin Must "have good character © oe heated, 3 and 4 ers, Siding, windows, . 76 i cots $19.88, Wilson's 'Apply doors, awn- 'oronio, downtown.| (suppliers to home freezers) ~ [ture, 20 Church Street. 5 --Employment Wanted | Kina st. west. bedrooms, attached gorage, Sie conn oe be ings, stonework, railings, 16 Foal ches pe Em. Prove laeprene For SALE -- One Taylor sate. Phone 15--Employment Wanted _ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN required] |family room, rec-room with ina! . years experience. CHAIRS FOR 655-4511 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. if Nock: Wil Goaaa bas 7 with tools and Irnenegiatel KJ help serve our meny ci-| | fireplace, completely land- Wanted 942-5282 -- % Siding Experts. Lowest Prices, 3S interested. truck, ents. atmosphere of the small: Soul Gente | linens tae em pos he Ag LE ai wr wri pertimen' a CHRISTMAS iaath Dotead, Testa Tabane aay wit CARE for Two ehir| Me yo convenient sarki. iii : 2a--Su for all panne a A oy. Fi agian wha re a man Free metas Ca HUNTING LicuNCRs, =, wd ned SWIVEL ROCKERS $24.50 oo Pe et as Tehenane.: ee Gren in her tems. lal ee st For confidential appointment call Mr.| | Directions: West from 880 wd ene Base pcene soe TEN. NEW, USED -- vacoma pollahera Re/crnnat Wand Ned | kates, Beat HOSTESS CHAIRS. ' #9 33: CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS "al" Tremen- Gellent "care given. Tetephone fanasy7." |Mertin, 72-5103, W.0. Martin Reattor.| | Simeoe Street north, Flood- VIOLIN LESSONS. instructor holds oni 4 prices. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St, W. latform dou: Pole lamps $8.95, basket CsHAWAWHITSY. Experienced German 9M lit after. dark. Bachelor Muslé "education degree.| J oem hee wa ik Gil and" wrep deer -ena| RECLINERS chairs 8598 reach "and foot ta seeking. Bermenent pee De a | 1 hae wr Female satin Yi eth mn Bd or Fase WILSON FURNITURE bo ta its from 0 Wilson's sn Best Bn Fo nted WE LIST TO SELL -- : Janitor Service aed Service ina "ToNoe thew and used, 20 CHURCH ST. Healy ig GNOLISH LADY en. tally WE AIM TO PI S YANKS - sold. Hockey : '© PLEASE STORES, seem oF homes cleaned. [or n calls, wot r Ward, 204 Chestnut Street 9 Beat prices. Vauey Creek, RUTH ERFORD'S tree chro ene ener anole ferences Ab Re Toxe Soares or "ete TAXI DRIVERS eee aoe ved _ exclusive Prompt easonable rates. Con- 5 e small size, qua 'elephone Osha time. 'y iF so! Tate Kare Cloning "Serves Gorveyers ie omnes, is ne W%6. --aeaj|TAPY wilde Rousework by The day. He Boag 25 List with confidence' with 720-4538. Smart room, Dining smn. USED HARDWOOD pallets, 10 at abeli| Telephone after 4 0.m., 720-092. adhee Guide Realty Ltd DONEVAN AND BLBISCHMANN, On. Business $499, $599, $699. Easy Jeach, $1.20. Telephone Myers, 725-4774. let peRLY LADY WISHES poallion To MERCURY TAXI Realtors =| VMPLE MONEY TALK: Crassitog Aas print Land Surveyor, Commercial bive Pevele terms. Immediate delivery of [HOLLYWOOD STYLE double bed andjlook after one child In chilg's "home. Sao 0h things yeu: Girt seed ier prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. P lev ing mattress, very: reasonable, Tele-/North end preferred, 728-0427, 16 Simcoe Street South HM. Dial 723-3602 'an. ae-uriter |. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, © Ontario Lend Sing. the Praises aes! S ' phone -_ ANTE: os a-hou 725-4771 723-528) 'tone WH Rigi Sires Best, Phone of Oshawa Times 'Rutherford's USED OIL SPACE healer ti aid sane | rviok, tan eek Par Series tren lois Lava @uUARTERS & Open daily from Aation Ade 156 Simece St. South ton, $30, 723-8353. tien qiease telephone 7234971, * Reed "Rent" ads in Classified now t 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Delivery Service ma

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