exhilarating elegance JADE EAST MANDARIN TRAVEL SET ee en all you need now is a pencil, a moment or two, and some people you love! Fragrance Sophisticats Bath Gala Decanters of Bubble 'The paws hold a Bath, Bath Powder and [tae anarg of lush Cologne perfumed Primitif Perfume Worlds apart from the ordl- nary, the new Jade East Mandarin Travel Set with After Shave and Cologne In unbreak- able 3 oz, containers. AFTER SHAVE LOTION COLOGNE 4 ounce 4 yO, Y : . " Dis é r) @ i) oie ap Sa e o ) 9 gis nC i 0) Cergens It : iper CT [BROKE (C) ph LOTION ove utsch " On A age € thei 0 i olen On ¥ , on Son e On e . ace, . OER é .\ a ee abe Vf ARO . : Pons, OLL-ON DEODC : : i : iH OTIO phon Hdd K s ff @}» te e ' | , 0 ' t D > } dy: : , 8040 oie Urde! _ 9 getue ateje a® UO ti a. my > i 0 € nen ove e re ' , § » ca ao BO ' ® c 3 . * es «. BoboTo me ri ' ' t 0 FINEST QUALITIES - NATIONAL BRANDS - LOWEST PRICES - ALWAYS OCATED ON HIGHWAY . : OSHE 5 AND WV :