By LASZLO BASTYOVANSZKY Canadian Helps Build German Minor Hockey BAD TOELZ, Germany (CP)--Mike Daski's devotion to hockey and travel is paying him dividends in this pictur- esque town, a stone's throw from the foothills of the Ba- varian Alps. In the four years he has spent in this summer resort 30 miles south of Munich, Daski has laid the ground- work for one federal league championship and guided his team to another while build- ing up one of the best minor hockey systems in Europe, And in. the meantime, he has achieved success and such a popularity among the 12,000 inhabitants that people say if he ever decided to run for mayor, he would get elected on the first, ballot, "IT love hockey and travel, and when they: offered me the job I couldn't afford to turn it down," says Daski, the Winnipeg-born coach of E, C. Bad Toelz, 1965 champions of the 10-team, West German federal league. "When we won the title (last February) the people here really went wild," says the 36-year-old bachelor. "It was like winning the Stanley Cup." The town's team had come a long way since its first year in 1927 when the games were played on a frozen pond, a short distance from the centre of the resort community that lives off the tourist season and the iodine spa. BEATS POWERHOUSE Today, with Daski's Cana- dian touch and_ colorful hockey career to back it up, Bad Toelz boasts 120 regis- tered hockey players ranging in age from eight to 29, an arena--complete with artifi- cial ice, a roof and o' that can held $,299 or half of the town's popula- tion. "Everyone in town cele- brated with the team" when Daski's squad came off the ice with an 8-4 victory over Fues- sen, winners of the title 11 out > of the last 13 seasons. Mike's globe-trotting hockey career began in North Winni- peg 24 years ago When he tried his luck at the game on various playgrounds, When he was 16 he made the Winnipeg Black Hawks junior team and three years later he was off to see the world, The iollowing years saw him play hockey in Ke- lowna, B.C., England, Scot- land, Brandon, Man., Milan, Italy, Bad .Toelz, Montana, Switzerland, then back to Win- nipeg where he joined the senior Maroons a year before the Winnipeg team won the Allan Cup in 1964 By this time, the people of Bad Toelz, who take their hockey as seriously as their beer, were pleading with Daski to return, The team he helped organize from 1955 to 1957 won the German cham- pionship in 1962 but was losing games it should have been winning. CONTRACT EXTENDED Clutching a one-year con- tract, Daski arrived here only to see the agreement extended to another five years. "The team was in a real bad shape."' The minor pro- gram he started seven or eight years earlier had long | been abandoned. "The job was a toughie," His players, most of them fresh out of junior ranks from the nearby village of Reichers- 1964, lacked the organ endian vaune. i aid under their 'skates by the time they are 14. So he set out again to build up a minor ms gen that, if con- tinued, 1 provide hockey talent oy ae to come. But the days of Daski and big-time hockey in Bad Toelz are numbered, "In five to 10 years small towns will be unable to sup- port hockey teams in the all- the players will be absorbed by teams of large industrial céntres."" Big 'cities, such °as Dussel- dorf, where 11,000 fans turn out to see a game compared with an average of 2,500 in Bad Toelz, are luring away good players 'with better jobs, SAME AS CANADA "Tt will ha nren «aan enough--just as it happened to several minor leagues in Can- ada that folded up years ago because small towns couldn't compete for players any longer." But until that happens, Daski intends to stay here "and face the never-ending challenges," The 1966-67 season opened earlier in October and already ype ig neg enn ai pe RRL pt te ed ek M' pet ts apres tok to start all over THE CANADIAN PRESS again. with junior players ond 'Montreal Maroons made by the time they learn the their debut in the National -- game, they'll be good enough . Hockey League 42 years | ago tonight--in 1924--losing to. move away." fi to Boston Britins at Bos- The 'club thus faces an un- certain future this season fon. The second Montreal nn Qe A with about 30 hard games ahead, including a contest - with or Austria's . aoa 1965 champions, in the first leg of the home-away Euro- pean Cup competition, 1926 and 1935 and withdrew from the NHL in 1938, Toei sou gsie oe Sey Lap a Even if hockey does fold here eventually, Daski may stay. He is working to estab- lish himself in the export-im- port business, How to relieve PLENTY TO SMOKE Yugoslavia exports about 20,- 000 tons of tobacco a year, amateur federal pein and he has lost five of his top WESTON or SUNBEAM' OLD FASHIONED MONTARIO'S FINEST -- FANCY MciINTOSH 79° ARIZONA ONIONS "" GARDEN FRESH Zn 20° IN CELLO BAGS | MEALTHFUL NUTRITIOUS SQUASH ™ REFRESHING - CALIFORNIA LEMONS IR ON edi te Zroe 19° beuren, the top junior team in SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION Wing No. 420, Oshawa, Ont. ANNOUNCES THEY ARE AGAIN SPONSORING A SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN FOR THE PUR- POSE OF PURCHASING SICKROOM EQUIPMENT This equipment will consist of; Invalid walkers, crutches and miscelloneous small equipment and will be available to any residents of (ONTARIO AND DURHAM COUNTIES FREE OF CHARGE FOR HOME USE), Your MAGAZINE ORDER (new or renewal) will help further this community project afd every resident is urged to co- operate. Residents, when called upon should request to see the repres- This is to eliminate ony misrepresentation by unauthorized entative's letter of introduction signed by wing 420 Officers. * persons. sca DASKI (LEFT) DISCUSSES STRATEGY WITH BAD TOELZ PLAYER OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS iran CAL ANTEC CLUB | ling 214, Harvey Balson 213 and Al Smith bce Triodes 13, Dynos 10, Shocks /210. 239, Maurie Shorten 231, 203, Joan Rut- yw & Transtormers 6, Shorts 4,/ The points were age = down ~ Une. st Jets, Go-Go's Blows Bee Sen mee ok ri iin, Bud tron Gems, Swingers a Shelps "ae an Hs speroen 229, 215, and Har- ih fi Bert Sutheriand Congratulations to Ray Pack who hit ~ pees 8a Fe : new low for the season of 29) Taint PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES 1' |. High triples -- H. Fayle 800, G. Swin Ay ne oa easy! Srv Mary © it Corbe' dells 748, E. Tonkin 743, A, Bryant 694, Geo, Mills 222, tf Hits ir Wayne CLUB % A. Keys 688, J, Huxtable 679, H. Creamer Me Cook 21 »| High Singles -- Pearl Anderson 242,| 663, R. Branton 659, J. Morrison 654 and th fa Noland. = Jean | Rose Anderson 228, Mabel Nicholson 213, oe gg 651. . 4 Lallison 207 end Florence Bracey/ maetanecaape year Lapias Pokes |, maar 0, | oe Repere 775 (282, 27% 248)1 Sonl8| Standings -- Alley Cats §, Swinging] P, Branton 225 hat hag hg to 8 a Sixter 4 "Thisties 3 Tootsie Rolls 3 Slow | Pokes 2 and Road Runners |. High Triples -- doves Sell €20. (202, 254, 282); Mavis Taylor 770 (247, 263, non 646 one Bird. 608. (2 ns, 14, nt ond iehard 3 (215, 183, Wark LeAGUS 266); Helen Pinch 698 (315); Janet Peel -- B. Pearce ie. , Grant| , Group | ~~ Flemings 3, Active |, Dine's | 49) (p49, 278); Maude Cockerton 684 2%, $, Pearce, me . Durnos 1, Rogess 3, Clint's | Parts! (934, 956); Chris Collins 679. (200, 255, Lk, Worden 202, 212 'aren' %, Coch's 2 oe bie: 2 | 224); Barb Sagar 677 (258, 249); Lorraine . Morton 205, 206, @, May "group. 2 home 27's | Murphy 672 (207, 281); Yvonne Duguay 0 Finals 4, Bello, Sergs 2 "Cadillac | 446 (20% 218, 246) "and Marion Dingman 'Weft tor the Lemon|!» Tony's 3 Houdallie 1, Motor City 2/55 (242, 298)). i ere ry Atwell 94, &. tng Mackie's 2, * 1 Din | Teams Standing -- une an 1 % N are still in the lead with 15 glint 21, Fleming , Rogers mt oetval. Young, Mager f iekey. soa Sextet 10, Strippers 9% Jolly enes ey Durne's 16) Acie |14 | vg Hayden Macdonald 1. %, Carpet Baggers. %, Jokers 7 Harrys ying. mie APP a dois a1, | ere Band The Aces 20. , saat ®, 'Mache " 2, "ater, city Peete gs LeacuE | cama 19, nals edi a 7 e 27's 16, 'oints Taken -- Pearses 3, Campbells -- venee oes pag Sad lana ' : Hubbelis 3, Vickers 1, Deprattos 3, Stata @ Berg's 15 and Bell F witht his 743 ae | ay and Sid Boneham! High Triples -- A. nee 775, &, $e-| Collins 1, Burrus 3 and Wilsons 1. with 697 ie o> bins 767, A. gis 761, G. gee 760,| Total Points --- Pearses 7, seal, night too DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOLICITED by Garnet ged 664 (205, 266); i Rak 744, Vancyke 738, D, Hodgson | 5, Deprattos 5, Campbells 3, Collins dean Dart 646 (204, 269)) Bard Metuy| 729, 4. P, Svan 711, & Lebreton 695 and| Wilsons 3, Burrus 3 and Vickers 3. OR ACCEPTED a 218); Den McCo 5S. Gedge 693, High Triples -- N. Vickers 715 (277, ly Hartshorn 617 ¢ rt 240); €. Campbells 659 (247, 207, 205); D. BROWN W. EVANS L. JACKSON 611. (208, 213); Don Robinson 609 WIRE AND HARNESS \. Hubbell 699 (258, 203); M. Witterick FOR SICKROOM EQUIPMENT ax an "one 409 (225) end) Team standings -- Flyers 10, Jesters 4 (221, 210) and B. Pearse 606 (239 Phone 728-6123 Standing Rib Rea rend» Shot = Chet yl ROASTS ».79 SPECIALLY SELECTED -- "CHOICE PLUMP IMPORTED" "3 4 LEG 'O LAMB FOR A TASTY TREAT -- "LEAN FRESH-MADE" LAMB PATTIES «39° ALWAYS TENDER --- SLICED u. 39° Fresh PORK LIVER "Oo SAVE 4c !-- FROM CONCENTRATE --- SAICO SAVE 28¢ !-- AYLMER OR WAGSTAFFE -- = S GRAPEFRUIT JUIC JAMS and JELLIES 4°: 68° BEST BUY! -- SAVE SHREDDED WHEAT NABISCO 18-02, me. OF FEATURE! --- 3¢ OFF PACK CRISCO SHORTENING .... 37° HEAVY DUTY 12-INCH REYNOLD'S 3 vr 1.00 Rolls e FOIL WRAP BEST BUY !-- SAVE 24¢ ! -- CHUBBY OR REGULAR KLEENEX FACIAL 6 Pkgs. 90° TISSUES BEST BUY! -- SAVE 4c! JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH BEST KRAFT ~---- SAVE 8c! CHEEZ WHIZ BEST BUY !-- SAVE 9c!-- WHITE OR COLORED 680 (239, 225, 216); Bill Hardin Arty edd 211); Jack McLean 643 (259, Roger | Demers 626 (258, 219); and 'Mike "ruresk | y tere Ad Rich Wilson 251, Bob Gledhill 247, Prank Sweet J, Monaghan 256, L. ~ | aay, "C 'Hubbell 239, R. Richard 229, Points -- Alley Cats 2, Swinging $ix-| Union 279, A. Hardsand 227, R. Arnold tet 2 Tinlation 3s Toptsle Rolls 1, Slow | 274, L. Peebles 227, 203, J. Wagg 225 and IDEAL FOR BROILING -- "CHOICE JUICY THICK CUT" LOIN LAMB CHOPS «. 65° THREE MEALS IN ONE --- FRY - ROAST - STEW LAMB in a BASKET «. 29° LADIES' MAJOR "A" LEAGUE Strouds 10, Motor 20c OFF PACK . NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 10¢ !-- PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON SAVE 11c!--- DOLE - FANCY QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL . il] SAVE 4c! = up...and downa |lig-n- a= \y Molson 6-02, JAR 99° b= 67* 19-Ox $] Tins High Singles -- M, Maddock 265, M, Gibbens 245, 209, M. Daniels 234, D. Wil- €. Burrus 230, E. Hall 225) % % Hi Los 8 Gay Six 7, (evise Richardson hed @ fine oi e|Pin Pickers 6, Alley Cats 6, Lucky 22; lye d McKey 237, it Strikes 4, Head Pins 4 and Hi Balls 0. 233, Lorna Bacon 225, pene sig ripe -- Bud Myers 711 (239,|son 233, mer 224, Fran oibbs. 222, Bon is | 236, Elmo Lynburner 696 (330); / 231, B. Mowbray 223, 216, 8. Farnham 219) 003, Marg 'Carmicheel 'n, ey 9 Bu Sein 686 (284, 244); Henry Ouliette 27, 4k Lejole 215 and . Ball 24 14-Ox, Pkg. 45° 79° CHUNKS 15-02. Tins Beef or Liver BEST BUY !-- FREE BATMAN COIN! -- SAVE 6c! LIBBY'S | 37° ALPHA-GETTI 2 >: KLEENEX NAPKINS SAVE Set Pho 20 save eel Phe, LS SAVE 6c! -- BORDEN'S HOT CHOCOLATE SAVE 6c*---RED and WHITE 'TEA BAGS 64-02. 45° 16-02. 67* JAR MOLSON ite 5 Qe a bye * 59¢ BEST BUY ! -- SAVE 8! AYLMER BOSTON BROWN BEANS "a A5e Quick Serve Frozen Foods -- REG. 49c | -- LIBBY'S 15-02, Pkg. STRAWBERRIES ......... 45e 2 for 43c!1--LIBBY'S 9-oz. Pkgs. FRENCH FRIES. ..... 2 for 39 2 for 49c! -- LIBBY'S Tl-oz, Pkgs. MiX VEGETABLES ... 2 for 39c REG, 2 for 59! 10-02, Tins HONEY DEW ....... 2 for 53¢ DOVE BEAUTY SOAP 4 89° HEALTH and BEAUTY AIDS REGULAR BARS 100 to Bottle BAY@R ASPIRIN 69¢ REG, 89 !--- PHILLIPS 12-0z. Bottle MILK OF MAGNESIA .... 76c 59c!-- PHILLIPS TABLETS 50's MILK OF MAGNESIA 48c REG. *69c ! Medium Size | BROMO SELTZER .... 58c For the right taste in ale THESE VALUES AVAILABLE AT: WILSON FOODMASTER Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Ploza BROWN"S Red and White BROOKLIN, ONT. SPROULE'S Red and White CORNER SIMCOE et MILL FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786