THE . CORNERSTONE of the new Whitby Baptist Church building was laid Sunday by' Rev. George A. McLean, retired, of Orillia, a former Whitby minister who was ordained there in 1911. The new building is at the corner of Gilbert and Reynolds. Streets. Above, from left, are Harold Craw- forth, deacon; Leonard Rich, chairman of the Build- ing Committee; John Mc- Graw, deacon; Dudley Wil- son, deacon; Charles How- lett, Chairman of Board of Deacons, and Rev. John McLeod. The picture on the left shows Rev. George Mc- Lean with the ceremonail trowel. The new building should be. completed by Easter, 1967, (Photo by Denis Studios) Boy Bruised In Bike Crash BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --A 13 » year-old boy, David Mac- manville, received a bruised jaw and scratches when his bicycle was involved in collis- ion with accar at the junction of King and Silver Street, Bow- manville, Saturday afternoon. The driver was David M. Ri- ckard, of Clarke Township, Renovation Well Advanced For Old County Building The Whitby Centennial pro- ject of renovating the Old Coun- ty Building for a cultural and recreational building is now more than 50 per cent com- pleted and the Centennial Board has every reason to expect the building to be open by January 31, 1967. All the exterior improve- ments of sandblasting, ing, new steps and roofing re- pairs h@ve been completed. In- terior structural. changes have been completed except for the construction of a stage in the County Court Room, Plumbing, heating and wiring improve- ments are well under way. Construction of two kitchen facilities to serve both the ban- quet hall and senior citizens' room have been commenced. Furnishings for the banquet hall are presently being considered by the Board. Suitable furnish- Neal, of 43 Lamb's Lane, Bow-'Newcastle. BROOKLIN WINNER AT ROYAL k Gracious (left) was. first prize year- ling heifer and Junior Champion Holstein female at the Royal Winter Fair for F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, Ontario, while Haigertlee Dale Citation Girl owned by Houckholme Farms and H. G. Hallward, Brampton, was the first prize 'junior yearling and Reserve Junior Champion. Left to right: Judge Fred B. Griffin, Burgessville; Roy Ormiston; C. M. Bot- WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, Nov, 28 Co-Op Credit Union banking! night; 1st Whitby Scouts; Whit- by Baptist Church Explorers; St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA; Vimy Ridge LOBA 639; St, Andrew's Presbyterian Group 2; Whitby General Hos- pital Women's Auxiliary. TUESDAY, Nov: 29 | Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club; itby Shrinking Violets TOPS ub; Whitby Duplicate Bridge "Club; Red Cross Work Room; Faith st Church Pioneer Girls; Al-Anan Family Group. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30 Whitby St. John Ambulance; Salvation Army Prayer and Bible Study. | THURSDAY, Dec, 1 Christian Reformed baal | Italy's Bologna Eliminates Prague BOLOGNA (CP)--Italy's ma- Jor-league soccer team Bologna defeated Sparta of Prague 2-1| Sunday and advanced into. the third round of the 'Inter-Cities Fairs Cup Tournament. In. the first game, at Prague Oct. 26, the teams tied 2-2. Bologna will meet West Brom- wich Albion of England in the next leg of the tournament. a Ladies Society Work and Pray; | Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; | Salvation Army Women's Home League. FRIDAY, Dec. 2 Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassadors; Co-Op Credit Union banking night; Salvatipn Army Timbral Brigade. = SATURDAY, Dec. 3 Salvation Army Young People's Band; St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club |SUNDAY, Dec. 4 St. Mark's Unitetl Church Hi- Cc Group. - 4 tema, Bridgeport, Indiana; and Dolly Ann Edmunds, Ontario Dairy Princess. paint- | ings for the senior citizens' room may be a project that some local groups may wish to consider as their centennial pro- ject. The Board will be reserving at least one room for displays of a historical nature and would welcome suggestions and dona- tions of articles for this area. Any interested citizen is re- quested to contact the Secre- tary of the Board, Mr, F. McEwen, at the Municipal Ot- fice. At the annual Gardenview United Church Women's meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Will- iam Speck; the president Mrs. Frank Parrinder reminded members of the annual pot luck supper of Dec. 9 to be held at Emmanuel Reformed Church. This is a congregational sup- per, all are invited to bring | are all descended from one com- jmon ancestor, the extinct | archaeopteryx. their families and also a favor- ite dish. The following convenors sub- mitted their annual reports: Social, Mrs. Ray McLaughlin; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Good- hand; membership, Mrs. Char- les McAughtey. Gardenview Makes Plans For Congregational Supper The president introduced the} new executive for 1967: Presi- Donald Dunkeld, Claremont, RR 2, was the winner of the Ontario County 100 Rushel Corn Club this year.' He had a yield of 125.7 bushels of shelled 15 per cent moisture corn per acre. Deputy Reeve Post Contested COLUMBUS (Staff) = There will be an election in East Whit- by Township Dec, 5 for the position of deputy reeve. The two contenders are Ross Lee, who was on the council until now, and Walter Holliday, a former councillor. John Howden, formerly dep- uty reeve, was acclaimed reeve fon nomination night Thursday. Both the new council and the five public school trustees have also been acclaimed as William Smith failed to qualify by Fri- day night. The council seats have there- fore fallen to Alan Evans, Doug- las Marlow, and Alan S. Henry. The public school trustees are Norman Cook, William Han- cock, Lioyd Slute, Howard Toaze, and Douglas Clark. Two For Reeve At Newcastle NEWCASTLE (Staff) --Two people will be running for reeve in the Newcastle Township elec- tions Dec. 5 -- Douglas J. Cun- ningham and Earl A. Walton. There will be eight contest- ants for four council seats. Tehy are: Alice D. Nesbitt, Fred Stommel, Eric H. Foshay, Ro- bert W. Walton, Jack Nesbitt, John E. Adams, Harvey C. Bonathan, and Alfred R. Gray The three vacancies on th board of education are soughi by five people: Margaret Brer- ton, Jean Steeves, George E. Chard, Robert M. Shearer and Pauline Storks. There was only one nominee for the place on the Public Utilities Commission, Lloyd \Stephenson; so no election is necessary. All the above candidates qua- lified following Friday's nomi- dent, Mrs. William Speck; vice- president, Mrs. Geneva Curl; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Good- hand; secretary, Mrs. Sandra Hunt; worship, Mrs, William Patterson; social, Mrs. Pauline Smith and Mrs. Harriett An- drus; program, Mrs. Garry Wiggans; membership, Mrs. Marlene Lamont; phoning com- mittee, Mrs. Lyle Jones, Mrs. M. Rints and Mrs. Gloria Rob- bins. The president thanked the out-going executive and' assur- red the incoming officers that they would be given all: sup- Cottages Entered Nothing Taken SCUGOG (Staff) -- Nine cottages on Portview Beach, Scugog Island, were broken into over the weekend but nothing was stolen. port n sary. Program convenor, Mrs." David Snoddy continued with the playlet reading concerning the work of the United Chureh Women. Following the Benediction a social half hour was enjoyed refreshments being serv- ed. nation meeting: Claremont Grower Wins Ont. County Corn Award y THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November ee a eee WEAR OLD STYLES WALES RANKS" The Swiss Guards of the Va-| New South Wales is ; tican wear medieval uniforms of|lia's most populous state, yellow, red and blue, supposedly}more than a third of i pe designed by Michelangelo. lation of 11 444,091; In second place was Lioyd Wilson, RR 1, Ashburn, with a yield of 124.6 bushels per acre. In third place was John Hamer, Myrtle, with a yield of 124.2 bushels per acre. Twenty - seven farmers took part in the 100 Bushel. Corn Club this. year. Yields were taken on a. three-acre plot, Each contestant could use any variety he wished, and use any means at his disposal to procure the highest possible yield. The average yield for the twenty-seven contestants was 95.47 bushesls per acre. The club was brought to a conclusion with a 100 .Bushel Corn Club Award ..Night ° and Banquet in the Community Hall, Sandford, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 22. Mr, -Albert Foster, Claremont, RR 2, was the chair- man of the banquet. Lynn Fair, Agricultural Rep- resentative, announced >the prize winners, and called on the various donors of cash and merchandise to present their prizes. Mr. Fair also presented an illustrated talk on his recent visit to Great Britian. Malcolm Allbright expressed the appreciation of the corn Opening Thurs., Dec. Ist... ABNERS BOOK SHOP "For Greet'n & Read'n" @ Stationery ® School Supplies @ Cards for all Occasions @ Gifts © Games ® Novelties @ Paintings © Ete. SPECIAL! 1! fos FREE "GIFTS AT OPENING OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. -- Mon. to Sat. " 113 Dundas St, E. Whitby - 668-2492 growers to those who took part in the program, and to the donors of the. various prizes for their co-operation in making the prizes available. STORE IT AWAY _ Assets of Ontario credit un- ions, with 804,276 members, ex- ceed $509,181,000, says IT BEST "Accutron" 'or Christmas, Give Her eee 7 We BINGO Columbus Club 133 Brock St. WN, WHITBY EVERY TUES. NIGHT Doors Open at 7 P.M. Bingo Starts ot 8 P.M, SHARP Admission 50¢ Ne Children. Under 16 Yeor of age please. The offence was reported to Whitby OPP Sunday by Dean Patte, owner of one of the cottages. COUNT MANY CHILDREN Today's 8,600 species of bird Wo WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Alter 21 twice as many women are made Fen aed god My common urinary irritation caused serm, Escherichia Coll. To quickly combat the sooouenty aches, mi r pains and disturbed si caused by Kidney and Bladder instawers, try taking 2 little CYSTEX tablets with s (oa of wae : times daily for s few da, Now BROCK WHITBY JEAN SHBERG- BLACKMAN GARRISON Mervyn LeRoy " Moment to foment' Playing One Complete -- Each an at 7:30 Begins 9:10 a ded As TECHNICOLOR, are evoked as you move in the radiant fragrance of. a Say by ' The perfume that is. tnmistakably Spanish. unmistakably YOu, $2.50 « $4.25 - 38.00 Complement with PERFUME, COLOGNE, @ SPRAY MIST, BATH Ol, DUSTING POWDER PETER SMITS Hairstyling for Men 102 Byron $t, $. -- Whitby For Appointment Phone 668-2053 "McCullough Jewellers Is HEADQUARTERS for the WORLD'S ONLY ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON*. » BULOVA Handsome Stainless Steel hand-applied hour marke gotor ae Waterpr: protected. McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-5051 -- NEW OFFICIAL PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE THURS., DEC, Ist, 1966 ONTARIO HAIRDRESSERS ASSOC. WHITBY BRANCH Allle 'shocks $1.75 4.75 3.00 8.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 73 .28 11.00 HAIR CUT SHAMPOO, SET and we SHAMPOO -- SET . TINT 6 WEEK RINSE BLEACH -- RETOUCH STREAKS TEMPORARY RINSE' .... CREAM RINSE PERMS ' Pere eee eer eree ee eeeeee eee ee ee) cere Tee eee eee eee ee BEAUTY SPOT -- 102 BYRON 87. 8. BEAUTY CLINIC -- 301 BYRON ST. 8, THE CULTURE STUDIO -- 228 BROCK ST. N. © FAIR LADY -- 116 BROCK ST, N, GUIDA and DINO -- 109 BYRON ST. S. PETER end JOSEPHS -- 104 DUNDAS ST. "W. RENA'S BEAUTY SALON --- 1350 DUNDAS ST. £, STYLING BY DONNA -- 107 KENT ST. VINCENT OF ROME ----- 102A LUPIN DR. smiciiitaill UNIVERSAL PICTURE Adult Also 2nd Feeture Attraction Begins 7:30 "STUDY IN TERROR" In Color * With John Neville -- Doneld Houston RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ASH! CASH! or Your Home Seeing is Believing... Call TODAY ! _QOne-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpeper and Murels @ Custom Draperies @ Broedioom @ C.LL, Points end Vernishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby " PHONE. 668-5862 RAE R. JONES N ¥ ' 668-8841 AFTER 5 Realtor om: -- 668-4003 728-6661 JUST AS NICE INSIDE AS OUT.... f you are in well trimmed lawns Notice the rustic woode 218 Dundas $+. £., Whitby Phone 668-8826 (2 doors east of Whitby Is what you will say after seeing this 5 room brick bungalow with built in beg on one of the nicer finished Oshawa Courts near Garden erested in having a home where neighbors coope neat, landscaping -- you will enjoy this location. healthy shrubbery also fine young trees for summer shade. Surprises galore inside with extra large kitchen, cozy open fireplace of stone construction, built-in stove and oven and many other features, Come -- See and_be convinced ! CRs | View North. rate to have @a to the rear and the loving care given to the REALTOR 2 PFFICES TO. SERVE YOU oO 48 Simece St. 8., Oshews Phone. 728-5157 Post Office) (Opposite Oshawa Post Office) 2 alld ade aE WS a cle Ni (ae lela a AO: