PRPC OAR IE EI POO DO CELA Se OBO BI art |20_ THE ORAWA TIMES, Mende, Neromber 38 1966 ' 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent WENTWORTH MANOR FEATURES es, SUITES AND @ LARGE. WELL EQUIPPED LAUNDRY AND LOCKER © ROOMS ON EACH FLOOR @ TWO ELEVATORS @ SEPARATE FURNITURE ENTRANCE @ FENCED IN PLAYGROUND @ CHILDREN'S PLAYROOM CLOSE TO CHURC ke SCHOOLS AND SHOR. PING : @ BUS SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR @ WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE TO GENERAL MOTORS. RENT INCLUDES @ HEAT . THAT'S NOT ALL S §.$ CALL 723-8701 FOR SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING BONUS WENTWORTH MANOR 275 WENTWORTH ST. OFF PARK RD. S. CASA MANANA $$33$$ a Santa Comes Early To GRENFELL SQUARE Special Bonus To Everyone Moving In Before Christmas IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 end 2 bedroom Suites @ FREE : HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL ea ee ga SUBLET TE POSSESSION |Fn apartment ---- - All iences, Call Wilf: Days 725-3516 Nights 728-5587. IZ ROOM apartment In new home. entrance, parking Bd age lease aj shone 7h 426 Cromwell A\ veenets immediate possess! |roews View BIV Bivd, FURNISHED, sparing hea Com pane gt outlet, ate park su) Hed" Suitebie' for nd hydro | oF taontens Te} 2013 affer 6 p.m. . REGENT ARMS Immediate PE ge peng ven ating bso 8 tage PELEPHONE 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. -|NEWLY decorated furni basement apartment, ished. Sulit one or two|"ess Eastend. _ Telephone 728- business les, 5567. iex apartment pre Ag ole ar Memes facie « |fles, ag eA ge kitchen. Sult aduits, oF reese 4. heated | ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST, 240, orl working "bh girs: Avaliable. Inmeafay. "Home priv- Roos, Telephone 725-047: Pag gy beating room for' one two, Close to bus line. Private en- trance, cooking facilities, 'Teeenens & 6207, Whitby. SRY, cee housekeeping room for bus!- utiful downtown district. Private Chtrance. Call 728-9671, TNO SES tes rose Stee ey lose ft and FURNISHED Sg and double THREE tos Mm rooms at Oshawa Motel. Tele- phone: 723-9761, ' apartment, private "7 puking space. Apply @ FOR RENT @ 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 LUSANNE VILLA _ 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige buildi) centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen, -- tennis court and barbeque. FOR RENT or SALE _ 12 ROOM HOUSE . 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST @ Free Hydro @ Oshawa's Largest Suites @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parking Available ' @ Outdoor Guest Parking- -- Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. - 1S YOUR BEST CHOICE OF APARTMENTS IF YOU DESIRE MUCH LARGER ROOMS CONVENIENT, CENTRAL . LOCATION (neor Pork Rd. North pal. a rs | REASONABLE LE COST 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES 'Ler US SHOW Y°U CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR es Vibe YOU DECIDE «1 "end 2 bedrooms © CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST oo --T "ae stove @ refrigerator @ @ $99 ond up @ Immedicte Close to shopping centre and all schools. 728-4283 Apt. 111 340. Marland 995.5067 723-5221 SHELDIAN MANSIONS "885 OXFORD STREET Within Wetong Distance South @ No damage deposit required @ Swimming Pool @ FM Music ond Inter Com. @ Two Bathrooms in all 2 & 3 bedroom suites @ Free Parking @ Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN 1-9 P.M. The first five families signing leases receive something special. 728-7942 For Prestige Living MUST SUBLET by DEC. Ist. IT WOULD BE WORTH YOUR WHILE to check inté-this it, one bedroom @ Modern Building @ All Conveniences PHONE 728-5282 BACHELOR APARTMENT On main block in Whitby, 2 large unfurnished rooms, on ground floor. Private bath and entrance, heat and hy- dro supplied. 668-2861. 256 Athol St. THREE COMPLETE furnished rooms, private bath, no children, Apply 248 To- ronto Ave. with bath. Avaiiab! June 1. THREE - ROOM, sel Hf-contained apart- | OP' ment. png 'cd Albert 'Street or tele FT BROW FREET WORT WH 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whi Five-room apartment LARGE furn'shed bedroom, laundry privileges, parking space, shift worker welcome, 57. TWO LARGE Toa rooms. and bed-sitting room. ing, sults two men ie working couple. g | 725-8352. pena TO RENT, | housekeepi jonal. Saar, a Bivd, " NOL ROOM for rent ase gentieman. HEATED UPL in older hone, be basement, private both ria 'Apoliences Included. us indsor Street.~ 72% THREE - ROOM self-contained apart- ment. = Dec, 1. 107 Keith : St, Whitby 668-4379 SUBLET -- Cuebedicon apartment, re- frigerator, stove, . washer, error mn drapes, jamage deposit prepaid. ie December 1. Infant welcome. 723- 5162. SELF - CONTAINED basement apart- ment, private entrance, for two ore Call after 6 p.m, 728-8697. Apply |rates. Apply Queen's 637. | Street North, Athol Street East. 5 Kitchen |63- rivate bath, park- '4 PONTIAC, six eee standard, best offer, Telephone 623-5269 after 5 Fi pe Astomeblis_ Repel 138---Coming Events "-FRED-STONE | ae ae Phone -- ""@ Motor Rebui @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Rasleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service. 5 p.m. pug CHEVELLE. A-1 pee 6 cylin extra snow tires. Telephone Good condition. Ni 35--Lost and Found is Saas LOST ---in Bowmanville arena, sliver colored Wittnaver wristwatch, and wallet 1959 PONTIAC, in good condition. New|with personal papers. Reward. Tolephone| tires, $325. 105 Mary Street, 728-0764. Jai 725-9704 or 1959 DODGE, four-door sedan, V-8 avto- matic, new wir _ or closest offer. 725-7643 after 4 p. SAVE DOLLARS Pag oe Sie eta 5 erms Bioor E. used. rece oo "B. Motor Sales, 509 chan on neck. "Answers LOST -- White gold watch with diamonds jt iy in ey of Centre, james ville Police, LOST -- Small part terrier, part chow, ite, short-haired wal com eee o> NEV 3 KINSMEN' BINGO ~ . No, 50 -- $200 . 54 -- $400 SEI 'TURDAY'S AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 $1.00 ADMISSION LAKEVIEW HANDCRAFT GUILD CHRISTMAS Aes at Whitby Textile 125 Brock St. S. WHITBY __Continuing daily until Dec. 3. BE SURE TO ATTEND the (more than meets », in T Hall, Bowmanville, Decanters 2 2 at 8 p.m, Proceeds for Crippled Chiron: "mer |36--Legal b-8 INTIAC, 6 cylinder, wine paint job, tion 668-6 COLLECTOR TER Wat Cha Good condi- ROOMS FOR RENT, -- Ly Poses] order. f can offer. Telephone 942 Tah 3806, 1959 CHEVROLET stationw: matic transmission, sag bri sede $325. 728-5482. COMFORTABLE room in private home tng gentleman only. Avialable immediate- y, Dept Thy, Qshawa Bivd. South or '9 OLDSMOBILE, four-door farcions mechanical a fake over twelve ia $37. Te efephone (75-03 after LARGE furnished clean home, kitchen and laundry privi- leges, central, -- only, Apply 162/ cy Ritson Road S. 728-2767. MAIN FLOOR, we double room, suit 2 persons, close to downtown, free park- tng, 728-7130 after as 62 FORD Galaxie, four door sedan, 6 Inder automatic. Lic. 305868. 10 per cent ee $40 monthly. Nicols Motors. 45 FORD Fairlane, 4 door sedan, V-6 steering. 10 per TWO BEDROOM apartment, heated 'ao arate entrance. Children welcome. ie 1 haat $85, monthly. igtens THREE-ROOM apartment, fl agi oo and stove, at 240 Ritson Road Sout! information apply 214 Arthur Street. Mc BEDROOM apartment in poses per duplex situated on Simcoe North. Tnery facilities and parking. Aauits preferred, 725-5169. Two - BEDROOM upper duplex, laun- dry facilities, parking, close fo down town, heat and water supplied. Adults. Phone 723-4221. FURNISHED bait vei end one or gentlemen. y Bm 62 SS aber] deen Street, FURNISHED ROOMfor one two gentlemen, Pe ar} & aoe Rison Road South. LARGE, intake tavekaeeine room in iro cent down, $20. ~ 312925. -- Motors, Whitby. 62 COMET, 4 door, 6 cylinder, standard with radio, 199377, $50, $46. month- ly. Nicols Motors, Whitby. Fed CHEVELLE Malibu Super Sport 327 four speed, Marina blue, black vinyl top, all extras, best offer. 728-7988 after 5. clean, quiet home. vided, Close fo hospital and north Gen- eral Motors. 726-7263. FURNISHED two - apartment. All kitchen facilities. In aulet home, 'Close to downtown, rking space. Gentlemen ' mode! only. T 728-9632. STREET NORTH. Furnished PORT PERRY -- Two - bedroom, seif- contained apartment with stove and re- frigerator, ebtlvate ,orirence. children baat DUPLEX. Two-bedroom | living kitchen, private bath, private en- irene: hospital area. Available ve ately. One child welcome. Telephon 723-7500. FURNISHED ROOM, private kitchen and bath, Burk Street area, gue now, Brooklin sass ks SOUTH END location, furnished apart- ment in-private home, private Lvl close @/to bus stop. Adults; Phone 725- APARTMENTS FOR RENT. aa a Wayne Street, Apartment 9, ne. oe space, ladies only. COMFORTABLE ROOM for gentleman | cy only. Apply after 4 p.m., 323 Athol East or telephone 725-0536. MODERN fy aeerintet $130 monthly, heat, hygro In- cluded. Children allowed. iImmediate--oc- cupancy. Telephone 723-8860 after 1 p.m. ONE: apartment Im- FURNISHED gv housekeeping rooms for gentlemen. Close to North General Motors and shopping. Cocking privileges. Apply 136 Elgin Street East. 576-2917. CLEAN furnished single and double ee ore facilities. "Tele: STRaNaD bedroom and bedsitti room with vanity cabinet, hot and co! running water. Gentlemen only. Five minutes to Oshawa Shopping Centre. 460 Ing Street West. William Kl ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments |su' In builldi downtown, 80 with electric heat, hot and cold water, hydro, stove and fridge at only $110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's Real Estate Song 4% King Street West, Oshawa, 757 ONE, TWO ot THREE bedroom apart- ments with refrigerator, stove, Intercom parole cml entrances, elevator service, , fenced-In playground. 822 Bien Sire or call 723-2347. Bie tc crags TERRACE -- One- and + bedroom saggy laundry facil- Thee and 'lockers each floor, Large ites with utilities "ond drapes, Thermo- ch room, under- statically controlled In ea 190 Nonquon ound parking availabie. 'oad or 728-9726. new ing, West. Telephone 725-9328 or 728- Two- WO aaa DROOM | apart- ments. Marland EE yay '08- Apartment 107 or Telephone. 723-6 session BACHELOR APARTMENT, furnished, King Street East. completely FURNISHED | seif-contained apartment, location Park Road near King, are single. room near hospital, boos Stop, pri- vate entrance. Telephone 728-5984. Led PONTIAC, six cylinder, standard. New tires. Best offer. Apply 1271 Macken- zie Avenue. bavi ag radiators, all car parts. Late our speciality. Courtice Auto nell 723-5238. LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over. 60 cars. No down pay- ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. TWO furnished rooms in Housekeeping it red. two men or two ladies. Close to General Motors and Houdallle. 728-7930, 28---Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. private room for yt gentlemen. Park- Ing, TV. Board Sohonal it 668-4928, 57..COLBORNE STREET EAST. Room and board for gentlemen, to share, singlé beds, close to north GM and down' SINGLE ROOMS and board. hans 3 for |t soul! Division Street. ROOM AND BOARD for h | blue; A-1 condition inside and out) also 1763 GLOSMOBILE Jeisiar, 4 door, nerd- top, power brakes and steering, mist mechanically A-1; low mileage, execu- tive cer, Best offer sround $2,650. Call 723-6803 or 728-0884. 196 CHEVROLET Caprice, two - door hardtop, power steering and brakes, y 325 HP... 728-6466. 1961 CHEVROLET impala, four door, black and white, eight cylinder, auto- 1959. DODGE Mayfair, sedan, 6, auto- Seige! radio, heater, low mileage, excel- matic, power brakes and steering, radio,| « T 725-3742. _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the -estate of JANET LOUISE McKAY All. persons having claims ~ against the estate of Janet Louise McKay, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontorio, spinster, de- ceased, who died on or about the 25th day of August 1966, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or be- fore the 22nd day of Decem- ber 1966, full particulars of their claims. immediately after thé said date the said Personal Representative will distribute ,the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated ot Oshawa, Ont., this 17th day of November, 1966. NATIONAL toy 4 co., iMITED. 32 sitions ote. Ss, Oshawa, Ontario." By McGIBBON and BASTEDO, 32 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Their Solicitors herein. lent condition. Will finance to respon: sible person, Whitby, 668-5613 after 6 om m. .|38--Coming Events Street United by WCTU. Opening 2.30 p.m. EUCHRE, Boys" Club, Eulalle "Avene, sponsored by Eastview Ladies' Avxllary every Monday, 8 p.m. SOc. Tea BAKER -- Brenda is pleased to an- nounce the arrival e her baby sister Kathiene Anne, 7 1 oz, Sunday, ene 27, 1966, ny Oshawa General jospital. FAIERS -- -- - ed (ove 21 ne Nene y bare annou! their Russell I thanks pi. er Halam- res and fourth floor st HOAR -- Lory "and. Jean (nee Zybala) wish to thank God for the safe Fp ial ¢ their daughter, Tristanne Lee, 9 Ii ozs, on Friday, November 25, 1966, iit grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fi ir and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zybaia. Mirntug to fourth floor staff and Dr, An- lerson. MURDOCH -- £ nd Eleanor (nee Pedford) are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Scott Philip, 8 ibs., 3 ozs., on November Be 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospital, Many thanks to Dr. Beckett and fourth floor staff, DEATHS [exndlang Wilfred James (Buster) 'Entered info rest in the Oshawa Genera' Hospital n November 27, 1966. Wilfred loved husband of '99 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic transmission, radio, winterized, no rust, good tires. Asking $375. Apply 163 Burk Street or phone "See-i773. '99 ROVER, semi-automatic, sedan. Very town. | good shape. Owner must sell. Telephone 123-2573, 31--Compact Cars for Sale good home cooking. Lonches 6 packed. Apply 148 Ritson Road South. SINGLE ROOM and board for man, 'unches page 2 ke Lei fa Telephone Ajax 9% ities. FOUR - ROOM apartment, in ae ny garage available. Children over ight after 4 p.m., December 1. $80. Call 728-7643 after 578-9987, Saturdays anytime. 5' p.m. + BEDROOM apartment. and iro a Bryon Street or telephone 723-9813 p.m. aw SoARTENT -- $20. yeh ine frigerator, stove, heat and hy high or two A gaa Availab! 'October * included. Kitchen patty sooty T TWO-BEDROOM apartment and bath, private hagiine heated, $75. monthly, THREE-ROOM apartment fe wad ROOM AND TOARD tor for "SentTarens close to north GM and bus stop. Telephone 725-2305. SINGLE ROOM for gentieman near south General and Houdallle, Parking. Apply 863 Ritson Rd. South. ROOM or room and board for one je man. rg week fH bar heed jose to ator and stove. $75 monthly. 723-6006. WYNNBROOK Street East. For APARTMENTS. Colborne Two-bedroom apartments. 723-8771. FARES ROOM OF APARTMENT, private entrance and bath, available October 1. Telephone 725-2849. FIVE-ROOM apartment, three nog contend upstairs. $85 monthly. Three-room apart- ment, upsteirs $65 monthly. 728-6909. UNFURNISHED, newly decorated, large one-bedroom apa Centrally _lo- cated. Suitable for couple. 72- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private en- trance and drive. Heat and hydro = clud T 725-677 ROOM an SOARED ~ saraan Lunches packed. No ocbletion fo shift workers, T ZOLTAN'AND NICK'S Your Authorized Dotsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 TEN PERFECT CHANNELS | the finest in ENTERTAINMENT |ee'2e: SPORTS Relayed directly to your home via interference free Cable TV. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and. Used Cars ROOM or room ai ai Single and share room, clean quiet man. Park- Ing. Close fo south canal Motors and shopping centre. 81 Park Road South. 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings led, $80 monthly. FULLY FURNISHED apartment for rent, three rooms and bath, possession December 1, in good clean home. Tele- phone 728-9147 after 6. THREE-ROOM, Unfurnished apartment. Ground. floor.' Phone Whitby 66-2778. 6036 after 8 p.m. MODERN apartment to share with other SELF - CONTAINED one - bedroom fur- nished bachelor apartment. On bus line near Duplate. Telephone 728-3050. jeman, south-end district. or 723-6919. TWO-BEDROOM apartment with private bathroom in private » $75 monthly, heat ia hydro included. Avaliable De- cember 1. 728-3729. ONE-BEDROOM irtment, sult two adults, no children. 7 Telenor Ae. FURNISHED, three - room apartment, bath and private entrance. Clean and bright. Heavy duty range, heat and hydro ee. Driveway. ete January 1. Camp Samac ares. THREE - ROOM ars it on or floor in Oshawa. a and fridge. Heat, hydro Decem- ONE-BEDROOM apartment, repos le- lences, stove, frig, FM, phe mia Close to south plant. $104 monthly. mone 723-643). Ble mecha furnished rooms. Avail able aera ly. Adults only. Telephone conven | ber 1. Silsohone Whitby S00 3866. ONE- AND TWO - BEDROOM apart- ments, heated, laundry facilities, bono ha erator and stove. Avaliable immediately. $95.50 and up per month, Telephone 668- pessoal 8-plex Fae ROH basement apartment, any furnished, private entrance. Near "en General Motors and one centre. monthly. Telephone 725-9453. TWO - BEQROOM modern apartment in five-plex. Close to King - Stove, refrigerator included. possession. Adults only. 728-5581 bed- ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST, two - room apartment, in an apartment bulid- Ing, refrigerator, stove, broadioom, One baby welcome. Telephone - 725-6851. UNFURNISHED one - gay apartment with sink and cupboards. Private en- trance, shared na In Whitby. For ap- Reg egency Towers 349 MARLAND AVE. 725-2227 Premier 321 MARLAND AVE. 728-6722 Modern 1 and 2 bedroom partments, drapes, stove, oY" Socee supplied. New- decorated. Balcony for pa apartment, controlled with 'el ser- storage and on each vice, laundry SNESEDROOH "peactnin: Available December 1. Newly. decorated, ail appli- ances supplied, walk-out balcony. Apply superintendent, Apt. 5, 105 Craydon Road, Whitby. ONE - BEDROOM aperitment in new ely large kitchen, living room, din- Ing . four-piece bath. Pleasant view from balcony. Close to bus stop. 723-8706. TWO - BEDROOM unfurnished apart- Ing. retrigerstor, and stove. Aduits" only. rigera' e. Adults only. $105 monty, 725-3388. THREE-ROOM modern apartment pri- entrance and stove; re- 'orners.| room, kitchen. apt., by GM South plant. 725-7046 mi GSE 3574, FOUR - BEDROOM home on William ston between Mary and Division. Two- three bedrooms upstairs, one Gerdes large living room, dining Oll forced Piaf Bg soa hot water. Driveway may bi for General Motors' forking. rr pda ly. 668-6124, - THREE ROOMS, semi - furnished, all utilities paid, laundry, share bath, $20 weekly. c 3% T 728-2491. $80. MONTHLY -- Furnished one-bed- room basement apartment. Stove, re- frigerator and private bath. Telephone 723-1095, 27--Rooms Tor Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 vai frigerator and cupboards in kitchen, bus jop at door, parking, adults only. 725- ROOM, suitable for young lady, § min- utes from ar Corners. Non-smoker and 725-9992. THREE - ROOM, self-contained, heated apartment, privat Poygigees 3 and bath. Immediate posses: $65 _ monthly. Apply 67 or 22 orchard View Blvd. BLOCK 'ior of hospital, clean, com- fortable room for one or more. House- keeping privileges if desired. Close to north General Motors and town. 58 Aber- = ROOM AND BOARD, ee Ryo with ping worker ig A pv one -- with Telephone 723-6631. - 30--Automobiles for Sale Cors bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA %& VOLVO and PEUGOT & MERCEDES BENZ Phone Now and place your order or Cable TV PHONE 723-5278 Oshawa Cable TV General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South hawa 728-0921 '6 WOLSELEY, 699 series, automatic, 699 series, reconditioned motor, power brakes. Tele- phone 668-4685. 723-6322 -- 723-8311 On the Spot Financing CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery and re- storation, BILL'S-CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. S. Whitby, Days 668-8101 Eve. 655-4575 DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOTH 723-9421 © A.M. @ "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 USED CARS 1960 VAUXHALL sedan, radio, ciean, good working Neha $185 full price. Tele- 1961 CONSUL, four cylinder, all In good shape. Telephone 725-8602. 1965 EPIC, A-1 condition, 16,000 original miles, $970. Telephone 723-1768, 74 Wilson Road South. 32--Trucks for Sale 56 G.M.C., model V-552, five-ton, long wheel base dump truck. Combination Ho. and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound re: end, D.P. axle, five-s| Clarke tren: mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply fi tires, Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m.-- 4 p.m. 1950 FARGO truck % ton. $150, Call 723- 7982 afternoons before 6 p.m. '66 G.M.C. %-ton truck 4,000 miles. four-speed transmission, radio, split Pie BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. a 690 KING E. at FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $230., 56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 65 Nos. $100. PARKING Extra Bus Service Tickets available at the door $20 wehatin' ch Good Prizes Oversized eight - ply tires, heavy duty springs plus auxiliary springs. Already for truck camper. $2,395. Also truck camper, sleeps 4, $795, Service, Whitby, 668-3226, 1955 FORD half-ton pick-up, Re-condi- tioned, V-8 motor. Goodbody, A-1 condi- tion. Telephone 723-1450, 1958 GMC truck: In top condition. Apply 122 Church Street. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Wilde Rental BINGO U.A. W. A HALL SATURDAY, NOV. 26th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES, $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH WANTED -- Cars wrecking, Gates tae 'Telepnone ease" SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. cars CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND (Buster) be Winnifred "ear and father of Carol ¢ Peterborough and Francis Chester Oshawa. Resting at the Lan ghbt Funeral Home, Bancroft with funeral service in ~-- St. ro United Church on Wed- esday af 1 o'clock, Interment Lake St. Peter United 'Choreh Cemetery. HINDMAN, Charlies At Memorial Hospital on Monday, Novem- 1966. Leonard Hindman of RR 6, Bowmanville, In his 6th year, 1 of Ethel Wood, dear father M. Goodmurphy (Muriel) and Orvitte brother of Mrs. S. Jackson (Lottie) of Hespier. Resting at the cut and Smith Funeral Home. Funeral service 2 o'clock, Wednesday a' Interment Groveside Cemetery, -Brooklin. so bnindaly General Hospital, on Friday, 25, 1966, Elizabeth Mel cyan 'below wife of the late bikie! ee McBrien and dear mother A. Wilson (Eileen) and Mrs, Sitters & Cane (Doris), both of Oshawa. Sister of Mrs. W. Davie (Catherine) of Toronto and W; veh Lynde of Oshawa; in her 77th Resti Intosh-Anderson Funeral "tome, Street East. Service in the Chapel on lay, No- vember 28, at " 15 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. REID, Percival Gordon it the Oshawa General Hospital, on Saturday, November 26, 1966. Percival Gordon Reid in his 64th year, dear fe- ther of Gerald, Petawawa; Betty (Mrs. Joe Luciano), Brooklin; Cecil, Scarbor- ough, and Donal of Long Branch. Brother of Nellie (Mrs. Carman Thompson) of Bowmanville. Resting at the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham for service on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Elmwood Cemetery, Markham. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW BAZAAR AND TEA ROOM, Simcoe |SMID. Church. Sponsored antioved| held Fred W. McBrien. in Noy. 13, 1912. For a number. of years they ted Town- opera' brook Park in Whitby Mrs. McBrien was a member ; D: ine), of Toronto, and a brother Walter Lynde of" Oshawa. Mrs, McBrien leaves two grandchil- dren, Fred and Lynn Cane. She is resting at the McIn- tosh - Anderson Funeral and a service will be = in the chapel Monday, dog at 3:15 p.m. conducted by Rev. W. J. McClure, of St. pe as Presbyterian Church, Whitby. Burial will be at Mount Lawn Cemetery. FUNERAL OF FREDERICK BALL The funeral for Frederick Ball, who died at Hillsdale Manor, Thursday, Nov, 24 in sjhis 85th .year, was held Sat- urday, Nov. 26 from the Arm- strong Funeral Home. Interment was at Oshawa Union cemetery. Rev. Wesley Herbert of King Street United Church conducted the service. Pallbearers were: Freeman Reynart, Alex Henry, J. Gould- ing, James Smith, Earl Landon, and Karl Potter. Two honorary pallbearers were: Edward Saunders and Gordon Bunker. FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHANNA HOSPES The funeral for Mrs. Johanna nennj|swe Claseral, Heaiital Piste awa e Nov. 25 at the age of 95, was from the 'Funeral Home, Monday, Nov. 28 with requiem high mass at St. Gregory's Church. The service was conducted by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer and interment was held at Resurrection cemetery. Pallbearers were: Rolland McKenna, Michael Van Gestel, 'William Howard, Joseph Noord- man, Anthony Noordman and Theodore Cortwyn. FUNERAL 0 FLORENCE omy. : The funeral r Florence Roney, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Wednesday, Nov. 23 at the age of 83, was held Saturday, Nov. 26 from the Armstrong Funeral Home. Interment was held at Mount Lawn cemetery with Rev. H. Dyck of Albert Street United United Church, officiating. Pallbearers were: Frank Wright, Douglas Clement, Gil Graham, Idalo Cappiccitti, Gary Patfield, and Paul Edmondson. FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone. 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM DURNO -- In loving memory of Aunt aha who passed away Novernber 26, Gone from us but leaving memories. Death can never take away, Memories that will aiways linger While upon this earth we stay. <iLovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed by Chuck, Bess and family. GRIGORENKO -- In loving memory of . dear mother, Anna nuenee who passed way November 28, 1960. wt 1 had all the world to give, Vd give It, yes, and more-- one her Fn syp end see tes her smile, at the door; But oan 1 can as dear sal s go and tend the gra' And leave behind 'skens" of love 'o the best mother God ever made. r "ike to think .when life Is done, Wherever heaven may be, ag) she' nl be standing at the door there to welcome me. Be i remembered and "sadly Lege a cher son and his wife, Walter and Jackson Cheered Rt Ottawa By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP) -- Ottawa Rough Riders got a eroes' reception by about 125 lardy fans today as they re- turned from Vancouver after losing 29-14 to Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Grey Cup cf final. Saturday. It was a tired and dejected group of players that got off a chartered 'plane at 5:30 a.m. Est and most of them thought of nothing but a quick trip home of the dark and several hours' sleep. But as they entered the ter- minal to wait for their luggage TOMLINSON - -- In loving memory of ajand customs clearance they dear husband and father, Earl A. Tom-istared in disbelief, then broke Wan who passed away November 28/in¢9 embarrassed smiles as they 1 memories 'woven in gold, Trae sri ne tame rei am in our hearts, his memory Is kept, Feb) To ne and, cherish Fo coal foraet, who me been at the airport m since 2:30 a.m. waiting for the by hie wite Florence tnd tomy team i complete the final leg 7 ofa e-stage flight from Van- LOCKE'S ELORIST couver via Seattle and Chicago. bray arrangements _ " Quarterback Russ Jackson oral =arrangemeni a a got the biggest ovation but the occassions. OSHAWA SHOPPING fans cheered everybody. CENTRE al CKSO! 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE gg pe pp: RR After_hours_ 725-7928 poenalython walt "gi + his A LASTING TRIBUTE luggage and when he finally For fonn gaia and dignity stepped through the soor he was we sugges! mobbed and kissed by a half- __ .MOUNT wee dozen shrieking girls. sdteiee intact ms Most of the , Ottawa party For pin eB advice please -- yy, U.S. scheduled flight pe afi Pa rk Office. rom Vancouver to Seattle Sun- LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS -@ Free hydro od electric heat @ Sauna Bath @ Swimming Pool' @ Rec room @ Fabric Draperies @ Close to shopping, ' gchool and churches Square 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. Parkwood Manor APARTMENTS Saguenay Ave. facilities floor, broadioom in halls, ample parking space, close to Shop- ping Centre. Apply or tele- phone the above numbers. deen Street, 728-3928. CLEAN, new! sornanne peat room, kitchen and bath _ in Bg person, near cork ° om Telephone 728-8792 or 310 Richenond et WHITBY -- Central, one brightly fur- DROOM upstairs 'spariment. nished Toom in quiet home. Lunches FURNISHED Prva snare Avail lable pooecember er ine if. desired. Gentleman preferred. APARTMENTS {amar 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeep- LARGE two - bedroom apariment, stove, |'"9 room, suitable for one or two gentle- frig., TV outlet, ap iets facilities, paved bought ,parts for sale. iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. 34--Automobile Repair FIBREGLASS FENDERS FOR MOST CARS NOW change those rusted out fenders to New Rustproof Fibreglass. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY '57 Pontiac '58 Pontiac '59 Pontiac . and LEASING HARRY DONALD LTD. Corner: of Highway No. 2 and Thickson Road between Oshawa and Whitby. 723-8321 MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO 100 DAVENPORT ROAD - AT BAY 927-5030 1959 FORD, In good condifion. $250 or Loo a Phone after 5 p.m., Alax, Kens ip beg: od Bel Air, eight cylinder BEDSITTING ROOM, furnished, ba lg Mga a hg ale OR py ed steering, radio, whitewalls, low mileage. housekeeping, quiet fady ition, 726-5284 efter 'S mone Telephone 72: a a ota 55 PLYMO eietion wagon, blue, VERY LARGE, clean room for two Body In good condition. A-1 mechanical- gentiemen, single beds. Mill Street dis- ly. Yeleptone ae trict. Shift workers Ss eee Free park- 8. 1962 CHEVROLET, Impala, convertible, 728- Ing. $7 each. 725-29 DOUBLE OR TTWOLE Bedrooms. Close | 2! Power. Falr shape. Telephone to north General Motors and '| TWO - BEDROOM apariment for mature couple. C 1. T TEA ROOM FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 2:30 pim. Simcoe St. United Church Sponsored by the WCTU Afternoon. Tea .50¢ VERDUN ROAD, 287: Four-room apart- bene Private bath and entrance. Imme- jate Ss men. All conveniences. Apply 303 Pacific drive. Telephone 728-2119. oe: off Park Road South. Telephone CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH. At- OOM! Wractive basement _ sperime: wee bungalow Te Toure to pe nay» eat er Pld ana arecae » private entrance,fire- tered. Apply 516 possession. Adulfs only. 723-8801. TWO BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen and bathroom, suit small family or three gentlemen. now. pri Wilken Rd. S. after 5 p. ONE - BEDROOM peer Private washroom and kitchenette, refrigerator and stove. Perfect for single lady, walk- Grenf ell biter " Ing alstence from hospital. Telephone 728- TWO". BEDROOM apartment, private FURNISHED bedroom for girl, kitchen oa renee et Eviaay,, Teena: privileges, laundry facilities, sitting roam V, close to GM, buses, en and downtown. Telephone 728-3719 BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert. and Jackson Sts. Every Monday-7:45 p.m. 20 regular games $10 and $20 2 JACKPOTS $150 in 54 Nos. $5 each horizontal line - Consolation $10 Door prize $15 ii RCN LE SOE BN eeeees wee BEDROOM goto seas -- wall to wall broadioom in liv- Ing room, Riteeeie ore, Or rapes, Spare room in basement, front and side private entrances. Decembér 1. Tele- 723-5482. VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1 481 TWO MONTHS FREE light OTHER SPECIALS '62 Pontiac Taillight assembly .. 15.95 '64 Porttiac Taillight assembly . Ke Chev Grill SOS Mn east FURNISHED bacteior apartment for rent. egg entrance, $15.00 weekly, Telephone 723-5656. 74 BOND STREET EAST, ment, private entrance, 'Fetephone Pant. ae . 14.95 340 Athol Street East, 725-2076. ig is CHEVROLET Super 5 convert. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, suitable for|'Dle V-#. power brakes ond. steering. Automatic ye canege and radio, Tele- single man. Telephone 723-6363 after 5.30 pies 266-0019 after & pm FURNISHED bedroom with Kilchen priv. 965 PONTIAC Laurentian, 13,400 miles. fheges W desired. Central, parking: Soiet sh under GM warranty. In A-1 condi- " only. 725. tion. Please 728-3073. me" fo children. '61 RAMBLER, A-1, new and new regular tires with 'Tee. bles reasonable offer. Telephone 723-1272, Nt thn 1957 ings a2 motor, stick shift, $250 or 725-5985, Two * BEDROOM, modern apartment, stove, refrigerator, drapes. Newly decor- ited. ae a + deposit. Available De- couier Park Piaze Apartments, 723- '63 Pontiac : Heodlight rim ... *64 Pontiaé Headlight rim '65 Pontiac Headlight rim OSHAWA AUTO PARTS 1175 Nelson St. 725-2162 CITYWIDE COVERAGE at low cost al get yk Classified rere Dial few on euriter. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 52 ond 56 TONIGHT - 8°P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES Bochelor, 1 ond 2 kedroom eee eae, 0 it ave isofe| © 1. 170 Park Rd. South. 72> epts. Aveoiloble | diate! te edults only. Lowest rent in town ! Coll. Mr, Runions ° 728-9217 fer appointment wo LARGE furnished housek eeping |° rooms, includes refrigerator and stove. Newly bodega | Loe fo bus and shop- ping. Parking, 7: pena tae -- "aia light house keeping Sult one working lady. Five mi Tminutes 'trom downtown. Telephone day afternoon then switched to another scheduled flight to Chi- cago where a chartered plane € 4 was waiting. But other small Radio Pirates. [iis genni plane and bus for Seattle then took an early flight to Chicago Lose Battle and waited there almost five hours -for the others. CANTERBURY (Reuters) --| Fans who didn't get to the The British government won the|airport will be able to see the Foes nag goa _-- team tonight at a parade and pirate radio stations 'Y jreception 'anized te -- the por ro a Radio -- -- nibs Bia =o i 390 was 100 pounds setae "are, as, Silene, nn couple." See 10 € be pr aid after|Daktari, can obey e station owners said after . |PARTIALLY FURNISHED four - room ie twedey nee tee ee es they hier y we broadcasting|and scribble with a Friday night. ion members, un f |cluded we itusted at Sin Simcoe ag nob th. co | > PEND SRS Lyte ota OBEYS VOICE Judy, chimpanzee star of Ty's 100 voice' in ropes Lped IRBURR: red Vf automatic, radio. ly and interior A-1, motor very good. Must sell this ae 723-2573, STATIONWAGON, ' 6 cylin- der standard, fe Ma miles. cylin. Very clean, one owner, 'Telephone tween 9-3 p.m. bed bd LARGE attractive room for two girls, South. |single beds, kitchen and laundry privi- leges. Telephone 665-4864, > i AR aac nam tne ce teat 0 A gE Sates Bates