Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Nov 1966, p. 14

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HUMPHREYS, = poyEHYR and ae ae: TL OSHAWA. TIMES, Setude, Nevember 26, 1966 _ Christmas Beginning To Haunt You?. "Coll The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY Building Trades Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs -- Alterations Additions -- Remodelling For all oad Construction 7 Charter- a ccontents" Fin Liviag "pe Trade ie a rssh 8 CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 poe Loan TV--Radio Repairs Se The n,n arn money | Sereda" wah fname _ wm eo GE MORTGAGE OSHAWA HOME' IMPROVEMENTS Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- room -- rec. rooms -- and all General Repairs. H. McKOY Prop. 725-8576 HOME REPAIR _ SERVICE Roofing and sheet meta! is our speciality. 668-8901 EXPERT PAVING. Free estimates, In- Cludes grading and fill, two-year gueran- tee. 11 years in business. Terrano Paving, 723-5841. foe cLANCYs_ ACCOUNTING ara. ; Se Eitan 'Nortne Fase Ree, 237605. fom Cea eiees I? Bond. Street fi ; elephone 723-4833. ' "Art PORTRAITS "ART SUPPLIES CUSTOM. FRAMES , CLARK STUDIO ' _ Open from 1 p.m. 325. BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-4497 ---- LLB, Solititons es King Street, Be Tay. 725-0351. Barrister and Suite 307, LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East wa, Ontario 723-4697 Ist and 2nd Mortgages PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why net consolidate ol] your payments with a low cost mortgage loan. For complete details -- call | j JOHN 6B. MCLAUGHLIN, B.Comm., Lia CARPENTRY -- New anda repairs, biock Sorvaier and Solicitor, 22% King St. &./ end 'cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680 723-2231. Res. 773-0944. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, GE, Solicitor. Money to lean. Ofte Office, 14% King Street East, Oshews. JAMES RACHORALDe BA, , Sg i ter and Seige and Notery Kine eet, Commercial Oshawa, Sater. erties Sakae avall- able. 725-4716 725-4717. REC ROOMS. Order now for Christmas. Guaranteed workmenship, Free estimates call Don collect, 985-2802, Port Perry. ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, al! cement work, sidewalks, slabs, stoops. he | Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-306' YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. Chim- neys sa Rs gy a gas linings ya roofs repaired. Free estimates. 773-2997. ate Tre: BUILDING. REPAIRS -- oro May Whitby, ROOFING, hel tar and ravel, shingles, repairs, large and snall 7 os and 648-2761; 3 725-5133. NHA other first mortgage funds avaliable. EER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll ees, Coen 7. DOUG. TERWILLEGAR, Man- ager. BRANCH _ REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King Street East, Oshawa. Bus. 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES --All Classes-- --City, Rural, Vacation-- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N., 725-3568 lors, e@tc., 114 Street East. Disi/TIL® and herdwood floors re carports, Res: M, Greer, 998] Seas. kitchen cabinets, Quality work. ac, 3 6-029; Terence V. itv SS ey Thomas H, Jermyn, BAL ATLANTIC PAVING a" concrete. Get your driveway experts, 20 cents 8q. ff. All work guar., 3 years. 723-0281. | Carpentry REMODELLING, frim work, rds, CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Tt of 24 words, $1.08; Cash insertion Ben of eecut $7,500 AVAILABLE ON FIRST MORTGAGE Write BOX 59799 rest. You | for perfect tv reception en 10 channels with no antenna get cable tv call 723-5278 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. (Just East of Ritson) : 723-8131 - 723-8132 ive insertions U en words secutive insertions of 24 additional words ic. each. = cupbos' edditional words, bs oy recreation rooms, and stalrs. Free estl- aa 'con-| Mates. Telephone words, 95.04;|BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Rec. rooms, re- modelling, buliding, etc. Quality work, honest tradesman. 576-0296. PIRST agreements. purchased and |. Hennick ond Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street AND SECOND sale Hi East. 723-7232. Charge -- 10 ver cent additional charge not pic. wit in $ days, Dentistry sAethod Pod Seunting -- Less than MORTGAGE valued Aap he WANTED -- $10,000.00 re- quired on a@ prime investment property, oe Will pay $100.00 7% per cent. Sibby's TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS ETOWN, (onypearees) ERY CUP "urns 4 ( SUGGUNG PERFORMANCE. "WE MAUREY SELLER REACHES UP AMD TURNS OR THE $PIGOT) FILLS UP TAR CUP) AND SHUTS OFF THE STREAM Weide? SPILLING A DROP, UP 400 Vout ne Pssst trade Re OR tate te \8--Articles for Sele . Gain Extra Cash With A' Want Ad By R J. SCOTT lez re Bean que 1D COULEE DANS my Sere ere POWER GENERATING UNIT 1x THE WorLD, RAWAD, CONSISTING OF LEATHER, STRINGS HANGING FROM ABELT VS TKE, FASHIONABLE. APIRE FOR, DARFUR GIRLS - LIVING IMTHE. REPUBLIC OF THe SUDAN UAPRICAD WHAT 6 dhe, ATTACK POWER oF ELEGINIC EELS 5 t ,jable offer refused. i{ Centre St. South, '| NUMEROUS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES -- |} son), Ben, to. setey ale Ain te play- dition, Telephone 942-520! Janez TWO GAS STOVES for ~s No reason- |. Telephone 942-5283. STOVE, $30., Frigidaire television $40., sewing machine Whitby, io. a8 Hi-Fi and record player, Electrohomes Elna Supermatic sewing machine; Niag- ara Cyclo massage, in case, cushion and hand vibrator; original oll painting, frame and light; Elderdown anal bive; bedspread, drapes, white - R "True Love' sliver, 58° pleces. Sacrifice! 726-5484, Skis AND POLES, 7, , $5.1 ski boots, {Alegro), $6.3 men's Ki boots, $12. teams i boy's car coat, $5.7 Black- balay coat and flannels, 12, together $6. 14--Business Opportunities Immediate Possession $1,200 Down Choice of 2 -- 3 bedroom | brick' bungalows with walk- out basement, recently de- corated. Location south west area. Contact Bill Millar 725- 2557 or 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67_ KING ST. EAST 19" ADMIRAL rene model television, $35. Fair condition. T 725-6025. PORT PERRY -AREA 'completely Fh a BOX, 15+ foot cord, Telephone 263- 0. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture |p. and appliances, One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, MATTRESS BARGAINS. Ail types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top reat tresses, $29.7 crib mattresses, $9.88) ma' tresses for bunk beds, $16.68) jelous) cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. 9--Market Basket _ POTATOES, Ontario No 1 five pound bags, delivered. Telephone 728-3996 _of 723-9439. |S--_Teeters._ TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS, HEATERS RE FRIGERATORS, Authorized Service on trailer heating end Refrigerators MILLER HEATING sh.) Tudor SI St., , Alax, 9A2- 3491 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE ----- RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot ot 401 and 28 6--Marine | Equipment INBOARD RD ENGINE for boat. Four cyline der and transmission, plus extras. Con- tinental red seal, Telephone 725-9672 after 4 p.m. 18 PLYWOOD runabout. Fibergies bot- tom, 15 H.P., Gale tralier, new tires and wheel. bearings. Complete $525.00. Telephone Whitby 668-8051. "STARCRAFT", Evinrude motors. weeigends. Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641, pt Dice: nals Abe catt cn! SEEN ENE | Me HUSK AND POLARIS - Snowmobiles, rentals and sales. Wilde Rental Service, Whitby 668-3226. 7--Swap and Barter SINKS AND VANITY units, $39.957 basins, $10.; sfainiess steel sinks, $11.50; tubs, tollets, laundry . tubs,- piping, fit- pel ti --s systems, repairs end 500- in, 288 Hillside. Open evenings my |8--Articles for Sole "| Hamilton, agian new 'Traveller boats,| and | 7, Marine Storage and Supply |GUARANTEED USED wringer washers, | WOMAN'S COAT, wine Wool, siz »#,| knitted sult blue, site 16, Man's rain. coat size 40! Bedroom drapes, 63' with bedspread, Children's 'drapes 8)" with bedspread, 725-9016. BUYING OF SELLING furniire or ap pliafhees) Call Eimer Waroton 243044 * 16309895. TYPEWRITERS, $0 $2 weekly, Adders, New, used, rertals, No Money down, Cashiers, file cab. service, trades, Bill FLOOR COVERING clearouls of discon finved palierns -- fabulous savings from Wc, per fool, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church St FOR SALE--~ Trailer axies or built to iovr specifications, Telephone 263-2371, arpton, TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower structure, all-channei antenna instelied, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, [ust east of Ritson Lama 6 television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan gg and Appliances, 452 a e South. ayer plano. = Hel a Player not working. Call Eisavo7 Brook- YASHICA movie camera, zoom lens and automatic electric eye. Also Eumig movie by banal automatic, self-winding., 728-. NoweE clothes dryer, large, in good condition, $100. or best offer. Telephone 728-1134, PHILLIPS tape recorder, $230. or best offer. Cradle, $20. 'Aquariums, $30. Model trains, $90. 723-5038, HIGH. BACK SWIVEL rocker, cliner chair, $58. Largest selection in town. Wilson's Furniture, 20. Church St. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City $28.; re- Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street sale only, Any size and all 'grades, Best prices. Fowler Forestry, 206 King Street West, 725-1685. FOR RENT -- Small gerden: One acre, bearing fruit trees, cherry, plum, apple, Grapes and currants; planting space ti all Kinds of vegetables, ele, 668-3866. , are 10.-Farmers' Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick ed up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263 7771, Lleence 4 LOST. One two-year-old cattle beast black with white face in Regian, Colum- bus ares, Telephone 655-2847 11--Pets and Livestock oy HILLTOP RANCH Horses boarded, bought ond sold, HANCOCK ROAD NORTH just east of Courtice 728-7768 or 728-5738 __ TOY POODLE PUPS fi tor sale, f four our _fe- male and two male, Apply 318 Balierd Ave. or telephone 723-1920, PUREBRED. ARABIAN years old in May. re Fine show prospect, Wil! hands, Call Vickl Varcoe, 725-1870. BOARDED in private stable, HORSES BOARDED in private Ot f. rey colt, two jent disposition, mature to 14.2 YOUNG MAN, 19, okey week SCOTCH PINE Christmas frees, Whole-| > restaurant, with, 'Wing gus quarters} pids Cygnet iam Ti ys ng 38 ate- ton: 'on $25,000, cc rane " nackert; Marie LR » "Gravelle Broker, 623-334 15--Employment Wanted RELIABLE HANDYMAN, with tools and spect ya do odd jobs reasonable, Phone having returned to ee ar will ad thi ga i: Ir, ac nything. Tele prone Michael 725-5721 - seventy- Wik BOARD -oc give day care to one or two children Ih my home, five day . Please Aelephone 728-1871, ABLE LADY, experienced 1 In house- werk, desires work by the dey. Telephone 723-7297. LADIES require fh write Box No, 99518, * ""\17--Female Help Wanted COUNTY of ONTARIO SECRETARY Applications will be received by the undersigned for a Sec- retary to the Clerk-Treosurer of the County of Ontario, Ap- plicants should apply in writ- ing stating oge, experience and qualifications Salary Schedule, Pension, Hospital, Medical and Group Insurance Plons are in effect as well os other fringe bene- fits, Starting salary commensur- able with experience and qualifications. Wm. G., Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Insulated, new barn with reomy box stalls, $30. monthly. 623- 2186. HORSES BOARDED reasonable rate. One horse for sale, Americen saddie bred; one Weish Hackney pony, nineteen 7 one Welsh pony, four months. GOLDEN WHITE COLLIES, Scoich and Toys, Also Boxer. House trained, $25-$75 delivered. 985-2645. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY COOK Lady living in Whitby oreo, | required as cook in industrial cafeteria, Previous experience FORD MOTOR COMPANY Gees OAKVILLE ASSEMBLY PLANT requires 1.B.M:; . MACHINE OPER. ATORS with at Jeast one year's |1.B.M. experience and COMPUTOR OPERATORS with at least one year's 1.B.M, 1401 and Honeywell experience and/or systems 360. training. Applicants should have 6 minimum education of Junior Matriculation. "Company paid medical, hos- pitol, life insurance and pen- sion benefits are offered to- gether with aftractive starting salaries. Please direct a complete per- sonal resume, including work experience, to: Salaried Personnel Supervisor FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA Limited Oakville Assembly Piant, Oakville, Ontario. Are You Interested. In a Rewarding Career ? HERE 1§ WHAT Zeller's Limited OFFERS YOU IN RETAIL: MANAGEMENT sd Good Riveaicon | solory * * Ropid "edvancement for those with industry end ability Liberal benefits Company policy ef pre- motion from within * 'Interesting and ective environment Strong expansion program renin. unusuol opport- unity 'for progress u Li CARBFOOT, DR. JOHN MM, Dent for training, talking strain. Apply T. month P. Real Estate tic, we for Tony Zakerow. South, 723-1671. desirable. Hours 7 a.m. -- "tor iia pre 24 words) each word. initie re ef oe wa -- es ane. word! phere te BIRTHS--DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES Insertion CARD OF THANKS $2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc. terete . edditiohs| charge og peld within & spaine VENTS Cdlapiay)?, 81.76, tor tne Hest Dr words end ee each, thereatie (Word Ads). each " 1 ES fu PER SCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES RD ADE vam. DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION pints AND DEATH 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION ra | Surgeon, 172 King aoe Bast, Oshawe. For sppointme: FIRST Rey SECOND mortgages avell- Dressmaking EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, alterations on of and gents' West ares. 728-329 DRESSMAKING, aaa aula, cots, dresses, etc. Work done 'rolpuianathy Mrs. McNamee, 668-8756. also} ¢) sults. able. Realtor, 114 Brock Street 'north, Whitby, 668-3338. -- AVAILABLE to lend on, er pur- ages, agreements of sale, Iborttotton, Times. rite Box 59336, Oshawa Musical Services DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults, costs, dresses. Besutifully tallored slip- covers, drapes, Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. Gardening and Supplies "Winter Ideas" WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS WANT TO RENT A BAND? Rock and roll, rhythm and bives, country and western. Clark's Studio, 10 Richmond St. Booking Agency, 2. Optometrist FP, RICHARD BLACK, OD, " Simece HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work guaranteed T.R.LLO, TELEVISION 728-5143 Street North, Suite 6, Oshewa. 723-4191, Photography WEDDINGS, parties, chlidren, In biack and white and color. Most reasonabie rates. Taken In your ewn home at no extra cost. 576-1047. BIRD. FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT IN MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS Spm. DAY PREVIOUS br A B oitage 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 3 col umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. "CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS a oe DAY OF PUBLICATION vertisernent cancelled beiore pub- testi will be charged on day's incert-/ cept no liability in respect of loss damage alleged to erise through mead failure or delsy in forwarding such plies, however caused whether by nee otherwise. The Times will rot Be eeponsible for repilés uncalled for i ® days. REGULATIONS The Oshaws Times will not be responsibie errors In advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one msertion of any advertisement nor oeyond the price charge for @ single} insertion In which error octurs. The gee Timés reserves the right to classity one according to its proper clasalfication ériisement rreponebis| ases ot Gspluy av rectiy, but assume 'no Ilability of edver- tisement if any ineccurecies tn any form are contained therein, IT'S EASY TO PLACE « TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 | | PURITY DOG MEAL Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark} T.V. Rentals 8---Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- nouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out Ms New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. 723-0011 Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. | PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITANNIA MALT FLOUR CANARY SEED BUDGIE SEED FLOWER POTS STRAW } . Cooper-Smith Co.) 16. CELINA ST. 723-2312--723-1139 Delivery Service established 1909 i | | | { } SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Hedges % Manure \cow, sisep ur © Dry fire wood cut to suit posts and poles. irae, Call collect Newtonvilie 786-2283' TREE TO TRIM? Cali Slim, or 11! cut them down. Free estimates. 7255118 er! 728-06 j | Hearing Service 10. GUARANTEED TRADE-INS INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS i--Women's Column bpd pein a Basket 10--Farmer's Column WoPete en nd Livestoes s3--Automobles We 14--Automobile Repalr ~ B--Lost and Found 37--~Auetions Fs alae j Behind ear and eyeglass models $69.50 -- $129.50. ACOUSTICON---BELLINGER | 'Hearing Aid Service 23 Athol St. W. Phone 723-5401 |Instruction MUSIC LESSONS Guiter Bass and Drum Les- sons given by qualified teach- ers. Guitars supplied at @ small nominal fee. trates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. |Rug - Upholstery Service {st Street, 723-7212. pad ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodei- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and tre-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- jrial for re-covering. Slip covers made order, Dalton Upholstering, 73 Charies CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. RE-UPHOLSTERY 'by experts. Estab- lished 20. years. Workmanship guaran- feed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat [tresses re-built, furniture refinished, Osh- | awe Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725- 'Sales and Sei Service APPLIANCE T.V. TOWERS Rust Proof COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO and T.V. REPAIRS Expert repairs. to oli, makes washers, dryers, ranges, ED'S a TOWER and Aerial \fast service call 668-676) or 728-8879 at! 104A Byron Street South, Whitby. service. winele mimrantead. For etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE end APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshewa Well Drilling--Diggirg WELL DIGGING © Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668- 2--Personal ws machine special- Ward, 204 Chest- izing _In 30-Inch file. Telephone 723-0011 R f Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe Telephone 728-2921 of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec. 5th., 6th., and 7th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- t. "ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) Harris Aluminum Sales Taunton Read E. R.R, 1, Hampton Phone Oshawa 725-6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn- ANYONE interested In gotng to Toronto mately 7:15 a.m, Please call further Information. heel Seong one Interested please Oshawa or Whitby, leaving approxi- Uas-see8 for ir) 3068 afte correct condition . $6.8 @ Parts, extra if ey @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. * BRAKE SPECIAL Most. popular cars. First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END. WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 RUTHERFORD'S 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate delivery or layaway. _ Rutherford! $ C1 CD ol CHAIRS FOR CHRISTMAS SWIVEL ROCKERS $24.50 HOSTESS CHAIRS $14.95 cattod. ¥ cctariad Er He WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. WRITING DESK, chest type) chest drawers, wooden hen set, refrigera- for, All in hase condition. Apply 162 Col- 15 52, each) 1 two mantie radios, $6. each of; Sweater Yarn order, TYPEWRITER, electric, $75.) standard, $30.; portable, $35.; electric adding ma- chine, $30.; cash register, $40. 723-4434. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end tables, one coffee table, two table lamps. All in good Condition. Box 57293, Osh- awa Times. CHESTERFIELD -- contemporary style, six months, barely used. Custom up- holstered. Telephone Claremont, 649-2138. | Broad, 114 Elgin East. COZY-3 RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter Pony." Pinta.' Western saddies, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. HORSES BOARDED in private stebie. Telephone Claremont. 6495444, GERMAN SHEPHERDS, Canada's finest purebred. If you ere going to own a dog, buy the best. Excellent character. '9 Kennels, 942-6469. horse. SKATES! A jepe selection of new and used. Also hockey equipment, bargain priced Peckey sticks. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street, 725-6344. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 Me structure, Ti WHITE TOY POODLE puppies, golden American Cocker Spaniel female pup; male bluepoint Slamese kitten, champion breeding, all registered and very rea- sonable, Telephone 725-6473. ail channel antenna, $50. TRI 728-5143, REFRIGERATOR AND DRYER, Mc- Clary pie ne new. Also stove. Tele- phone 668-6; LADY's ----o SKATES, size 8, hair dryer, man's navy suit, 38" | waist; washing machine and refrigerator. 723- 7617. ARKEN TAPE RECORDER in new con- dition, $55. Telephone 728-2068, |$T. BERNARD pups, registered. Deposit will "hold tii Christmas. Brooklin 655- 4760, POOCOCK PUPPIES, seven weeks old. Mother Is Toy French ag en Call- fornia. One male. and male, $15. each. "wonder Gisposition wie children, 728-44. suaer AND TAN female, good stock, hunts deer, fox, wolf, $30. or best offer. Telephone 725-9322. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you purchase from Western Oil Company, 725-1212. SNOW TIRES, white wall, mounted on rims, 775 x 14, Used six months. Tele- phone 728-6864 after 5 p.m. LADY'S BLACK SBAL fur coat, about size 12, recently remodelled, $100. Whit- by, 668-3792, PUPPIES, registered Pomeranian al chihuahuas. Reasonable. Tempor: needles. Telephone 728-7122. " 3 p.m, Monday -- Friday. For appointment please cal] Tor- onto 485-8644 extension 47, or local National Employment Service. HAND KNITTERS WANTED TO INTRODUCE NEW FIBERS Write to and mention phone number and address. Phoenix Textiles Ltd. 2850 NELSON LABRADOR Retriever, female, 1% years. Excellent hunter or pet. Tele- phone 942-2202, Backs St. Hyacinthe, Que: ETIC ONE LEFT -- Red mele eageon te three months old, registered, and almost house trained. Telephone re. 1875. GAS FURNACE, good condition, new. Reasonable for quick sale. phone 728-1768, nearly Tele- ADORABLE SIAMESE end Bivepoint kittens for sale. Also part Himalayan. Telephone 725-2729. -A-Cizor, lat: . Like new. peorgen arto oe pg ast model Call porns Hd 725-3971. USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. Geodrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH AMERICAN lynx ski jacket, size 14, Ilke new. Call eve- nings. 725-3971. = STEREO TAPE aay bord er en with extra speaker. Cost $350. Asking $195, (Take over payne) 728-9521, Ask for Ernie. TWO 21" TELEVISIONS, refrigerator) |; and record player, automatic change. Apply 86 Brock St. E. or telephone 728- 3707. HONEST CAL'S factory price: ew cu, ft. frig., $159.; new bedroom lg Hin gh a only two hours dally, 4 p.m. 205 John Street East, Gintiby. Bane 668-6361 or 725-1423. WE BUY used furniture and appliances for top cash offer, Telephone 725-1423 or 668-6361. Rel el L HEATERS, $19. each; six $29. each; two #-Inch ach; three sets of bunk beds, Valley Creek, 16 Bond W., 25 Bond E. FORMICA corner desk unit with drawers, GE floor polisher. ce Lj 566 Ridgeway Ave. between 7 and 9 s EO ata iat, FM Multi- plex and AM radio; portable television; we external Hi-Fi cabinet speakers. All In good condition, 728-5540. ace Mary Maxim Sweater Liner with every Northland or Clovdspun Bulky Free catalogues. Write: The Wool Centre, 418 George Street, Peterborough. borne East. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS et tremen- dous Ne a ole lamps $8.95, basket chairs rt, hassocks and foot stools $3.99, smooth fop mattresses $19.95, cedar chests from $80, Wilson's Furni- ture, 30 Church St. ACCORDION, 96 bass, seven treble reg- aed switches end bass switch, nice Good condition. Asking $90. Tele- pene 725-2325, CHAMBERS freezer, 17 cubic. feet, bird cage and stand. All In' good condition. TWO COMPLETE bedroom suites and other rf Items, Telephone 725- 4 p.m. T 728-1264. CHAIRS -- Recliners, rockers, etc, Sale prices! Easy terms! swivels, Barons' PRIG., aa; stove, $75) Inglis 424 Home Fur Simcoe S$. requires ride down- town Toronto, arriving st 9:00 i m, at 715-20 washer, $175; dryer, $175; kitchen set, $50. 728-9223 evenings. ings, stonework, railings, 16 years experience. Siding Experts. Lowest Prices. 942-5282 -- 728-3892 MUSIC LESSONS by qualified Instructors for all instruments, nies Bags Supplies, | iy 453 Simooe St. 5S. 725-1 TODDLERS PARADISE: Frobel-Mon- tessore "Nursery school. Saptrotions taken now. Telephone for appointment. 723-0734. 'Janitor Service STORES, offices cleaned. Prompt service. Reatonabie rates. Con- tracts Invited. Ken's Cleaning Service, TH-9538. or homes WANT ADS reach Moussnas interest-| od prospects every day. Takes sever e i} Ag the vast audience by telephoning itarlo Land Surveyor, GUARANTEED REPAIR te ai! wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call 728-1742 or 723-0011, NEW, USED -- pairs to all makes. Jack Lees, 728-6956, | ollshers, Re- cuums, New hoses. Phone 3--Sportsman's Column we' AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE with rotisserie, like new, one year old. Tele- phone 942-5776. FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture. Pay only $15. monthiy. Unbeaf- able value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeve S$. ANTIQUE WALNUT, three __ shelves HUNTING LICENCES, new id used guns, bought end sold. 8 kate change, new and my' prices. Valley Creek, 1 'WE SKIN, cut snd wrap deer and moose. Telephone 668-8745 or 723-0192. Herat gieden Af Deer heads mounted. Contact Richard Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned. Promst service on_calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. 00d Flewell,, RR 1, Claremont. SKATE EXCHANGE, new and used, bought and sold. Hockey equipment, reg cbr | Best FB esses Valley Creek, Surveyors BONEVAN "AND™ FLEISCHMANN, On|. ag ot gy sive' prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725. 4--Motorcycles ARN tertattn_ Aha SN '65 BRIDGESTONE motorcycle, 90 c.c., ike new, 750. origina! miles, Must sell, 1239 Meadowvele Street. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Spat Land perveyers. 12) Bigin Street Bast, Phone Services" help now. length. it FIREPLACE and stove wood, cut In any Deilvered, 728-0211 what-not, Tele- phone 725-6758, atter 630 p.m. i967 $KI-D00 SNOWMOBILE by Bomber-| dier, world's largest producer of soft soll) vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, now on display, United Rent-All Marine, 535 King St. E. at Wilson, 728-5565. APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds $16, dressers $10., cribs $10., stoves $19., washers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, pee Vacuum Service, Main Street, ker ing. iaurPea ome exercising bed. Helps; lose weight. Wil! sell reasonably. Also. E flat alto sax, good condition. Telephone 725-4920, NEED A SERVICE? Check tm the Went Ada fer rpiiabie| Read "Rent" ads in Classified now! NEED LIVING QUARTERS 2 DOLL'S CARRIAGE, crib and stroller. Child's rocking chair, sleigh and wagon. Girl's Honeylane plielined coat with hood. Also red, Bonnle Brae coat, size 14, 728-7142, PHILIPS 400 STEREO $150, Please call 726-4167. GURNEY 33" Prop ane gas stove. Good condition. 'Telephone 773-1268. GENERAL ELECTRIC heavy duty stove. Excellent condition, $125. Telephone 576 2577. fape recorder, BRAND NEW BEAR SKIN rug; fifteen tanned deer skins; baby carriage; pair of skis; 70-year-old Victrola with records; new accounting system; child's spri Mounted horse with stand; new muzzietoading shot gun; .22 rifle; office desk and chair; U w 10 725-6561 between 8-5 p.m., day. Ask for Carolyn. one} men's skates, size 9 |' BEAUTIFUL male Toy Terrier, house trained; Ideal gift for older couple. Thor- oughbred. No Needles. Best offer. 623-2422. 12--Articles Wanted MECCANO and LEGO, complete sets er bits and pleces. 725-8233. GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have you? Valley Creek '6 Bond Street West, 728-4401 papers, COSM REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Why not phone. 725-5151 to discuss joining us 'in: promot- SHOWCASE COSMETIC Applicant Must Be Able To Relocate Periodically Junior Matriculation s Essential Please 'Direct All Replies Te Box Number 56313 Oshawa Times FOREMAN Our. Company, the leading manufacturer of sporting fire- arms in Canada, has o re- quirement for a PRODUE- TION FOREMAN who would have the responsibilty for @ part of our production Ma- chining Department: Duties 'would include supervision of Machine personnel, scheduling of work, ete. Applicants must have had experience in the operation of various types of milling machines, turret lathes ond presses and ore either PART-TIME COOK, for pastries and des- serts, mornings, Telephone 725-1322 be- tween 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 5 p.m. 7 p.m, Pinan Friday for appointment, Mrs. Gris' pad available for young woman will- ing to live In and be a companion for lady. Small wage included. 743, CASHIER inget beeda Apply Mr. Cai bell, Genosha Hotel. ead ay GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNell's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, ELECTRIC TAPE recorder. Telephone 754 Monday + Fri- WANTED -- Guide uniform, 'size 10. Telephone 723-8693. LADIES REQUIRED at home in spare time, to cover photoes, newspaper Items, pb i 8 plastic film. No experience wired, everythi supplied, earnings 2 Bh rg 50 per hour, Write Box 557, Cale. jonia, Ont. ina Perse capecity of lead hand capacity et the moment Apply in writing te: H. E. NELSON WINCHESTER (CANADA) LTD. COBOURG,.. ONTARIO EXPERIENCED clerk - form receptionist duties, sett Avenue. typist to Apply 66 r= us 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses. Coffee Urns, Punch' Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's rormais, vynite Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 DEMONSTRATORS part fime weekends for foods and appliances, mature rellabie married women: experienced in meeting the public wanted for Interesting sales work in the Oshawa area, Age 25 to 45. Telephone between 9 and § collect Tor- onto 699-1191, LADIES, turn spare time Into cash. Good persenality and car en asset. Telephone Orono 983-5443 EXPERIENCED FEMALE pone clerk wanted for part-time general duties. Ap- ply The Toronto Dominion Bank, Whitby, OFFSET PRINTING PLANT OSHAWA AREA Now accepting: applications for OFFSET CAMERAMEN : 668-5951 9° a.m. to 5 p.m. ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Ciub for ban- quets, parties, weddings. kitchen, | parking 723-7726. Bar, GIRL experienced with groceries. Some typing. Top salary. Stete experience and sig Se Write Box M 50544, Oshawa mes. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. 14--Business Opportunities NEW DEALERSHIP MEN -- WOMEN WANTED To operate a profitable deal- ership on a part time, full time or absentee management sis. 1. Service nationally adver- tised brand products to offices, retailers and plonts, . Continuous iness. 100% items." . Our company accounts . No experience, we train. . Minimum investment. $2,000.00. 7. Expand from profits. . Unlimited market. Only a few hours weekly start you off on a successful career or Details Phone 231-3373 (ask for Mr. Walters) re-order bus- mark-up 'most furnishes will Toronto rwood typewriter; automatic water . 725-460. er White Box S7 18--Male Help Wanted SENIOR COST CLERK With senior matriculation or equivalent, for industrial firm. Should have at least 2 to 3 years experience in the standard cost system and an accounting course is prefer- red, but not essential. Please phone or write to: MR. G. R. KING Canadian JOHNS- MANVILLE CO. Westhill P.O. WESTHILL, ONT. PHONE. 282-1131 |REAL ESTATE SALESMAN required! immediately to help serve our many cli ents. Enjoy the atmosphere of the smaii- er staff. Excellent Daerertenr oe P.S.1. . Plenty of For confidential appointment call Martin, 728-5103, W. ©, Martin Realtor. CARS -- BUSES All__western. cities Florida California. AUTO DRIVE AWAY CO. Toronto 1, Ont. 362-1391 137 Yonge St..(Arcade Bldg.) SKILLED HELP WANTED, for instaila- tion of ventilation and exhaus? systems. Permanent position for a ified and responsible per: newledge of bive prints is essential. Apply Karas tndus- abies 710 Wilson Road South, 725-6547, SALESMAN WANTED: for # bt Hjem incomparable business of weite which does not require capital. Box 58672 for personal confidential In- terview. pace dsnh ORC a nee lati cn te ace AY CARPENTER, rough and trim work, Hourly rated. Oshawa area, For appoint- ag call 942-2401 between 8 a.m. and SERVICE STATION attendant in Port Whitby. Pert Whitby Texaco, Brock and Base Line In Whitby. Apply at station, 19--Male and Female Help W 'anted : TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age. 25. | MERCURY TAXI 725-4773 ring. SOMETHING DISAPPEAR? Pl Mr.!ad im Classified ve Po to reach the finder, 72-492 for an ed-writer now goth: a

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