Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1966, p. 18

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it AR a Nk pai apatiadheinagioka skainlciaoe " Ee ery Sr oy Wy ae © ; eS ye aed 082 sient Aa sae ug gig tg terse a tee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 25, 1966 ' Victoria and Grey 'Trust Co., "SHOOT IT OUT mines policy. Deputy 18 : " G : DIVIDENDS -- ne Dec. 15, rec-] LA PAZ (AP)--A duel was rg Ge ae 008 } 'ANADIAN PRESS 'jord Nov. 30. elarde TIT Le ere By THE C set up by two Bolivian con- ile . Alminex Ltd., 5 cents, Dec.| Lake Dufault Mines. Ltd., 75 gresnmen. to 'seitle their' differ. Besa higeening bling i] ns wet W cents, extra 50 cents, Dec. 15, : ; + tg and Materi-|record Nov. 27. ences on the government's tinition. No one was hurt. : als Lid., 1214 cents, Jan. 2, rec-| The Bell Telephone Co. of ord Dec. 16. Hana' Brass Ltd, 'first pref. Canada Ltd., common 63 cents, Jan. 16, record Dec. 15. ; 22) its, Jan. 1, K d hd rue tee op esse rae Great Plains Development Want Competent TOCK REPORT BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Dominion of Canada General|Co.,35 cents, Jan. 5, record Be j i bmg ieee. ide cents,|Dec. 5. , : . 13,re . 30. T | TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Zenmac 1000 25Vs 25Ve 25V2 'National Lead Cs common : a] E A ING Distributed by CP Zips 00 #1 (U.S.), Dec. 20, record Dec. Let's Have ial onsets age OILS, GAS Synthetic F ibre Fir ms 'Peoples Credit Jewellers A Party S E RVICE ? i roa 27. Ltd., 6-per-cent pref. $3, Dec: We Rent ¢s rete 5300 BI 20 e e og Mader Dec. 15. Tables - Chairs jominion Glass Co. Lid, China - i 3 Sell With Entertainment _ |.btin, Ser cut] cue ition "cian 10:40 Net | C Homesid 20 25 235 235 + cents, Jan. 13, record Dec. 27. unch Bowls - Coffea Urns nigegionag i By v0 5 365 350 355 + MONTREAL (CP)--'I don't) 'The executives in blue suits, Although the companies in-| Globe Envelopes Ltd., class Buffet Pieces - Trays Call 723-3 581 ' 0 & Cent Del 850 $1i% 11% 11% | |know how we got into the tele-|seemed slightly out of. place|volved frequently take their|/A 8 cents, Feb. 1, record Jan. Wedding Cokes. Parris,» 260 255 255 vision business," said a be-|watching a long-haired blonde|pitch directly to this consumer, |18. ; ' ; ie ais the mused Du Pont executive as he|gyrate her way through = 3ance|a long chain of middle-men, all) Pine Point Mines Ltd., $2.50, Sargeants 5 " 0 watched bearded TV producer/session at the dress rehearsal) vital for final sales, are still/Dec. 30, record Dec. 16. We have our own staff of exper- 325 320 P pe 258 258 --2//Tionel Shenken direct actresses|of the company's ski - wear/used. Imperial Oil Ltd., 50 cents, RENTALS f sgt : eee See i ¥i in a jazzed-up version of the |. the De Fashion bureaus have been -- cents, Dec. 28, record|ff463 RITSON 725-3338 lenced, ' fully qualified heating 51 2 a "Entertainment is the name|set yp, as well as a fabric|Dec. 5. tai Bt awk 0) [ eae es -- company has taken its|°f the fashion game this vear." uae he national and interna- secteiioes - all a hours Bronswk jo to oo = sales pitch for synthetic fibre|@ executive said. He blinked/tional collections of material every day . . . Radio dispatched +10.{clothing directly to the con-|2S the blonde picked up a styro-|samples. Trade shows are orga- for quick service. All their work is Bunker H guaranteed. neeserss 490 ' 5 : 200 340 335 340 Camtio eee A Piszpe .~_|foam. snowball and hurled it at! nized $19% 19% ivK + 32 - sa ds. ~ &* | nized, oy Chi 525 Spoone 60 68) 686s: C+ (|SUMer WhO, he expiailicu, ue caaae JE r CPA. TO pA oi 0 plas 200 201 199 200 +1|mands entertainment as well as? -- yp va 1 Pit | Ten years ago the company '4 Union Oi 13 324 + 1 | fashion. ee ere ete |had three times as many tech- Cdn Keely 1 1 fer : r Ugh 4 W Becaite 1200 a us Bn dlenerb tage f page serdar nical service representatives as Pp *|salesmen, but the largest share 1124 $2642 2% 2% = '. INDUSTRIALS Jettersn' w_ 30 sir A brady Een -- Du Pont paying half of the) 9° men now are at the retail Labatt 225 $17% 2 4 ve/ cost. Abitibt 590 $10% 10% 10% + %| Lafarge 100 "88% 834 Bi -- Yel © level. Buttes Alta Gas T 235 $31% 31% 3136 LOnt Cem 1100 375 370 370. +10 wm +n Ly 3| Alte Gas p 550 $892 892 892-- 2! Lav Fn 140 7250 $11 1 On SYSTEM CHANGED | EXPANDS MARKET | 242 +14] Alcan 1467 $28% 28 2814 ee 2,00 200 $13%4 13% 13% To meet the demands of the 12 + %4| Alcan: pr 35%4 3534 Levy B pr 7265 $18% 1814 1814 new selling system, the merch- The same approach to merch- += ee 2B Argus C pr 10% 10% + '%| Life Invest 100 $738 736° 738+ | An isntion haa} andising is used by Cel-Cil and - 1342 + Ya] Atl Sugar 9s e-- | Life inv wt 100 215 215 215 --10 |andising organization has been Courtaulds, but thi t of = p 43 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA 55. 53 55 +1] Bahama 85 85 | . am 2s drastically changed. Execu-|CoUrtaulds, bu is sort o! ; : } sii%e WM 1% Bank a $54 54 54 + Ma 500 $b 8% Bie + We) Hi ae agree that merchandising competition serves mostly to 4) 725-3581 ank IN <i og 420 $10 10 10 4 j =, rege 4 27% WM | MB Lid = 249 $244 24 24 synthetic fibres these days isn't cory oy ere, said Bowie ae ee me | Me Mile oo er a simple matter of selling the|? Du Pont executive. Ye Te 7Ve Mariti Fi | BA Constr 100 $5% 5% 5%--%%| Mass-Fer . 1990 $21% 21% 21% + Wl\yarn of the weaver and then| The television shows are only BA OH 2197 $30%2 30Ve 302 | | Met 'Stores 1200 $i5'2 15¥2 15% --| Forgetting about it a small part of the total merch- 1 BC Forest 425 $19% 19%. |. Mex LP 21 $10%2 10¥2 10V2 | getting 3 disi: h but th $37Va 37Va 37¥a--2| BC Frest p 100 $50V2 502 50Y Mon Food 2200 $74 7 T+ Ve andising approach but they ap- 1" 1 340 peared to be the most popular 4 Mont Loco 1400 $16% VW Calgary P 600 $212 21% Montex 600 340 340 2 j 35 +8 cD Si 60 $22¥2 22% Ma i i ta Sane aoe ain | feet us iS S24) BOND MARKET [wit ine executives ot ast Merde : mF ; 1 2 é : 'it rs 1 ; ACCOUNTIN & ts| Brew Bp 30 88 ass Mophy 'Br 78 $2604 264 26a TORONTO (CP) -- 'The Cana-| oF them mutteréd as a lithe ac-| | Board a CPA jet in In 24 monthly In- 1 545 i CB AI Aw 55 380 380 Mrphy_ Pr dian bond market was un-|) oo 4, stretch pants daneed.|@: Teronte at 9288 a.m: samumanrerken nae Nat Trust 210 $172 17% 17% 5 ' A 700 $12%4 12% 12% + % a 16a 163 h in quiet trading Thurs- "Chem NS $35 5 525 --15'| Norange as Sa ee + Pogue . . sang, ate apples in tune to the) and be In Tokyo that Many CPA Orient tours _ * . ; € imp Brk 395. $a0V2 dim S8%2+ 14] Nor cil eo 10 $46 4s | Short-term Government of|fian SNe Siagen & Snowball! Y evening. It's daylight all the to choose from. See your SUPERVISOR CHL 200 $16% 16 --% Ve 10Ve 10Ve-++.Ve : : CPR G65 $5484 54% SH -- | Soivie' 150. Slave 18 1378 4 oo spelled pas, "You just don't get anywhere|@ "2! Only $105 down for an Travel Agent or Canadian or e.. a ze 250 ii a Ont Steel 2S an ae a a vag ae pigs ote if all you have is a string of economy round trip, Balance Pacific... and mi Ld in Tire 12% Va y Oshawa A 120 $242 24¥2 24a et; 1, , issue at i " lor bet | amo a te: om Sue oe eb bes phew Bjote Tove 1 19 [and 98.75 "asked. pe gach * gon tee 'fe Newly established and rapidly growing Canadian: divis- Irvington Chemcell " 253 $13% 12% 1234 Pembina p $462 46V2 46¥% Long-term Canada and pro- plays Tea For Two in the chee ion of a large U.S.A. corporation in the plastics industry, a ER Ea Chrysler yg Led gt tg 4*~--™|vincial bonds were unchanged net" hie sail with corporate Canadian parent, requires the services of a Joliet 500 32 32 Se DB <a Gl i lag §12% 12% 12% with the Government of Canada| "°F: y ' chief accountant to set up and operate' the Accounting ons Codville I gM Dit Nee Mae $5 86-8 --2 [414 ner-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue People want fashion shows Section. Joutel 73900 82 82 8: 475. $31'%4 31% 31% Royal Bnk $68 6868 é 4 t 8444 bid and _943,|With action." Kem Kotte 3300 120 Salada é s10% 056 1046 ¢c -- a 72 a The combination of qualifications and experience has to Kid. Coper 65 65 2 2 Shell Inv w pa EA yg money traded at pi seg poegr igs nt 4 V an J Va Ss a ' , oC . " L Osy 14a Shop Save size 12% 12% |5 per cent. For Reservation and Travel Information Call the comprehensive responsiotivtes of all socoantina furetnen: 212 214+ Silverwd A $1515 «15 : bill: ded the da' ; eon ng 0 12% 12% Simpsons 328 28 «28 «+ %| Treasury is en y T a with strong potential to grow at the pace of the company's Pau ee a sl ee one i515 15 sy Slightly lower with the Sl-day ) > B growth. A well advanced student or recent graduate of the 6 2606 29 + M0 Slater si ee Ee ie bills at 5.18 and 182-day bills OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN C.G.A. or R.I.A. course with 3 to 5 years cost accounting 18% 18%--%! Steel Can at 5.26. bey s oriented experience is the desirable candidate, but in the ig + | Steinbg A >I M Christmas Cards 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Phone 668-8867 absence of an accounting degree a person with several years Stuart Hse f industrial accounting experien ind sound i | Texaco $61% 6194 REACH QUARTER-FINALS ; Ss ° i, 9 experience ind supervisory cue ah Trecers A 'es su %| LIVERPOOL (AP)--Real Zar- available at: Complete Travel Arrangements and Travel ility ond' background will be seriously, considered: Falcon HS $855 856 85% Tr Cen PL $24 23% U4 + 5 , dat bn %|agoza of Spain lost 1-0 to Ever- Information Call or See The salary to be offered will be in line with the eandid- Gen Baker us $6¥2 wits 6% bis Po 4 A ri Prt : 95 "| ton of England Wednesday night YWCA $27% 27% T ee dese cei en FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL | suswisai= "Poe 7 "e = 7 MH Greynnd * 225 sieaa 18% 18%+ Vel Un Gas $10% 10s 10%-+ v| Dut moved into the quarter Sot. Nov.-12, 19, 26 Dee. 3 || benefits is available. Hard Crp A 400 400 - 400 finals: of the European Cup of From 10 A.M. to Noon 5O Hawker $ ' 380, 380 380 Cup Winners soccer tournament Or By Colling OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN Applicat; / Home. A $15%4 15¥a_15V4 : te. Z i A i : Applications and resumes will be treated in He'On geno Samm BN BA Walnoco © 500 355 55 355 + 8 peg sexsrogeie, Saenger 723-9655 57 King St. E., Oshawa--728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 strict confidence. Write to or telephone collect 2s 245 268 : Leslie C. Boysen at 170 «WO «(70 40 490 «(490 $16". 16% 16% Be ie 2s | Marbon Chemical Division Sales to 11 aim. Banseo, BORG-WARNER (CANADA) LIMITED _ 327% Ve me Ve FOREIGN TRADING 25 $81% 81% 814+ 400 107. 107 «(107 WO 39% 9% 9% 250 $10% 104 10% 393 360 360 360 --10 | Un Keno 100 275 275 275 COBOURG, ONTARIO P.O. Box 10. Telephone: Business hours 416-372-2221 Nights, Weekends 416-372-3420 <SSeeeeuERee CANADIAN WHISKY Secu A | a rr : cm | Christmas ; | BANQUETS GROUP SOCIALS } MOTOR HOTELS ee See eaES SAS per e eee Highlight of the Year AT CHRISTMAS & Celebrate the year*with a delightful even- ing spent at the Flying Dutchman. Your guests will thoroughly enjoy themselves we RENTING How about a wine-and-cheese party? =| ga ==: * a ah oS; Pleasant Surroundings : Pec Ongermnd = ge eal THIS EXCITING NEW RESIDENCE, LOCATED IN ls Nad > ust inutes from Oshawa AWA'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREA IS DESIGNED Sr Cocktail parties are out. Wine-and-cheese parties 'Simple' is the key word. All you need are four or five on the Bowmanville Interchange (No. 75) A ' ; : ie tt " : We at the Flying Dutch iall QUIET COMFORT, AND GRACIOUS LIVING. WE COR- are in. Why? Because they're more simple, more different cheeses, and this 'cellar' of Brights fine beh d gt the coation Sich Gis Uae eae DIALLY INVITE YOU TO'VISIT US, AND TO RESERVE civilized, more pleasant. You don'thavetoraiseyour Canadian wines. Total cost: modest in the extreme. } ad thioudi'the (personal <hd fneticuléus cans NOW FOR EARLY OCCUPANCY. voice above the din. There's no din. Conversations | How about a wine-and-cheese party soon? What's sideration which is given to the minutest are relaxed and interesting. wrong with tomorrow night? } detail of your function. For Reservations Phone 623-3373 Bosslynn Arms ; LICENCED UNDER L.C.B.0, : A delectable appetizer wine D» : Superb with cheese and crackers pa Ne 4 Manor $t. Davids Sauterne : A medium dry white table wine Manor St. Davids Claret =: pple ormcee dry ve table wine 745 STEVENSON Ri Mazel Tov : A delicious dessert wine " sph al aa DuBarry Sparkling Vin Rosé : An "anytime" fun wine. PHONE Excellent heopttallty package" gift! That's just what a soleetion ' mi of Brights fine Canadian wines is. That newly-wed young couple 728-9724 you know would be delighted. a MOTOR HOTEL Coeea @ Highway 401 Bowmanville interchange 75 CANADIAN WINES SINCE 1874 $e: 623-3373

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