creer re Saeemtuitnnarcmannieameste nee - - ws sensteme oe i nee me ae seas DEVILLED NIBBLERS, SARDINE SURPRISES Simple Party Appetizers Set Mood For Holiday Season Set your party swinging with ' and abundant nib- blers. The foods you create can attract as much attention as the colorful Christmas decorations. Choose appetizers that appeal to the eye, tempt the taste, and are festive enough for the oc- easion. These tiny, tasty mor- sels can spark the conversa- tion so that time flies and guests linger enjoying every last minute of your hospitality. |t This set of hors d'oeuvres|until smooth; blend in chicken, from the Canadian: Dairy Foods|almonds, Service Bureau is spectacular| Worcestershire to see, exciting to taste and/salt and pepper. Spoon about most important -- easy to pre-|% teaspoon of cream cheese t ike| mixture into h t t If. : raged Pee itech" oni required is 200 words a minute|personal and material concerns. paprika|oM material the reporter hasn't)Where finances are concerned, seen before, though some short-|for instance, you are currently hand reporters take dictation at|in a fine three-month cycle for snappy |, higher rate. will STARTED AS HOBBY pare. You'll find these have a way of disappear-|Chill ing before: anyone has had a|parsley before serving. chance to taste them! The first two, chilled com- sitions, hide fascinating avors thanks to the tangy|SARDINES SURPRISES smoothness of cream cheese.|melt the Devilled Nibblers, devilled ham|guest. They're wonderful for a and cream cheese lively with|crowd, so easy shaped into balls,|gether, Golden melting layers then rolled in peanuts or chowjof Canadian Mozzarella mein noodles. For a colorful ad-|Parmesan dition to the tray -- Tomatoj/dines, olives and the piquant Toppers, tiny cherry tomatoes|accent of tomato sauce on tiny stuffed with a tasty, crunchy| squares of toast. seasoning, combination of almonds, apples, chopped chicken (or turkey) and cream cheese. DEVILLED NIBBLERS (Makes about 2 Dozen) 1 1 (8-ounce) package soft cream cheese 1 (2%-ounce) can devilled ham 1 teaspoon horseradish if teaspoon salt teaspoon Tabasco sauce Split salted peanuts or crushed chow Beat cream cheese until smooth; blend in devilled ham,|into 5 lengthwise slices. Place horseradish, salt and Tabasco|s' sauce. Refrigerate serving. TOMATO TOPPERS (Makes 3 Dozen Appetizers) 18 . cherry tomatoes, halved 1 (4-ounce) package soft cream cheese 1-3 cup minced cooked 1 unsliced sandwich loaf 1% cups shredded Mozzarella 2 (4ounce) cans sardines, drained several|cookie sheet. Toast both sides hours until firm enough tojof bread under broiler. Com- shape into %4-inch balls. Roll injbine tomato sauce. peanuts or chow mein noodles|/sauce and onion salt. Spread and chill about 1 hour before|sauce mixture on toasted bread and sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese. mato slices and olive slices on top and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, Broil 2 to 3 minutes or until golden. Cut each length- wise Serve hot. Canadian Dairy Foods Service Bureau. chicken Y cup aoe + chopped s on' 1% tablespoons finely-chop- ped apple 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce % teaspoon onion salt Few grains pepper omatoes. lemon juice, sauce, apple, covered. flakes or Something hot -- heart of the coldest to whip to- Shorthand Reporters Earn Good Incomes "If shorthand is one of your|280 words a minute with 99.73- strong points, a job epportunity|per-cent accuracy. She started however, you might consider is work as|by learning machine shorthand for occupational advancement,|ary, early March, late June and a shorthand er. In this field you will findjwhile she used man potential, spelled in capital let-|hand in her job in a business ters, since our present popula-loffice during the day. Heal op and rters|tories in 1965 and 1966, Mrs, a aek ter ioe uae is alBuster practised for a year on|™aking progress and achieving|intellectually inclined, but may shortage of them. horthand rter, as youjher efforts and victories, she scaketas omg one of the has now advanced from office|i? baa re the ~~ three major manual or machine|stenographer to general short-|W°exs of October an: ug shorthand systems to take down|hand reporter. in everything that is said at alviding transcripts of the pro-|SUperiors or business associates trial, hearing or meeting. From|ceedings she covers in court-|in June, early July or during his notes, he furnishes an ac-jrooms, curate typewritten or printed|and hearings. transcript. g Generally speaking, there arejin the National Shorthand Re- four major classifications for|porters Association, shorthand reporters, court re-|tion for. work as a shorthand|traordinarily interesting--from porters, hearing reporters, leg-|revorter requires less time andjtravel, social and sentimental islative reporters and general|money than any vuier profes-|standpoints. There are indica- or free-lance reporters. DUTIES VARY d es of The court reporter is em-|ing and legislative reporters|and the end of January, during ployed in a couriroom wuere ajrangs from $4,000 to $12.000 altho first threa weeks of May. trial is being held. The hearing|year. General or free-lance re- reporter works at hearings con-|porters earn from ducted by departments agencies legislative reporter takes notes in Parliament or provincial leg- islatures. The general or free- lance reporter is self-employed and is hired on a fee basis to take down what is said at con- ventions, meetings, arbitrations, and|Rspecially favored: outdoor meetings of boards of directors Parsley flakes or paprika|and stockholders, etc. He may|tion generally. Planetary influ- Remove seeds from cherry|also work in courts or at hear-|ences are also generous toward Beat cream cheese|'!ngs. and practice to acquire the|/FOR THE BIRTHDAY onion | recommended training for work as a shorthand reporter. Speed|your horoscope indicates that and accuracy are major qualifi-|the next 12 months will be ex- cations. example, : win a speed contest of the|may be tempted!). Gains made National still further monetary THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 25, 1966 177 progress in April--a good month for launching long ~ Tange enter-lnext September and October.) A little thyme added to poul prises; also in September and|" ° ; October. Do. be conservative|Romance. will be star-blessed rid te tavie sale eee where spending is concerned|during the middle of January, perks the favor t Association, took dictation at|"uring the first three weeks ofjin February, June and late food apesiniigia at" Mabanale , arc! 'oughout June, r, you are care to avoid friction in close circles |!"Stitute, University of Guelph, Stars also promise a chance|--especially during late Febru-) BATHE IN THE HILLS reporting as a hobby at night, i 'aie a The Canadian government set *|with increased earnings ,be-jeatly July--your domestic life), ig. Atbert' ual short-|y eon Jan. 1 and mid-February, |should be unusually harmoni- oa ag a of Bone ad at but you may be given additional | us. lago as 1885, responsibilities at the -same| A child born on this day will time. Next good periods forjbe extremely ambitious and) PLENTY FOR TURKEY The United States produces job recognition: the first three|have to curb tendencies toward|about 1,500,000 barrels of cran- weeks of March, the last week/selfishness. berries a year. By ROBERTA ROESCH has increased the| To prepare herself for vic- each occasion, As a result of out next November. Do be care- yg yyy ful, however, not to antagonize RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY autacr'cns MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 : RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725.6552 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa | shorthand word for word|work is taking notes and pro- the first three weeks of Septem- evenings ber, or you could lose out on the According to my informants|8°0% opportunities promised. In your private life, matters prepara-|should run smoothly--even ex- conventions, sion that yields a like income.|tions of travel.and stimulating Annual salaries of court, hear-'socia! activities between now $6,000 to and | $18,000. *«s| THE STARS SAY BY ESTRILITA FOR TOMORROW 4 A good day where personal trade association|relationships are concerned. in government. At sea and ashore! RUMS NAVY RUM PALM BREEZE WHITE CAP (Very Light) (White) sports, travel, romance, recrea- home and family affairs. L It takes two years of study , If tomorrow is your birthday, The minimum speed|ceptionally propitious for both increasing assets, especially if you do not engage in risky ven- Mrs, Alberta Buster, 29, for|jtures or yield to extravagance the first woman tojduring mid-January (and you| ° ¢ Shorthand - Reporters'during this period will spark and cheeses hide sar- SARDINE SURPRISES (Makes About 3 Dozen) (day old) (15-ounce) can tomato sauce \% teaspoon Tabasco sauce ¥, teaspoon onion. salt cheese sliced cherry tomatoes sliced stuffed olives % cup grated Canadian Parmesan cheese Remove crust from loaf; cut lices side by side on large Tabasco Arrange sardines, to- slice into 7 sections. A Very Special ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS & SAUCERS 149 each Jast the thing for those small but so-important Christmas gifts! Finest English Bone China cups and saucers by such famous makers as Paragon and Royal Albert. A wide variety of shapes and patterns to choose from in our Gift Shop. An ideal Christmas gift. "of course you may charge n" Value! FASHI ONS bankabili us Oshawa Shopping Centre Special SHOPPERS BANKING HOURS NOW OPEN 5 to 8 P.M. every Thursday and Friday Bank oF MONTREAL Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch D. J. SHANAHAN, Manager @ and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday GOOD NEWS! ee ABOUT TOWN _ ZA ae > ANN SOMMERS "It's beginning to look a lot like Ohristmas, everywhere 1 go .,.!. Little by little the shops are helping to create the holiday spirit with lights, sentiments, and trimmings all in the season's liveliest colors. And only one month away! So go, go, go! It's time to do your Christmas shopping nde hak you'll the best choices, and eliminate thot last rush so you can enjoy yourself when the big doy arrives, * * * * Even SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE hos a special counter displaying Christmas tinsel, goy ornaments, and colored lights for in outdoor use. Angel hair or snow spray create a wintry your tree. And personalized greeting cards portray thot sentiment "just for you". And what could be o more gift for the smoker than a choice Brigham Pipe. They greot variety of shapes, every one different because handmade of genuine Briar root. Their coarse grain with the beautifully polished cup and straight or curved stem, to create a masterpiece in smoking pleasure. Imported tobaccos from Europe and the Middle East proclaim a delectable oroma all their own, to provide a rare Christmas treat. SHORTY'S, ot Whitby centre, also has a huge selection of cigarettes, ond lovely gift items for the home as. well as for every member of the family. Phone 668-8361. * * * * You hear so much talk about the new Ramblers these days. . . on television, redio, news ads, and even priveie conversation. Yes, the new Romblers are really creating a stir allover the country. Why? Because they really do out-perform, out-last end out-impress, Ask the neighbor who owns one. He has the reai proof that they're the greatest thing on wheels today in economy and service, plus every comfort a car can offer, So, even slightly curious, after all that's been said about thern, sure to stop in at your local dealers to look them over, It's NICOLS MOTOR SALES on Highway 2 between Whi Oshawa. P.S. Thé highway in that section has i siderably, in fact is now almost completed, allowing easy to and from their big new showroom. Phone 668-3331. * * » * The crispy winter frost and the stars of a "silent night" been captured in beautiful glassware ot LUCK'S, for Christmas entertaining. This frosted ware, with its large star pattern, comes in four sizes (water, highball, juice and whisky) to enhance ony table setting on the most festive occas~ ions, Various sculptured motifs mounted on dork walnut panels combine to form gorgeous wall plaques: A whole new shipment of children's recordings featuring the beloved fairy tales, Christmas Carols, and nursery rhymes, are availoble, You'll find, too, many practical gift choices for ladies such as pretty slip- and-panty sets, cozy flannelette nighties and pojamas, or warm cotton. knit snuggies. These ore us some of the many lovely ot dees at LUCK'S Se to $1 STORE ot Whitby centre, Phone 68-2956, ' * * ¥ * The holly wreath, the Christmas tree, the worm hearth . . . all synonymous with the Yuletide season! But if you don' happen to have a real fireplace in your h R. Hw. CABINET COMPANY will be glad to create a substitute, gether with book shelves on either side, if desired, and wall permits. After taking your wall measurements, can be built at their factory and installed i for Santa on Christmas Eve. The finish 3 Ze it in H H 4 S8iz tH i; af Hi wood, or simulated wood in any one of the Formica wood- grain patterns, This combined with a truly life-like marble pot- tern could result in @ unit thet would add charm to any living room, This and many other built-ins can i 3 i be it a bathroom vanity, kitchen cupboards, or e "rec" roam bar. Just visit their showroom on Charles St., Pt. Whitby, or phone 668-6911. ¥ % x * Eorly preparation for Christmas prevents thot last minute rush! Do your drapes, slip covers and bedspreads need cleoning so that your home will look its best to welcome holiday guests? PEL'S DRY CLEANING SERVICE is ready to help you in all your cleaning jobs, inexpensively . . . a whole 8-pound load for just $2. And how: beautifully they out! Just like the dey you bought them. And while gathering up the a look through the closets to see that oll spon for the holiday outings including Dod's overceat, leony siete PELE eon ie quite, eAaaI oe cleaning e@ 'S way, advantage of PEL'S, DIAPER SERVICE too by calling When the jolly season arrives with all the merrymoking gourmet delicacies, wouldn't a beautiful new dining ros add spice to any occasion? ROGER APPLIANCES STORE hos a gorgeous selection of suites to fit In with ony decor. Extension tables with matching chairs, in beauti or vinyl finish, accommodate two to eight people; and entertaining of larger groups, the table, placed egainst ¢ provides quate buffet-style service, buffets ovailable with or without hutches or china cabinets. Chains attractively upholstered In water and spotproof finishes in populor colors and patterns, ROGER hos furnishings for olf other rooms in your home too. You will appreciate hig selection at lower-thenveverape prices, Phone ce Not all Municipal Airports con offer such conven privote plane owners as does the RON pr ire at the pert cas All his qualified to keep your plone in airborne mission whether for business or pleosure. week maintenance crew will thoroughly check ond Hal aircraft, This includes radio ond instrument ee necessary replacements, ond motor tune-ups including shestmetal finishing, welding, painting ond lettering. Storage service is available whenever your plane is home base. That's why, for local or outside raider cond to keep in mind RON POULTER FLYING 728-6135, ' * ¥ * faites ag 8, have a real home over, here's @ suggestion, Bi HAYDL INTERIORS, 15 &. 8, has a morvellous collection of hanging lamps. chains can be adjusted to any:length ond are equally hanging low over one end of your living room console or room buffet. Or if crystal chandeliers meet your fancy HAYDL has a complete selection, all imported from Czecho- ot i it A i Ft ze 20925289 i Hehe iz 8 slavakia, In every size ond price ronge. These deliers create a festive atmosphere In home, Christmas time. Of course, BETTY HAYDL has mony other beautiful household furnishings too that are certain to remain @ joy th t all the years to come. Stop in ond browse through her vey Gaplay, Phone eet On a quiet street In suburban Whitby stand @ "homey" 3 room bungalow of brick and stone, with attached gorage, attractively landscaped frontage has hedge border, while rear a large potio, with fish pond and shade trees, is su by high, basket-weave fencing, to Insure complete privacy. immoculate, well-laid-out interior includes a spacious livi with raised stone fireplace and picture window, In the the mahogany cupboard area is combined with stunning tiling, and a cupboard-bar separates adjoining dining room, broadloom, drapery tracks, and Venetian blinds remain purchase. Contact OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock S., Whitby, or a 668-5853. ¥ * * Something that must be mentioned at this time is a wig or hal plece to give you OF new look for the coming holiday season, The BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS Salons, both at the Oshawa Shopping Centre ond 301 Byron St. S., Whitby, specialize in individual wig styling. Stop In for free consultation .to find gut what would be most attractive and suitoble for individual needs. All are mode of real hair, in such iA oii Fi g es for instant use. So make an appointment immediately so con have your new wig or hair piece in time for the celebrations, Phone 668-3061, or 728-4623 for your appointe ment. * * * * At CLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 245 Wentworth St. W., in south Oshawa, you' will find everything to pomper your car and to keep it running in top-notch condition throughout the winter. Besides the top-grade gasolines ond lubricants, the "Super Motor Detergent' will clean your motor and prevent valves from sticking. The 'Radiator Fast Flush" cleans the cooling system, and an "'Anti-Rust and Water Pump Lubricant" retards rust and scale formation in your radiator, Then, os 4 protective coating for your car, the "Cor Cleaner and Wax'? does an excellent three-in-one job. And a "Rustproof Liquid' will prevent all metal siirfaces from rusting, So no need to your car with all these fine Texaco products so readily avol at CLINT'S, Phone Fae-o8h 1; * *% The Christmas Season is sure to bring holiday visitors te er 5 from all parts of Canada and the United States. Those travelling along the west shore district of Lake Ontario have a fine choice range of CAROUSEL MOTELS where all the most up-to-date comforts are available in overnight and dining accommodations. Between Ottawa and Toronto there's the TOPS MARINA MOTOR HOTEL in Smith Falls, the TOPS MOTOR HOTELS in borough and Belleville, the CAROUSEL INNS ot Newcastle, Oshawa and Ajax, and the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL ot don. Plan to make your stopovers at any one of these motels when hg 4 through. Reservations may be here at Oshawa's CAROUSEL INN for any of out of branches by phoning 723-5271, i 4029 }