ei Ne TR TSN sien inn agers TE E OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 25, 1966 'COUNTY LINES Woman Celebrates Her 92nd Birthday "MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- er partridge. Ray McColl has also friends in the community| returned from a two-week hunt- joined in extending best wishes|'"g_ trip. to Mrs. A. Laird, who cele-lon his ic Cookson won third prize light Percheron team ed her 92nd birthday Nov.|at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brooks , and Mrs. James Henry,|have moved into their new Mrs. Erbie home on his father's farm. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown 1 gy yg ye Sagal .|with Mr. and Mrs. Bleeks in Ottawa. . Barry Brougham Grocery Business Sold BROUGHAM (TC) -- Mr. and| was assisted by the Vice Mrs. Charles Surphis have sold|Grand, Sister Ruth Murray.| tio store and grocery busi-|Sister Beer announced the per- ness to Mr. Binger, of 'inlobasie, who will the ensuing hold a Christmas dance Nov. mR take over Jan. 1 Mrs. gg sonnel of the committees for year. The lodge will Anne Gibson had her vwn)-*- Mr. and Mrs. John Coates Harold Blackman won three three seconds, three thirds and a fourth on his High Flying Roller Pigeons at the first prizes, Royal Winter Fair. - have moved from the Frame farm to the farm they pur- .|chased from H. Philip on Con- sicession 5. The Women's Institute, meet- ing at the home of Mrs. H. Gray, voted to make a dona- tion toward a scholarship for the Pickering District High School. Mrs. McLeod gave a demonstration of candle mak- ing. The mothers of pre-school . A ed the| children are invited to a Christ- iat tae rae Oaed mas Party to be held in the Church Women when guests| hall. from Audley, Claremont, Green Brougham resident, gave a talk Creek Pioneer Village. Newfoundland, .|their son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Howell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Howell, of are visiting Mrs. P. Howell had surgery ' and showed films of the Black; at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal last week. Mrs. Jack Mit- Rickie Surphis was invested|chell is a patient at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pilkey, and Pack, The Noble Grand, Sister Lea-|Mr. and Mrs. C. Surphis at- la Beer, conducted the meet-|tended the Odd Fellows ban- ing of Joy Rebekah Lodge. She!quet at Willowdale. Club Members Receive Spoons BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- The;mier exhibitor banners in the thirteen members of the Black-|hog classes at the Royal Winter stock 4-H Homemaker Club, Fair. ..| Chemical Plant Explosion Inquest Witnesses Differ MONTREAL (CP) -- A gov- ernment chemist and a chem- ical company engineer gave conflicting opinions Wednesday on the cause of a chemical plant explosion which killed 11 men. Bernard Peclet, chief chemist for the Quebec department of justice, said the blast was prob- ably caused by an "explosive mixture of styrene fumes and Quarry Tax Plan Clash TORONTO (CP)--A conserva- m group and four mining companies clashed Wednesday over a proposal that quarry op- erators in southern Ontario pay a tonnage tax to make park- land out of the Niagara escarp- ment. The Halton and Hamilton re- gion conservation authorities' escarpment committee su g- gested a provincial tax' of two or three cents on each ton of crushed stone, gravel, sand or fill of any sort. Nelson Crushed Stone of Bur- lington, called the proposed levy "an unwarranted burden which could only add to costs." Domtar Ltd., which owns or has the right to quarry large areas in southern Ontario, called the proposal "discrimina- tory." Similar reaction was ex- pressed by representatives of Milton Quarries Ltd. and Ag- gregate Producers' Association of Ontario. The Halton committee said $10,000,000 should be spent "on immediate acquisition of es- carpment lands through the re- spective conservation authori- ties." A similar amount would be needed "'to acquire second- pee areas to round out a truly magnificent green belt." The ultimate objective is the formation of a Niagara escarp- ment park commission, 'but land acquisition should not be delayed until this is organized." who took part in the "Dressing r oe a ee ee Christmas Just Naturally Calls for... Up Vegetables" Achievement Day at North Cavan sooo School, received silver spoons for completing their project. © The morning session included the judging of school lunches and the giving of reasons for menu building. The afternoon was taken up with skits Hl | demonstrations: by the various clubs in Durham County. Le- for the Blackstock exhibit on "Quality Counts." The Cartwright 4H Homemaking Club pre- pared their own pizzas and; other items for a supper at the anne Dorrell was commentator | | Casseroles | by Penrose Flowers, so festive, so pleasing a won- derful gift for the one you love. Call in today and place your order... pleasing you means "Our Success"', PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED 576-1760 "Order Early To Raa; 1188 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Ensure Delivery" I home of Mrs. Ralph Larmer. Following the meal the mem- bers held a work session to prepare for the Achievement Day. Ivan Cochrane showed the re- serve champion one-year-old colt in horse show at the Royal Winter Fair. He also won two firsts, a second, a third, fourth, awards. The grand champion Stan- dard Bred stallion, 'Royal Sky Top," was shown by Ralph Sadler at the Royal Winter Fair. He also took second place for a standard bred filly and showed the grand champion hackney filly and won second place in the three-year-old hack- ney filly class, second for a lady's harness horse and third in the amateur stake. Leslie Taylor showed four champions as well as winning the premier breeder and pre- Controller ELECT JOHN BRADY | 12 Years Alderman "His Interests Are Yours" Mark Your Ballot .. BRADY, John |X fluorescent lighting' and said there was a probable "defi- ciency" in the plant's air-con- ditioning system. , William Volz, an sngineer from Monsanto Chemical's head office in St, Louis, Mo., said the explosion was caused by an em- ployee's negligence. Both men were testifying at a coroner's inquest into the ex- plosion Oct, 13 at the Monsanto Canada Ltd. chemical piant in suburban LaSalle. They were heard by Judge Jacques rrahan and a jury of engineers and chemists. Mr. Volz said the plant was, not designed to cope with what he said was the worst explosion ever recorded in the Western world's 100 polystyrene plants. Witnesses have said the ex- plosion occurred after a big vat or kettle processing the poly went out of contro] and the con- the blast and canteen before tents evaporated, mixing with} Mr. pyc yy saga cage air to form a volatile mixture.|that should have been The Monsanto engineer poser gM iB pro- duced charts and statistics to|ture reaching the boiling point. accompany his theory that the Earlier Wednesday, Guy Pel- blast was caused by the negli-|letier, production superintend- gence of a kettle operator who/ent, was killed in the blast. admitted the plant's air- _|conditioning had been inopera- Other testimony has been that|tive since 1957, when he joined {the kettle operator was in the|the company. Previous testi- ANNOUNCEMENT Michael Cordi and Lorenzo Leraci are happy to announce the opening of PRINCESS COIFFURES at 39 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone 723-0301 car 20% sa PRIZES TO BE WON OVER A 10 WEEK PERIOD INCLUDE... The New CAMARO Ontario Motor Sales 2, 7 day vacations to HONOLULU via CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES 4, winter vacations for 2 to the BAY MOTOR INN and SKI VILLAGE ELECTROHOME portable TV PARKWAY TELEVISION $1,540 in MERCHANDISE VOUCHERS Bonus Draw Sats Rev, 26 Winter Vacation for BAY MOTOR INN end sx "VILLAGE JERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNING NE ENTRY COUPON NUMBERS ogeoreyee hd Ayeypooord Meagge Bee Us SAVINGS CORPORATION, on NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. aT vests AND Ist PRIZE $50.00 -- 187361 2nd PRIZE $25.00 -- 765854 3rd PRIZE $10.00 -- 367118 4th PRIZE $10.00 -- 584 Sth PRIZE $10.00 -- 766933 6th PRIZE $5.00 -- 21075 7th PRIZE $5.00 -- 40630 8th PRIZE $5.00 -- 998438 9th PRIZE $5.00 -- 85493 10th PRIZE $5.00 -- Tith PRIZE $5.00 -- 18974) 12th PRIE $5.00 -- 628574 feble from beusk Entry identified with "Win @ Prize" benners. The world's most successful idea in brewing comes to Canada. SKOL International BEER SI aq 5 IAS fis Inere! Just a few years ago six of the world's leading brewers .. . from Canada, England, Belgium, Austria, Sweden and Portugal ... got together with the idea of brewing a beer so good and so right that it would hit the spot with beer-drinkers all around the world . ..a beer that would be brewed to the same exacting standards wherever it was sold. When they had the brew they gave it a name. Its name is SKOL. SKOL International Beer. And the SKOL idea worked. SKOL has made it and made it big with beer-drinkers all around the world. It's already a top seller in 31 countries... the world's most successful idea in brewing. Now SKOL is here... brewed in Canada. Next time you work up a thirst, quench it with SKOL International Beer. Discover the satisfying flavour, sparkling lightness and true refreshment of SKOL. Say SKOL -- the International Beer. Brewed in Canada under licence granted to Labatt's Ontario Breweries Limited by SKOL International Limited. Try SKOL soon. At regular prices wherever beer is sold. 2th en A SS et A tee AB IAA BNET BE, AER PR i\ A BY me te? Tsar RDAY ONLY Ravwnvry r S DISCOUNT " BOMBSHELL Men's and Boys' LONG-SLEEVED VELOUR SHIRTS Zipper closing or Ponderosa Style. Men's sizes $.M.L. Boys' sizes 8 - 14, Colours, blue, red, gold, green. MEN'S , BOYS' 2.47 LADIES' CARDIGANS Bulky novelty weave orlon. Full range SPALDING TRU-FLITE of sizes. Many colors to choose from. 'Set includes: 4 irons, putter end 2 woods. A great gift idea. 29.99 g DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL Boys' Corduroy Dressing Gowns ores wale with a Maple Leaf crest. Colors red or blue. Sizes Rawry a Ladies' Gloves Soft foam lined vinyl. warm. 1.57 PAIR Smiles 'n Chuckles Chocolates 5 lb. box. Minuet Assortment. Get. a Dressy and supply now for Christmas. g DISCOUNT r BOMBSHELL TABLE Size 28". x 17", playing surface covered with colored cloth. Sturdy steel frame. Complete with two cues and. balls. 6.37 NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ON THESE ITEMS! On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby GOLF CLUBS. eR ESTOS