20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 24, 1966 City Aldermanic Candidates Outline Platforms At Forum (Continued from Page 11) BRUCE MACKEY Bruce Mackey said he w administration. "T belie ment with the opinion express- I " new fens watt be ed by persons that not enough cil and inject a new spirit of|was being done to "hold the ta' elected to revitalize our cc .n- initiative and He said rules of procecure|GENEVIEVE EYMAN must be established to end hass- ling and bickering and to re-jised an '"'intelligent'" approach introduce "dignity and docor-|to council issues and debates. into council, Thorough and notii: um" discussion of issues, Personalities, must be head at/a laugh seem more important than intelligent Mr. Mackey went one step|said, adding that 'it is time to further than demanding :imply|put a stop to it". city hall, he said. that new industry be b.ought inte the city. He said the city|for greater understanding be- should pre-install services such|tween aldermen and ciiizens. as roads and sewers in the In- dustrial Park to attract indus-|and costs involved in construct- try. i CHARLES McILVEEN faced his remarks with a com- ment that including sions. labor and profes- petitions against the Centennial Parkway and, realizing it would|spent many long and tedious hours through the recent years in an effort to hold the line on "Sunday sports came up and|taxes," he said. raise taxes, turn down a pleb- iscite "without thinking." it was given a plebiscite when nobody particularly wanted to/as anxious as anyone to hold the line on taxes and has and will always work towards that end. Ald. Gay said the deben- stressed|ture debt must be reduced and downtown redevelopment and/|council will have to give more parking and the need in a board|consideration to a pay-as-you- of control for strict scrutiny of|go policy. 96 on the question," he add- RUSSELL McNEIL Russsell McNeil public expenditures and fiscal policies, He noted that many down- Id place. However, cealt pesstattceriens problenn|imust be exible in the best in- "All available evidence indi-|terest of the taxpayers as a cates that the time is not too/whole, he added. for off when a _ largescale/mpwIN CLARKE could present serious problems. problem could exist." He handled the question rhetorically: you tried to find a parking], place in the downtown areaj municipal taxes. recently?" JOHN DYER e John Dyer charged there was|to take a deep breath. He a "lack of know-how and con-|c cern in council" and said thejcil have taken the attitude of citizen is already taxed beyond |" his ability to pay. Mr. Dyer spoke at length on|wood" and "yes" men have to the "intolerable taxes" and ap-|be removed from council and peared to have gone through!a OPEN DAILY 7 TO 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. yayivayi MICAF money back guarantee The undersigned manufacturer of Micafil Home Insulation guarantees that properly installed Micafil will within three years save in heating economies the equivalent Micafil or your money will refund refers to a maximum of 4 inches total insulation including the Micafil layer. This guarantee is void only due to changes in heating system or physical changes in the home. BISHOP BUILDING MATERIALS LIMITED 3 CUBIC FT. PER BAG ONLY the menufacturer will be in our showroom A representative from saver atl Heng 26 from id, a.m, til 3 this product. Weatherstrip No. 142 super Aluminum and Viny' Reg. 4.50 set NOW No. hay -- end Vinyl Angle St Reg. Pet NOW . ' No. 4502 Geiuxe King seci a 3.25, NOW Weatherstrip. 20-ft. ae ced 29%. NOW Bronze Woethete. Sg pkg. . 1270 --~ 36" Threshold ced 2.79. NOW .. No. 733 -- 36" Adj. Doorseal Reg. 6.60, NOW Ne. 1230 -- 36" Doorsee! Reg. 1.29. NOW .... ASPENITE only about one-third of his pre- pared speech before his three ;|minutes were 'se a the mod- "not satisfied with the presc. .t/erator cut him Mrs. Dr. Charles Mcllveen pre-|cern over the image held by the -- rDev or low " t get|imcome" housing projects. She much of a deeneh pe Py gh said she deplored their "'segre- politics and what I stand for."|S@tion" in designated area and He said council should be|called it "inhuman injustice". made of all sectors of society|cEPHAS GAY ing re-election, said the major Mr. Mcliveen said he won-|problem facing Oshawa is one dered why council saw 10,000/of an ever increasing tax rate. a point where a levelling - off in the tax structure must take parking|was concerned with the ever in- Havel creasing mill rate which has VAAN TONi He said he was in total agree- Mrs, Genevieve Eyman prom- "There is too much bicker- ing," she said. issues," ALEX SHESTO way and freedom of the press at council meetings. WSKY Ald. Alex Shestowsky said he had now completed his appren- ticeship on council. and that serving on several committees had broadened his experience and knowledge. He stressed the need for an urban renewal committee to work with the planning board; He said there have been some preliminary studies made for "Ridicule and|redevelopment of Oshawa but there is a need for a more ex- she |tensive study. Ald. Shestowsky said there was an urgent need for addi- She said there was a need|'ional parking in Oshawa, espe- cially in the central business district and immediate steps She questioned the location should be taken to set up a ng the Cenienniai Parkway. Eyman expressed con- Ald. Cephas Gay, who is seek- "The present council have He said he was always just He said Oshawa has reached parking authority. Sree JAMES RUNDLE Dr. James E. Rundle, a for- mer city alderman, said U.S. borrowing and the devaluation aspect of the dollar will have an affect on. the mill rate. He said he did not stand on the parkway issue because it "was not past. the point of no return". He favored harbor ex- pansion and said he was aware of the planning needs of the area. D. Rundle said the issue in this election was to elect a competent council and he had "no axe to grind." NORMAN DOWN Ald. Norman Down, a former Oshawa mayor, who is seeking re-election as an alderman, told the audience the city has passed through a prosperous period of time but has over-spent. He said Oshawa has to prac- tice economy -- a word some people don't like to hear. Ald. Down said he has been as unpopular as '"'a skunk at a garden party" because of his this process|objection to certain issues pre- sented to council. He added that he opposed the expressway because the city hasn't the money to spend on it Edwin Clarke said that he and voted against the Sunday aused a saturation point in Mr... Clarke said the taxpay- sports plebiscite because no notice of motion was given on the question. EDWARD ZALEWSKI Edward Zalewski advocated rs of Oshawa need a chance/@ program of austerity for Osh- harged that the present coun-|t 'so what is a million dollars". He added that the 'dead- \vocated a vote on the park- 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 TAN TANIIANITONTAN IL money spent on be refunded. This POROUS TOL AeLS Montreal TPUBUEUEYS it 2:30 p.m. to onswer ony Model 574c 1 Regular 70.00 2,92 25¢ 1.33 2.50 5.95 115 JIG SAW MODEL 324 59.95 HEAVY DUTY 8%" SKIL SAW Sye0 ae 139.50 1" Skill Drill Tepes speed 29,95 Y% x 4 x 8 sheets. The multi puropose building panel with waterproof 2 bond. ONLY VINYL FOLDING DOORS For opening up to 32" x 78". Complete hardware included. 1 ONLY .. ee PING PONG TABLE Regulation size. Reguler 19.95 Special 1 7.95 ready to hang. All awa because the taxpayer of he city had reached the "sat- uration point" in his ability to Pay taxes. As a possible new man on council Mr. Zalewski said he didn't make a list of promises but said he could promise a SHOP HERE TODAY! Quality building materials at prices that are hard to beat. Consult us for any con- struction problems. Our advice is free, always. 7%" SKIL SAW Regular 55.00 program of conscientious serv- ice if elected. The aldermanic candidate said with the large number of people who signed a petition on the centennial parkway there should have been a plebiscite, He said that he favored Sunday sports, JOHN DeHART John DeHart said Oshawa is approaching a cross road and the decisions facing the next council could influence the progress of the city and sur- rounding areas for the next generation. Mr. DeHart said the Central Ontario Joint Planning board will play a very important part in future traffic, industrial and domestic, disposal plants, hos- pitals, recreation and ijand de- velopment problems. bth st for {ic future included Oshawa playing the role of leader in a_ regional government which will cover a large metropolitan area, He recommended a parking author- ity be established and induce- ments provided to encourage industry to locate here. ERNEST WHITING Ernest Whiting would re- introduce the question of need for a ward system of govern- ment because, he said, it put council in closer touch with the taxpayer. He suggested the expressway controversy would have never reached its critical stage under the system. Referring to the addresses of candidates before him, he said they by-passed the issues of the centennial expressway and the sports plebiscite. "T favor a complete review of the expressway," he said, point- ing to the petition signed by over 9,000 persons. He said that even though he was an elder in his church he favored Sunday sports 274 was "not afraid to take a stand." JAN DRYGALA Jan Drygala said he would offer unflagging devotion to city council and said he had good understanding of the various segments of Oshawa society. He said now is the time for a definite change in the city administration. He said he disagreed with any closed council meetings and favored a plebescite on the Centennial Parkway. Mr. Drygala reviewed his past achievements and ability 642" SKIL SAW to serve on council. (OR SALES SHOW,.J0M OPEN 9 AM--9 P.M. Set. Till 5 p.m. ACCESSORIES DEPT. OPEN 8 AM--6 P.M. Sat. TH! 5 p.m. Cold Weather Comfort with CAR WARMER Cold Weather PRE-HEATER All Fine Gifts Don't Come In°Small Packages! GIVE FAMILY PRESTIGE and ENJOYMENT PONTIAC BUICK Or Late Model @ LEN BUR ° MURRAY FRANKLIN © TOM SWEET @ BADE CRANFIELD @ BILL HAYNES LITTER BASKET Don't Be a Litter Bug Use Your Assorted Colors BERT AMEY JOHN STUTT FRANK WONNACOTT DON GAVAS ROSS SHEYAN For Fast Cold-Wea STARTING Use a GM Original BLOCK HEATER Available for all Model: Ask For Your Mills Man ForCourteous,. Efficient Service @ DAVE BATHE KEN QUINN RON SILVER RAY McLAUGHLIN -AL ATKINSON Your PONTIAC--BUICK--VAUXHALL--VIVA----ACADIAN---G.M.C.----BEDPORD DEALER The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd 266 KING ST. WEST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA BERRY AUTOMATIC Onens, closes garage door from inside your car Model 534c 44.95 oKILL DRILL model 503c Regular 21.50 Special 1 9, 1 Orbital Sander Model 592¢ 44,50 ¥e_" Skil Drill Model 596¢ -- speed control TROUBADOR CHIMES M-201 8.30 - 7.60 W206 TPP sconces M-230 . 34.90 13.40 6.90 See our complete 16.75 18.55 Ve PRI GLIDDEN PAINTS & STAINS Discontinued colors, * sage they lost E ~ BP. FLOORING | SPECIALS Vinyl Asbestos, 1/16 gauge, 08 9 x 9. Reg. 11/%ec. NOW, each ® 3 colors (carton lots only) Viny! Asbestos, 9x 9. Reg. Vinyl Asbestos, RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES Ideal for rec. room. 9 x 9 coppertone finish, ,080 gouge, 12 14¢ each. NOW, each # .080 gauge, Step-saving family gift! Touch the button on portable trans- mitter and Berry Automatic opens, closes door, lights up garage. Gives nighttime, bad weather protection. Electron' guaranteed one year--operator five years, Buy now. ONLY $199 ems ic components 1-PIECE STEEL OVERHEAD 8' x7... 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Have your basement Finished by Christmas Top Quality Materials and Workmanship Mill-Built Contract Dept. PHONE 728-6291 MAHOGANY LOUVERED Indoor Shutters Available in 24 sizes -- from 99¢ to 5.75 ea. FREE ESTIMATES wife PLASTIC LAMINATE Variety of popular colours, Ideal for bars, kitchen, counter tops, ete. Cash & Carry RADE MARE AEG. gives you life-lasting surfaces you install yourself! Fast and wonderfully easy to install--thanks to Arborite's new Improved Contact Cement--the. Arborite surfaces you select for your kitchen, bathroom, den, or living room will remain just as fresh, just as easy to clean years and years from now! See the complete range of Arborite Color-Magic patterns and colours ot Available in 2' x 4' -- 2' x 8' -- 4' x 4' -- 4 x 8' 5.45 10.90 10.90 19.85 SELF EDGING 10' ROLLS $1.75