MUGGS AND SKEETER Gig Fame ees tee Te Well eam ee Cee ee ee ay Pe MP ON Oe TITHE RaeT OF You Wilt. @ RigNT ALONG PERFECT RECEPTION C_A,B_L_E 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) | 10 CHANNELS | by NM, _4\ l iad i ib 'NO ANTENNA TLV There's More To See With Cable TV de eae tin 8 ! 6007 ALREADY // MY UNSCHEVULED CALL. IS STRICTLY INTHE NAME OF FAME. "THE PERFUME OF HEROIC DEEDS! MISS xq JONES, THAT WAS GET OUR BEAUTY' SLEEP, Goo NIGHT! GOODNESS IT WAS GOING "TO SNOW VALLEY! 7. PM, "> t--News Weather Sports LITTLE LEROY IS A DANGEROUS YOu'RE FROM ANOTHER goa TELEVISION LOG WEDNESDAY 6:00 PLM, 12---Woedy Woodpecker li----Movie 8-Superman 7--Laramie 6---Movie 3---Woody Woodpecker 5:90 PLM, Va-it'a About Time teLeave It to Beaver 9-6--Music Hop 2--Passport Two 6:00 P.M, 7--Twitigne rneatre $--Green Hornet Teer Sports, leather 3~--Nation's Business 6:38 PLM, 12--Laredo li--Plerre Berton 4--News; Weather 3-4-9--News 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 PM, 3~Daktar! . 2--News, Weather, Sports PM. 7: PM, 12--Winners' Circle Andy Williams 8-2--Virginian 7--~Batman é--Peggy Neville 4--Young People's Con- cert 7:45 P.M, 6--Nation's Business 6:00 P.M, Ni--@ecial Movie T--Movie 3-4-12---Green Acres 0:90 PLM, 9--Hocke' 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Bob Hope 9:00 P.M, 4--Green Acres 2-4--Beb Hope CROSSWORD ACKOSS 1, Scorch 5, Resorts 9, Serious 10. Celerity 12, Seraglio 13, Bodies of Kaffir warriors 14, Insect 15. Ventilates 17, Compan- ions of q's 18, Tellurium: aym. 19. Dainty 20, Cha 21, Tier 22. Great 20, Browns 31, Cain's number 23. Classifies 25. Tends 26. Java tree 27. Scions 28. Russian . Viper of . Wage con- Wil . Landing ference ) te 9:38 PLM, 11:00 AM, 7~Peyton Place | 12---Romper Room 4--Gomer Pyle | I--Marriage 3-6-12--Hallmark Hall of | Confidential Flame braless and we Supermarket Sweep bas oud 3-6--Butternut Square 1:30 AM, ll-Mike Douglas $--Magistrates Court 7~--Dating Game 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoon Party 11:00 PAM, | 9~Toronto Today 12-11-9-8-7-6-43:2 -- News, | y--Money Movie Weather, Sports Luncheon Date 11:20 PA, 4--Pro Football 4----Viewpeint 3--Popeye and Pals 4--Late Show 2--Movie NePlorre Berton ee yar Chad 12--Movie é--News, Weather, Sports a Tide PM, 6~Fiim Feature 2-4--Johnny Carson 3--News; Weemner? 7--Movie 1:00 PM. Movie ... so 01 OoMevie MA. Vi--Theatre 4-Danny Kaye 10:30 P.M, %--Sports Hot Seat 9--Gunsmoke Girl Talk 11.48 PM, 7--Ben Casey 6--Nighicap é--Luncheon Date jovie 12:00 AM, 1:98 PM. ViMystery Theatre 4 @--Movie 12.90 A, 6--Flim Feature ll--Night Life 2--Merv Griffin 2:00 P.M, THURSDAY 7--Newlywed Game 6--Film Feature 2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 PLM, lendar %-People in Confilet 8:00 A.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo Vibert J. Steed 1eeal 9--Romper Room $:58 A.M, 2--The Doctors }--Dialing for Dollars --| 7--College Football Girl Talk --Coronation Street 9:00 ALM, 4--Linkletter's Party Palncie Bobby 3:00 PLM 6--Panior's Study 9--Words and Musie 4--Bonnle Prudden 7--General Hospital 311-1284 Allen Time | G--to Tell The Truth %-Boro's Big Top 8:2--Pro Football 9:38 A.M. 3-6-12----Take 30 4--Love of Lite 25 PLM, 8--Dialing for Dollars, PE ies Bonnie Prudden Jack Lalanne 1 P.M, 3-6-9-11-12---Ontarie Little People Schools S---It's Your Move ' = 1:0 AM, 34-4-12--Edge of Nigh! %--Fractured Phrases 4:00 PLM, l--It's a Match Funny Company &-2--Thanksgiving Parade) #1 Love Lucy 4--Parades 4--Secret Storm | 34-12--Canadian Schools | 3-6-12--Communicate 10:38 AM, 4.90 PLM, li--Merning Time li--Munsters %--TV he %Movie 7--Donna Reed 4--Movie 3-6-12--Friendly Glant 3-6-12----Zorre 4 P, 12--Maverick &--Dialing For Dollara, DIAL 723-5278 REALLY? BUT ITS 10:00AM! HE LEFT AT 7:00! I'M WORRIED SICK, MOTHER! THAT WAS HUBERTS OFFICE, ANP HE HASN'T ARRIVED 26 THE OSHAWA 'ednesday, November 23, 1966 ERIDGE South dealer. aN North-South vulnerable, Pass i Opening load--king of hanrte. How often do you make a bid and, a few seconds after you make it, wish you hadn't, be- cause some new thought has occurred to you and you'd like to change your bid? Or how often do you make a play and want to retract it mo- ments later, because yo uover- looked something you should have done instead? The trouble with doing these things, if you ever do them, is that you're not allowed to change your bid or play, but have to stand or fall by what- ever it is that you've already done, If you would like to overcome this dreadful habit, you must train yourself to think first and play later, instead of playing first and thinking later. Here is an example fo the inadvertent type of error in everyday play. Let's say you're declarer at five clubs and West leads the king of hearts. When you play the ace, East ruffs it and returns a trump, and, since you must later lose a spade and another heart, you go down one. You might say you were a victim of unusually bad luck, but, if you really stop to think about the matter, you realize that you went down on a hand where you started with eleven tricks and wound wp with ten. What went wrong was that you failed to preserve those eleven tricks because you played too hastily from dummy on the first trick, What you should have done was to duck the king of hearts, as well as the queen and jack if the suit was con tinued, ruffing the third round in your hand, Had you done this, you would have made the contract, be cause you would eventually. have discarded your spade loser on the ace of hearts. Actually, you should know from the bidding that East might ruff the ace of hearts but if you played the ace and thought about the proper play later, you were in effect guilty of putting the cart before the horse. YOUR HEALTH Allergies Cause .Streetsign 21. Boast i ia Ef . Stays 22. Fur- aa Haft 5. County bearing EIA . Card animal [EIGIIVICINIG) Ie] TOMB] INIATTT |) INIG ME IM) PIO! | . 3. ONE MNOIOIIS| ning 23. Kind BOWS mMIAINISTE] ome atHe place: . Nar- le Wie RIS ' pres cotics FERTAIKIE MBBIE ISTE! . Literary . Helena is compos- itions its capital 27. Little girl 29. Coated with tar 30. Feigned 38. Throw in the sun brother underhand i ye Te [4 7 Te fighter plane 29. Rosy 30. Music note 32, Godd of justice 33. The Orient 34, Workshop: colloq. 35. European country 37, Similar 39, Concise 40, Unusual 41, Plant ovule 42, Resting DOWN 1, Hoisting machine 3. Male red deer Councillors Overspent OAKVILLE (CP) -- An audit: or's report shows that Haltow County councillors spent $10,348 more on entertainment and con- ventions in 1965 than the Muni- 'jcipal Act allows. Sinus Troubles -- By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dr. Molner: There was noth- ing about diet in your booklet on how to stop sinus trouble. Do you have a diet to help relieve it, or specified foods to avoid, like milk, etc.? Please I'm sorry you didn't find what forward such suggestions.--A.A, you wanted in the booklet, but I'm sorrier still that you evi- dently missed the essential point. Demanding some sort of a diet to cure sinus trouble is al- most as pointless as demanding one to cure a broken legy or as fruitless as putting a splint on your leg to cure hay fever, The booklet very specifically outlines the various factors which cause sinus trouble, and if you will take the trouble to learn which one or which ones are causing your distress, then you can make headway. There are but few cases of sinus which won't respondto the} proper treatment. CHECK ALLERGIES The only way diet can have an effect arises if allergy is in- volved. This may or may not be combined with other factors: irritation from fumes, physical malformation of the nasal pas- sages, infected teeth, polyps, ete, Allergy can, indeed, cause sinus trouble, although it is|E.B.D, : more likely to be a matter of} Since commercial airplanes being allergic to something you/have pressurized cabins, and breathe: Pollen, house dust, feathers, molds, animal dan-|much the same as at ground ders, plants, and the like. | Tn less common instances, a food allergy may be involved. In fact, that would be about' the last place I would search for the trouble unless you had other} signs of food allergies. | And even then, asking what) to eat or what not to eat Is a} first finds out what allergies are involved, Then, of course, it be- comes a simple matter. CAUSES MANY Foods which affect at least a few people are numberiess: milk, wheat, seafood, canta- loupe, strawoerries, wheat or other grains, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate. All sorts of foods which are perfectly good for most of us can cause allergies in a minority of folks, Drugs and medications also may be responsible, If you happen to be highly sensative to wheat, avoiding it will help you, but avoiding milk won't do a particle of good. I certainly want you to get over your sinus trouble, but I don't see any hope for you un- less you go at it logically. So read the booklet again and take it to heart, Unfortunately there are peo- 'ple who insist with a strange stubbornness that some special diet can cure anything. Well, it just can't, Dear Dr. Molner: [I have heard that a person with a per- forated ear drum must not ride in an airplane because it would cause blackouts or other prob- lems. Please let me know.-- the pressure remains _ pretty level, I think it would be per- fectly safe for you to fly. (Peo-|! ple with plugged Eustachian tubes, however, may have some discomfort from flying--a feel- ing of stuffiness, inability to hear for a time after landing, headache, etc.) The report, made public Mon- *|day at an Oakville city council ~|meeting, showed that last year the councillors spent $12,845 'for liquor, food and conventions. The Municipal Act limits such expenditures to $2,500 a year, Deputy Reeve Allan Day, one of two Oakville representatives on county council, said the au- -- report Me = aan tile with county cler'! Brown since April 22, but was never made public, worms cause athlete's foot? My daughter-in-law is almost @ cripple from it.--M.NC, No. Athlete's foot comes from a variety of organisms--either a fungus or a yeast, However, a hook-worm usu ally enters via the feet and can cause irritation. The real danger from this parasite is that it may move to other parts of the body, and can cause serious trouble, Your daughter - in - law should consult a physician without de: ay. Note to Mrs. A, A.: Cho- lecystectomy means removal of the gall bladder; salpingectomy means removal of a tube, one or both of the uterine tubes, between an Ovary and the hopeless approach unless one| Dear Dr. Molner: Do hook- uterus,