BEA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosday, November 22, 1966 HIGH COST of LIVING Got You: ALL TIED UP! Still Guarantee To Save You 100° a YEAR! There Must Be x Beason Why More People SS Depend On Chambers Than Any Other Food Club You con buy nearly all your food items at our. Club. Frozen foods, dry foods; canned goods ahd meats. Our prices are always lower thon swpermarket chains. . Members'are not obligatéd to buy large amounts of food. You cari buy as little as you like. And you buy only those items you want. You 'can order by mail and have your 'food delivered, Or you can shop in person at our Food Plants Save $100 a year We guarantee you will save at least $100 a year -- if-you spend $15.4 week with us. If you don't we. will refund the difference between $100 and what you do save! Also, we guarantee not to raise our prices after you recéive our, monthly list. But we will lower prices if market chains lower their price on @ comparable item, ° ' See for yourself How do we do it? We are able to sell quality foods at "lower prices 'because we buy in bulk, have small overhead and hand- ling costs, simple packaging, _ little odvértiging arid promotion expenses. You won't find expensive 'frills in our Food Plants Except for our Side- walk Cafe which. serves: free coffee, biscuits 'and ice cream to members who shop in person Top quality foods only Our own. Chombers, Brands are packed especially for' us by well- known food manufacturers. We are are particularly. proud. of the quality, For -example, the. peas we sell frozen are grown and packed exclusively. And like our other foods, have to pass government. inspection. Members say they are the sweetest peas they have ever eaten Of. course, we also- handle many of the national. brands, you are now supér- | buying We sell only Red and Blue Brand beef: And all our meats and poultry pass Federal Government irt- spection, Yve nave 6 séparate Food Plants Scarborough, | Weston, © Cooksville, Oshewe, Peterborough, Burlington You can buy toiletries and supplies too,Plus a small range household items, hardware and ap- pliances, All at prices fer lewer than regulor stores, Freezer and Membership from $2.71 weekly You can choose the freezer that suits your needs (we sell 11 different models) and combine Lifetime Mem- bership for as little as $2.71 a week -- payable over 24-months. ; If you already own a freezer, you can purchase Lifetime Membership for $2.11 a week -- payable over 12 months. The prices are slightly lower if you pay -in. one lump sum. (Remember we guarantee to save you $100 in your first. year.).-And membership is for your lifetime without any addition fee or dues. Privileges and services "Investigate before you invest" is @ wise motto, Send, oc phone for our free 16-page illustrated booklet. And. visit our Food Plant nearest you. Come out Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday evenings between 7 p.m. -and 9 p.m. or Satur- day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. See or yourself the quality foods and savings our members are enjoying. . Hemilton. They serve over 18,000 members. About 250 new members pay each month. We'd like to heer from you. Free Accident and Sickness Benefits We will deliver to your home $50 of food every month, up to 12 months, absolutely free if you are unable to work due to an accident or sickness. Monthly Price List and Bulletin. Food Resowe Service. _ Free Food Storage. Free quick-freezing. Free food detivery. Satisfaction guoranteed., Help to members laid off work or on strike, Payments 'of Food Club debts in. case of fatal accidert or sickness. Free food credits. In-Plant shopping. Budget Terms end Instant Charge. Deposit Accounts (5% interest). Free consulting service. Chambers School of ° Cookery, Phone or Visit Our Plant 9-6 Daily; 9-9 Thurs. & Friday For Details For Complete Details -- Ne Obligation Phone . 723-1163 Or Come In To The Oshaewe Plant -- 933 Ritson Read South OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. te 6 P.M. -- TUES., THURS., end FRIDAY til 9 P.M. Chembew: FOOD CLUB ' FOOD CLUB