Oshawa Chapter's director William Knight is seen di- recting a section of the chorus in one of the regular Monday night rehearsals at the Oshawa Airport ORC Building. Left to right are Mr. Knight, Mrs. Robert Oshawa Chapter Sweet Adelines Marks Ten Years of Harmonizing Sweet Adelines Incorporated, an International non-profit in- dependent corporation, is a barbershop harmony organiza- tion for women. Its purpose in general, is to educate its members in the art of four-part harmony, barbershop _ style, without instrumental accom- paniment. The organization was founded Adelaide McLaughlin H and § Association The following executive were installed in April for the 1966- 67 school year of the Adelaide McLaughlin Home and School Association: president, Mrs, Michael Yourkevich; ist vice- president, Mrs. Henry Bickle; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Clare Dayman; recording secretary, Crs. Richard Doyle; treasurer, Mrs. James Carey; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Daniel Shutka; garde mothers repres- entative, Mrs. Arthur McPher- eon; teachers' representative, Mrs, S. E. Howard, and com- mittee charimen. Mrs, George Drynan, with the assistance of her puppet "Slim- sy Jim'"' spoke in '"'Music in Our Schools." The safety patrollers for the 1965-66 seasons were entertain- ed on a bust trip to Toronto. There were tours of the Toron- to City Hall, Fort York, the Museum and the Zoo, with lunch at Murray's. Awards were pres- ented to the three best essays on the trip. The grade six graduating class had a party in June. The kindergarten and new oui tea was held in Septem- r. T. J. Heath was the guest speaker at the October-"Corric- ulium Night"? meeting on "Mod- ern Trends in Corriculium". The November meeting was "Father's Night'? with Gordon Lodge, the vice principal, presi- ding, the guest speaker was Cecil Jensen the technical dir- ector at M.C.V.I. His topic was "The Future Breadwinner"'. The Satfey Patroilers were in- troduced. Future programs will include A skating party is being plan- ned. The pupils participated in U.N.LS.E.F, Mrs. Henry Bickle is conven- ing the annual card party to be held on Monday, January 16th, at eight o'clock. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in October, 1947, To date there are 437 chapters in U.S.A, and Canada with a membership of 16,700. Bach' individual chapter is an asset to its local community. Oshawa Chapter was formed in 1956, At present there are 41 members directed by Mr. Wil- liam Knight. The chorus meets every Monday evening from 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the O.R.C. of- fice building of the Oshawa Air- port. The past year was active with many public appearances Weston, Mrs, Elmer Down, Mrs. James Walker and Mrs. Jack Husband, ~--Oshawa Times Photo such as half-hour shows month- ly for the Hillsdale Manor resi- dents, program for the Golden Age Club, N.D.P. Christmas Party, Whitby Hospital, Ki- wanis Luncheon, Lindsay Kins- men Club, many district UCW Church Groups, participation in local holiday and special parades, plus our own annual show. This coming year the Oshawa Chapter Sweet Ade- lines will present their show Sat., Feb. 11, 1967 at the: new Eastdale Collegiate, The Executive Officers for the fiscal year May 1966 to April 1967 are: President, Mrs. James Walker; vice-president, Mrs. Paul Junkin; secretary, Mrs. Laurier McKenna; trea- surer, Mrs, William Roser. OSHAWA RUG CLEAN ERS ---- tee HAVE oar PROFESSIONALLY and UPHOLSTERY CLEANED NOW! Free Pick-up & Delivery OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS 1700 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa THE OSHAWA TIMES, 3A Twesdey, November 22, 1966 SLIM LINE TOPS Mh Line Tops Club formed in May of this year, and has -- enjoyed a good season, Executive officers were chos- en from the six girls who form- ed the club, which are as follows :-- leader, Mrs. Donna Prescott; co-leader, Sylvia Cool- idge; secretary, Helen Hill; '| treasurer, Mrs, Jeannie Pier- son; weight recorder, Mrs, Chriss Greentree; pher, Miss Wendy Carrey. A successful plasticware party was held in the first months, and also a club picnic was held at Lakeview Park. The month- ly queens are Miss Chriss Greentree, twice; Mrs, Sylvia Collidge; princesses Miss Wendy Meet and Miss Gwen Puffer; . Mary Dobroshinsky. CALLING ALL WOMEN! bridesintud, axenieh tier bobby: . Whetever size your family, subscribe to our pro- fessional service and put an end to washdey work. at OR oe I Can't Keep This a Secret Any woman who. uses the GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE regularly, has more time to spend with her children. attend Pick-Up & Delivery Service CALL 725-3555 GILLARD Cleanit Service DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS 92 Wolfe Street '@ Oshawa -- FRENCH Seaecys: BUFFET HOTEL*GENOSHA @ Buffet served Daily 11:30 am, = 2:00 p.m. -- 5:00 p.m, - 8:30 p.m, @ Christmas Dinner Reserve NOW for... @ New Year's Eve. Dance @ New Year's Day Dinner PHONE 723-464