© King Foreman Syncyenne, Ine, 1964, Werid nights sesarved i LISTEN! DOGS BARKING! MUST BEA VILLAGE. WE'LL WAVE 'TO DETOUR AROUND TT, THE OSHAWA TIMES, is Tuesday, November 22, 1966 BRIDGE * mre East dealer. : Neither side vulnerable. : East dealer. es et Neither side vulnerable, ied Quv7b642 " 1062 | 'e Ks63 : $° as ila AKIJ10852 YQ768 ~* $2878 KJ0 as 10974 any och gaxwes aba 3253 wd 'The bidding: * Bast South West Worth Pass 1 4 46 sy 6 bd © om va Opening lead--eight of clubs pang swing you hear the term '"'free finesse," but often' there is a question whether or' _|not the finesse is really free. It: is easy enough to misapply ther principle underlying the term,: which is what happened to de: clarer in this deal where he unnecessarily went down one.» West led his singleton club Acting under the delusion that he was getting a free finesse, South played the jack from' dummy and won East's queen: with the ace. After drawing: trumps, declarer returned a club, hoping to find the suits divided 3-3 so that he could ' lobtain a discard on dummy'#* fourth club. sie But when West showed out.of clubs, South was finished, He' could not avoid los' a club' and two diamonds, and eventus' ally he went down one. " It is true that South seems destined to lose three tricks re' gardiess of how he plays, but* actually he can make the cofi-* tract by playing low from dummy on the club lead and winning the eight with the acéi- He should assume from the' bidding and the lead that the eight is a singleton. No hari can come from making this as, sumption, since the queen ih clubs, if West has it, can. finessed later in the play. After drawing trumps af @ ruffing two hearts in dummy, declarer plays the ace and an other diamond. The defense can, now do no better than cash two diamond tricks, after which they" find themselves stymied. vf If West is on lead after the" third round of diamonds, he is, Toren, pore My --, sn heart or @ Ss amond, perm South Seoeve' an ate ashi discard his club loser as dummy, hg 1 =, S ruffs, it ste vianiince ateton Movie gs If East wins the third round) 2:30 PM. é--News, Weather, Sports | +News: Weathers of diamonds, he is similal 12--Monkees Tr PM, #-2--Swingin' Country helpless. He must yield a + Leave. We Beaver ra pat $-4--Searc' for Tomorrow and: discard or else return .a, 3~Avengers ye he club into the K-J thus achieys, ing the same effect. ROUSEY RVE,1S IT? THEN YO' FOLKS LEAVE, AN'AH'LL. MR, WE no! NOSr-- | CONFESS/ FUNNY-ROOKIN' RITTLE HAG ad 97th MOVEMENT KILLS! Ai! THATA ROUSEY RYE/! e as aT wm PR GUY? Wes ie é . '2 A SECRET AGENT X9 PERFECT RECEPTION 10 CHANNELS NO ANTENNA There's More To See DIAL 723-5278 With Cable TV TELEVISION LOG 1:00 PLM, Vi--Merv Griffin 9--1 Spi -- y ae 4--CBS Reports 3,4,12--News Magazine 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) | Channel 11--Hamiites 1:25 AM, %Terento 34--Mmergency Ward 10 1:30 A.M. 11--Mike Douglas 9M "4 istrate's Court é--Torente 4--Buttale 3--Barrie >--Buttate 10:30 P.M. 3-4-12--Public Eye 11:00 Baron 12-7-4-8-3-6-11- jews, TUESDAY EVE, 'Weather and Sports Viz PLM. 6--Viewpolnt 4--Movie 7--Money Movie %--Toronto Today +. 5.00 P.M. Family Theatre . Laramie 3--Laredo 2--Passport Twe 6:00 P.M. 4 PLM, 9--Hawk SOUNDS LIKE BUT 1T COULDN'T BE-- HIME? 7--Movie 4--Reach for the Top 46-12--News, Sports 6:38 P.M, from UNCLE re Berton 3-6-9--News; ri Sports ley, Brinkley 7:08 P.M, Ni--Little Peopie 9--F-Troop &--America 4--TBA ay ess Weather; $ 4--Honeymooners _ | 3--Petticoat Junction 7.28 P.M. t--News, Weather, Sports 7.0 P.M, 1a--Musical Showcase Star Trek | 8.30 A.M, li--Albert J. Steed 48 PM, 1 ie Royal Winter Fair 12:08 A.M, 1l--Mystery Theatre WEDNESDAY 0:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo %--Romper Room 6:55 A.M. }--Dialing: for Dollars Girl Talk 9:00 A.) 3-11-12---Ed. Allen §--Uncle Bobby 4--Bonnle_Prudden &Smile Time 2--Boro's Big Top *:30 A.M. &--Dialing for Dollars, Bonnie Prudden 4--Love of Life 3-6-9-11-12--Ontarlo School: %--Movie at for Dollars Giri Taik 7--Ben Casey ite 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv. Griffin Movie 1:30 P.M. 44--As The World Turns t--Let's Make A Deal 2:00 PLM. 12----Take A Chance 7--Newlywed Game 64--Password €-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M, 12--Calender %--Peopie in Confite? o6-- The A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street nother World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth et The "free finese"' at trick one is merely an optical illusion, RICH NON-SINGS Rich Little is releasing a rece ord of Broadway songs in | so of non-singing pe jes. PICK UP COLOR: Britain's The Avengers returm to Canadian TV in 1967 in colon PATIENCE WON THROUGH It took Nero two months to: Tehearse for his one scene in. the movie A Funny °y pened on the Way to the in a bai 7» a--Jack LaLanne 10:00 A.M, 612--Teke 30 1i--It's a Match enact News 3:30 P.M, Little People %--It's Your Move 2-4----You Don't Say rman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night ornba' 6--Rounders pa Island 4--Daktari 28, 11--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, YOUR HEALTH 0:00 P.M. 34-12---Red Skelton Hour 2:30 PLM. Laredo %--Musical Showcase 7--Rounders 4--Red Skelton 2, 8--Occasional Wite 3-12--Canadian Schools 10:20 A.M, 10: \ N--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo #-2--Concentration Disease Treatment Alleviates Rigidity By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 4:00 PLM. Ni--Funny Company 7--Donna Reed 9-1 Love Lucy Beverly Hillbillies &--The Match Game 9:00 bye . 3,6,12--Friendly Giant Fh omg at gg $--Love on a Rooftop 4--Secret Storm Lenght pee 2--Mike Douglas ye. 7--Pruitts of Southampton I Dime | ot 4Woleck oMarrfoge 'Confidential : 4:30 PAM, , 9:90 PM. hay orittina ee Yesterday we discussed Par-jphalitis (inflammation of the Nato "of Woodpecker kinson's disease, what it is like, | brain). Fe12--Time for Adventur] and what causes it, and warned|/ THERAPY HELPFUL AD hae cs, Ca" A ORESPT || 9A Singin' 7---Love on a Rooftop 4,11--Petticoat Junction 7--Supermarket Sweep +4--Butternut Square 2-4--Pat Boone 4--Andy Griffiths that early treatment is impor- i EY MOUSE MICK G 4 1S €or To BE ING STRONG, ! DONT THEY « AND RUN IT ON FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES ? CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Its capital is Santiago 8, Pulpy fruit 9. Shooting stars 10, Postulate 14, Twining stem measure 16. Triumphs 18, Swirling 19. Wail 20, P. I. food 20, Play on 21.8ingle -- words uni 22. Hairless 23. Cooks lightly SITIAY ENS ICOM KIL IED} Yesterday's Answer 38. Miami Indian 39. Beaver State: abbr. 41, Refugee: "animated abbr. 27 ' fs yo) 30. Wields Y/, 34, Fish 35. Harbor 20 /. 36. Devon river 37. Planters 39. Sultanate 40. Pitchers 41, Beaten along the Mohawk 42, A boa or racer tant. Today let's talk about this treatment. Since the ailment is a matter of rigidity of the muscles, and "pill-rolling movement"'), treat- ment is aimed at alleviating this rigitity end the involuntary movements which are so annoy- ing. Several relaxant drugs are in use, and for the most part are effective in bringing relief, par- ticularly. if they are begun be- fore the disease has been pres- ent too long. The difficulty is that all of them are likely to have certain side effects, such as dryness of the mouth, drowsiness, or rest- lessness. CHANGE MEDICATION Hence, a physician many times changes from one medica- tion to another, to find the one which is least annoying in its side effects. Some degree of this may have to be tolerated, but at least the patient can settle on the one which suits him best. In more recent years surgical treatment has been employed. It involves severing a certain area of the brain or injecting alcohol into the critical area, Candidates for surgical treat- ment are carefully selected, and among such patients, from' 50 to 80 per cent favorable results have been reported. Favorable 43. Grayish blue DOWN 1. Packing box 3. Employed rae candidates are those with only one side affected, in the early stage of the disease, and tremors (such as the typical/ tain However, treatment with med- ication should be thoroughly ex- plored before resorting to sur- gery. In addition physiotherapy is extremely helpful to main- certain skills or move- ments, Speech exercises and training in control of posture and gait are among the important as- pects of physiotherapy. I think it important to add this: A patient with Parkinson- ism should be told what he has, the nature of the disease and what he can expect if he co- operates in his treatment. The patient must not be al- lowed to think that his mind is affected, because it isn't, and he must recognize that such exer- cises as I have mentioned can do much to keep him active, along with his medication. Dear Dr. Molner: What about Vitamin E in preventing heart attacks? Would it be better than digitalis, which is nauseating to me?--B. L. M. A lot has been said about Vitamin E, but the facts are that everyone seems to get enough of it in any type of diet, and giving more of it does not help. Digitalis, while the dosage should be carefully regulated, remains the most effective drug we have for its proper purpose, namely heart failure. Dear Dr. Molier: Since an ill- ness 10 years ago I have had convulsions, most of them be- fore my monthly period, and al- younger in age--by "younger," we mean early middle-age. Par-| kinsonism rarely occurs before age 40, and when it does, it yusually is the result of ence- ways }{ days before. I wish someone would discover some- thing to help at this time of the month.--T. P. Such treatmeyts probably already. If your convulsions are of afi: epiiepiic type, Various Combine tions of anti-convulsant bees can be selected. to fit your If, as can happen, hypogty=. cemia (low-blood ge or @ defect in the supply of calcium. in the blood is responsitie" these also can be treated ef-. fectively but in manner. ners As always, the first impo. > step is careful diagnosis '{0. make sure what is causing your. trouble. PRESCRIPTIONS Ce MITCHELL'S: DRUGS i 9 Simcoe N. 723-3439] eee