Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1966, p. 16

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YG THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tosndey, November 22, 1966 26--Apartments for Rent 26---Apartments for Rent WENTWORTH MANOR FEATURES @ SPACIOUS SUITES AND @ LARGE he EQUIPPED tw ONDARY AND LOCKER oe ROOMS ON EACH FLOOR @ TWO ELEVATORS @ SEPARATE FURNITURE . BNTRANCE @ FENCED IN PLAYGROUND @ CHILDREN'S ests at TO CHURCHES, @ CLOSE ' PING @ BUS SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR @ WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE TO GENERAL * MOTORS. « RENT INCLUDES _@ HEAT @ DRAPES @ STOVE and REFRIGERATOR @ PARKING THAT'S NOT ALL $$ $ CALL 723-8701 FOR SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING BONUS .WENTWORTH MANOR 278 WENTWORTH ST, OFF PARK RD. §. For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS Free hydro and electric heat @ Sauna Bath e Swimming Pool @ Ree room @ Fabric Draperies @ Close to shopping, school and churches VISIT "LA CONTESSA" WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa he will living In Ra My Ma con- pis oct situated fae those who work in and around Ny Within easy walk- "-- distance of stores and RENT INCLUDES: @ Drapes @ Heot ond hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Porking A few choice 2 ond 3 bed- room suites still available, Rental Office and Model Suite Open ce from 1-9 P.M, 723+ 8701 TELEPHONE 6--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automoblles for Sale NEW APARTMENT -- $80. monthly. Re- Ae ae stove, heat 3. ese or: tie peep. Avaliable October October ire, | 0 monthy, Ano one - gag spartment, ment, retrige ly. Heat, hydro taeTnenee NTS rom WENT Apoiy x DRI v or two shed, centri adults or|Wayne Street, Apartment 9, $ rooms, furni 'aly working couple or three Individuals. No clare. Abstainers, immediate Posses:| MODERN = two-pedroom, partment, $140 monthly, hee, h fare i luded. Children al is 860 after ce pm. MARY AND ELGIN -- Three, or four- room apartment, ished, evatens now, 'parking available. Telephone 'gp one In Bag 6304, Quiet, country three-room apartment, five minutes from Oshawa, private bath and entrance, Adults preferred. Town Line north, Telephone 1730. ONE-BEDROOM apartment avaliable Im- mediately with electric heat, hot and cold apartment, private ene heat, hydro, water Included "i rent, $60, monthly, 109 Alma Street. yaaee - auDROOM ee cove stove ie pi Beg Available immedia 3 iran -- iA ae or unfurnished, Included, laundry facilities and park ing: ule Suitable for working or retired 728-3344, apes, Newly decor- Priben Available De Plaza Apartments, 723- Two TaDRe /EDROOM, pee, (as ated, he 3 cember 1. 8844, THREE Re close to pool Telephone 7133575 or apply 303 Albert Street after 4 p.m. lesa MONTHLY, three - room, self-con- fained apartment, private entrance, elec- ttle heated, stove and refri nee ab- MITCHELL AV AVENUES fi five and bath, rachigeamy private, as rner monthly. OWE, TWO AND THREE fgg pepe: ments with refrigerator, stov controlled entrances, slevator pty swimming pool, fenced-in playground. 822 Glen Street or call 723-2347, stainers, North east area. GNE-BEDROOM api, sec, floor, s-piex)27----Rooms for Rent pt, by G = plant, 725-7846 or 655-3574, iM heated, furnished, seif-con- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | HOUSEKEEPING room single or Souble late week chard View or 22' Orchard View *aivd, pin gl a ok spacious modern apart- ment, two bat swimming pool, damage deposi prepald, Children wel- THREE-ROUM APARIMENT, private entrance and bath, available October 1.! Telephone 725-2849. | ONE AND TWwO-B BROOM apartments | SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Within Walking Distance South General Motors @ No damage deposit required Swimming Pool FM Music and Inter Com, Two Bathrooms in all 2 bedroom suites Free Parking Free Hydro Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN 1-9 P.M 728-7942 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 CASA MANANA IS YOUR BEST CHOICE TWO MONTHS FREE Modern 1, 2 and 3 bedroom @pertments, Two bathrooms. Fenced-in playground. New building. Oshawa south. Telephone 725-0657 or 728-2226 OF APARTMENTS IF YOU DESIRE MUCH LARGER ROOMS bit ol CENTRAL LOCA (neor Park Rd. North QUIET and GRACIOUS MeN ry REASONABLE IMMEDIATE Taiashuibe fans or micae 'to, " Mespit and ae 'Genical Motors, Telephone 725-8150. 2 ROOMS jo be rented separate! bungalow. Tenants to share first single gentlemen preferred. Apply Wilson Rd, $. after 5 p.m, TWO NICE large rooms in new home, close to buses and shopping, free park- ing. telephone 728-7130 after. 6. FURNISHED single and double available at the Oshawa Motel. phone 723-976) COMFORTABLE room tor gentleman only. Apply after 4 p.m. 323 Athol East or telephone 725-0836. aa LARGE furnished bedroom, kitch laundry privileges, parking spac worker welcome. 574 Crerar Ave. TWO LARGE furnished rooms. Kitchen Street wast, 7969. Fwo- AND THRE THREES BEDROOM apart- ments, pply Marland Avenue, peo Mon or 'alephone 723-6134. Pos- session immediately In oor; Pit) aaa possibly four bat at and Bays peere rt Oshawa 'iva $80 MONTHLY, | saobetiean spartan, in private home. Stove and frig, Bey 8 utill- rooms Tele bath, Sult two giris or couple. All tles included. 723-4953, THREE-ROOM SUITE for rent. Modera kitchen and bathroom, Apply 466 Hume- wood Ave., Oshawa or phone 723-8806. TWO apartments for rent. Suitable for couple or two girls to share. Partially furnished, No children, 725-3772 days or 728-0283 after PRET SE OF and bed-sitting room. Private bath, park- THREE-ROOM apartment, refrigerator ing, le two men or working couple, and stove, at 240 Ritson Road South. For | 725-83 boorreeteen Obey SU SUT Some. ROR FO. Reet. lant housekeeping IN NEW bungalow, Clean and dry oh Apply 42 Fernhill Bivd. toom basement apartment. Near south single ROOM for rent, sult Sane, plant. Suitable for two working giris or y' thol gentlernen. 728-2664 after 4. lyre, possession: Apply: 260 Aine suaLeT Twobedroom apartment, CLAN furnished rooms for lediea or $125 monthly, stove, fridge, broadioom, | Sentiemen, or two light housekeeping electric heat, Two children welcome,|>ooms, Close to North General Motors. close to Schools. ls. Telephone 723-5325, Apply 313 Arthur Street. COW RENT. "Couple willing to mind child : FOR RENT, while father works. Two children wel-| Rooms Foe La ey ra em pens. Two rooms in home, aon kitchen, | Street North. fv Tv. |CarGe "HOUSEKEEPING room in quiet quiet a for home, central, suit gentleman, Parking $18.00" weekly, Sted Telephone 723-9225, vu 1 rent. Private entrance, Telephone 723-5656, ONE SEDROOM | apartment in Whitby. New buliding. Telephone 668-5645 after 6 p.m, THREE ROOM Unfurnished -- self-con- tained apartment, in new house, main floor, $80. monthly. Telephone 725-7497. THREE Leageenl apartment, private en- france and be' For further Internation apply 992 Drew Street. ite BROCK WAST OSHAWA. one room apartment, refrigerator, ' stove, ae wpe included, $85. Tele- | NGL ) room. Clean, ; |auiet Close to hospital, north General Motors plant. nue stop at door. 728-5984. CARGE housekeeping room in clean, quiet home. Close to hospital LA north General Motors. Telephone 7: 728-728. FURNISHED ROOM, very y central at oo barking. Telephone 7: furnished room, with i 4 intieman. Close to north Parking. Apply 15 pee Spacious MH room in private home for gentleman only. Avialable immediate- Two Lae epariment, heated sep- oe 74 Oshawa Bivd, South or arate entrance. Children welcome. S$pac- | --_ lous playground. $85. monthly. telephone! ATTRACTIVELY furnished "Tight | house- 623-2488. | keeping Mar otha bid age Hee Bd facilities, Centraiiy loca hospita BOWMANVILLE -- Modern apartment, | ang downtown, Girl only, 162 Warren heated, built: in Pade = eerigerner | Avenue, 728-2359. 7574 after § p.m. if TWO BEDROOM apariment in mhodern upper duplex situated en Simcoe North. Lounary faciiities and parking. Adulte preferred, 725-5169. TWO BEDROOM apertment. $85. month wiot age $ inchuaed. Centrally located. | phone 7: K = meow rivate bath, private) a SV ind | 202 antenna, frig. @ a eivale esta Apply SSOuuES er. mo quiet home, cal ch t ind shopping, parking. clean home, kitchen and laundry privi- leges, central, ladies only, Apply Ritson Road $. Telephone 728-2767. TWO-ROOM apartment, comfortabl nished, Comoe Naa No children. | Telephone 725-5617, |ONE furnished, basement, nce, rag? also on Simcoe Street iz BOND ee api ments, private ro le i i, 723-| LARGE, hal Bow for single giri. 5029. Close to bus and hospital, light heuse- THRE ROOM apartment in new home. |KeePing facilities. Telephone 725-709). Private entrance, perking available. | FURNISHED ROOM. Apply 82 Nassav Please ely. at 426 Cromwell Avenue or Street or telephone 725-2198. MAIN FLOOR, large double room, sult oneae arc Twobedroom living | 2 persons, close to downtown, free paerk- room, kitchen, privete bath, private en-|ing, telephone 728-7130 after six. trance, hospital area. Available immedi- |FURNISHED light housekeepin ing rooms pa One child welcome. Telepho ne | S gentlemen. Close to North General BACHELOR APARTMENT, Kitchen "and | Apply 136 Elgin Street East. bedroom. Completely furnished. Sult one) |ROOM FOR RENT. Bric ight and warm, Bhs re . oepital. Reasonable. | ranay to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Rea- Telephone 723-7000. = ________|sonable. Lady. welcome. Apply 418 King THREE - ROOM, self-contained, heated | Street West. 723-2512. apartment, private entrance and beth. | eijp; D RO Kitchen and OCCUPANCY 1, 2 end 3 bedroom apart- ments in modern building. Centrally located--Intercom. No children under 12. 725-8876 COST 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES 'Ler US SHOW YOU THEN YOU DECIDE CALL: CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST (RENTAL AGENTS) Evenings 668-4416 725-5067 Office 723-5221 Regenc ogay? MARLAND AVE. 725-2227 Premier 321 MARLAND AVE. 728-6722 Modern | end 2 bedroom opartments, drapes, stove, frig and hydro supplied. New- ly decorated. Balcony for h apartment, controlled entrance with elevator ser- y Lowers MUST BE RENTED! | Sublet Two bedroom apartment. No reasonable of- fer turned down. Owner of this lease has been tronsfer- red out of town, TELE. 723-5111 @ FOR RENT e@ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room end Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige buildi centrally located, deere heated. Koomy breokfast nook and kitchen, tennis court and barbequa. FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST - weice, storage and leundry facilities on each floor, broadioom in halls, ample parking space, close to Shop- ping Centre. Apply or tele- phone the above numbers. Parkwood Manor 'APARTMENTS Saguenay Ave. 1 ond 2 bedroom Available immediotely Bochelor, opts. to adults only. Lowest rent in town ! Coll Mr. Runions 728-9217 for appointment For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom apart- ments, close to Oshawa aren PeLEriCl Adults only ELEPHONE 723- 6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. FURNISHED APARTMENT One room bachelor opart- ment for one person. Centrol. Call 728-5125, mornings 9 a.m. to 1 p.m, o Furnished or Unfurnished APARTMENT 3 rooms suitable for 2 people. Central. Cell 728-5125 Momings 9 @.m. to 1 p.m. two - bedroom apartments, laundry tacil- Wes and lockers on each floor. Large! suites with utilities and drapes, Thermo- statically controlled In each reom, under- "| 287 Verdun Rd. ~~} ronto Ave. THUNDERBIRD - TERRACE yay 'ena heated, newly decorated. Near § Points| i" Bi tmmediete possession. Apply $7 or 22/nath, Burk Street area, available now, a parking space, ladies only. Telephone two-room apartment, 728-0451 arking, heat and hydro} Supplied Suitable for two. Telephone 723,;COMPORTABLE ROOM for gentleman only. Apply after 4 p.m., 323 Athol East) bile uth A ed SE RSS or telephone 725-0535. FURNISHED four rooms, television, bath, | Weludes" Private entrance. $125 monthly BEDSITTING ROOM, fi incl ell services. One child welcome. TV furnished, Tight | Telephone 725+ |VERY LARGE, clean room for two single beds. Mill Street dis- og Shift workers eee Free park- Ing, $7 pale 725-2915. ONE light housekeeping. "room, suitable for gentleman In a quiet home. Absteiner. i EWLY decorated b ent apartment, completely furnished. Sulit one or two!l? jbusiness ladies, Eastend. Telephone 728 | 5567. plus beth, trig "and stove monthly. Avaliable im- 723-1938 after $ p.m. included. 88 mediately, Call THREE - ROOM furnished spartment, separate entrance, bath, heat, hydro sup- | plied, one block In GM, parking. Va- cant Dec. 1. Telephone 728-6697. WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment, four- piece colored bath, large living room and kitchen, Stove and refrigerator. Free hydro, laundry and. parking, 723-7728. | bed, close to downtown, Lady only. Brock Street East. Telephone 725-9559, 28--Room and Board _ SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: NEW APARTMENT, centrally located. Balcony, frig and stove, laundry facilities, hydro paid. $120 monthly. Avaliable De- cember |. Telephone 7 723-2050 after 4 FOUR-ROOM apartment "for rent. Apply Hl . *_* Scoe STREGT Iw Tweream| 20 Division St. apartment, unfurnished, sult single jwoman or married couple, one child wel. |ROOM AND BOARD Tor gentleman wili- ome, parking space, available now. 1 ed share, single beds. Telephone 725- | Telephone 723-0153. ea FE | WHITBY = = Centr location. ~ Shared or |SO0UTH END location, furnished apart | ment in-private tome, private-batty close pa -- for. young Cail cobeian. bus stop. Adults. Phone 725: 9685, | 10» TV. Board optional. Call 6 |SELF-CONTAINED furnished bachelor |apartment on bus line, Available Novem- ber 26. Telephone 728-3050. MODERN as oot "duplex apartment, 662 athol East. Five rooms, laundry facili- a ay RATERS ES | tles, electric heat, equipped kitchen. Sult|ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, good laduits. 723-4494 or 725-5574 }home cooking. Lunches packed. Apply 148 Two. te ~ |Ritson Road South. 'apartment a i cember |. Near South GM plant. Two| ROOM AND BOARD avaliable for young children welcome. Please phone 723-5482. | THREE-ROOM epariment, private bath. | Telephone 723-5900 after 5 p.m. |ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments lin eightplex. Heated, recessed balconies. | Available immediately. Whitby 668-6980. TWO, TWO-BEDROOM apartments on tw floors. For further Information please Phone 723-4712 after $ p.m. ROOM AND BOARD for young, ve In THREE ROOM apartment, furnished, private home, Telephone 728- 87 COLBORNE STREET EAST. Room and board for gentlemen, to share, single beds, close to north GM and downtown, SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street. 668-4501. ROOM AND BOARD for two itHemen to share room, single beds, lunches pack- ed, five days, central, Telephone 7 728-1721. LARGE warm room, good meals, lunches packed. Parking. rong to bus stop. Suit | gentleman, Telephone 7: 28-4845, | LARGE "attractive 1 furnished bedroom tn 162 fur- housekeeping nai Apply 313 French Street at side Moters and shopping. Cooking privileges. | Misrprewag EE « aut lady or~--gentleman. | Telephone 728-9358 between 5 and 7 p.m. | |FURNISHED housekeeping room, double man. Lunches packed, laundry Included: ol - NICOLS MOTOR SALES YOUR RAMBLER DEALER USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE '65 ees Parisienne four' door hardtop, , pe Boe gine, power steering, brakes, radio, white ean coe ts, |B 30--Automoblies for Sale ;34---Automobile Repair 38--Coming Events HAVE _ SOLLARGT zed. cars, '55's and + mie Trades Terms arranged. R. 8, Motor Sales, ry) Bloor &. 959 METEOR, "7 Ng 'Will sell or ing heat for '4-ton See ly 509 Dun- Street West, Whitby. a ee a Ss ypnead x cellent condition, down payment. Rasy terms. Licence H85080, Wellman for Rambler, 728-735). FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding -- @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ as @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service, , 199) PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, aviomatic, with radio, new palnt job, good cond! tlon 668-6782. = Sound fey, Wass baenvbon and Found LosT manville arena, silver sired wine Papers Reward. w james "Taiahone wallet ville Police, 1955 FORD Fairlane ve ii, aie ane wheel alr, $50 or best offer, 7: iti PONTIAC, stick shift, four-door sedan, Rebuilt imctorn radio. Apply Ferguson's This car carries bal new -cer' warranty. Lic, H83599, '65 FORD a 500, door 'Lions November Special Binie | Clive Grandview" area, Chie' pel. Tele: phone 728-4522, 36--Legal oar: ax peiiinaers er , Teephend OSHAWA 1963 PONTIAC, six cylinder, automatic. 725-6446. o cyevner BelAir four door sedan, a six cylinder engine with euto- matic and radio, only one previous owner, H9631 . '63 RAMBLER Classic 660 four bag! sedan, six cylinder '8 on ene Biscayne, six cy! standerd, lo, Apply fy Howard Street after 4:30 3% pe a COLLECTOR's ---- 1938 icy Seat cash agp by hy Goed: hg I CHI avRSLaT row orn 2 redle, ere transmission, ia vn GHEVROLET moa four-door in black and white, 8 cylinder, auto- matic, power ditions 83 and 1 ees radio, engine, tenderd Lic, 1178266. Ideal family cor with easy terms, '62 DODGE Dert four door sedan, ax cylinder H8 50. Be sure to look one over ! '62 PONTIAC Porisienne Convertible, Lic. 82864, Must be seen to be appreciated. * $595 BUYS YOUR CHOICE OF '59 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, V-8, stand- ard transmission, Lic, X8627. '59 PONTIAC Parisienne two door hardtop, six cylinder automatic with radio, Lic. J5401. '58 CHEVROLET four door, six cylinder stand- ord. 37723, '58 MERCURY Pork Lane four door hardtop, equipped. H84456, '57 MERCEDES BENZ four cylinder diesel engine. A real money sever. Lic, H95978. All Prices Reduced. No Reasonable Offer Refused. Make Us An Offer. NICOLS MOTOR SALES On Highway No, 2 Just West Of Thickson Road Whitby 668-3331 USED CARS and LEASING HARRY DONALD LTD, Corner of Highway No. 2 ond Thickson Road between Oshawa and Whitby. 723-8321 © A.M, @ "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd, Whitby 668-3331 Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322. -- 723-8311 On the Spot Financing __ MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO 100 DAVENPORT ROAD AT BAY 927-5030 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of corsa. Antique upholstery and re- storation. BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St: S. Whitby, _Days 668-8101 Eve, 655-4578 |mechanical 'country sede ae Al io, euiomatic. Musi sell. ae say out 1944 FORD, bg phone } '33 Ponta Sed Coaatiton. i' vinterbeds' 5 cash, so vy on. " bi ec I ge ley wee 830 te $37, Telephone 196 FORD arene four-door, radi will Telephone farses i957 PONTIAC, faateer hardtop, good condition, radio, snow tires, winterized, $125. Telephone 655-4757, 190 CHEVROLET, Al condition. Tele- phone 668-32: RE AO i Yim Pa PON i942 IMPALA, four door sedan, white wall tires, six cylinder, automatic, red with red interior. Telephone 623-2641, 1966 CHEVROLET two door hard top, power steering, power brakes and other extras, T lephone 623-5194 after 5.30 p.m. "AIR Chevrolet, goed running snow tires, $200 or best phone 723-0039. pee aeer hardtop, over twelve 723-4756 after ; V-8 automatic, consider trade. est offer over 8375. Rosedale Avenue. "four door sedan, 6 cylinder automatic. Lic, 305868. 10 per cent down, $40 monthly, Niccls Motors, Whitby. 4 FORD Fairlane, @ door ited automatic, radio, eres, steer! 10 per cent down, 5 ekly, Lie. 312925, = Motors, Whitby. 4 COMET, 4 door, 6 cyievetrs Stanners. with radio, 199377, $50, down, $44. Whitby, ty. Nicols Motors, A PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door. | Eight cylinder, automatic, power steering, tinted windshield, flow mileage, owner, first class condition. 725-0777. 198 DODGE, four-door sedan, V8 duto- matic, new tires. $300 or closest offer. 725-7643 after 4 p.m. 31--Compact Cars for Sale % VOLVO & PEUGOT tk MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Deoler Speciolizing in Volkswogen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales ond Service New and Used Cors 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings i862 COMET, two-door automatic, radio, od snow tires, $675. After 6 p.m., 668- 86, "#@ VAUXHALL station wagon, excellent mechanical condition. Good body, snow tires, $275, 137 Harmony Road North. '6 ACADIAN, automatic, radio, Telephone 723-6147, gv ENVOY, Recent valve lob. Owner ing to hospital. Must see to Sporeciete. nly $150, 725-4355, 32--Trucks for Sale i @.MC., model V-552, five-ton, long wheel base dump truck, Combination box and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound ri end, D.P. exie, five-speed. Clarke ie 3: mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires, Best offer. Telephone 7: 723. 5387, Tam, - 4pm i982 FORD haif-ton, very good condition, $150, Telephone 726-2577. 1983 FORD haif-ton, good condition. $175 or best offer, Apply 194 Adelaide Street East after 7 p.m. 1988 FARGO truck % ton. 7982 afternoons before 4 p 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Decler ond "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Ask for Ed at one low mileage, 150. Cail 773- DOWN---$30 MO, 59 ~ 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS A 484 King W. "aa GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late ity, rth models our spear Courtice = Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. LIENS PATO OF: OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars, No down pay- ment, Gus Brown Motors (td. 728-7375. 1%5 OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard tive car. Best offer 723-6803 or 'i? VOLKSWAGEN, rebuilt moter, five new tires, front end lust overhauled, $400. aes IL sain like new, Sacrifice, $150. "63 VALIANT, two door, bi radio, snow tires, etc. tion, Must sell. 728-9552. y six, standard, xcellent condi- private entrance; parking space. Apply| SINGLE ROOM and board ee gentie- 256 Athol St. man, lunches packed, Parking teciiities. |THREE COMPLETE furnished rooms,| Telephone Alex 942-2043. |private bath, no children, Apply 248 To-| ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, » close jto north GM and bus stop. Telephone | PRIVATE, NEW two-bedroom" self-con-| 725-2305 na tained apartment, $115 Includes retriger-| SINGLE ROOM for gentleman near south ator, stove, heat, hydro, washing end'General Motors and Houdaille, Parking. many extras, Telephone 723. 4515. | Apply 863 Ritson Re. South, |ONE MONTH'S free rent, One-bedroom | japartment, free services, bus at door,| |29--Wanted to Rent fet bulldi lose to shi anieaoe Sole, Telephone ese ene: Reston | FouN@ COUPLE with one child" would - j like to rent two-bedroom apartment, main |ONE BEDROOM apartment, partly fur-| floor in private home. Oshawa-Whitby nished, private entrance, also two room! area, references. Telephone 720-1138. jturnished apartment. Apply 195 Albert) - | Street RENT THAT VACANCY | through Rent |417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whithy.|Ads. It's EASY. Call 723-3492 for an ed- aren apariment with bath, Available) "riter today. \Famee- unfurnished rooms, central, heat, 30--Automobiles for Sale MORE CASH jlights and water included. Available | December 1. Apply 234 Gliddan Avenue 123. Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. jor telephone after 6 723-53: DODD MOTOR SALES | FOUR | ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, "Upper | 'epart-| 314 PARK RD. SOTH [eee on Rd. East. 9-2 p.m, telephone | { FouR - eaten t "ROOM apartment, "in private! garage available. Children over 723-3492 Wicea er telephone Yuba, after 4 pum., ment, unfurnished, separate entrance, | T 7, Saturdays anytime, 723-9421 sy, | 725-1091. '8 FORD, fouredoer, automatic, radio, 6 cylinder, good throughout. Make offer. ier 477 mabon Avenue. Telephone ir os 'automatic, two-door, and radio, $300 or nearest offer. Telephone good condition, fully offer, Call 723-847 195) OLDSMOBILE, g Powered. $400 or bes! atter 5, 190 CHEVROLET sedan, six cylinder, standard, Saskatchewan car. Apply 97 Durham Street. 1959 JAGUAR 3.4 a Liter 'automatic, | Fadio, grey, Interior excellent. New paint job. Must sell, Private owner 723-2573, 9 OLDSMOBILE, V-8, 4door, rebuilt motor, brand new tires, new paint, power brakes and steering, in excellent condl- tion, Best offer! Owner moving. 843 Rit- son Road th. PRIVATE. '57 Pontiac sedan, | 283, mo) automatic, radio. New. battery, new ex- haust Saag one" « , ener $350. 725-0393. Athol $ St. '% DODGE F ee ar condition, just overhavied engine, custom radio, lots of extras. Must sell this week, $350. -- King St. E. Telephone 728-4859 after ima CHEVROLET, « SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-231! OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sais 1178 Nelton Street, Telephone 725-2162. WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. No Paco for towing. Telephone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. 34--Automobile Repair FIBREGLASS FENDERS FOR MOST CARS NOW change those rusted out fenders to New Rustproof Fibreglass. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY '57 Pontiac 19.95 "58 Pontiac . + a8.95 '59 Pontiac .. 33.75 OTHER SPECIALS '62 Pontiac Taillight assembly .. 15.95 '64 Pontiac Taillight assembly .. '65 Chev Grill New '63 Pontiac Headlight rim '64 Pontiac Headlight rim '65 Pontiac Headlight rim OSHAWA AUTO PARTS TITS Nelson St. 725-2162 14.95 . 18.95 You are one of Thousonds who read The Times Wont 'automatic tranamis- sion, with radio, excellent ¢ondit $1080, Telephone 723-0426, Ads Daily. Ontario Housing Corporation Development Proposals ARE INVITED FOR 30 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS OF 'Ontario Housing' IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA, ONTARIO The units required may be ex- isting, or may be under con- struction or in the planning stage on land owned by the Proponent or under option to him Proposal forms, specifications and information may be ob- tained from the offices of the Corporation, and proposals for this project will be re- ceivéd by the Managing Di- rector of Ontario Housing Corporation, 188 University Avenue, Toronto 1, until 3:00 $1,850 IN CASH PRIZES Plus Free Draw for $100. in 10 door prizes This Week Only 2 JACKPOTS $200 Each BOTH MUST GO |' Increased to $300, in 52 Nos. or Less PLUS >i, per Early Bird game 7:45 sharp. Guaranteed minimum $5. per line and $25. full card, $150. Jackpot Game 20 regulor games ot $20, Double in 15 Nos, or less. Last 5 gomes, $30. per game. Admission $1.00 Bus service leaving King ond Simcoe Street ot 7:00 and 7:15 p.m, Wednesday November 23rd JUBILEE PAVILLION iine DoT games, t Service in i come 23.at 2 p.m. mee Soldier's Plot. Pra: Home, Tuesday at 7:30 p, ej "gi Mine Rape res et Jenn and. Paul, Scales Ml the ing, Street West, Union the! McCCAMMOND, Joseph Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gaenarat Mospital on Tuesday, November 22, 1966, h sg pris aot ot (Syivia) of Cohewe and brother of Res day, November 4 Mount Lawn Cemetery, je McCammond; in oe mg at the Armstrong Funeral. Nemo POTTER, William 'Thompson Entered into rest suddenly in the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, November 21, 1966, Willlam Thompson Potter (of Angle-Jane Dresses and T 'er Interiors), beloved husband of Jone, iyiter 1 agli Sandra and Berry. :088 of the late Ellen vy ' Doni brother of Mrs, B. any tare of Scarborough, Mra. Moat ette) of Flin Fion, Manitoba, James S. Potte: snd Heeney (Marion) (Jean- id r of Toronto; in his sth eer, " Resting at the Giffen-Mack Fu- y' neral Home, 2570 Danforth Avenue, uae rento, with funeral service in the ch Thursday, November at intorrrent Pine Hills Cemetery, Toronto. IN MEMORIAM p.m., Thursday, January 5th, 1967. The lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION ~ DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS of CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS eddressed to. Secretary, Department of Public Works of Conado, Room B 326, Sir Charles Tup- per Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa and. endorsed "TENDER FOR POST OFFICE (S.P.10), ORONO, ON- TARIO" will be received un- til 3:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), WED- My i DECEMBER 14, 1966, Tender documents ¢an be ob- TEN PERFECT CHANNELS the finest in ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Reloyed directly to your interference free home vie Cable TV. Phone Now and place your order or Cable TV PHONE 723-5278 Oshawa Cable TV tained on deposit of $25 in the form of a CERTIFIED bank cheouve to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, through: District Architect, 241 Jervis Street, Toronto 2, Ont.; and can be seen at Room C-705, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; and at the Post Offices at Lindsay, Orono, and Port Hope as well os at the Construction Ex- changes. ot Oshawa and Pe- terborough and the Construc- tion Association at Toronto. The deposit will be refunded on return of the documents in good condition within one month from the date of ten- der opening. To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment and must be accompan- ied by the security specified in the tender documents, Thurs., BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. All regular gomes $10, Share the Wealth Jackpot $150. 51 Nos. or $20 Consolation Good service for greoter attendance. FREE ADMISSION Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. DNIPRO HALL --Lovingly and Ron Ritchie, Scarborough, On wonderful father and 4 Collison who pas --fver remembered by son, ter-In-law Marie and and Annemarie ef Townline Ri --Sadly @d by his loving wite av father, father and orenatenten, will ho pa i 7 oy, COLLISON -- In of our cousin, Roberi (Bob) G. Collison, who, passed He holds a place pai For no one else can ever be More cherished in our hearts, remembered by yy eitle tarle. COLLISON -- In loving memory e srandtelner' Hove away Nov. 22nd Looking back with memory, @ path you trod, We bless the hours we had with you, And leave the rest with God. Jack, di srandeniidren, COLLISON -- s tov bag 4g ye le with you was never empty, ue with you was never dull, ' ress, ness, grief | bear When the family fae and. you are "not re, Bob, missed but lovingly remember. Anne, FLETCHER -- In loving memory dear husband, father and ia Harry Johnson eicher, eae away two years 'a0, November within our mae of memories he holds --Sedly missed by his toving wite, Agnes and sons, Harry (Alax) David (RCAF, P.@.1.). d Sheila and son-in-law Thomas (USAF, 'ormesa and Viet Nam) and grandchil- ba be Jean Margaret and tndee hts and shes meas temporarily HAYES -- in loving of 8 dear Hayes, 2, 1956, t He though He came A Hood -- oad And sp and rest. 'RUMMAGE SALE OSHAWA YWCA 199 CENTRE ST. Nov. 24, Good household articles. 1 p.m. used clothing and The lowest or any tender not 39--Notices necessarily accepted. ROBERT PORTIER, Secretary. - CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES A. sale of lands in orrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hell, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the sixth doy of December, 1966, unless the aoa and costs @re sooner fhe 'list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been published in the Ontario Ga- zette on the 3rd day of Sep- tember, 1966. Copies of the said list may be obtained et the office of the City Treas- urer. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th doy of August, 1966. | MARKSON, _ treasurer a eemeeinenenee A LBERT EARL ERVIN, ert partments, Ajax, will not sible for any debts pi In my name by anyone on or after this on oe 22, 1966. Without my written consen| OPENING Fri., Nov. 25th SAUNA STEAM BATH 42 Bloor St. East NEW MANAGER THEODORE ABRAMYK For gentlemen: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 2-- 11-PM, fundey 8 A.M.--1 P.M. For Ladies: Wed, 1 P.M.-- 11 P.M, Telephone 725-7504. -- 728-7007 Always remembered by deughter-inlew Mary and family, dear son and t brother, Sadly missed by and brothers. In-law George and 'Christine. " Anne Robinson, Oshawa, away pe reser ot 21, 1965. da aed Merenacniierene Lynn, dear husband, 64 Shortt, who away son Perey, LAVERTY -- tn tovi peg 'enneth loath who passed away November 22, 194], He Is gone but not fo truant bat' in our ly Thoughts of him are sac A Days of satiness will come o'er us. Many think the eons Is healed, But they little know the boob ned That Ties In the hear! conce: Mother, Ded, sisters eR OBINSON -- | Mar agit n loving emery sf 6 ooh whe bs ct ah passed away November again. md grandaeughers erste ROBINSON -- in | in wine sremery ca Phrsaghees ---- In loving nenory of a dear mother and grandmether, Anne Robinson, whe pesied away November 21, 1965. ter. lily, Leeanne, Lori, SHORTT -- In loving memory of @ who passed Gilbert Earl Ervin, 38--Coming "Events BIRTHS NEW Kinsmen Bingo $1,700 IN PRIZES TERWILLEGAR -- Gordon and do Hospital. A sister for Susan and Sha ron. Anne SEE SATURDAY'S AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 DEATHS _$1.00 ADMISSION _ CHRISTMAS BAZAAR WEDNESDAY November: 23rd, 2 PM. Christ Memorial Church At lin, November 21, 1966. Edna wife of the late Joel Aldred and dear sister of Mrs. Cara M, Reekie, Toronto. by two sisters and one Also predeceased at the Robinson Funeral | brother, Resti ALDRED, Edna Fairview Lodge, Whitb' ¥. em Interment at Groveside Cemetery, Srook-| on Monday, regg beloved pel! Hillcroft and Mary Streets CHRISTMAS Social Bingo, St. G '3 Hall, corner of Albert end Jackson, Wed- a November 23, 8 p.m. Lunch ona} prizes. RUMMAGE SALE, Harmony Church Hall, corner King, Harmony. Wednesday Nov. 23, 9.30 a.m, Good used clothing. SPRCIAL OPENING of Henry House Museum daily 2-8 untli Nev. 27, Kindness. beyond Pape yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 | 1965. NQEYOND. THe SUNSET... .. Should you go first and | remain, to walk the road alone, Vt live ins memory's garden, dear, with happy days we've known. In aie \'ll_ wait for roses red, when , the lilacs blue. In Mery fail when bgt leaves fall, Vil catch a glimpse of Should you go first ana" . remain, tor batiles to be fought, Each thing you've touched along the way will be a hallowed spot. Vu hear your voice, I'll see your smile, tho blindly | may grope, The memory of your A lg hand will buoy Ay on with hope. id you go first and | remain, one thing I'll have you do: Walk slowly down that long long path, for scon I'll follow you. 1 want to know each step you take, so | may take the same, Be someday down that lonely road, ou'll hear me call your name. "| --atways remembered by wife Chioris, ~~ LOCKE'S FLORIST _ Funeral arrangements and floral, arrangements for all occassions, regi a ag CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 After hours 725-7928

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