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Intimacy outside of marriage e letters were in response cone fun bing no Porgpane 9 lea from a business| Moreover it's a pelhbe wrote, 'te is rough|booster for the middle -_ the asphalt jungle. Competi-| male who wonders if he's losing ion is terrific, When I come|his punch. i ome at night after a murderous) The Warrior lives in a world y at the office my pel er of work, and he adores it. Even Vg coy tgp ect Ag ited/ his play must in some way be ¢, e sight of her bending over| related to his work. A wife and e kitchen sink. She thinks) children do not belong in this inaybe i've got & Game Sos) world, Anyone wiv canndt con place." tribute to his battle gains is ~ Today's lettér, in my opinion, said a Halifax polka dots and plaids over aisley shirts, One shirt. in ht navy sported large green coin dots, Pile fabric ski jackets were stocked for winter in burgundy and also in blues and greens, However, the mod merchandise was not confined to one section of the boy's department nor were /tools there any boutiques, store in Montreal has Stalin Cae iat the tailored look by Tarkor gone for boutiques in a big Stee, be wt Se ce way. It has a Mods of Carn- aby Street Boutique featuring pootg og which will type. it : | clothes from Londoner John |*°%. him. Michaels, And a few months tne te = Be hing ago it started Adam, an ele- already on the market, oy poem catering to men 25 |" Phonavision, Mr. Mulholland The mod shop featured both said, will cut down business paisley and floral shirts, One travel, It will make it possibie style, called Long John, was int pepe be Ba exchange} . in paisley design with plain |{dea8 and suggestions, reports, - eolored epaulets, cuffs and a blueprints, graphs, charts, dia: long pointed collar. The Long | 8™&™s: John dotted shirts were in dark body with Nght pin dots, The store's buyer said he as elegant inside as out! Leather, of course, ' Black only, 4, 21.00 % Bs the best and most incisive se I've had. It's for all @espon: "Wall Street Warriors. Here it is 'Dear Ann Lan relegated to the periphery. Is EVERYWHERE that a lack of interest in thi No one will ever persuade me has such confidence in the future of such boutiques that he is spending more and more buying time in Paris and Italy as well as the traditional mod markets in London, The Adam boutique features advanced styling, such as a burgundy corduroy jacket and vest, narrow high lapels and three-button looks, Many of the suits, with vests, are in- | spired by the styles of Pierre | Cardin, the designer who is making a fortune in men's clothes in his Paris shop. There are also imports from another top avant-garde de- * : I have! marriage bed stems from wor 'been married to a Wall Street *warrior for over 20 years so I ing too hard. This bit of folklore * was invented by a man who feel qualified to speak akout the| must 'have known better. And 'successful business or profes- b- onal man who willingly (per- prot ime eee ee roe shaps eagerly) sacrifices his Ci se Rl bros : band-fath Ie i ha had better think again. It exists vy a aahivatinn mats te at. every economic level. The Pl man who has spent himself else: |--- cYTneos me would not have iti where and. 1s. tired when he 'any other:way. The excitement| Cause wa S Meas taadbeal ig the daily battle on the pro- lee pat of loneliness and efessional front or the money " soul-searching ("Where did I IN NEW FASHIONS, young men across Canada have accepted everything from lime-green sweaters to paisley shirts, This school- boy is wearing a red pais- ley Rob Roy shirt, a brick tweed jacket and dark green worsted Shelby trousers. (OP Photo) for All Your Jewellery t is sufficiently ego-warm- ng and. stimulating. that tae don't need anything else to ctheir lives. (VALUES WARPED fail?") I confess that I wish I man, I would gladly forego my large home, the cars in the garage, my fine furs and jew- : Because their values are elry and the club memberships "warped (this happened long be-|in exchange for a husband who More marriage) these men lack/ will attend church with his fam- «the true understandin, of whatlily, show some interest ii' our @ husband - wife relationship) children and be available for the sought to be. If his wife becomes|little confidences that can make 'cold from waiting, or if a wife marriage the. special relation- sresorts to a part-time replace-| ship that God intended it to be. "ment because she is lonely, the Just sign me--Lost: One Home- <Warrior couldn't care less, Heifront. Gained: Much Insight KEEP IN TRIM Stretch-Bend Exercises Build Muscle Elasticity : _ By IDA JEAN KAIN * Toning exercises give the il- Jusion of lost poundage for you emeasure inches slimmer. Many 'of you ask, can exercise ac- tually reduce in spots? Let's 'reason it through. * With exercise, the fat cells fare broken down and made more readily available for use. 'Circulation is stimulated in that bend along the left side. Keep the movement smooth. The following exercise tones the girdle muscles and slims the hips: Position: Lying on left side-- head pillowed on left arm and right arm out on floor in front of chest to serve as a brace-- both legs straight down. Action: Get a firm grip on varea, and these fat cells getimiddie muscles. Bend right 'into the blood stream. Then freed fuel will be ready to used your : into action. So spot exer- 'cise would appear to be reduc- thg in spots. Actually, it's not quite that knee to chest, then shoot leg straight down and swing leg back as far as possible, knee straight. Hold. Bring knee vig- orously toward chest again and repeat a half dozen times. Change sides and put left leg into action. The secret of looking stream- lined at normal weight is to direct, for nature uses calories|keep live tone in the figure-- generally, areas. That is, calorie burning is an all-over proposition, not a localized one. As you exercise calories are expended; but since nature does not draw the needed calories just from the spot you are working on, exercise cannot honestly be called spot reducing. But exercise is beautiful streamlining. The slimming ef- fect is brought about through increased-muscle tone. Supp not. from certain|controlling muscles. had married another kind of A MOLASSES-COLORED sweater with saddle should- ers and plaid wool trousers with stovepipe legs are among the popular mod fa- shions for young Canadian men, But they seem to be drawing the line at four- inch wide ties, which aren't selling. (CP Photo) Young Canadian Men Accept Imported British 'Mod' Styles By MARGARET NESS Canadian women may be conservative in their approach to new fashions but young men are meeting the chal- lenge head-on. They have accepted every- thing from lime green sweat- ers to paisley shirts, However, they do seem to have balked at the extra-wide four-inch ties. Almost no- where on my cross-Canada fashion tour did I find any real response to this. latest mod fashion. Said one clerk in London, Ont.: "The boys look at the ties but don't seem to have the nerve to buy." One lad did splurge on six such ties in a Halifax store but bought them as "gag" gifts for pals. That's an ex- pensive gag. Willingness to go along with at least part of the mod rebel- lion explains a new develop- ment in many department stores. This is the establish- ment of a real mod section-- whether a grouping of way- out clothes on racks and ta- bles or an actual boutique. Young men have the money to spend anda definite fashion fancy to match and so the you are taking a leg-swinging routine to slimn bulky hips, or stretching to whittle the waist. Through exercise, live tone is restored to flabby muscles. Think of tone as elasticity and of flabby muscles as lacking in elasticity, Then it's easy to rea- son that flabby muscles bulk out ,and spread the figure, while , toned muscles hug the silhou- 'ette and streamline. {SLIM THE MIDDLE An exercises enthusiast has i gent in a stretch-bend which she ; claims is excellent for slimming 'the middle measurement. Here '= ia Position:Stand in the middle . Of a doorway. Have right hand ' high on door jamb. Action: As you stretch up, 'pushing hand higher, bend, : touching hip to side of door jamb. Hold. Repeat five times. WIFE PRESERVER For' extra-long wearing ny- cold water. Let them thaw without hurrying, rinse and dry. Think: Mink -- Think Mink -- Think "think mink" MINK Stoles -- Boleros -- Jackets, TUXEDO RENTALS Sargeants RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 E Think Mink -- Think Mink -- Think Mink ink Mink -- Think Mink -- :Change sides and stretch and Think Mink == Think Mink -- Think ATTENTION Music Teachers -- Supervisors -- Students te enter Chetrs, Bands, Grehestred pad neltv titrate re Yor further information snd : Festival or any one of the following: Mrs. A. D. Vaisey, P.O, Bex Ne. &1, Peterborough, Mrs. E. G. Metcalfe ..... Miss H. Laberge . --An W.B., in July, 1967. in THE CENTENARY FESTIVAL OF MUSIC (through your local Music Pestival) syllabus contact your closets opportunity to compete in the Na Substantial Cash Awards will be made to Successtul JAN. 7, 1967 te the clesing date for entries ta The Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival being held March 1-11, 1967 Mall te Mrs. A. B. Vaisey, Bex S1, Peterborough stores are making #'!-out ef- forts to cater to these new customers and their demands. For example, a leading de- partment store in Calgary opened a real mod shop last summer where genuine im- ported English clothes are sold. STEPHEN IS BOSS Its creations are from John Stephen of Carnaby Street, the man who is to male mods what Mary Quant is to teen- age girls: the ultimate au- thority. The Calgary boutique caters to mods from 15 to the early 20s. Interesting were some corduroy slacks in gold, cel- ery green, white and light blue, Vinyl was also a seller in caps and vests, Older mods were buying burlap vests and, for laughs, burlap caps for drinking parties. One of Toronto's large de- partment stores also has a Carnaby Shop, now almost a year old. Its mod clothing seems to be mostly Canadian copies of the latest English styles; there are few imports. This was the trend I found in most stores across the country. Evidently Canadian manufacturers are turning out completely acceptable way- out. styling and colors. How far this mod trend has penetrated was shown in a young clerk in this Carnaby Shop. His hair was quite long and clothes definitely. mod, although not in loud colors, He did admit, however, that he was confined strictly to the shop and could not sell else- where on the floor. PANTS ARE PLAID New for fall are velveteen pullovers with zip-down front and turtlenecks and_ they come in gold, green and rosy beige. Also expected to be important are wild plaid pants, stovepipe thin and with low-rise waists. And there are even some tweed fabric bowl- ers in view, In Halifax, where women's fashions are more conserva- tive than in Western cities, one store started a Mustang Shop for young men. Here, for autumn, were floral shirts and even burgundy pants. Burgundy, incidentally, signer, Brioni of Rome, In London, Ont., a leading store, while not including a boutique, does offer mod cus- tom tailoring. A coat, vest and stovepipe pants cost $110 and a mod topcoat runs $95, In general, money seems to be no object with the Cana- dian mod, In large cities suede jackets sell at $85 and maar sults range from $75 to 0, Let's Have A Party We Rent Tables - Chairs China - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Buffet Pieces - Trays Wedding Cokes. Sargeants RENTALS 463 RITSON preserves and cleans your precious posses- sions...quickly, easily, safely, 6-ozs, 1,00 BIRKS aB J} SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE itn eae lons, freeze theni covered with} All Those Boys... And Go Steady ? The trend today is to discourage going steady, but BAKER'S strongly advocate it... if you're going steady with BAKER'S ! Of all the carpet and drap- ery cleaning centres BAKER'S have the largest number of steady customers. The reason ? ROSS MILLS (local agent) for BAKER CARE... discover for BAKER'S are ourself the fine quality cleaning amous for ! "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" -- 'JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" --., "Over 80 Years Experience" CARP i Cleanina Co. for "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. o~ 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 ALLeEK RETAILERS TO THRIFTY FOR CHRISTMAS OR ANYTIME GIFTS HE'LL WEAR WITH PLEASURE, WARM RUGGED SKI JACKETS CANADIANS A. -- SPECIAL PRICED MEN'S ACRYLIC PILE JACKET--Cosy sliver Ue Acrylic Pile. Warm quilt rayon lini Rib Knit Cuffs. In Silver-Tip Gray. Sis 36 to 44, Reg. 22.99 handy lined attached "eg B--MEN'S PILE-LINED SKI JACKET--Quilted 'Sentry" Terylene Ski Jacket offers "Orlon" pile-ined comfort for windy ski slopes, zip-in hood, full zippered front, knitted cuffs for snug protection, Black, Mallard Blue or Burgundy, In Sizes 36 to 44 12.99 C. -- MEN'S RANCHER JACKET FULL "SHERPA" PILE LINED CORDUROY JACKET Racy Corduroy outside, Sherpa pile inside quilt lined sleeves. In Brown Olive. Sizes 34 to 46. A REAL MAN PLEASER AT CHRISTMAS BUY NOW -- PAY NEXT YEAR QSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER'S .. 18.99 DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH i GIRLS' DRESSES 4-14 Reg. 8.00 to 11.00 Vs Off Every dress from a famous maker! Partys going pretties in velvet, linen and lace .. +) just In time for the party season end All the nicest colors: red, brown, navy, black, blue, yellow, pink. Sizes 4-14, Christmas! "OF COURSE YOU MAY CHARGE IT" oe OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 1/2 PRICE | 'TURTLENECK PULLOVERS Reg. 10.00 now 4.99 SEASON'S BESTSELLERS Attractive and popular ribbed Orlon pullovers with flattering turtleneck styling, long sleeves, The season's best selling sweater, just right for easual occasions with slims, skirts, suits. Tan, loden, brown, gold or beige. Sizes: $§.M.L.XL, You'll want at least two! "of course you dec may charge it" eM FASHIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE