G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 21, 1966 "GIVES BLESSING ~~ Faiey Meeslag" to" the Se y essing to e crowd in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, prays for the victims of the recent unprecedented floods that damaged north and central Italy. The Pontiff gave his special Apostolic blessing to all helping bring relief and comfort to the flood zones. (AP Wirephoto by cable from Rome) Garden Set For Zoology "KINGSTON: (CP) -- Queen's University is constructing a soological garden about five es north of here to contain , eats, guinea pigs and fher animals used in research, vivarium, scheduled for pletion next September, tures a two-corridor entry tem. Animals brought in will kept in one section under rantine and will not be to the other area until ney are declared healthy. school honor grad- Seconda: as were presented uation dip! \Saturday to 122 students of O'Neill Collegiate and Voca» 'tional Institute. They were: Crystal. Adam Cameron 'TAllen, Richard Anderson, Patri- cia Andrews, John Armstrong, Wenda Aston, Michael Astrop, Donald Barnoski, Terry Bassett, Heather Beaton, Linda Beatty, Aris Birze, Laurie Blake, Robert Brock, Dale Burnett, Robert Burns, Barbara Burr, Harold Chmara, James Clapp, Jane Collard, Joanne Conway, Karen Crowells, Judith Cun- liffe. Anne Davey, Heather Davis, Derwin Dennis, John DeWith, Katherine Doughty, Brian Drew, Bernice Dupuis, Gary Edgar, Colin Edgecombe, Caro- lyn Faini, Thomas Peorestall, Robert Fowler, Robert Fudge, Larry Gannon, Carol Gardner, Norman Gibb, David Gorman, Carole Greene, Michael Greene, Elaine Gul- liver, Katherine Hamilton, Christopher Hayes, Carolyn Hayward, Kathryn Henderson, Larry Hicks, Barbara Holland, Douglas Holmes, Sharon Holmes, Eric Hooey, Patricia Hume, Heather James, Dianne Kauffman, Evelyn Kirby, Joy Knott, Andrew Kryczka, John Lancaster, Patricia Lander, Barbara Langfield, John LaRush, Bryan Latta, Jane Lawrence, Darry! Leach, Megan Lofthouse, Madeline Lovell, Judith Macdonald, Larry McCabe, Mary Ann Me- Connell, Philip Mcliveen, Judith McLean, Robert Middleton, Pamela Miller, Michael Mother: sill, Marlene Mullen, Shawne Murphy, Margaret Neal, Cath- erine Normoyle, Karen Pascoe, Nancy Pearse, Susan Picker- ing. Hugh Popham, Bruce Porter, Susan Pretty, Judith Raike, Lorne Rich, Karen Rimar, Bar- bara Rose, Patricia Roughley, Robert Ruddy, Terrance Ryan, Glenn Sacks, Margaret Slo- combe, Lucille Snider, Hershel Stemeroff, Linda Stevenson, Beth Swackhammer. Douglas Taylor, Thelma Thomas, Karen Thompson, Janice Tierney, Joan Tisdall, Leslie Townsend, Lennis Trotter, Robert Twaites, Henry 60-acre site pas- Wire land for larger animals. An pop and aviary are to be) led and the vivarium's labor- | ies will be used for research | animal diseases. STRIKE AT MERSEY 'AUNTON, England (CP) -- lent ecouts for @ British rec- company think they have successor to the Mersey which gave birth to the tles --it's the Somerset qd. Already a group called Cutler and the Wurzels recorded Market Comes to Santon NOW PLAYING PORTRAIT OF A WEAK MAN. RELIVING HIS TORTURED PAST! 0 at A Ep wy . Cutler's manager says he ld become "'the Bob Dylan England." IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 * a = fokdeys F & O10 PHONE 725-5833 aonenaeinmnsemamaitin petresaemaninransinintcnies neato saleaeemameenieniaienianeniaaeiatal ALL COLOR SHOW!! 2nd BIG HIT s Weddi Ww Ann Stiles, Judith Sutton Mac-| Visser, Joan Watts, Joan Weir, Maria Weiss, Gerard Wesselink, James Wilkinson, Alice Wilson, Rhonda Wilson, Robert Wilson, Janice Wilton, Susan Winter, Lynn Woods, Larry Yanch, Ian Young, Graduation diplomas were presented in the five-year arts and science branch to: FOUR OPTIONS Timothy Alexander, David Andeley, Dieter Anlauf, Karen Ashman, Christine Branton, Bonnie Burns, Mary Frances Conway, Richard Crawford, Michael Crosby, Gary Cubitt, Richard Dawson, Donna Deak, Jo-Anne Dehsham, James Devine, Joh. Drynan, Barbara Field, Brenda Finer, John Fox, Susan Freeman, Hugette Gag- non, William Gardner, William Garrett, Allan Gilietie, Claire Glendinning, William Glover, Edward Goodchild, Shawn Hagerman, Catherine Hayden, Jill Heard, Christin® Heath, Susanne Jeffery, Rich- ard Jones, Walter Kalinowski, Virginia Kirby, Jean Koss, Geresa Kuchma, David Laing, Leonard Lambersky, Sylvia Lancaster, Phillip Levine,James Lindsay, JoAnne Loos, Brian Lynch, Elizabeth Macleod, Carolyn March, Charles Martin, Patricia May, Jacqueline Mc- Adam, William MeCullough, Peter McGibbon, Christine Me- Intyre. Robert McKenzie, Elizabeth McRae, Eileen Menard, Wil- bert Merrithew, Elizabeth Mills, Maureen Mitchell, Jac: queline Moody, Terry Moore, Sharon Mowbray, Susan Mur- doch, Mary-Jane O'Neill, Don? ald Parker, James Peel, Kath- ryn Platt, Rene Pleau, Anna 122 OCVI Students Awarded Diplomas Power, Mariin Rhodes, Doug- las Richardson, Roberta Rogan, David Rollo, Barry Sampson, David Samp- son, David Saunders, Elizabeth Sharp, Karen Shaw, Ronald Sheyan, Douglas Short, Bruce Sinclair, Martin Singleton, Linda. Smith, Leslie St, Andrews, Robert Stephenson, Christopher Stones, _ Barbara Storie, Paul Sutton, Sophia Tass, David Tole, Mary Town- send, Judith Walken, Leslie Walters, Glenn Willson, Cathe- rine Westnutt. FIVE OPTIONns Wayne Adams, Wayne Aston, Catherine Bateson, Louise Broadbent, Kathyrn Brown, Alfred Burns, April Carter Gary Clark, Heather Connaiy, Mih- ael Conway, Sandra Cook, Judith Crothers, Marshaii Cro- tin, Bron Curley, Carol Daniel, Mary Delvin, Linda Dunanson, Erie Farncombe, Catherine Fulton, Victoria Gerrow, Dinah Gough, Peter Graper, Robert Gray, Nancy Griffith, Heather Hall, Brian Houghton, Barry Jamieson, Thomas Johnson, Susan Kelly, Sharon Kent, Sharyn Kent, Terence Keys, Ronald Kitchen, David Knowl- ton, Barbara Low, Hugh Mac- Donald, Heaiier MacFarlane, Lance Maidiow, Douglas Mann, Mary Ellen Mark, Gail Mcliveen, Pamela McMullan, David Miller, Ralph Moore, Sandra Neil, Joelanne Nicholls, Tom Ogle, Patricia Pallant, Janice Parfitt, Carol Pre st, David Prest, Joan Reed, Mary Southwell, Linda St, Andrews, Susan Starr, Michael Stephen- son, Dorothy Vipond, Douglas Warren, Linda Wilson, Wendy Wilson, Larry Winter, Geof- frey Woods and, Dougias Yon- son. SIX OPTIONS Evelyn Davidson, Jane Dewey, Linda Hopkins, Ruth Kimmerly, Edward Robertson, Robert Stone, Graduation diplomas in the four-year program, arts and ov branch, were presented 0: Chery! Boissoin, Gary Brad- Pollution Laxity Hit LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Repre- sentatives of the United Auto Workers said in London Satur- day that the public should press for strict enforcement of water solved just by @ legal erack- own, . He said the province has in- creased its surveillance of pol- oy a and has gener- recelv: co-operation from industry, Because the pro- vincial econom depends largely on industrial activity and expansion, the OWRC has tried to control pollution with- out interrupting production, he!. DAILY from VAUGHN: MeGALL CONTINUOUS 1:30 P.M. WHO EVER TOOK THE (THE SLICKEST, SWINGIN'EST CON-MAN | WORLD FOR A RIDE! FRANK "Dual Trumpeter" MOTLEY AND THE ROUNDERS @ SWINGING BAND @ FIERY ELAINE Exotic Dencer ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY AND SATURDAY MATINEE 4 TO 6 P.M. FRENCH BUFFET-- DAILY... 12-2:30 & 5.9 p.m. -- SUNDAY § te 8 p.m. Parti ? lef. 2 Phone Whitby 668-3386 ee---F or on f} COMEDY PLUS TWO GORGEOUS GALS Entortelament Nightly et 9 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 PLM, PULLY LICENSED sald, The main UAW speaker was Olga Madar of Detroit, the first woman ai ted to the union's) executive rd, Miss Madar said epee control is the responsibility of vernment, and laws concern: ing waste disposal must be en- forced, Dr, A. D, Misener, director of the Great Lakes Institute at the University of Toronto, said a certain amount of pollution is a fact of modern life, and it is nonsense to try to return to the water condition of 200 to 250 years ago, pollution laws, "If somebody robs a bank they are committing a crime against property and are pun- ished, but if they pollute the water, they just get a slap on the wrist," Andy Paulick of Windsor, Ont,, Canadian region recreation director of the UAW, told a conference on united ac- tion for clear water, Dr, James Vance, chairman of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, said pollution of the Great Lakes cannot be ley, Wayne Bradley, Jean Brown, Roy Chabot, Lorrie Curry, John Dick, Linda Dolick, Robert Gannon, Allan Hanlon, Warren Hough, Ron+ ald Hughes, Andrew Murdoch, Gordon Perry, Wayne Podrats, John Salowski, Roger Smith, Sharon Watson, Elaine West- cott, Marcia Williams, Sylvia Wood and Robert Yurchuk. COMMERCE Graduation diplomas in the four-year program, business and commerce branch, were presented to: Idi Angi, Victoria Baker, Catherine Bassett, Trante Lorraine Stovin, Brenda Sum- mers, Judith Thrasher, Valerie Behm, Linda Bennet, Susannne , Andrea Waskan, Heath- Bowers, Diane Brownson, Shir-/er Wilson, Rosemary Wood, ley Clark, Sharon Corbett, Jud-|Marie Zakarow, ith Cordon, Karen Cronin, Val-|Zelvys. erie Daniels, Margaret Davis, | psn Frieda DeLeenheer, Heike|f Feildman, Carol Ferjo. Donna Foote, Edward Gates, Jill Greer, Terrel Hackney, Jo-Ann aa Rig or cae leone Barbara Hatt, Karen Hawley, Deon Martin In Marie Hazelton, Rosemary Hill, Judy Hopkins, Gail Jor "FOUR FOR TEXAS" dan, Marguerite Keel, Pamela Kehoe, Evelyn _ Killingbeck, sisal besides? iocedabe Theo Kleinnienhuis. | 4 aM Nadja. Kotelewetz, Anne-|f Open At 7 P.M, Show At 7:90 Marie Kruk, Vicky LeBreton, |ff Set. & Sun, Open 6 P.M, Show 4:30 Mary Mathews, Jinette Mer- cier, Mary Northey, Brian) Page, Matine Pernokes, Susan | - Peters, Bonnie Poch, Mari- | Anne Preston, Catherine |*~ Puhky, Hazel Read, Lauren| Richards, Marie Rouse, Paula Savoy. | Elizabeth Scoville, Heather Sherriff, Judith Skelton, Ann Smith, Marjorie © Stackaruk, Virginia | Vcuule de ete oe "WAY WAY OUT" Children Under 12 Free Free In-Cor Heaters "ae BAY ad 839-3621 ¥ 9 te Midnight in the Dining Lounge DANCING NIGHTLY Appearing This Week In The "VINTAGE ROOM" LLOYD COOPER ON THE HONKY TONK PIANO With Veealist ef Gay 90's Vintage TONITE ONLY ~-- CHUCK ALLAN TRIO HEPBURN FOUR one of the most versatile groups to hit Harry's Hideaway [HiGHLY RECOMMENDED THE RIB ROOM FEATURING "FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET DAILY For Reservations Phone 723-4641 LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON THE GENOSHA HOTEL SOOO OI OOOO OI OI OIA IOI IR iF Georgian Motor Hotel Thornton Rd. South at Champlain Ave. Rana ncterL rac aeseearee anno ho hae. 2.4.f.e.f.2. 2 22.2 2 2 2.2 2 ee! LAUREL Piano and Comedy Entertainer The Swinging "Miss Hoover the Mover" TRY OUR BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON 12-2 P.M. DAILY Facilities for 20 te 300 BANQUETS @ MEETINGS @ WEDDINGS 723-5271 942-5580 For Information end Reservations