MUGGS AND SKEETER OIG! CALLS, TELL HER I'M ON MY WAY TO PICK UPALICE AT BETTY-LOUS IF DIO! CALLS, I HOPE THAT'S NOT TELL HER I'M ON WHAT'S-HER-NAME/ MY WAY TO PICK PERFECT RECEPTION IM GOING To PUT SOME Fi Pe SECRET AGENT X9 10 CHANNELS PHIL. ABOUT TOMI iA WHAT € NO ANTENNA 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) There's More To See With Cable TV DIAL 723-5278 or course Nor/ THAT GIGN WiLL RYIN YOUR CHANCES «MAYBE SHE HAS \/ YEAH? WELL I TALENT... AND MAYBE... |, SUGGEST THAT ALL JUST MAYBE...OMAR, HE CAN DEVELOP CAN DEVELOP IT! cdf) DEBBIE'S YOUNG AND IN LOVE WITH 'THE THEATER, UNTIL SHE GETS IT OUT OF HER SYSTEM, SHE'S HOPELESS, CROSSWORD TELEVISION LOG jamie Terente Terente uttele ea, MONDAY BVENING 5:00 bm. 19--Recky and his friend li--Family Theatre ... . acoiliiger 4 an' Pasting " 5 sic Hop 'asspor! Twe +: PLM, J--Twilight Theatre SGilligan's isiand RA, island 'o Beaver 44-12--News, Sports with! Chuck Healy 4:9 PM, N--Pierre Berton Va ambat 3-6-9--News, Weather, Sports 2-8--Huntley Brinkley News 4--News 71:0 P.M, TiGilligan's Island 9--Family Afteir $--True Adventure 6--TBA 4--Midwestern Hayride 3---Hero 2--News, Weather Sports por' 1:30 P.M. li--Run, Buddy, Run 9--Lucille Bal .7--\ron Horse 4-Gilligan's Island 3-6-12--Don Messer 2-4--Monkees 1 PLM. &--| Dream of Jeannie $--Bewitched V--Daktari 3-46-12--The Saint 4--Run, Buddy, Run 1--Movie Om PM, Saray one - r Miller ToRat Patrol 4--Lucilie Ball 1i--Let's Sing Out %--Ceountry Music Men 4--Andy Griffiths J--Felony Squad 3-612--Perry Como Show 9:30 P.M, 1--Merv_ Griffin 9--Big Valley 7--Peyton Piace 4---Law and Mr. Jones 10:08 P.M, Run for Your Lite Horne i Ca | People 0-Ge Sports A- 4-\'ve Got # Secret 3-Candid Camera ee PM, 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather snd Sports Thee P.M, 6--Viewpoint 4-- ie Tugs P.M, | \--Plerre Berton | 11:98. P.M, Pe senany Carsen --Movie +News, Weather, Sports | 1,35 P.M, %--Billy Graham 11:48 PM, $--Court Martial 12--Cheyenne 11:45 P.M, 6--Girl fran U.N,CL.E. li-Mystery Theatre TUBSDAY 4:00 AM, 4-Capteis Kangaroo a: A.M, li--Alber: Steed 9--Remper Room 0:55 -AM, %--Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, 3-11-12--Ed Allen 2--Boro's Big Top 9:30 A.M, &--Dialing for Dollars, Bonnie Prudden 4--Love of Life 3-6-9-11-12---Ontarie chools a--Jack Lelame 10:00 A.M, Vie It's @ match 9--Fractured Phrases $-2--Eye Guess 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Canadian Schools be 10:30 A.M, 11--Morning Time 9--TW Bingo &2--Cencentration 7--Donna Reed | 4---Beverl 3-4---Butternut Square 4-Andy ot aveerry 14:25 A.M, +6---Emergency Ward ae A.M, li=Mike Douglas ly' 4-Dick Van rhe Show 12:08 NOON 12----Cartoon Party %--Toronto Today +-2----Jeopardy 1--Money le é--Luncheen Date +---News and Weather 3--Popeye and Pols 19:98 PM, 12--Movie +-News, Weather, rt s §-2----Swingin' Country | @4---Search hg Tomorrow e-Guiding Light iain 0 PM in Theatre Movie #--Disling fer Dollars Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers Movie 2--Mery Griffin 1:38 PLM. 64---As The World Turns +-Let's Make @ Desi 2:08 PLM, 7----Newlywed Game 6-4--Password 24--Days of a4 Lives 2,0 P.M, 9--People in Conflict --Coronation Street T--A Time for Us 4--Linkletter's Party 2-4----Doctors 00 A.M, %--Words and Musi¢ #2--Another World 7T--Generel Hospitel 4--To Tell The Truth 16-12--Take 30 9:35 PM. 4+--News E 7M. Hi-Little People 9-It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 28--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 1i--Funny Company | 4--Secret Storm 1 3-¢12-Friendly Giant 306 A.M. | 12--Romper Room | 1)--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. ana Mrs. 2-4--Pat Boone 7--$upermarket Sweep 36-12--€: 2--Mike Douging 4:30 P.M, N--Zorro %Movie 4--Movie 3-6-12----Time for Adven- ture ACROSS . Remain 5. Not fast . Minute groove . Describing some floors 18, More difficult 14, Girl's name 15, Cattail 16. Left-hand page 17. Three-toed sloth . Channel . Server . French DOWN pirate river . Arabic consonant Jargon 9. Famous 4 CTRIATBYS) (CMe AIRIL TY] Ee MEMIATT Te IR) HUBERT LOOK! RIGHT IN OUR EIGHBORHOOD 1d WELL, MARY SAID THAT ETHEL TOLD HER THAT SHE HEARD-- YOUR HEALTH Blood Slowdown Can Cause Disease By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: What is the|be rapid. The face can acquire cause of Parkinson's Disease?|a blank look; muscle rigidity in- Would there be any symptoms|creases and can affect both in advance?--M. M. |sides; drooling may occur; the Parkinson's Disease (or Par-|patient walks with a forward kinsonism) is also called paral-;motion, as though half running ysis agitans, which means a/and about to fall, rigidity of the muscles and) Dr. L. J. Dorshay, one of the tremors. It is not paralysis in|Outstanding authorities, empha- the sense of being unable to|Sizes certain points of interest: move; it is @ difficulty in con-| It is not hereditary. trolling movement. There is no paralysis in the It results from a chronic dis-|sense of being unable to move; order of certain segments of the jrather, muscle rigidity causes Mid-Drain Which Have iv GO Wiili AaWkWardness Gi mioVveEmieni, control of motion, and appears| There is no numbness or pain. to be caused by decreased blood) The mind is not affected. supply to the brain--a result of} Early-treatment is important, hardening of. the arteries. I'll leave a discussion of treat- Parkinsonism now affects an ment for tomorrow's column. estimated 1,500,000 Americans, | and as the number of older peo-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have trou- | [BUT Now IM OLDER, WISER, ] | AND A LOT BRAVER THAN t USED TO BE... 18. Cipher 19. Relatives 20. Drinking aids 15. Village . Arrange system- atically 23, Vexed 34. Mongoloid in Indo- China zs 1* GW BZ Yj 32. Music note 33, Jewish month 34, Asterisk 35, Label 36. Marco Polo's name , for an East Asian country 88. Walking stick 39. S. Afr. village ple increases, probably so will Parkinsonism. Early symptoms usually are a tremor of one hand; hand and foot movements slow up; writ- ing becomes difficult. At this point I must warn that it is necessary to distinguish between Parkinsonism and other tremors that often develop with advancing age, or the difficulty in movement from multiple sclerosis. In Parkinsonism the characteristic tremor is a_pill- rolling motion of the fingers when the hands are at rest; in the other ailments, the tremor is more marked with intentional movements rather than when the patient is not voluntarily moving. RATE VARIES The rate at which Parkinson- ism progresses varies greatly. In some cases, only slight ible with scales or crust on my scalp and back of my. ear. I have been using petroleum jelly on it, but as soon as I stop the erust forms again and itches, I jam sure you can help me.--H.D, | You evidently have a derma- titis of some sort, a skin dis- ease. The petroleum jelly may subdue the itch and often the crust but can't. be expected to cure the trouble. Your best bet is to have a dermatologist de- termine what kind of dermatitis jit is and then treat it with the jintent of curing it. rather than |merely trying to keep the crust soft, | Dear Dr. Molner: I have trouble with stiffness in my farm, A doctor x-rayed my el- bow and it showed joint mice. Would surgery correct this?-- H. F. F. Joint mice are tiny bits of cal- 40, Courage 41, Small 42. Astonish change is noted from year to|cium in the area, the result of year. Only one side of the body|infection or other irritation. The may be involved, The face loses |"mice,"' in fact, represent na- some of its expression. jture's attempts at healing. In severe cases progress may! In themselves, the "mice" are , i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 21, 1966 3] | ee (Top Record-Holder in Masters' vidual Championship Play) West-dealer, East-West vulnerable. Onening lead spades. This hand was played on Bridgeorama in New York dur+ ing the match between Argen- tina and the United States in 1959 The large audience, which could see all four hands on the electronic contraption, had some tense moments as the bidding and play developed. To begin with, the Argentine North (Castro) opened the bid- ding with a diamond! He could not open with a club because that bid, in the system he and his partner (Dibar) were play- ing, would have represented a different type of hand, The bid- ding then proceeded normally to three notrump. The American West (Stak- gold) led a spade. The audience could see that a diamond lead would have defeated the con- tract at once, and could also jsee, now that a spade had been jled, that declarer could make. four notrump by simply reject-. ing the, club finesse. : But the play didn't go that way, of course. Declarer played a low spade from dummy and took the jack with the ace. He then cashed the king of ¢lubs and made the percentage play of finessing the jack. The jack lost to the queen and the roof caved in, East (Har-. mon) returned a low diamond, and the defense proceeded to cash five di as well as the king of spades to defeat the contract three tricks, The audience, mostly partial, to the United States team, got a big kick out of the hand be- cause they knew that at the. previous table the North Ameri-. can pair had bid and made four, hearts with the North-South cards and thus scored a net. n of 570 points on the deal.» @ bidding had gone: The declarer (Fishbein, play- ing with Hazen) guessed the club situation and wound up losing two diamonds and a spade for a score of 420 points. NEED FEW WORKERS It takes only four men ta operate a fuliy-automated Brit- ish oil refinery, producing 200,<) 000 tons of bitumen a year, SALLY'S SALLIES not ordinarily painful, and the discomfort and stiffness may be, due instead to the original irri. tation. If necessary the "mice" can, however, be flushed out or. picked out surgically. bland PLANNING A © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION Now! 723-4641 AMAT MAA 42s ZZ HOTEL