Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1966, p. 25

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MUGGS AND SKEETER Serpette a ttt, stagnant rng ne tenga reec nt fy te Alger 9 tips ad nt eR PINK WITH PURPLE coors FOR SMART ALECKS YOU RITTLE FOOL! FINISH DANCE/7---DO 97th MOVEMENT!' WHY = CHuCKLE!~TH' IT GOODOLE.GNI.OR | MERELY *GOOD NIGHT IRENE" / KNOCKS PUNCH NEVER KILT_/ TH' "EMI: SECRET AGENT X9 are Se PERFECT RECEPTION 10 CHANNELS NO ANTENNA 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) = OEE With Cable TV - (T'S AMAZIN' HOW A PEW KIND WORDS FROM ATRUB PRIEND CAN MAKE A L eeTrer! 3 DONT PEEL very \ GOOD. 3 MAY HAFTA M96 SCHOOL TOpAY/ BUT TODAY 1§ SATURDAYS THBRE'S NO SCHOOL TODAY / TELEVISION LOG Channel 11--Hamiltoe 10:38 A.M, Cha 9--Toronto 9--Cartoons @--Rochester &--This Is The Life 1--Buttalo 4b - nn PM. 2-3-4-6-8-9-11-12--News Weather, Sports 11:20 (P.M, 4--Movie 1:30 PLM. 7--Movie \1--Open, Mind 2-8--Johnny Carson 3--Movie s ook Up and Live 2--Insight 3 Hymn Book 11:00 A.M. II--OHA Junlor Hockey t--Christopher _P ristopher Program SATURDAY SVB. T--Bullwinkle Show 4--Church service 6--College Bow] Game 3----Spectrum 11.38 P.M. le $.00 P.M, li--My Favorite Martian jarness Racing Sweepstakes 4--Beat the Champ lorse Race +-6-12--Frankenstein Jr. 'a 11.40,P.M, 12--Alfred Hitchock 9--Insight 12.90 P.M, {1--Spectrum in PM. ion et MONDAY Flipper 4.00 AM Tit A.M. %--Wish You Were 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M. Albert J, Steed 9--Romper Room 2. Bi 2--Buftalo Jamboree 11:45 A.M, ©6 PM, &--Daventures In Liv- \--Littlest Hobo ing 9--Thunderbirds bendy at $-12--Life. and the Land 4--News, Weather 3--Lost in Lig 2--Death Valley Days 6:38 P.M. 12--Love on & Rooftop !1--Canadian Football 9--Flintstones 12:08 NOON 12--Rex Humbard 9--Itallan Album Eastern College Foot- bi 8:55 A.M, sagt J For Dollars, Girl Talk 9%. MM, 12-11-3----Ed Allen 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Smile Time 4--Bonnie Prudden 2--Bozo's Big Top all 7--Superpal Club 6--Du Cote de Quebec 3-4--News, Weather 2--Sum and Substance 12:18 P.M, | 4--Navy Film | 3-Living Word | 4--Love Of Life 12:3 P.M, 6-3-11-12---Ontario Schools '1--Father Meehan 6--Nature of Things 2--Jack La Lenne A.M, 9. AM, #--Dialing for Dollars Bonnie Prudden 2--News 7:00 P.M. 9--Jackie Gleason 4--Round Table +6-12--Beverly Hillbillies 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 P.M, 12--1 Spy 7--Shane 6--Tarzan 4--Jacklie Gleason 3--Tarzan 2--Flipper 8:00 P.M, 1.15 P.M. 9--~Academy Pertormance | 4---Pro Football 12--Romper Room 2--Piease Don't Eat 1:0 PLM. l1--Marriage nae the Daisies n-- A o--Mr, and Mrs. 1--This Space Age 8.2--Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep 3-6--Butternut Square 4--Andy Griffith 11:25 A.M, 36--Emergency Ward 10 4--Living Word 10.00 A. 3--Herald of Truth N--Its a Match 2--Movie Mr! eg Phrases ye Guess 3-6-12--Ontario Schools 4--Candid Camera 10.38 A.M, !1--Morning Time 1--T.V. Bingo 8-2---Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Glant 11.00 A.M, "HM [ waiy owt vou say 50, cap? OF COURSE I REWEMBER YOU... DEBORAH... AH... WHAT DID YOU SAY THE REST OF IT WAS? I'M NOT' HELEN OF TROY<= I'M EVE OF DEVON=AND YOU'RE KISSING THE WRONG iRt's maf «HAND, MR. STANISL -- 12.45 P.M, 4--Gadabout Gaddis 1:00 P.M. 12--Calvary Calis 1i--Continental Miniature 9--Spectrum &--Meet the Press 7--Movie 3-6--F. D. R. Documen- tary 8:30 P.M, 1--Dance Party 7--Lawrence Welk 2-4--Get Smart 4--Pistols 'n' Pett coats 3-6-12--Hockey 9:00 4--Mission: 2-6--Movie 9:38 P.M, 9--Platform 8--Rainbow Theatre 3-6-12--Country Calendar P.M. © King Penturee Syndicate, lea, 19667 HUNDRED BUCKS YOU OUGHT TO REMEMBER LAST NAMES, STANISLOBSKY! 2:00 N--Dialogue 9--Movie | &--Wild_ Kingdom | 3-6-12--Pro Football 2--Buffalo Bills Preview P.M. Impossible 2:38 P.M. N--Billy Graham 6-2--Hollywood Saqueres 7--Issues and Dyke 'Great Music 4---Dick Van 7--Hollywood Palace 16:00 P.M, 4--Gunsmoke Crmary ONE Last) 12.00 NOON LOOK AT 12--Cartoon Party t 'oronto ay MUHSELF } %--Toronto Tod S2--Jeoparay 7--Money Movie @ and Pals é--Luncheon Date a 4~--News and Weather 12. P.M, 12--Movie $-2--Swingin' Country 46--Search for nswers 2-8--Pro Football 3:99 P.M. 7--Dislogue 2:30 PLM. M1-Horst Koehler BC Scope 9--Gunsmoke 3-6-12--World of Music 1:0 PLM, 11--Movie 1--Movie 10:45 P.M. +-612--Sports Profile 1:00 PLM, 7---Movie 9--News 4--News 3-6-12--News 3:45 P.M, 4--Pro Football 4:00 PLM. Dennis the Menace 7--Challenge Tomorrow 3--News, Weather, Sports 12:45 PLM. $4--Guiding Light 1.06 PLM. 11--Theatre 9--Movie ae For Doliars Girt Talk 4:30 P.M, (Tiny felent Tine | 7--First Name Only 3-6-12--Sports Mi 3-6-12--Umbrella Casey heon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin UNCLE NED SHOWED US ¥ tract ans MA f -- Brat lew Scene SOME OLD NICKELS, é-Hymn Sing %--Talk Back ieee saith W:48 &Novie 2--Movie SUNDAY 7:00 A.M, Nn France 1.30 P.M. PM, 8--Let's Make A Deal i. @4~As The World Turns 2.00 P.M, #-2--Days of Our Lives 7--Newlywed Game \-4--Password 2.30 P.M. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3.00 PLM. 9--Words and Musi¢ 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 6:00 1i--Fugitive 9--Voyage 8--Tom Decker 3-6-12--Walt Disney 2---Conference Call 6:3 P.M, 7--Man Who Never Was 2-8--Bell Telephone Hour 7:00 P.M. \l--Walt Disney 9--Monkees 7--Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea 3-6-12--Hey Landlord 4--Lassie 7:30 A.M, Heaienroes De Wt ee See aris aL rd y-Hereld of Truth ' y Agriculture, SA, pea aeeer "5 7 FA or . oe S.A, ghee he 44 00 A.M, a Sacred Heart S. &--SHHH! Children 7--Christopher Program | 4--Word of Life } we Sat U 59¢lh nL 2--This Is the Life | 9--F.B.I. | 4-I's About Time pe phi riny 3-6-12--Flashback 1h-Oral Roberts 28--Walt Disney 7--Beany and Cecil 4--Comedy Capers | 8:00 YM. | iss he et ee i1--Little "People : ted 3-4-4-12--Ed Sullivan Show) 9--It's Your Move 'Cathedral Chimes | $-2--You Don't Say SoC prions | 8:20 P.M, 7--King Kong | 9--1 Dream of Jeannie e-evperiney beet nt 2--Porky Pig 2-8--Hey, Landlord | Ant-6-12---Edge of Nig 130 AM. | 9:00 P.M, 4:00 P.M. e-itetion shurnel 9--Peyton Place 'Funny Company J--Linus | 7--Movie 1 Love Lucy 4--Uncle Jerry's Club | 4-Garry Moore Match Game 2--Church Invitation 2-3-6-8-12--Bonanza piracy ae pibobadl : , | 3-6-12--Communicate 0:00 AM. an aca | 2--Mike Douglas 1--Carasello 9--Stingray j 4:30 PAM. 8--Faith For To-Day | Fireball XLS | 9--Movie 7--Rocketship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 8~--Yogi Bear B.A 4--Movie | +¢-12--Forest Rangers 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2.25 P.M. | 4-News +» BEFORE THE PRICES ON SOME OF THESE ITEMS GO ANY HIGHER! id Cameras | 3-6-12--Sunday -8--Andy Willams 10:30 P.M, 1l--Mark Saber | 4What's My Line CROSSWORD AOROSS 2, G-man 1.Transports 3, County: 6, Crustac- Scot, eans 4. Pastry 11, Bracer dessert 12. Soon 5. Palmetto 13, Roam State: 14, Substance 15. Street sign 16. Young lady 17. Wife of Shamash 18, Balcony 20, Alder. tree: Scot, 21. Medicinal plant 14, Isinglass 16, Nutmeg husk 22. Underworld 19. Drive river DIAL 723-5278 PRIAIMI SB CIAIS [Hi IGIETIUIPRROIBIE TAH Ol OIG IY RENIVIRIS ISI IPISMBAIS TUITE Sa Olu Mise Ht IVIVIBIETRURTY] IPE Wie le MBAIETT INIA! pa ently 24, Coms para tive con- june. tion 25, Oppose 10. Vocal organ 27.Common of songbirds swift _ 28. Calm 29, Rubs out 31, Skin openings 23.Gelderlana |! |* [5 city 24. High, crag- 30. Bitter vetch 31, Well-known reind 41, Watering spots in deserts DOWN 1. Layers aga OSHAWA TIMES, fey, November 19, 1966 | BRIDGE. By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in ag Went "deathe, Neither side vulnerable 4KQ107 a6 KJ 3987 C) segment of the game that re- quires more precise thinking by a player than defensive play. Partnershi, tion = is iP co-opera' helpful, of course, but in the end is is the player himself who bears responsibility for making crucial decisions, It would seem that South must go down two with normal defense, but actually he wound up with eleven tricks as a result of poor defense, West led a heart, East cov- ered the jack with the queen and South took the trick at once. South then led a low diamond and finessed the ten. This un- usual play was necessary be- cause of the danger that the suit would become blocked without' the finesse. Declarer next ran all the diamonds, producing the position: South now led a spade. West took the ace and then made the mistake of leading the king of hearts. Everything would have been all right for the defense if East had played the five on the king, but East dropped the ten on the basis that West's hearts were headed by the K-9 and that it was therefore to unblock the suit. West should have led a low heart instead of the king be- cause East was sure to have th ten, judging from declarer's jack™ play at trick one, South' would not have played the jack with the A-10-x in his hand, and hp could not have the A-10 alone, LBJ Recovers | From Surgery : WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presh dent Johnson says he feels ' if I was beat with a baseb: bat" but he is working, talking and even celebrating after his double operation. ; His recerery so far has been so routine that White House medical bulletins have Hittle to say. The latest one Thursda night said only "the is still p gressing."" ' Johnson did a bit of his YOUR HEALTH Traits Determined By Genes, Not Blood By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Relative to blood transfusions, there is a belief by some people that the patient acquires some charac- teristics of the donor. If so, is it possible for a crim- inal. donor to pass on his ten- dencies? Please explain how blood tends to fuse into the body and brain of the patient receiy- ing it--L. V. I've answered this question briefly before, but it. still seems to bother so many readers. that perhaps it needs a more em- phatic answer. First of all, the permanent characteristics of a person a determined by the chrom- osomes, and the thousands or perhaps millions of genes con- tained in the original cell, half from the mother, half from the father. True, the developing fetus may be damaged (as in birth defects) but this is damage, and not a change in fynda- mentals. Color of hair and eyes, shape of face and body, inher- ited strengths and weaknesses, are controlled by genes--not in any way by blood. MANY FALSE BELIEFS It has been customary to speak of "'blood lines," a term which was used long before we had the faintest idea of what the genes are and how they be- have, but that old expression still gives rise to a lot of false veliais. Blood--the fluid, and the cells in it--serves important purposes in the body. Mostly the blood is a "delivery service," carry- ing oxygen, sugar and other nutrients throughout the body, and carrying away debris and waste matter. The blood carries oxygen from the lungs; it carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. It does a similar service with food. It also carries antibodies to fight off infections. When you have a need for blood and require a transfusion, you don't keep that blood per- Mmanently. In a matter of three months or less, all of the trans- fused blood cells will have died off and been discarded by the body--that's the way the human system acts, Gradually new cells will have replaced the old ones, and the new ones will be your own, created in the marrow of your bones. SHOULD BE ABOLISHED Phrases about '"'blood lines," or "'A taint in the blood" should be abolished from the language, because blood has nothing to do with the kind of people we are. True, it is necessary to cross- match blood before a transfu- sion, because if the transfused blood is of a different type from that of the recipient, a chemical conflict results but this again has nothing to do with. heredity or characteristics. There are only four main blood types-- A, B, AB and © and everybody in the world is of one of these four types. You cannot and do not acquire progressing at a party in his Bethesda Naval Hospital suité, marking the 32nd anniversary of his marriage to Lady Bird. SALLY'S SALLIES al --"@ eet en "You don't have to spell out everything... just tell me in little words," any characteristics of the donor by a blood transfusion. Dear Dr. Molner: I have heard that coffee is harmful to those with high blood pressure or weakness of the heart, Is this true? If so, how much coffee would be harmful?--A. D. G. Coffee is a stimulant and ® |hence can be harmful to some people with high blood pressure or severe heart disease, but it is not possible to lay down a general rule that will suit every- lone. Except in severe cases, one or two cups a day will nat ordinarily: be harmful. Using a de-caffeinized beverage w@uld be an added precaution. NOTE TO E.B,: Your descrip- tion--uncontrollable rages, in- sulting anyone, even strangers; the belief that others are "pick- ing on her" or plotting and all the rest--is evidence of her emotional instability. Yes, of course she should 'have psychf- atric 'help. \ }

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