FS AIA LPL OLLI LALLA ERS AT LE LA NEES 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 19, 1966 17 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 64% RESALE Four bedroom split-level bun- golow, Attoched garage on 20---Real Estate for Sale DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Wotnut Court off . Florell 20--Real Estote for Sale Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. OPEN HOUSES $117 MONTHLY Inspect these brand 20---Reol Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service 20-----Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 18--Male Help Wanted 118--Male Help Wanted OFFSET ~ MACHINISTS PRINTING PLANT WOULD YOU RATHER OSHAWA AREA WORK_AND LIVE IN for the following positions. THE OTTAWA VALLEY? 20c-----Summer Properties |25--Houses for Rent For Sale or Rent 9 crag 5 pm, mas if OPEN HOUSE iW euscuiive hamne, three" bedrooms Pigeon Lake Pet Mallard' Boy, open for In- Ina after 5: pg! Telephone, 72649461. THREE-SEOROOM "house, cniral, im: bathrooms, etc., garage, Now eccepting opplications if you ere @ fully qualified @ MULTILITH OPERATORS adesmon with experience tr in high quollt general mach- ine sand are capoble of rating all stendard ma- chine tools with a minimum of detailed informotion and supervision CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FACTORS Job security to successful opplicants @ OFFSET CAMERAMEN @ LITHO STRIPPERS 668-595) YOUNG MAN for CAREER with Guaranty Trust DO YOU NEED 4 BEDROOMS? 1, If 80 you might be Interested in this home which hos o very lorge. kitchen, two bathrooms, finished recreation room, elec-| trically heated, garage,' extra) large lot, Please call for more) particulars. pO IT NOW Il. Call to-night to see this love- ly three bedroom bungalow in North Whitby, It is situated on 'an extra large lot ond includes OPEN DAILY 9 AM, to 9 P.M, NORTH EAST If you are looking for 4 large lot, call about this one, it's 82'6 x 264 ft, Three bed- room fol bungalow with walk out basement, Seporate four room opertment brings odded income, Call for par- ticulors, OWNER TRANSFERRED Be in your new home by Xmos, Four bedroom 2 storey new 3 bedroom homes on Waverly Street south of King and just west of the Osh- awa Shopping Centre, Huge kitchens, Com- pletely decorated, Landscaped. Down poyments from $1827 ond o full price of $14,995, Bill Hub- bell on duty this weekend. Call 728- 1656, 4 BEDROOMS east of Donevan Collegiate. round square feet of finished floor area @ 400 squore feet of Drive. Harmony Road South, "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with year stream @ 2,300 recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- cony @ Built In dishwasher @ Rodio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in liv. ing room, dining room, hall ravine fot in quiet court. 2 ° bothrooms, large modern kit- chen, built-in range and oven. Near schools, 12 yeors old, Listed ot $22,900.00, Make on offer. To inspect call Thelma MeMullen. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 3 bedroom brick bungalow in north area. Close to schools and shopping. This is a good cleon home. Down payment to be arranged, Call Ethel Tronter. ~"spection are 4 new cottages; one 2-bedroom, 'three bedroom ot $2,990, $5,084, $5,766 and $7,133 in sizes, shapes, desings to accom- modate ony fomily. DIRECTIONS: north from Fowlers Corners ot Junction of Hwys. 7 and 7b and fol- low signs to Mallard Bay. For advance detoils call Harold McGrath or Bert Howkins, Bowes and Cocks 'Bou Har 7009 or after 5 p.m. tS MONTHLY. 0) Nassau room house, no Telephone 725-0332, of after 6, THREE - BEDROOM house on Coat Street, Call between 5 p.m. sarge Ajax. digi Fiv' is Gi bunesiow: eres Ie: eareger on Adelaide ly. 1053. BR UCe STREET, ; for two families. ia monty. 728-9446 after 7 p.m. and all bedrooms @ Two cor attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention. Company of Canada 32 King St. &. Oshawa Minimum grode XII or equi- valent in related experience. | Peterborough 742-4234 21--Farms for Sale $800 DOWN buys 100-acre farm, suitable for hunting and farming, good house, modern conveniences, bern ing only $9,800. East of Pet particulars call W, ©, Martin, 728-5103. $16,000 BUYS 137-ACRE beef farm with good five-bedroom home, Excellent trout stream. Commuting distance from Osh- iy a8 ar. Yom. i08. many extras, The price is right at $16,700, Don't wait for Spring. Do it Now! LARGE FAMILY'S : HOME 11, Located near Albert St, | Schos!, large two storey brick| home, The extra iarge dining) room will become the centre of) family living. There is @ cosy) living room and kitchen, Priced| Visit Braemor Gardens this weekend and see these brand new bun- galows and split lev- els. Priced from $20, 600, North to Anna- polis and then west to Woverly Street, Model homes open this week-| [ end. Syd Goodfeliow| | on duty this weekend | Good working ¢onditions Well equipped shops Interesting work with little or, no repetitive production No. shift work except in emergencies with attoched garage in desir- able north area close to schools, bus and shopping. 24 ft. recreation room, baths, Call for appointment to view. ORCHID COURT This beautiful hame hes free square footage, is situat the preferred North areo, hos laundry room ond family 6% N.H.A, RESALE 5 room brick bungolow with carport, Built-in stove ond oven, professionally finished recreation room, Broadloom. This is a home well cared for and must be seen to be fully appreciated. Shown by ap- anintment ofly, cal! Peuline Bea! TW natural fireplace, . possession, Telephone [TRADE IN YOUR | PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED Ber Pay scale protected by collective agreement Good fringe benefits Excellent schooling facilities Janitor Wanted for Tyrone, hardwood bush, » $10,000, to grade thirteen Chein store and shopping + centre conveniences Excellent hospitel accommodation A GROWING COMPANY DEVOTED TO CANADA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Approximately 25 hours @ week, Ideal for retired person, House availoble for suitoble opplicant. Apply Monday through Friday, between 9 am, ond 4:30 p.m, Phone 723-0601 at only $10,500, Try your down! poyment on this one. $2,500 DOWN IV, Six room storey ond o half, Convenient location with large| lot, Bright kitchen with lots of cupboards, Aluminum busy man, Stop paying rent and stort building your own equity. | LOT FOR SALE ° V. 125' frontage suitable . for siding | keeps maintenance easy for | room on main floor. Eight rooms in all this house offers o lot in luxurious living. At- toched garage. Call for par- ticulors 13Y%a ACRES COTTAGE CREEK 3 bedroom cottage on a well treed lot within V2 hour's drive of Oshawa, Call for fur- ther information, ORANGE CRESCENT 4 and 5 bedroom ex- ecutive homes on dis- play this weekend for your inspection Fully decorated, well' land- scaped lots. Some with carports, others with attached garages, Go east on Adelaide Street to Centro! Park| Bivd. |N. and one) | Open 9 a.m. to.9 p.m, ~ BUY NOW SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 block north to Orange! | | Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. Call 725-9592. Ing ment ston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. NINE-ROOM house on three-acre lot near Newtonville. All conveniences. $600 down. Telephone 576-1325, jus five-room apartment. Carries d for only $150 per month. Call Bill John 728-5103. for hunting and farming, good terms near Mosport raceway, $800 DOWN buys 100-ecre farm, suitable house, Sian BUTT BOTS peed cormmnerclar aT. MOORE OReRONRRS PT ree coat, ly $9,000. East borough. which consists of store and equip-) For particulars call W. ©. Martin Realtor. 195 ACRES, sultable for farming and ranching, good fences, plenty of water, quantity. of cedar and hardwood, pole 'lbarn, 35 miles from Oshewa, $14,000 with terms. W, ©. Martin Realtor, i117 MONTHLY, Come and see these, 728-5109, brand new homes on Waverly $t., south deco of King. rated. We can offer @ Three bedrooms. Fully 22--Lots for Sale Asking Santa Comes Early To GRENFELL SQUARE Call 726-1656, H Millen arly Real Estate Ltd. FARM 200 Acres with 2 spring fed field ponds, berns; pig pen, hen house, drive shed, Well cultivated clay loam soil will support 75 head of cattle, The seven room house hos @ most modern kitchen, 2 baths, Form is located on good yeor round open road, close to town, 2 schoo! buses go right by the door. Priced right at $25,900.00 with good terms, Must be seen to be appreciated PRIVATE -- One and o half year old, | six-room bungalow. Close to schools and bie. 723-9503, 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attroc- tive area, Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines, PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 LOTS King St. East 57' by 107'. Wilson North 60' by 135' Both serviced. NHA ap- proved, Builder terms, Call W. SCHATZMANN Realtor large Ranch home, Located be-| tween Oshowa and Whitby it Is | the last lot on Meadow Cres-| cent, Close to Public and Sepor-| ate Schools, Price $5,300, Coll us for more information, BURK STREET Vi, Older type home on quiet) residential street close to shop-| | ping centre and schools, large | lot SO x 211, Call to-night for | appointment to inspect | | WHY NOT? Vil, Take @ look at this 3 year | old, 3 bedroom bungalow to Crescent, Larry se on duty this weekend,| - y | W. $129 MONTHLY FRAN K Brand new 3 bedroom bungalows on Oriole REAL ESTATE LIMITED Street in the east end 21 King Street West Oil heat. Immediote Bowmanville Special Bonus To Everyone Moving In Before Christmas IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 end 2 bedroom Suites CARS -- BUSES a ome ht cities, Floride AUTO DRIVE AWAY. CO. Toronto 1, Ont. 362-1391 __137 Yonge St. (Arcede Bldg.) _ ACCOUNTANT For senior position in auto. mobile dealership, Must be experienced in dealership ac- counting. Send resume to Box State ol! particulars in first letter to: FILE 11A ATOMIC ENERGY of CANADA LIMITED) BIGH Ajax. Lerge lot. Well landscaped. Hot | cold running water, lots of shade, On |highway. Telephone 942-5356 after 6 EXECUTIVE HOME, choice residential area, Spacious living room with open fireplace, Large dining room and mod- ern kitchen, six bedrooms. Private, Tele phone 725-3975, FOUR bedrooms, beautiful home, large rooms. Central, Whitby. Garage, ps drive, Only $18,500. Terms. Call W. Se Realtor, 668-3338 or 668-3259. 623-3393 boy alin room, Wastoray have, possession. 6 Y%4 % mortgages, Prices at $17,000 with $2,500 down. East on King to} Melrose, south to Ap- plegrove and then Vy block to Oriole Street. | George Myles on duty} @ FREE HEALTH CLUB garage, green house and fruit trees, Sult- able for V.L.A,, just north of Whitby, eccrine Chalk River, Ontario Material Control SELL AND SERVICE the Electrolux (Canada) arttime, Car essential, Complete train: ing provided, Cell 723-4163 ask for Mr. MeNally WAITER REQUIRED for men's bever- age » _ Apply Burminsk!, Genoshe 57564, Oshawa Times Limited, Full or in person to Mr, Motel, room. GUE YO EXPANSION program we ur | prequets 7 | day, Located in a quiet court close to Seperate School and shopping. Spacious living room, hollywood kitchen with stainless steel built-in stove and oven, | coloured bathroom fixtures and vanity, Reasonably priced and well-kept., This Is the home you con't afford to miss. NOW IS THE TIME to take advantage of the 47%$500 bonus on these new homes; 4 bedroom, 2 storey with attached garage -- °3 bedroom bungalows with walk out basement and many other brand new homes, all plaster walls and built by an excel- lent builder, Inquiries wel- this weekend. | 370 ADELAIDE ST. E. No moss production) here, Every detail has| been carefully super-| vised by the builder.) Feotures include ma-| hogany trim, 2 bath-| Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board | HOMES | Oshowa -- Elgin Street, 2 storey, 6 room brick, garage, good location -- $14,900 -- $3,500 down. | Sanues ony $15,000, W. ©. Martin Realtor, 03, \nonTn Real Estate. NORTH-EAST AREA -- three-bedroom \bungelow, three years old. Large ivi room, family sized kitchen, This beautl- jfully decoarated home was custom built) 723-4522. ltor present owner who has been trans: ii JOWN, Vacant, Six one and room brick half storey home, garage and paved drive, Call Bob Johnston, 725-9365, 668-3338 or 668-3253 BAST END lots, fully serviced, "-- dale Avenue, off Keewatin Street South. T 728-5061, @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM ferred out of city, Possession APARTMENT SITE for 120 suites In proven area along with house and pre- liminary drawings. Telephone 728-1582 or @ SWIMMING NINE CHOICE CMW approved serv: POOL iced lots, North end ef elty, Name your % di Asking only $17,900 for quick sale. be seen by calling Dick Yourlg, 723-7183, Guide Realty Limited, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-528). ss Oshawa just off. Shirley Road, Excellent 3) McDONALD § Street, Por Port Perry, | buliding sites, Full price, $1,500 terms. Sturdy old house on. corner lot Seven! 725-9892 | rooms plus bath, good kitchen cupboards| RAVINE LOT, 56 x 190, fully serviced and some tile floors, Close to 'schools/ with full grown trees and panoramic view and downtown. Full prive $9,000. Must| of city, located In Kingsway College ares. be cash. Please feel free to come, aut Must sell, cash or terms, call Tom and talk business. Credit Union KS| Huzar, Paul Ristow Ltd., 728-9474 or 728- must welcome, Apply above address, 41,000 DOWN buys this five-room brick home with family-sized kitchen. Three iarge bedrooms, ferced air oll furnace, Situated on a large lot 82° by 226'. Ideal ome for the growing ati where & little extra space is . For inspec: tion call Dick Young, 723-7183. Guide) ang hi weary, Limited, 16 Simeoe Street South, Prince Albert ---- 6 room brick 'a bungalow, treed lot 163 x 4 100, close to golf course. Asking only $18,650 terms. Orono ---- New Brick homes on large lots, quality built by Ochonski, Must' be seen to be appreciated. Priced very rea- sonable. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m, call Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Roy Foster own terms, 723-1194, rooms, 4 bedrooms,| COUNTRY LOTS. Located 14 miles from family reom on} ground floor, fans in| both bathrooms and] kitchen, corlon, hard- wood and tile floors.| Beoutiful light -- fix-| tures, Come and see) for yourself, Edith) Gifford on duty this) weekend, | FUO-MOTR. 128-1036 gently require electrical and hydrauile men, general machinists, Bridge: boring FUTURE | come DEVELOPMENT VIIA strategically located por- cel of land in Oshawa's north eost, Large enough for 2 lots, offers. many possibilities, SPLIT LEVEL 1X. Excellent design with at- tached gorage. Featuring elec- tric heat, angel stone brick, coloured beth fixtures, double stainiess steel sink, Less then $5,000 down, Phone now to inspect this one INVESTORS BARGAIN | X. This well meintained tri-| plex contains two, 2 bedroom apartments and one, | bedroom apertment, fully rented, Your dollar value goes « long way when you figure your return on this smell investment, Situ- ated in @ good part of the city Call new to inspect. 7 ROOM BRICK Xl. Very close to down town this home is ideo! for a large family. The kitchen is extra large the 2nd floor consists of 4 bedrooms and both with e wide stoir way to the 3rd floor, Please call for more in- formation WE LIST TO SELL WE AIM TO PLEASE We charge 4% on exclusive listings only if sold List with confidence with Guide Realty Ltd., Realtors, 16 Simeoe Street South 723-528) Open daily from 9 am, to 9 pm After hours call: Leon Manitius Steve Englert Emest Mueller El, Ann Thompson Walter _ Mittler Bill Blasko Marilyn Fitzgerald Roy Flintoff SUPERVISOR We have on immediate open- ing fer @ senior position in eur preduction control de- partment. The mon we ore seeking hes hed 3-5 yeors anperience in mobile equip- ment perts control or plan- RORTHR rouired | ot agree Hotel, . ner. ining 'end dete: eorerel. ABCHAWIE. Clove A. for Fora" desler ship, all benefits, Apply Tony Streng, MacDonald Ford (Sales, Bowmanville, 622-0594, MAN, 25 to 4, to establish Nis own ance business, instructi nd | \viaion by competent mi wement per) sonnel, Highly remunerative, bonus con) ltract, Write, giving experience end back:| ground te: Box 23, Oshawa, | 19--Male and Female CANADIAN ca pmo | @ Free Hydro @ Oshawa's Largest Suites @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parki Available eg: @ Outdoor Guest Parking mill) operators, are Pa Positions -- no floaters, Rate paid vacations, paid hol ve Cross insurance, profit nm, $8 hour work week, Please phone or write Swain industries incor: porated, S115 Spanish Court, Levonia, Mich, Area Code 313-425-4100, SALESMAN WANTED for © legitimate je §=business og own not require capital, Write 72 tor personal confidential In For full particulars call 723-2265 725-3867 723-1358 728-1066 728-2233 725-9345 725-8300 728-5205 623-5638 725-0201 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE | Irene Brown Marg Hall Bill Johnston Maible Boudreau Ed Drumm Mike Belmonte Irwin Cruikshonks Mel Dale Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters 5422 evonings. Se a BID YOU KNOW that with nothing down and as little as $35.70 per month, you can buy @ buliding lot 100" x 150°? These lots are lust five minutes from the junction of 40} and 115 and only twenty minutes New public and city taxes and prices. These lots are going fast so call today for an appointment, pean Real Estate Broker, Orono, 983- 2. JOHN F. DeWith Real Estate Ltd. 14 Frank Street Bowmanville, Phone 623-3950 PORT PERRY. 7 roomed home with 4-piece bath, Wa- ter softener, Close to down- town, Price $8,500. Coll Tom Donnelly 985-7264 $1,800. DOWN, triplex, Is ail we ere ek: ing for this real money maker. Situated in the north east area of city, Three separate apartments, three separate en- 077 transes,, three enaetale pears "4 ms . only $19,500, full price. Quick call, a ro Sons ask for Dick Young, 723-7183, Guide 723-7900 Realty Limited, 723-5281. . WELL-BUILT three bedroom bung: Andy Keys 728-0196 | attached garage. 50° x 179 lot, Many George Beaton s North. features. Sell or rent. Port Perry 985-2987 Full company benefits ond velocation expenses, Please send resume in confidence to Maneger, Personne! ond in- duttrie! Relations, Orono 983-5801 Howerd Forder Brooklin 655-3853 - | Inaurs | super Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. --) WENTWORTH MANOR FEATURES SPACIOUS SUITES AND BALCONIES. LARGE WELL EQUIPPED KITCHENS LAUNDRY AND LOCKER ROOMS ON EACH FLOOR" TWO ELEVATORS SEPARATE FURNITURE ENTRANCE FENCED IN PLAYGROUND CHILDREN'S PLAYROOM CLOSE TO CHURCHES,' SCHOOLS AND SHOP- PING BUS SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR BEAUTIFUL one choice serviced lo! owner must sell, Bargain for quick sale. Glenmar Avenue, north of Rossland and Gibbons, 725-2539. 23--Real Estate Wanted College Hill Area Bungalow or 2 storey for purehaser who is most anx- ious for a good clean home around $16,000 price range. Call Tom Houston ot Central Ontario Trust 723-5221 or after hours 668-4416 Pot Yeo Ken Hockin Rod Kruger AND M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, eosy, sofe parking. 725-5179. ibs ae ny MARY STREET -- immaculately kept t brick 0! featuring fireplace, electric heat, attached gerage, sunporc! patio. To Inspect call and Ww, 0. Martin, Realtor, 728-$103, $1,500 DOWN for fast action, on com Vestorey home, In excellent location. Just off Simcoe Street South, Three bedrooms, garage, ol! heated. Very easily carried, You can move right In. Please | call Walter Mittler, 728-7083 or 723-5281, | e | \ | |Guide Realty Limited, 1:30 TO 5 P.M. nine rooms, garage, paved driveway, Pi Arthur Street. Telephone 725-8825. VISIT US ON sie" DOWN, _nerencroem Twe-atorey rick home. Get more information SUNDAY, NOV. 20th. phoning Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or Guide Realty Ltd., 723-5281. (Corner Harmony Road South ond Olive Avenue.) $1K-ROOM, two storey house and garage. Available now, Bloor East district, Tele | phone 728-6507. 91,900. DOWN -- New, brick bungalow, two months old, Large living room, with |natural stone fireplace. Built-in range In jkitchen, fully decorated, fully lensecepes ot, late T TAX! DRIVERS FORT WILLIAM Port or full time DIVISION OF Minimum age 25. HAWKER cibpELey | MERCURY TAXI CANADA LTD. 725-4771 TAROE. MODERN Real Estate otfice| P.O, Box 67 Fort Williarn, Ont. OPEN HOUSE 1:30 TO 5 P.M. -* the Abii GIBBONS ST. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, fire- place, two baths, walkout Basement, Ask- ing $22,900, Bolahood Bros. Ltd. Roy Yeo | 725-2217. FWO AND HALF STOREY brick house, & requires two = licensed Real Estate agents with @ proven record of listings | and sales, For confidential Interview call | (Bill MeReeters at Sehotield-Aker, Call | 722-9265 days or 725-1724, evenings ------|20--Real Estate "for Sele ag ih igh ree > n @ Rewarding Coreer HOME FOR : CHRISTMAS } HERE IS WHAT io Your Christmas Zeller's Limited decorating in one of RETAIL MANAGEMENT | | ECHO'S NEW HOMES "In The H. rt Of Oshawa, Whitby" CAESAREA, Colonial design 9 roomed home with oil fur- nace and bathroom, Acre lot. Excellent condition. - Asking $15,000. Call Tom Donnelly 985-7264 LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. as 728-7576 le URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural property for cash buyers. DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE 63 King Street West 723-465) | NEED, F ly priced, two or three-bedroom home, right away for @ who hes @ fair amount of cash. buyer Call Willard Johnston 728-1066. Schofield Aker Ltd, anf th PRIVATE, Modern 1 room ORONO MAINSTREET. 7 roomed home, oi! heated, 4- piece bath. Very well kept, with bern on 4¥4 acres fu- ture building lots, Only $5, 000 down 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS ATTACHED GARAGE aah ag eae | EWRISTRAS Wargaln, neat troar Wopve FRONT AND BACK meee int Svhrosms. Centrally located, very SORDED. }low price, own payment sr weinberger COMPLETELY rents tate 72s 1g DECORATED Real Estate 725-8851. 2 WALKOUT BASEMENTS |200---Summer Properties 3 BLOCKS TO ALL |___ Fer Sele or Rent SCHOOLS VISIT US ON Sunday, Nov. 20th. (Corner Taunton Road end Simeoe Street North, just west of the Church.) 728-2754 728-558) 728-0208 728-473) 728-7083 725-1458 668-5313 725-3454 * Good sterting selory * Excellent training program * Rapid advancement for those with Industry end obility * Liberal benefits | Company policy of promotion fram within BOWMANVILLE. New 5 roomed brick bungalow. Oil heated, 4-pc. bath, beauti- ful kitchen, Well built. Ask- ing only $16,000. Terms. WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE TO GENERAL. MOTORS. i PORT PERRY. Three brond Opportunity for high-level income tatecactine and active environment Strong expansion program creating unusvol opportunity for progress licant Must Be Able | 'o Relocate Periodically | Junior Matriculation = | is Essential | Please Direct Al! Replies To Box Number 56313 Oshawa Times SENIO | COST CLERK | i With senior matriculation or | equivalent for industrial firm, Should have et least 2 to 3 yeors experience in the stenderd cost system and an eccounting course is prefer red, but. not essential Please phone or write te i MR, GR. KING Canadian JOHNS- MANVILLE CO. FULL PRICE 634% _N.H.A. MORTGAGES Down Payments From 1498 MODELS end INFORMATION EMERSON COURT et FAREWELL & DEAN L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 668-8941 668-6762 728-2313 723-0321 Lillian Comeron Tilke Ryen 708 SwiTcHEs | Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonord Bisseii 7235-2076 Judi Knocker (O'Donnell) 723-8771 728-4923 723-6329 725-4330 728-2634 728-424) , 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 Bob Cooper Italo Bortolussi Jean Peacock Jack Graham G Nymeyer Lucas Peacock Dick Young BS ee ase \Be Sure to Come it's| 211 Switzer Drive | OPEN this weekend | i] | | | | L ree Saya PETG | | OPEN HOUSE ithis weekend 2-5 p.m [753 Glenforest Street | [ Be Sure to Come. | | OPEN HOUSE this weekend 2-5 p.m 894 and .904 Walnut Court Come See and cre Many Models to Choose from or have a home of Varwe Platen bith Sac Your Family in CEDAR RIDGES $1,690 DOWN TRADE your present home on a Beautiful new Beacon | Home, J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BROKER 725-3557 new brick, 3 bedroom bunga- lows, Exeelient = iocat Priced at around $1 00. Cai ont bonreiy 965-7255. NEWCASTLE. 1 yeor old, brick bungalow,. 3 bedrooms, Hollywood style kitchen, Port- ly wall to wall floor coverings. Nicely landscaped. Priced to sell, EAST OF BOWMANVILLE 4 bedroom, brick bungalow, 4 piece bath, oil heated, stone fireplece. Garage. On | 4 acres. Paved road, Priced | to sell, j EXCELLENT HOME, Large ranch style, brick bungalow, Electrically heated. Many, many extras, Over Yo acre, partly wooded lot, Priced to sell, } After Hours | Don Mountjoy 623-3614 Tom Donnelly 985-7264 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Ross Davidson, Bethany 30r2 Please Call: Licensed REAL ESTATE MEN, | 'to work with high calibre | broker, new office; 3% sell- ing, 75% to salesmen, not e@ MLS, member, All replies ly $2,900 , | J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BROKER | | 725-3557 SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 SHOPPING CENTER AREA: Beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow, just 2 months old on Montcalm Street. Holly- wood kitchen, hood fan, chimes, bookshelf and other extras, oil heated, Full osking price. $18,500, Hurry for this one BURKETON ONT: Gorage business and 9 room house, ¢ real opportunity for you to be your own boss ond make a good living, no ley off, no strikes to worry about Lot ft. Iiness forces sale. Whether BUYING or SELL- ING Real Estate SIBBY'S is | Al LAKE | | OPEN HOUSE 900 Down | | Live all year at famous Buck- | horn Lake in Emerald Isle. Planned retirement and 4- season community. Only min- utes from Peterborough on all season rood. Lots of good neighbours. All services, open this weekend on all electric Medallion home, brick, 1,100 sq. ft. Designed for spacious living with patio doors open- ing from extra large living room on to sundeck. Wide views over wooded lakeshore and islands. Plenty of proper- ty for green thumb. Price $16,235 -- Also open: 3 bedroom, ranch plonk cot- toge at $6,233 plus services. DIRECTIONS from Bridge- north cress Causeway and fol- low signs. For advance infor- mation and inspection call Keith Fairbairn or H, Me- Groth Bowes and Cocks Peterborough 742-4234 ree-bed! home in south-west area, Will pay cash or take mortgage, No agents. Telephone 725-8672. 24--Sisres, Cfticss, 5,000 SQ: FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON GSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 RENT INCLUDES riEAT uvnen DRAPES STOVE and REFRIGERATOR PARKING THAT'S NOT ALL $ $ $ CALL 723-8701 FOR SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING BONUS WENTWORTH. MANOR 275 WENTWORTH ST. OFF PARK RD. S. Starnan STORAGE inside clean dry, Boats $\é Tent trailers $15 full season, King St, W., 623-3243, |GARAGE FOR RENT, ideal for storing boat. Mary and Adelaide ares. Tele- phone 723-3211. 25--Houses for Rent Executive's Home Split-level type, built-in gar- age, 3 bedrooms, large living and dining rooms, bathroom TWO MONTHS. FREE Modern 1, 2 and 3 bedroom epartments. Two bathrooms, Smart Fenced-in playground. New with shower, also 2 piece r building. Oshawa south. washroom, stove and fridge. T.V, tower, paved driveway. Telephone 725-0657 or 728-2226 VIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don'? need for SPOT CASH. Dial 723-3492 for an adwrite fowl : 801 Athol St., Whitby. Avail- able after Dec. 15. $200. monthly. References required. For further details inquire 1600. Dufferin St., Whitby. | The averepe man detween 2 end & Compare can expect fe switch i %. ih many cases the change will be jo @ totally new career And the place te took for the best iptt s the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether vou're! wremployed of looking for @ better ted. | check "Help Wanted" now! | strictly confidential. Contact | "BILL' HORNER, Box $7919 | Ki pee ea Se | Tony Zoakorow | ree ee Charlie Rankine i Nick Siblock Jerry Coody Anthony Siblock Business People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Times Action Ads Westhill P.O. at your service. WESTHILL, ONT, PHONE 282-1131 Weed LIVING GUaRTeRs + Rees "Rent" ede i Classified now! | | | size 250 x 300 GET SPOT CASH OPEN WITH TIMES 5 | 2-5 p.m. i WANT ADS reach Mousencs or Interest) vony. Road South | | ACTION ADS ed prospects every day. Take advantage 725-4386 728-3682 728-7576 723-6356 725-4362 arr TWO.BEDROOM house on Annapolls. Adults only, 725-6375 atter § p.m. of the vast audience By telephoning 723 lan.