Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1966, p. 16

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ee > =e ~ ' Ta) Se hia toy Vole aie Py apes ee : PUN a a0 a Se iA on ki EER Ayr ste each Ab dal ws deat tho 4 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Baturdey, November 19, 1966 November Is Hunting Month..Hunt For Bargains In The Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTOR, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK bec "7 Om, 'Accountents Building Trades Money. e Loan |TV ---Radio Repairs VALE, PRIGOLANDER AND CO 'Bart fon aga Licensed nies yt rane Y Fig Simcoe Street No HOPKIN, Be BALE AND *¢ Accounionts mrnonci nay 147 Ki fario, 725 mss) Beadle, CA) &, Lukow, fo y CAH, B, Centre, Seth view. iste 2 ag verve " Sim: , Res, sala i ALBERT HOSMAR, Charlored A tant, 47 Prince Street, Hite 4 awa, Ontario, Telephone i 17a WALL, 8, Charte poly aah ch a sireet Rast, Telephone Osh ' A PORTRAITS ART SUPPLIES CUSTOM FRAMES CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY 668:4497 isters HOR, JONES, LLB, Barrister and felt King 'Street Bast, Suite 307, Taea197, R 5-035 Ton . Re AUSRLIN, B.Comm., LLB, Barrister and. Solicitor, as King st. © 723-2231, Ri Pi i, Ge, Boliclier, Tien Joan, ote {aa King Street Bast, Os The ae 'tLe, Barris. ter and solicitor and Netaiy Public. Sermereigt rin hs me King West, Ontario, an, sanine avail: Aven VN and Hi Solicitors, MV King R, Humphreys, 1G, §, Sexenyn C,'BA, LLB, Office Beis residence: 725-4004; Whitby, 648-2761) yaaa 725-5133, NHA and other firat mortgage funds available GueER AND Katty. 8 Barrlafers, Sell @te,, 114 he t Bast, Dial 723-2278, Residence ¢ M, Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V tly, Qc, 7% 5332) Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725: 2662 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash = } orga te mach} 8 wor seautive insertions t 're, secutive insertions of al, ee wie, additional words fc, oa Charge -- 10 rer - saci charge iinet paid witnin @ days, u a ntl Lome then 4 Revel Bi ou sy al Bed PE : ire Le he v abbreviation Gaynte ae two bier peani 1A Ry gabe inaert| HE i Tau a charge if not wh Bens jaya. AMS by eae *, Me 5 7 Tare paditional charge it not paid number = eounts wnin RO OF adie aa ° the first 33 words and fe, therea' "ih Re fot paid oa SCV ING BVEN fas rer inch Yee first 2) words and (Word Ads). " on for. the each thereafter Sree SEs pan insertion, DEADLINES 'Ton ORY previous ND FOUND a tas) rv PUBLICATION THS AND DEATHS PK AY OF PUBLICATION NM RIAMS and Chaos or THANKS Spm, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED iene 1 column = 4 p.m, day previous: & cob urnns of larger = 10 a.m. day previous CANCE MATION® AND gence Sn, Oe oF PUBLICATION Hr rtisement cance! Henin wil be charged on day's 'or BOX NUMBER RONTAL 01.0 Sener Walle every endeavor wi Yorwerd repiies to bax numbers to the edvertisers as soon as pesaldle, we ac capt ne a in respect of toss or damage alleged to arise ae either failure er delay in forwarding such re piles, however cau wether? by reals or otherwise, Tires wit! responsible for replies uncalled ter 0 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be reaponaldie for errors in qerecnoments, submitted wise than in writing - no! more in one ipcten of any Mateenen nor beyond t charge for @ single tnvertion \n wnien error occurs, i reserves the a te oa averting reeoreine its proper classification, In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actua error to r The 'oduce all advertising | matter Cor: tiserment V any, '\naccuracies in any form are contained therein, 17'S BASY TO PLACA A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Ye Women's Column 2--Personal d--Spertsman's Column 4--Motorcycies $Tratlers é--Marine Equipment P--Swap and Barter @----Articies for Sale t--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column ViePets and Livestock ld-arcticies Wanted V-Articies tor Rent Y4e--Business Opportunities 1$---Employment wanted lé~Agents Wanted \ieFemale Help Wanted Th--Malw Help Wanted W--Male or Female Male Wanted 20----Real Estate For Sale Me-- Summer lenFarms for Lots tor Sa Real Estate Wanted 4--Stores Offices and Storage 2S--Houses for Rent e--Apartments for F--Rooms for Rent 28---Room and Board 2e-- Wanted to Rent ive awa, Orv ecouns Osh: TARE "TYPES BUILDING REPAIRG 1 wit! yoy ue "8 reasona hy ae of nisret to ate date your bills oF an anv er werinwa, pose providing you are ployed and hav ave sont ig " Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs = Alterations Additions == Remodelling For all Construction eds m CALL ES ALLEN & SONS 1 256126 OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Custom Built Kitchen---Bath- FOOM == rec, TOOMs == and all General Repairs H, McKOY Prop, 725-8576 EXPERT PAVING, Free" eilimat cludes ire and fill, Iwo-vear M, F, SWARTZ in tee i vers business, Terrano ; 2614 King St, Eost 723-58 Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Ist end 2nd Mortgages - PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why not consolidate al) your poyments with a low eost mortgage loan, For complete details call DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Man ager. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King Street East, Oshawa 723-1157 Res, 725-6210 FIRST ond SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes eeCity, Rural, Vacation SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage provers 112 Simeoe St, 725-3568 we ick wikiy AND" ache roertoaen agreements purchased and a) King Street MONEY" 4 fae solidate Rid a ven need ered LOANS Moneys available for and second mortgages, Open mortgages, No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages ond agreements for sale pur- chased first modelling, Free aynetes A, ©, Wood, 728-3420 or 728 CALA NELLIT" WOME improvements, general repairs, rec, rooms, remodelling, Free eatimates, 728-206! ATLANTIC PAVING" and" concrete, eon your driveway paved by expert vis, fa: Mf, All work guar, 3 years, 72% own 6 es call Don collect, 985-2802, Port Perry, ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types of ygement work, sidewalks, stoops. Frank McCann, RR 3, O Bus, YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, Chim) neys bullt, repatred, gas linings installed, foots repaired, Free estimates, 723-2097. tire Whitey, |rooting, places, 668-2774 ROOFING, hel tar and repairs, large and ana' Roofing and eenarechin 798-6937 FICE and hardwood floors laid, carports, custom kitchen cabinets, Quality work. 576-0994, Carpentry chimneys, eavestroughing, masonry, Gord May, ere Le spit and Mennick, Barristers, Bast, 722-7292. rk, cupbosrds,|PIRST AND SECOND morta nd werk wae ere able, W, Schatemann Realtor, renee 725-20dd, Street Nerth, Whitby, 648-3398, Musical Services WANT, 70 R r A BAND? Rock 'and roll, rhythm and blues, country and 'Cartage western, Clark's Studio, 10 Richmond mesmemens $1, Booking Ageney, 728-2802. Cc ARTAGE E Optometrist OF ANY KIND BRICHARD BLACK, "OD, 15 "Fimece @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS - street, 'hid Sulte 4 Oshawa, Telephone m4 Anything Demolished or Re- " moved Reasonable Rotes. Photography _ 728-7020 -- 728-1892 Dentistry avall "Weer toema, re sig, Guality work, » Most reason Ta In aly"? own heme at no wire cost, S76104 Plumbing and Heating CAWEPOOT, OR. JOHN open! | Surgeon, 172 King Street an' © For appointment, 728-517), Dressmaking DRESSMAKER Mra, Tomes of 706 Green Street will be relocated et 217 Hallett Street until fur- ALL PLUMBING ANDO WHATING sup plies, Telephone 725-352), Harold H, stark iis Plumbing, (rearing and Engineering, coe Street Sout! hug - Upholstery Service We. do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest cost, For FREE ESTIMATE call, Torms, 668-2372 728-365) SSMAKING, Gino SSMAKING, ite) INTERIORS by WINDOLF __39 Simece St. N. PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728.6254 » sults, Goats, |" dress ete, Work done professionally. Mra, Maneren' tab-ayse Gerdening end Supplies "Winter Ideas" WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT PURITY DOG MEAL PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITANNIA MALT FLOUR CANARY SEED BUDGIE SEED FLOWER POTS STRAW bakes is bk) restyled, Free eat rial tor "Ye-upholstered and See our mate re HTB ing Sip covers made to order, Dalton Upholatering, 72 Charles Street, 722-7212 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts lished 20° years, Workmanship teed, Free estimates, Credit' term it tresses rebuilt, furniture refinished, Gah owe Upholstering, 28? Dean Avenue, 724 Soles and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simeoe § Oshawa Telephone 793.ANI) Cooner- Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST, 723-2312---723-1139 Delivery Service established 1909 SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Crwors for Hedges @ Monure (cow, sheep or horse) @ Dry fire wood cut to suit Harris emma Sales Founton Road E, RR Hampton Phone Cevewe 725-6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn ings, stonework, railings, 16 years experience Siding Experts. Lowest Prices, | Rent A Piano SEE for perfect tv reception on ié channels with no antenna get cable tv call 723-5278 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD, TAUNTON RD, &, (Just East of Ritson) 723 8131 - 723-8132 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV_TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond oP eink TELEVISION-RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Call Whitby --- 668-5679 T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe §. 723-0011 T.V, TOWERS | COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & TLV, CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs, Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V, towers, color and black and white T.V, Anten- nas, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 0 m, to 9 p.m, 248 Quebec St. Call 328. 0500, All work guaranteed, COLOR T.V, OP Biase AND Wuire Bere, e Rust All work guaranteed T.R.1.O, TELEVISION 728-5143 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 7285154 9 am, to 2 om BD's TV TOWER and Aerial service Pree estimates. \ fast service 408-674) or PORGRTD O4A Byron Street South, Whithy zw HEINTZMAN .N. Oshawa Telephone 728 292) GUARANTERO REPAIR to ati Wein: er ond Up, | washers and congas Pree estimates, Call posts and poles Call col lect Newtonville 786. 2283) 79 Simeoe St Tor so AND ri tor sale Beaity Wauiage, 725-2156 MANURE, g000 qualily, 3 yes. $4.00 yd. Top soll, 4 yd. and up $2.98 728.1742 or 73 ) Delivered, 225-0607 TREE TO TRIMP Cali Slim. or til ¢ therm down, Free estimates, 7255118 or 720-04 0 Hearing Service Vacuurna, palianers i makes, New hoses Jack Lees, 728-4056 } REPAIRS -- Tuck pointing, cementing, | [plastering, palnting, and any other re] pairs necessary, Telephone £76.2007 Wi am jam ENTERTAINING? Neat reuse available 0 Laaaeees | ener ve now for te Prone | GUARANTEED TRADE.INS -- ear nodels $49.50 efficient: wait Banquets, weddings. Catering arranged also, New Year's, §?4.)835 and | eyeglass $129.50 ACOUSTICON LINGER \Septic Service Hearing Aid Service | S€P TIE YANKS cleaned. Prompt servic iy Ht r 23 Athol St. W. Phone 723.5401 [Sunt anteaters: 24 Chestnut Street Instruction | | Surveyors WANT TO PLAY the guitar? Lessons |W. PUI ANG TROLLOPE, Ontario and nv D A Sem. ceanely - ee no Barrier epnone | \Pasanat." 112 Bigin Street East, Prone uy LESSONS by qualitied instructors BONEVAN AND Tei BISCHMANN, On for al) instruments. Alte Ausle Supplies, tarig Land Surve: 4582 Bimmme 9), & Pas 10 iprinta, 1) Ontario Sirsa, 7330 ormmercial vive) 2 Well Saiaaadiiae so WELL DIGGING by machine special ain Winch tie, W. Ward, 204 ye Street West, Whitby, 468.980) oF ----Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 GENTLEMAN would Vike transportation | to Terento arriving Spadina and King by €.20 am. Telephone 725.0045 TRANSPORTATION required to Bathurst 40) arriving @:30 am 1428 after $:20 arse [WANTED -- Ride from Bast Whithy to) Dunlop plant for 8.20 am, Pive weekly, Telephone 668.9083 gays WANT-ADS DON'T COST ---- THEY PAY Please call 728.) WHAT 16 SAID fo WE SKCOND ONLY To WAR AS A DESTROYER OF HUMAN LPR ALCOHOLISM, PALS, WFON CALLED Wee Kept is, " ve oy OF THE COMMON BUTTERFLY WAS MARKINGS ON If RoDyY rs COUNTERFEITING HUGE EYRE, POL.YGAMOU By R. J, SCOTT td $0, ANGOLA, AFRICA, SHOWS WAT SEG CHEF WIP RIN ug WOUSEHOLD, WER LEATWER SKIRT Ri WHILE TNE TRUE EYES ARE NCTHE HEAD, RUBBED WITH FAT AND RED PowPER, b---Articles tor Sa Model trains, $40, $20, Telephone 72 TV TOWER Shee all channel antenna, $60, 720-5143, sov"e wreV auasauveuseo felevision, retel Ke bP. Alcan Furnitu Simeoe South, 723-0011, ence not necessa venteet fy Pinder At 6bied3dd for ii erview, LARGE HEINTZMAN paver ane, ever not working, Call a in, STORM and alumin wa, Appl 53) Mary Street, Velephene 25. Mali MOPPATT 93/ range ow etal 13 eondition, Good alz aparimen or cottage, Telephone i UITAR, Harmony electric, excellent condition also lady's brown wool mohair coal, site 10 ay formal gown size 10, Telephone 728-1 BABY'S aks 'eombo gl ib, a alone, Bisiterh 7 isa feey ly coat, ine MM, 78 ai WHBCOR high Veaity tape recorder, Cost $400, Asking $180, Telephone 728-4099, SNOW TIRES Writewallty Véineh, Appl 104 Connaught Sireet, Oshaw shai "yal 1 ay elk badd M sty ? bicyele Telephone 790+ 974, brushes, ete, Plekoup, delivery, 9420213, Fleming Vaevum Service, Main Street, 3-----Sportaman's Column HUNTING LICENCES, new and used guns, bought and sold, Baver skate ex change, new and used skates. wm prices, Valley Creek, 14 Bond St WE SKIN, evl and wrap deer and moote, Telephone sehA7ds of 72) aT) TAXIDERMIST deer heads mounted geod eraftamanship, Contact Richard Flewell, RR}, Claremont 5--Trallers TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS, HEATERS RE. FRIGERATORS Authorized Service on trailer heating and Refrigerators MILLER HEATING 9 Tudor St, Ajox, 942 3491, RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE =» RENT Open Sundoys 2+ 4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 40) and 28 6--Marine Equipm nt "STARCRAPT" Evinrude motor weekends, ° ar Ltd, Brooklin, 688-964), ais USE ALUMINUM carton | 17 4150 wy, 14', 9198.00, Wilde Rental, 9924, hithy, . WINTER "STORAGE Heats motors, ee, Wilde Rental, Whi vy aee 32%, and Supply Boats, oon 7--Swap ¢ 'and "Barter SINKS AND VANITY uniter | 9) basing, $10.2 atainions atee! sinks, 911,80, tubs, tollet: ry tubs, piping, tits tings, tera, repa' §00- Chinn, '\8--Articles » for Sale LOWREY ORGAN|s Demonstration HEAR MAURICE BAKER at the GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL Monday evening Nov, 21 ot 7 o'clock PRE CHRISTMAS ORGAN SALE OF DEMONSTRATORS 1-enly Walnut Holiday De- luxe with rhythm attach: ments, virtuoso keyboard and Lestie speakers, Regularly $2,394, Special $1995. Starlet 2 only, Regularly $795, Special $695, Holiday Deluxe -- including Leslie Speaker, Regularly $1,909, Special .. $1,650, Other models to choose from 1 Aare 4 VRUC 1055 Denise Drive Oshawa 723-0297 RUTHERFORD'S 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms, Immediate delivery of layeway F Rutherford's 186 Simeoe St. South CHAIRS FOR CHRISTMAS SWIVEL ROCKERS $24.50 HOSTESS CHAIRS $14.95 Platform ROCKERS $39.95 RECLINERS $59.95 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS AN average 200 million copies of 8,000) i@ally Newspapers are sold throughout the world on any elven weekday } That's way iA amart business to ad jvertise tn The Times' Classitied Section it's a0 popular, It's the one place! 0 ipecple leek 'for your ad. To get your offer betore 22.000 aunseriberreaders at i oat, ial @ial 723.203, B---Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Pickering APARTMENT BPECIALE m= be dressers fl? eriba 810, re $i5, \6 Bond Sireet W Hireet Bast, Valley ¢ LL We BUY, SELL AND BXEWAN furniture or anything you hat Trading Pout Store, 446 8) South, 72%) Wv vewai SPECIAL == d0oot tower structure, alkehannel antenna instatied, $50. Ochawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road Bast, just east of Ritson Road, 196? $KI-DOO SNOWMOBILE by Bombar: dier, world's largest producer of ot Soll vehicles and MeCulloch ehain saws, Now on display, United RentAll Marine, 538 King St, B, at Wilson, 72h-S868, TAPE RECORDER 1148 or best offer,| PU riven $30, or le rae eas re Vea 5, wal eas 9 REPEATER, 49 Ib, ee and man's P| VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hones, (WHEE | he Investment ~|TWOPIRCH CHESTRRRIELD, two. end ne cotton | ORGAN STUDIOS): ~~) with pipes and Wgation tank, good' cor: Chev,, Dodge, mouth, Pontiac wheel alignment, inspect and |! correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition , $6.88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra Ford, Ply. We correct BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars, First Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each . Fi SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd, S, Phone 725-651) Sapien, ene All . poet eonediti awa Times CHNTYERFIELE = eoniemporary 'Wie, alx montha, barely used, Ue" sae holatered, Yelephorte | Cierements ameniel SUV AND PELE = Good Used Wrnliure and appliances, One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 729-3971 STANDARD "Typewrlier, $28.) partebie $35.) adding machine, 828.) cash re fer, $35; electric muitipiier anap, iit 44nd SRAVERT A larae selection of new and vied, Also hockey al Bond" hockey sticks, ond Street, nsaad YOR FELLING furniture oF ap sag Eimer, Hampton tee ®, two table lamas, Box $7293, Oath PRED) Fornece cleaned, adlusiod tree, Guaranteed trouble = free winter if pares trom Weatern Oli Company 728 MATTRERS BARGAING, All iypes oF mal tresses, all reduced, Smooth-t mat tressea, 82%) crib mattresses, $9.48) mat tresses for i $16.08) rollaway cota complete, 919,08, Wilson's Furni ture, 90 Church Street, NAVY AND WHITE Swan baby carriage, 425, Playpen, ap fnew, $10, Telephone 7asaeas after é LR "ike oy "all wlaes ¥ Good King Street West, "i Be, puAind URE -- three rooms, new qual ity furniture, nly $299, Includes con plete bedroom, living room, kitehen én semble, Pay only $), weekly, Unbeatable valves! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe South SCARINGT, © Sinner Bundy Wew, Fe. Whitby, 278, an PW RRAVER saw. Gre Year = horsepower motor, like ay alte Al compressor, Telephone s14¥4, ist AUUERAY, "yi tength aa ale 1G In ee indition, Reasonable, Tele phone Aba dR COMBI Sella Sy W8.M0" French ak) 'doots size 4, 98,50, Stee! aki poles al" $3, Complete set, halt price, $17.50, 982 Sormmervitie, after 6 3 GENTLEMAN'S -tltee 'ene winter coal, - lent sorely ne 42, Lady' TYPEWRITERS, 80 No Money @ " weekly, Addera, cashiers, file OW, used, rentals, service, trades Neuter Raglan. cal an range) Ha Vere R here Cowmbva vah7sy i, ORIENTAL bedroom wile, like new) oc atonal ehair, infant orld, entid's teed table, dotl's crib, carriage, strotier, child's folding table, echalra, two desks yond, WASHING = MACHINE, ator, maple bedroom suite, gas lawn mower nmr PREE Mary Maxim Sweater Liner with every Northland of Clovdspun Aulky/? Sweater Yarn ae ace catalogues, |? entre, large --_retriger le ROW Condition, Gilson, de lure. 1S eu: ft, S280) fourtane slot car track, $40.) table tennis set, $17.) large twodrawer Snapon tool box, $20, 11207) Wl, Bay Ridges BLUR EVENING GOWN, brocade top! f and panel, net skirt, size 10) Not water tank, galvanized, Telephone 725.0708 COLEMAN OIL floor furnace, complete! i POOL TA and sngoker sas apaly 6? Drew BLE, 4 x HY, with eight cues Teleprane S628 oF mh, 22 Gal, repeater with 4X scope,' elephone §P6.9708 POR SALE Trailer axies or built to your specifications, Telephone 243237! Hamaten TWO SNOW TIRES and wheels, site a0 j\ wheel Telephone 468.216? MOTORS « quarter horse power to Hhorse power, [1S welte, 1725 RPM Tee i r-4458. PIANO ~~ 52 Inches high, excettent ¢ ition, On concert piich, Ae moth Sehastian Hohmann after § a.m ba] NOW TO GET IT, Them you want in the Want Ads, place @ "Wanted" e@ ana get ith Dial 72)34?) now SNACK BAR fryer, fire Man's sults, avercoats MeMillan, we many other articles South. BLACK PURLIKE Por Sull and dresses, All in phone 723-3601 COMMERCIAL er, cheat freezer, 1? eu, feet, good condition, two months old, Best tor sale, Will deliver, ATTENTION: Nursery men ert, 25 loads of cow manur Number ?, ed UP promptly, REGISTHRE 4\e males Telenhane 44a BEAUTIFUL toy Most wanted Chrlatmas gift ter @ Order early aveld Sheapalntrnent, Phone 725-6082. - BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY Broad, 114 Bigin Bank, cory. "thee herds, pups, Show mare in foal te quarter horse, Pony. equipment, anu JGRRMAN SHEPHERDS, Gane Sea, buy the. vest, Wiceent charecter \ » Avetional chesterfield, red/doa, buy tt " nee aracter gy Fin g's a gg rhb ded Blasienderg Kennela, 042-4449. ReoisTeReD acnnwane or and white, am WANTRO -- Goad Kore fer a tt ANTIQUE 12 Gauge double barrel shot: Sya yet, "MCh MIN Arner PET SKUNK FOR SALE, six mrentha TERRIER, [nureies Sh lpers md Ht Vou do not find te |COLLIES, Scotch and Toy Also |} aaek Labrador vipment: grill, French coffee maker, cooler, milk shake cash register, potato peeler, extinguisher, cocoa mat runner, Telephone Mra, machine, P0194, SELL USED" RORNTFURE and 762 Simece Street |* Telophane 728-7840, Lamb coat, M40, Teles HERUBHER™ and polish. 17, two Orushen, used fwlee, $220,) 7 Lublin Ave, $1085. Ray Ridges, 81% 1989, 4, TRENAGEH COATS and dresses, in good condition, Apply 170 Park Rd, North, SIX YEAR old Baldwin Spinit Ore Uh ai Like new, Call now w oe at a ae after 4. p.m, FURNITURE, three 9--Market Basket ll---Pets and Livestock PUPP PPINT reelsiered, white Ving poodle "liane eal beposi' wilt holt, Pi nn Ri oh 'oe nr no peasy ounselor, Harn while you lull firs Grose, 725-9038 and et 'al IN (ECANO 'an deur ie nee oi Gate S606 0 DB PURNITORE Wanted, ete, Highest o LF Call pyaime: MacNell's ih ure, 668-548), a6, wheel side tandem without frame, 723 nay "ay. Tables, Chair, bans Dish. es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formais, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, §, 725-3338 GY Pilly Vo one hundred Tennis Club fer ban: weddings, Gar, kitehen, i beds, walkers, machines, sick room supplies, als, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 siness Opportunities , CANADA LIMITED han @ verve station for lease on @ busy artery y than average income, minimum required, For Intormation, 4, , Van Zant, 72h6ad), COMBINATION beaviy salon and. dress shop, central, ill health forces sale, Tele Phone 725-9356. COMERS! AL LOT in downtown Oshawa 59 by 124", on two sireets, An additional ja' Mw 99 on adioining prop erty if desired, For full particulars call Lloyd Corson, br we » Guide Realty Lta., 16 Simeone $1, we SIVARL Cha CAR, truck and trailer rental national company, For @ confidential interview call Lloyd Corson, is sm, Guide. Realty Lid, 16 Simeoe St, South, 15--Employment Wanted RESIDENTIAL" and commercial ticor and = =owindow maintenance, -- hardwood sloore sanded and refinishéd, Scuft-resis: tant maintenance (ree, Free eatimates, Contract invited, 725-1885, BELIABLE veya wii tore tor. ei dren, in Cedardale secu ser i woatras ray in Alax + Of en, ei retired after 10 years' owner: thio ! retall hardware store; previous fo this, 10 years ownership General Con: tracting, Aptitude for fi ay imeehan cally inclined, bondabl bit chautteur's lleense, franehise = with Pune MANS 10, having returned to school, requires week employment, Good welder, will accept anything, Tele: "| phone Michael 725-572) after 4 p.m, YOUNG LABY Will care for children In her home, King-Melrose area, Telephone OTATORS tor tale, free delivery, Tele 729-5908. Pp phone 720 POTATORS, five pound Gniario" "Ne venty: bast, delivered, * Telephone Pe-2006 or 725-0490, 10---Farmers' Column ne Deer & Moose PROFESSIONALLY SKINNED CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER TELEPHONE 728-1487 0 BALES first quit "Plat ry rd tor sale, Farms, Dalsan Road North, 640.8444 DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick Margwill Pur Perm, Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 24% B and & MINT O72), Licence 4.0.46, CABBAGE perdoren, red, green. and only, 0 ¢ green savoys, Week days Van elie, \y mile east of Bowmanville on Highway 2 = |11--Pets and Livestock EXPERT CLIPPING Of Poodles and Speniels and all breeds, Lowest. rotes in Oshawa, For information ¢eli 728.9609. HILLTOP RANCH Horses boarded, bought and sold : HANCOCK ROAD NORTH just east of Courtice 728-7768 or 728- 5738 LOOK! | Would like nine puppies for Christmes gifts for grand. children, Small breed prefer. 725-8602 ® Tor CTERRIEL, two te ee V aaea, Pr Li. al ek) RANCH, Reo'd, German Pinto, Weatern saddles, clothes, Aahourn, éis mais, weeks old, reasenanie, 122. Restetneee Poodle, female, black, ve years eld, Good ws eniitren, Re: 418 George /Sonable, 728-2068 atter WHITE TOY POODLE American Cocker Spaniel, mate pion breeding, all registered ahd very Feasonable, Telephone 725440), | Leong PUP, female, six months eld. home. Telephone puppies, female Slamese Kitten, dluepeint chan mM, BACHIND 1, registered male, two and @ halt years old, very good with cenit jdren. VIDOW-116, Ray Ridges Ye YRAR-OLD PINTO, diack and white, @ition, $50, Telephone 7290086 after 4 fourteen hands Alek, Very quiet and well e rained, Best offer, PRS 2605 Telephone after ¢ "young eal, eyes, Male, De-scented, Hepnane PROS. part spaniel, shemontheld pun, Gold in colour, Good With children, ree to good home. 223.1682. old, Tele part berder "collie, seven eeks old, tan with white markings, &f a rM.4e. German Shepherd pups, pure bred, Diack Please telephone = Hampton. and Tervurans, | hove trained Werh Collie, and Walker, $33. fe 878, De tivered, Prone P8264), , | Liven oF aut, yelepnone and tan and black, female, | own home, Telephone Whitby aa ha WILL CARE won children & ever In my home, Oshawa © Bast, Telephone me 3705, = 17--Fem le ) Help Wanted _ DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA requires for January, 1967, TEACHER for Grades 3 and 4 Salary Range $4,000--$7,- 700, Experience Allowance § years, State quolifications, experl+ ence, name of lost inspector, te fH, R. MOORCROFT, Supervising Prineipel, Heimpton, Ontario, Phone 263-884) "COUNTY OF F ONTARIO JUNIOR CLERK-TYPIST Applications will be received by the undersigned for a Junior Clerks Typist for the Engineering Department of the County of Ontario, Applicants should have ot least Grade 12 education and have an eptitude for figures, County of Ontario hes all Normal Fringe benefits end pension, Reply in writing stating age, quolitications, experience, and tolary required to; W. Av Twelvetrees, P. Eng, County Enaineer, 608 Rossland Rd, EB. Whitby, Ontario, PRC APSE Ne Nervi tthe REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Why not phone 725-5181 to discuss joining us in promot. wen in "| SHOWCASE COSMETIC ----INURSE'S AID, ateaay employment Write Box S982, Oshawa mit BABYSITTER ana care tor helper te three children A my home, seuttieast area, Call 7280009 af! 4 BLDERLY LADY requires live in, Light duties for apply 7 SS. pensioner te afermation WOMAN to are tor three children, one preschool, two school aged in my home, 68-4992 after 4 HOME" FOR PENSIONER, remonere- Non, companion for witew, lent quien, week .ends free, Rox S969, Oshawa Times. mature middle, aed woman te take wer home, Live in private i Must ie enildren, Telephone 443 2 Whitdy RELIABLE LADY for Are Flower then. Experienced preferred, Teleprhane Koenderman, Ajax Ry Shap. WAITRESS required, full time, 7 am, te 4 am. and 4 Bm, te 2) Bm, Apply Mr, Campnell, Genasha Mote! EXPERIENCED waltresies required at the Ro dN, Restaurant, 19 Brock Street by 12. Also two TS GAL wheels and ene CHINUAHUA FOR SALE, registered fe) South, Whitby, ¢48206 ime fen weeks old, fawn colored, 66) / PRESSER OR SILK FINISHER re quired, Experienced preferred but will LADY WILLING TO BABY SIF" In her 16----Male Help. Wanted STAFFING LARGE NEW PLANT Splendid opportunity to start in a new plant on the ground floor, FORD MOTOR COMPANY WOODHAVEN STAMPING PLANT Located south of Detroit, Michigan HAS MANY OPENINGS FOR MACHINE REPAIRMEN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS DIEMAKERS STEADY EMPLOYMENT PLUS LIBERAL OVERTIME, HIGH STARTING RATE PLUS COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE, SHIFT PREMIUMS, HOSPITALIZATION, PAID GROUP INSURANCE, PAID VACATION, PAID HOLI+ DAYS, BEREAVEMENT PAY, JURY DUTY PAY, ETC, Documentary proof of qualifls cotions required, (Apprentices ship papers or 10 years exe perience), Contact Mr. Ralph Pallozzt att Carousel Hag Perk Kuan s exit, Interchange 69, Oshawa, near Sunday, November 20 thru Tuesday, November 1966 * between the hours of 4:00 P.M, to 8:00 P.M, on Sunday 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M, on Mondey 9:00 A.M, to 12:00 Noon on Tuesday ov State qualificetions end ed. dress replies tot ORD MOTOR ovis i OMPANY WOODHAVEN STAMPING PLANT 20900 West Road Trenton, Michigan wr tae An Equol Opportunity Employer Powers Supermarket Requires Experienced GROCER Good starting solary,. usual company denétits, Apply te store manager 564 King St. E train suitable appiicant, Married person Ipreterred, Teleprene Cardinal Cleaners, | Pasar) RELIAQLE WOMAN to care for three children, one school age, Marmony Road South district, tive in or aut, Write Bax [S977 Ganawa Times stating age, exper jee wager expected. JCITV.WiIDR COVERAGE a) low cont what you get with Clasaitied Ads, al PER How for an adweriter, Wee - PER MONTH The cost of this ad, deity tor one year, Too smell to be noticed? on reading: ests i a

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