$ | Clarke High School | Rewards Top Students ORONO (Staff) -- A large Squair Award, Grade 12 -- dear My il and friends|French -- Anna Marie Scott; attended the commencement|R. B. Rickard Award, Grade night at Clarke High School.|13 ~~ Marlene Pelletier; W. C. Keyes, chairman of the|Rotary Award, Grade 13 pro- Durham County District High|Frank Hoar Award, Grade 13/7, McKenzie Award, School Board, presided and E.|French -- Douglas Hamm, G. Witherspoon, principal of the} Canadian Legion Award, and Goode Hardware J. Casoubon, associate dean of|ficiency and university entrance Althouse College, 'The valedic-|_ Ross Wannan and Stephen|iene Pelletier; Vicery Eelectric school, welcomed the parents|tower School English -- Linda! Bruce visitors, ; Lowery; The commencement address|Award, Lower School History--|gy -- Marlene Pelletier; 0. W was delivered by Professor T.)Linda Lowery, Bowmanville|poiph Award, high standing in Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital Auxiliary Award -- Anne Gilbank and Sheila Slater; D. J. Murray Associates Ltd, strong Award, Ann Marie Cam- £ eee avg _ Cc ly Wood Products Aw-|Couch, regg Bookkeep ard. teatnesation and science, |Award--Shirley Mercer; Under: Linda Wright; Orono Weekly|wood Speed and Accuracy Times Award, Grade. 13 Eng-|Awards--Linda Couch, Dorothy lish, Linda Greenwood; Dr. A,|Mercer and Lorraine Tinney, rade 12) FIELD DAY AWARDS art -- Russell Gibson; Toms and Sons Ltd., Award of Merit] wiemion, Poy,chamniom, ; Johnson D: Garry Richardson; Award--Marlene Pelletier; Arm-| Linda eron; Canadian Imperial Bank P Idsojan Award, senior boy runner-|athietic Allin rug | up, inter-|Wiersma; Student Council Pin, Store Award, Grade 13 Biolo-|mediate boy champion, Gordon|Kathy Turansky. Allin; intermediate boy runner- up, ?'eil Allin; junior boy cham- jon, Larry Johnston; junior y runner - up, Ken Me- Cracken; senior girl runner-up, Green ;. senior girl runner-up, Candy Storks; inter- mediate girl champion, Wendy artner; intermediate girl run- ner-up, Carol Nixon; junior girl champion, Lee Anne Hoar; jun- jor girl runner~up, Darlene West. Trophycraft Award, sports- manship among Grade 12 girls, Candy Storks; Lyons and Keen- igh standard of achievement, Idso nine Grade 13 papers -- Mar- torian was Douglas Hamm. sented by the school directed by Mrs. M. er, Tina Kozub also contribut- ed a piano accordion solo. The diploma winners were: HONOR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Bruce Allin, Mary Jane Brough, Anne Gilbank, Tim- othy Gray, Linda Greenwood, Dougias tiamm, Julia iiawke, Robert Parks, Marlene Pelleti- er, Cameron Perrault, Frances Rickard. Herold Rienstra, Elaine Riv- ers, Howard Stapleton, Bryan Tamblyn, Arnold. Wallace, Ross Wannan, James Westheuser, Idso Wiersma, Stephen Wither- spoon, Linda Wright. GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Lynda Call, Ann Marie Cam- eron, Tom Chard, Jean Clark, Terry Cox, Mary Dean, Mar- fan Demark, Sandra Ferren, Witherspoon; F. E, Musical selections were pre-|Award, highest standing in nine/trial arts, Douglas Wade; ee A anos Grade 13 papers -- Douglas|Pharmacy Ward, Elaine Riv- estheus-| Hamm. ; Lycett|Award, ost promise in indus- Stutt ers. GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. -- Breaking of Bread 11:00 a.m, -- Family Bible Hour and Sunday School 7:00 p.m, -- Gospel Service SPEAKER M. GETTY OF EDMONTON Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting ALL HEARTILY INVITED OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.5.A. Pastor: Rey, Roy F, C, Stoddard Domenic Gallello, Russell Gib- son, Carol Gilbank, Nancy Hal- lowell, Annette Jorgensen, Karen Lee, Marilyn MacDon- ald, John Mather. Douglas -Moffat, Mc- Cullough, Elizabeth Powell, Charlies Reid, Albert Ried, Richard Reitsma, Idska Rein- stra, Craig Rogerson , Anna Marie Scott, Mary Lee Simp- son, Candace Storks, Kathryn Turansky, Marie Vander-Wert, Douglas Wade, Grant Wade, Fraser Wallace. Other prize winners were: Ontario Scholarship -- Doug- las Hamm; Trent University -- ~- Marlene Pellet- ler. Highest scholastic standing: Grade 9 -- Donald McKenzie; Grade 10 -- Linda Lowery; Grade 11 -- Suzanne Eyden; Grade 12 -- Karen Lee; Grade 13 -- Douglas Hamm. Lancas- ter Ward -- Elizabeth Powell. LIONS CLUB AWARDS Grade 12 English -- Karen Lee; Grade 11 History -- Su- sanne Eyden; Grade 12 Geog- raphy -- Leslie Ann Stephen- aon, St. Joseph's Parish Council the CWL -Award, highest of in Grade 10 Latin -- Linda Lowery. Peter Tomorrow! Revecis the startling sign ficance behind world news! . with PROPHECIES next 20 years! Monday to Saturday 9:05 -.9:35 P.M. end Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M, 1350 RADIO On Hockey Nights the World Tomorrow will be heerd Immediately after the hockey game, . A Religion . Today's World fe Ge fewgernge oh ow Aer Te the people of oar time Comcerning problems of our time 'Vo Unitarians, ail doctrine and belle? wast stand the test of enlightened Teason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, It keeps abreast of modern knowledge. Pushing asics the veils of creed gad dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and sclence that man may better understand and Cooperate with his fellow maa. November 20th 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL SPEAKE MR. STEWART FISHER Freedom For The Teenage Revolution ~--ot---- Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty" UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday 1:00 P.M. -- Sunday School 2:30 P.M. -- Healing and Message Service 7:00 P.M. -- Divine Service Both Services Taken By Church Workers Thursdoy, 7:30 p.m. -- Mid-Week Service REV. F. C, STODDARD For Information please call -- 725-7183 or 655-4966 EVERYONE WELCOME ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE S75. The Reverend Cenon F, G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G. Brooks $.Th.--Aasistent SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th Oshawa United Pentecestal Church | 320 Ritson Rd. $, (Nr, Olive) 723-6325 REVIVAL SERVICES with Evangelist and Mrs. L, Stewart Pentecostal Youth Service Every Night Sunday School 10 a.m, Morning Worship 11 a.m. Never Give Up On Relialon EVERYONE WELCOME EET FREE Leader, Pennsyivenia except Monday Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. Weeknight Services 6:00 p.m. Until You've Tried Pentecost METHODIST Off Simeoe St. (next after Bloor) Minister -- Rev, C. M, Bright 725-3872 Junior Church Up To 11 Years Provided 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL Saturday, 7:30 p.m » Evangelistic Service Sundoy, 11:00 a.m., Rev. 1. L, Brown, B.A, M.A, Will Speak In Closing Evangelistic Services Tuesdoy, 7:30 p.m., Proyer Meeting and Bible Study "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" | ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 409 ADELAI DE AVE. EAST MINISTER; REV, D, N, HABERMEHL, B.A,, M.Th. 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Nursery © 1:15 AM, 'ore Provided Sunday School 7:00 P.M, EVENING SERVICE Radic Ministry Chr, Ref, Church: each Sunday at (Back To God Hour), every o (churches | ws } i} 9:15 BM, || ther Sunday ot 11 A.M, CKLB || in the area) | How come the familys suddenly spending so much time here inthe "\ playroom'? Gota chilly playroom? Adding a new room? You can make ig warm and livable with electric heat- ing. It's simple and inexpensive to install and oper- ate. You can add electric heating without disturbing your present heating system. And it will cost you less to install than it would to extend your present system. Flameless electric heating is the quietest, safest, cleanest heating system ever OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation with -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .............. 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ............... 942-2930 --_ Electric Heating Information Centre. The spectal- ist at your Hydro's Blectric Heating Information Centre can give you complete information on the type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, operating costs and help in arranging installation, Call now, ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE your hydro SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER DIOCESAN WORLD OUTREACH 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Nursery Feellities available et the 11:00 @.m. Service THURSDAY, November 24th, -- HOLY COMMUNION 10 «em, REV, RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M. -- "FAITHFUL TO KEEP" 7:00 P.M, -- "What and Where will Heaven Be In The Prophetic Future?' No, 2 In Series -- "The Hereofter -- ond You" 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Nerth Oshawa Community | Centre ---- Nonquon Rd. THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simeoe Street South Major end Mrs, John Wood 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "GROWTH IN GRACE" 7:00 P.M. "THE HIDDEN GOSPEL" Songster Weekend ---- Saturday 26th, November cat 8 p.m. Musle Festival with Scarborough Songsters and Bandsman Deryck Diffey -- Cornet Soloist of Hamilton. Sundey, 27th November -- arecel Speakers -- Molor end Mr, Wm. view TUES. 2:30 P.M, -- Ladies' Home League WED. 8:00 P.M, -- Prayer Meeting "A Welcome Awalts You At the Army" St. Matthew's Anglican Church Wilson Rd. S. at Hoskin Ave., Oshawa Rector: The Rev. R. A. Sharp--725-7064 OPENING. SERVICES OF THE COMPLETED CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th 1966 8AM. - 11AM.- 7PM. NEE Ne BABY BONUS DAYS 120% On Your Baby Bonus Annually You will. recelve 10% CASH BONUS en any pur- chase you make with your Beby Bonus er Youth Cheque ANYTIME et 0.0.H. "Double Your Money Drew". As en extra bonus ene lucky winner will get DOUBLE the value of used during 0.D.H. 'Baby SADDLE CHAMP COWBOY SHIRTS for boys up to 6X compare et 5.00 each POR PRICE SAKE 2.22 wowey MAIN FLOOR GIANT 32-0z. Size MR. CLEAN compare at 1.00 FOR PRICE SAKE 66° LOWER LEVEL their Beby Bonus Cheque if Bonus" Bonus Days. NEW LOWER PRICES ON ALL UNITS! TAPE RECORD PLAYER MUNTZ STEREO PAK Superb, 4-track solid state stereo cartridge player; over 50,000 selections available In LP album; unlike records, the Muntz Stereo Pok requires little or no care; lasts indefinitely. Can't scratch or get dirty, you never thread, wind, rewind, stock or turnover, You get superb Instant stereo at the same low prices as plastic LP albums, PRICED FROM _ ASK FOR FREE D MONSTRATION WITH YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST OR MUSIC Stretch Head Band FAD "JOHNNY EXPRESS" TRArTAn causern ews 1 WARMERS | TRAILER Strikes like @ match, no wheels, cogs or screws to breek. Compere 2.00 FOR PRICE SAKE 88° MAIN FLOOR The year's meet populer toy; doxens of eccessories for « reel fun time fer the young led, POR PRICE BAKE LOWER LEVEL Nylon knits fits all sizes; boys, girls, ladies or gents. Regular 79¢ FOR PRICE SAKE 29° MAIN FLOOR NECK TIES Pelsleye--Polkes, ete. regular 1.50 each MAIN FLOOR TAGS, String Tags and Seals. Regular 5% "* FOR PRICE SAKE Compare et 3.98 each POR PRICE SAKE 2.49 LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE it's NOWHERE ELSE King St. W. at Gerrard Rd. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE