Gea tb ee wr CaO or en ee . e ire PE ge Se a Sale Se RE tage ee = rn mt, _-- weed ig. f , at €: OE it A SAN es Pr OE MERC EAT EE OES EERIE SAA Rat GS EE Pe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 18, 1966 17 Mining Company | NET EARNINGS H, Corby Distillery Lid., year ended Aug: 31: 1966, $2,301,618, Trading Halted $2.07 a share; 1965, $1,773,826, TORONTO (CP) -- The Tot-|iq' cents onto. Stock Breksngs so étte et Provost Ltee., 28 Lier ended Oct. 31: 1966, Thursday it has suspended 1 ad: | weeks ing in shares of O'Brien Gold|eo1s 391; 1965, $165,622. Hiram Walker - and Worts Ltd., year ending Mines Ltd. until the company suppliés certain information. The exchange did not elabo-| ang. 31: 1966, $38,021,516, $2.21 rate. } a share; 1965, $34,568,348, $2.01. The company formerly was| Home Oil Co. Ltd., nine held by the family interests of|months ended Sept. 30: 1966, wtb es , -- 7 'was |$3,225,000, 65 cents a share; aken over last year by Cana-|1965, $3,851,000; 80 cents. dian Goldale Corp. Ltd. in Tor- Csaiel - Del Rio Oils Ltd, a TTTTI LITT LL TTTTTT TLL Le BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Assembly Line Methods Used For House Building & ie a MONTREAL (CP)--A series|about $10,000 when initial pro-)the sophisticated assembly-line 'At the time of the er,|1966, $2,827,001, 4 of wir on aw = -- starts (Reagheiny pall pee Eig lh ont the company nota on yy share; has, $9 $41,078, Ss ceain enti on the assem! ne . were 7 oviewed 'Thursday for|cost of the lot. Basement, ga-|facture of a home." says 7, C, |000, worth of shares in Alminex Industrial Minerals of Can- government officials and thelrage, carport or fences are all| Neely, president of ADH. press in Montreal and Tor-| optional extras. Mr. Neely said assembly-line onto, The houses are to be pro-jtechniques make substantial The homes which contain two|duced by Alcan Design Homes|cost savings possible over ex- 10:4) Ne? High Lew a.m. Ch'ge 0 Bu 10 "yeah yale aoallag STOCK REPORT i - Gift Suggestion Give that Special Bowler on ie one List @ Great Gift from RASTWA - 38 = =f 33 a8 § 8s Ltd. and about $2,000,000 of At-jada » nine months ended lantic Coast Copper. Sept. 30: 1966, $516,253; 1965, s BOWLING BALLS. and SHOES Don't Forget TWILIGHT ROWLING This Friday $ FS i 38 eee ¢ teddies 3y EuagssSse 3c ebeesytbst geste 3B + +1 I+ -s --= Hexeeas Sie ts + = 3 di sti Bi Domtar 2 Textile aan fav Siscoe Mines Ltd., nine furnished and ready for occu-|minum Company of Canada. "The end product also re-| TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Corporations Ltd., 10 exercise complete control Of|trading Thursday. 1965, $1,484,098, 34 cents. $308,264 bathrooms and come entirely|Lid., a subsidiary of the Alu-|isting methods of construction. BOND MARKET att eae; -- etl" em United pancy are expected to sell for! 'What we have done is adapt|flects the fact that by factory|dian bond market was un- : assembling the homes we can|changed to lower in moderate org ee of ne building materials and their @8-| short-term Government of Treasury Share Changes sembly." Canada bonds closed unchanged s 3 ai ; RTS BI ee site i seine we a : 3 & > g > & > seveme Tf BILT. GAP with the 4%-per-cent Oct. 1, ADH hopes the new, cheaper 1967, issue at 98.72 bid and 98.76 homes will fill a gap in the con-| asked, sumer market caused. by & Long-term Canada and pro- oes if 88s b++ 10 61 0 360 360 # 200 2) 22) 22) 100 194 +4 16000 +14 1000 50 50 ST 7000 13%4 12% 12%4-- 4 53 53 500 53 100 $11% 11% 1i%e-- % 1000 24¥2 Ue Wia-- V2 5 AQOAAD 500 1 vv 1100 18) 180 180 200 $224 224 2-- Ve 35 $672 67¥2 674+ % 200 «(7 Ma-- Va $00 18 "w-\ 3300 14 110 «+12 =} 100 29 2 @ +) 400 17 «+16 «WF +2 py ae ee ee 2000 74 74 74 100 320 320 320 100 $114 11% 14+ 2575 67) SG 250 $28% 28% 26% 220 190 190 19 100 485 485 485 256 $104 10% 10% 20 175 «WS «(175 300 »® 7" 1s +10 3000 7 + 1000 20% 20% 24+ 3100 465 462 4618 m2 7? Rn +) i ' 40 116 +1 0 3: 2 45 2500 278 2 12900 170 +4 zzz. 7 ?2 2 -- 19% 19% "a uM + 2 400 400 400 +5 $22 21% 271%--% $303 6 235 235 235 $144 144 at $22% 22% 22% -- 2 +% Vs 54% S13% 13% 13%-- % $21% 212 21% -- % 876 «76 6 Va 88% -- 10 24 + Ve % 2 8) 1 10% 3" 0 420 7 $28 2828 me sie 19% W4--V 3 2 3 $7% 7% H+ 220 220 220 --10 3% Be B%+% 3% 8% 8% $262 26V2 26¥2-- Va $102 10% Wu4--% 25 10% 4 274 + Va 22% 21%--% $22%. $15V6 50 $177 $84Va 84 250 $19% 227 316¥a 220 $25% 590 200 $12% 28S 810% 420 99% 570 $13 (127% 13 115 $10 10% 10% 240 455 450 (455 225 390 390 390 TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- onto Stock Exchange said Thursday it will continue the practice of selling treasury shares in speculative mining and oil companies through its "| facilities -- despite sharp critt- cisms--but with two changes in- tended to protect investors from potential abuses. The exchange's board ap- proved a policy giving two al- ternatives to underwriters who follow the" practice, known as primary distribution: --They wil Ibe able to of- fer treasury shares through the exchange, but outside regular trading hours and at a fixed price. --They will be able to sell the shares in the re- gular open market, but with a maximum allowable of- fering price. STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- Profit-tak- ers sent prices fractionally | lower on the Toronto Stock Ex- change Thursday. The industrial index, an indi- cator of how key stocks move, was down .30 to 146.12. How- ever, volume remained light as At present underwriters shortage of mortgage money and rising construction costs market their shares during the regular trading hours and get whatever price they can for them. Under the new regulations, expected to come into effect early in 1967, the maximum, or fixed price, will be limited to a set markup based on the stocks closing price from the previous day. The actual reentage markup has yet to worked out, a TSE official said, The exchange said in a state- ment: "The revised primary dis- tribution procedures . . . are designed to meet the major criticisms . . . while at the same time maintaining an im- portant vehicle for the raising of risk capital. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd,, 22% cents, Dec. 30, rec- ord Dec. 1. Dale Ross Holdings Lid., common 15 cents; pref, 15 cents, Dec. 15, record Nov. 25. Grafton's Lid., class A 25 cents; common 10 cents, Dec. 15, record Dec. 1. which in the first nine months of 1966 have caused a drop in home building to 19.6 per cent from the corresponding period in 1965. To date four different models of the new homes have come off Alcan assembly lines--each with different interior and ex- terior designs and different fur- "a @ Until all plans are complete the prototype homes are lo- cated in private research areas not open to the public. Mr. Neely said that in build- ing the homes, aluminum has been used only where it has be- come an acceptable building material, such as for sidings, windows and fascia, the flat surfaces under the eaves. COME IN TWO FECTIONS Existing model sizes vary from 1,104 square feet of area to 1,368 feet. The homes ares as- sembled in the factory and shipped to their chosen sites in two sections which are then -- together on their founda- ons. Each includes three or four bedrooms, a living room, din- ing room, fully + equipped kitchen, two bathrooms, all fur- vincial bonds were off % to % point with the Government of Canada 4%-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at 84% bid and 85% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. Treasury bills ended the day unchanged with the 91-day bills at 5.19 and 182-day bills at 5.29, "LIFE-LINE" | 576-2111 From 11:00 P.M, te P AM. Col EASTWA TEN-PIN BOWLING LANES King St. E, (Past Townline) 723-3483 Whiich --3 $0 825% 254 At % 7S $682 682 30 9% M% % 300 375 975 «375 10 100 300 WO 300 +15 x15 675 675 675 8 8 8 wp ' only' 2,432,000 shares were ap ge eh Ltd., class|niture necessary for occupancy, * traded compared with 2,547,000) °° ,s°" 8: at B 16 cents,/and wall-to-wall carpeting. Wednesday. ec. 19, record Nov. 30. The homes are engineered to Traders. G A hick Sullivan Consolidated Mines| withstand a wide range of : ney ion, Mead . er Ltd., 8 cents, Dec. 19, record|weather conditions and are nets it certlksa GHA Mii, 0 nat tetnien Ymns Li, 1 eee Prager die tno pone te ¢ Meron gr ememe eo van Btamadbn, nr waar Falconbridge was off 1 to 86,| Sullico Mines Ltd., 15 cents, Inco % to 89% and General Mo-|Dec. 19, record Dec. 2. tors 2 to 77. Interprovincial Pipe} Hastings Musing and Devel- Line gained 1% to 81, opment Co. Ltd., 10 cents, Dec. Denison gave up 2 to 5944 and|19, record Dec. 2. Hudson Bay Mining 1% to 67%| 'Cupra Mines Ltd., 30 cents, in base metals while Kerr Addi-|Nov. 30, record Nov. 25. son added % at 11% in golds.| Home Oil Co. Ltd. class A In western oils, Scurry Rain-|pref. 1744 cents; class B com: bow climbed 1% to 21 while|mon 17% cents, extra 15 cents, Banff declined % to 15. Jan. 1, record Nov. 30. Multi-Minerals moved up 13| Central Del Rio Oils Ltd., ex- cents to 114 speculative|tra 7 cents, Dec. 15, record, mines and D'Eldona 9 to 98)Nov. 17. cents on 108,000 shares. , Maritime Tele and Tele- On index, golds were up .38 phone Co, Ltd., 2744 cents, Jan. to 140.06 and western oils .59|16, record Dec. 20. to a high of 120.39. Base metals fell 1,05 to 87.64 and the TSE 31 to 139.97. 1000 rink? " with a flavour you don't have to disguise, The sensible price is an extra you get for having good taste in the first place. One other thing: you don't have to be one of the Jones' to appreciate Bonded so many of the Jones' drink Bonded Stock. All you need is a taste for good Stock. This is a smooth, mellow whisky whisky. * Gooderham's have been distilling fine whisky since 1832, do the Jones' rea +3 1500 +" 1900 422 4 2 730 470 7 -v 2 -w g N N N a) wv N N hngat NF 2 ts 'yo000 acer Preston Ric. Algom "938 Rockwin Custom Mode or Ready-to-Hang @ HOMES -- | © OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL --Since 1919---- BY Ve 121 +2 sve 1S 1g + Ye When it comes to whisky, the Jones' can afford to please themselves. Yet they don't let price dictate their taste, They have taste of their own. Which is why it's not surprising that 2 z g a ea i SSESzE g258635 1 +o +i++ 'ni eitudted' BOS a2 43 1 2 WARD'S Simeoe St. at Athol 725-1159 ¥ B33 38 #3333 sbey-se = "3: a Ve bd % 2 40 45 4 Weston B 7 7 Woodwd A 2% 26 ve atvh B+ 1 | Sales to 11 a.m.t 887,000, WM 17% 1% ep eEnaEnTS PORBION TRADING , GAS 300 18 lis 118 --# | STAMPS HONOR SEASON 'a ie 90 190 130 The Vatican is issuing stamps 24 26% 16V4-- 1 1 oe i of 20, 55 and 225 lire for Christ- "an 100 31 3131 mas, 1966. Chicas i genbee ef gE sSesy, ig i 33 333 ? 7™% € 3 2333 #3 3 g > Fe = > He s. 3 dest 0 +1 arusguddedie Ee 3 3% 30 + $1i% 11% 1% M5 MS OMS I < 8 "OM M5 45 «(145 mo 7s 95 + "as 40 US +10 S12V%e 12% 12% 90 9 0 --! 355 350 -5 269 265 3 BANQUETS GROUP SOCIALS a Fo Dillman y ae mr) aE ~-- fos igsbesdesdssat 745 why is | electric heating -- so clean? Simple. Electric heating is flameless. Because it does not burn fuel there are no products of combustion. It can't create dirt, dust, film or fumes. To find out more about the many advantages of electric heating, speak to your qualified electric heating con- tractor, OF oan 2 - 23 210 30 100 S314 314 314+ 6 Ss = St Highlight of the Year AT CHRISTMAS Celebrate the yeer with @ delightful even- ing spent et the Flying Dutchmen. Your quests will thoreughly enjoy themselves we ore sure. Pleasant Surroundin Minutes from Oshewe on the Bowmanville Interchange (No. 75) We at the Flying Dutchmon cre especially proud of the prestige which hos been achiev- ed. through the persone! and meticulous con- Sa sideration which is given to the minutest detail of your function. For Reservations Phone 623-3373 LICENCED UNDER L.C.8.0, { f > < Ba°*SR5* gS 332EE . Fe +1 se £F bee +1 _ your hydro TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Thureday: A large 66.1; A me- dium 61.6; A small 48.6. Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases woted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra large 61-62; large 58- 60; medium 54-55; small 42; B @; C 35-36. Batter prices: Agricultural stabilization board tenderable earlots: buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 61. COMMUNISTS MUST EAT Canada made more than 56 per cent of its wheat sales to Communist countries in 1963-64 and 1908-46. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ra emanell OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 | -- In Co-operation with -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .... . » TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION... . . . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 . » TELEPHONE 942-2930 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . ia i a ama i Sa I , et nella a ali MOTOR HOTEL