Exceptionally Bright Children THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 17,1966 29 Are Not Always Bookworms ecepted. A pamphlet written by ex- perts at the mental health di- vision of the federal health ideas on how to ex: and help the bright young- sier. The intellectually gifted in- says "Mamma" or 'before he's a year old and sothe t= sentences hafore he is two, chances are he's bright. By age five, or even before, some bright children have taught themselves to read. They are extremely curious, ask hundreds of questions and usually remember the an- ewers. There: are also children whose are in artistic and other fields. Lots of children like playing with piano or paints but the truly talented child .becomes immersed in his artistic interests and shows seemingly inexhausti- ble energy and drive. He probe has a lot of original ideas, perseverance and re- markable powers of concen- tration. ; STRONGER, TOO It's not true that intelligent or creative children are. book- worms, physically weak or ocial. A California study of By 10, the children involved in the study became inter- ested in atlases, dictionaries, biographies and scientific books. They read more com- ics than their average friends but give them up at an earlier age. The children gl into su- perior adults, They had lower death rates, above - average mental health and fewer than average alcoholics, delin- quents or criminals. Most married and had bright chil- dren, though not as outstand- ing as their parents. Although the gifted chiia seems to grow up success- fully, as a youngster he may have problems with school- mates jealous of his talents. He needs a lot of love and security from parents to make up for possible teasing from his peers, The bright child also needs the opportunity in school and outside to satisfy his creative instincts. Nursery school is a good idea but often expensive. This may be overcome by organizing a co - operative neighborhood play school, And even without a formal school, the child can be pro- vided with inexpensive cray- ons, water paints, paper and HOBBIES Soon he will be ready for 'trips to the library, museums, fire and police stations, his- torical sites and airports, Most gifted children have at least one hobby and some have three or four at the same. time. These interests should be developed through clubs such as cubs or brown- jes, ballet or stamp-collecting groups. Within the limits of crowded classrooms and teacher short- ages, schools try to set up special programs for the gifted child, Some allow him to take three or four grades in two or three years. Others prefer him to stay with his age group but get-an enriched program. Another method is to group bright children in a special class or set up an extra pro- 74 CELINA STREET gram in addition to classroom work, But there is no perfect so- lution, The main thing is for, par- ents and teachers to encour- age the child's endless ques- tions though poee can be wearylus, saddening or even embarrassing, He needs to know the answers in order to develop 'his special talents, PAY JUMPS UP REGINA (CP)---! Sask- atchewan teacher has pay increases of nearly $1,000 during the last three years, says the schoo! trustees' association, This year's average salary, $5,614, is seven per cent more than last year's. HOUSEHOLD HINT To save steps when house- cleaning, wear an apron with large pockets, Stash away stray objects in them until you get to the room where they belong. FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made | DRAPES In the latest Shades and fabrics... $00... 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