THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 16, 1966 §| co. + ordinator what it « -|was ove mingly ' Pe od trom. him, M,_Hall sus-|""A motion to roter the suateal WHITBY -- AJAX. [om 2#0Cotminas CHALLENGE ISSUED Recreation Answer To Intellect Needs WHITBY (Staff) --Profes- sor Marcus threw out a challenge to the YMCA Tues- A as Tag Piaf me voauhelll i should answer their Professor Lon; needs, he said, , well « known ocr gl author, radio and gg rng guest ra rat an: nual dinner meeting of the Whitby District Fam: ly YMCA at the Legion Hall, Whitby, The occasion marked the pre- sentation of an incorporation charter hy o national vice-pre- sident, Harold A, Brown, on behalf of the National Council of YMCA's of Canada, CHALLENGES INCREASED Speaking on "Youth ina Changing World", Professor Long co! 1966 to 1844, when Sir e Williams est- ablished the YMCA, Today chal- lenges to youth have increased, but they no longer had the cer: tanties of that era's religion In this "God is dead" age He | men had the problem of facing a world without meaning, They had no stand- ards to guide them, Science had betrayed them; it could curse as well as bless, For the first time everybody lived within 30 minutes of death be- cause of the bomb, Education had not banished man's inhu- manity to man. "We are not teaching men to be men -- we are teaching them to be things, to reach the requirements of machines and not of human living . . This is why organizations like the YMCA are so essential, not to teach new dogmas to young people but to provide opportu: nities for discussion with lead- ers to guide them," continued Professor Long. DISCUSSION PLATFORM Recreation was necessary, s0 that they would cease being vegetables and turning to beer lors or television, but he the Whitby YMCA would as quic thelr in' needs, giving them a platform for discussion and a cause, "Sometimes I think the Church may be misleading people, They often. think get young people out to fight booze, brothels and dingo. row people od not praised the work of Mr, Willan and of Ted Markwick, vice- chairman, He gave some interesting sta- tistics about the <'Y"' organ: ization and outlined its. alms, Mayor Desmond Newman of Whitby, who was present with Mayor Lyman A, Gifford Oshawa, also spoke briefly. DIRECTOR ELECTED The meeting ratified the con: stitution, accepted the treasur- er's and auditor's reports, and elected a new board of direct- The directors are: Donald Graham Willan, Edward Char- les Markwiek, Alex Sidor, Vio- let Joan Bridge, Ted Mitton, Frank Valentine Henry, Lillian Elizabeth Sidor, Robert Alan Attersley, Rey, John Porter, John Alexander Nixon, Walt- er Stewart Kent, Robert Car! Taylor. Dr. Ken Hobbs, John Vickery, Douglas Wynn Stanley, Roy Howe, Dr, John Davies, Jules Rusonik, John Wooton, Kirt Brown, Moreley Nicholson, Wil- lan Gribben, Ann Gribben and ors. AJAX (Staff) -- In a letter to the Ajax Town Council Mon- day night an Ajax resident complained of six inches of sewage in his basement after a recent storm, Peter Dwyer, 166 Clements Road, in the new Southwood subdivision, said that on Nov, 6 his basement was inundated with six inches of sewage and said that if this was the rea- son he was paying $400 prop- erty tax he would move to another town, Public Works Chairman Owen Ashley said Ajax was not the only town where sewers backed up occasionally and said the of the back-up resided at the lowest point on Clemens Road, Mr. Ashley ex plained that it was not sew: age but ground water that en- tered the Dwyer basement, Councillor Clark Mason sald that 100 houses under construc: Frederick Gordon Melllwain, Sewage In His Basement Ajax Resident Complains tion in an adjacent subdivision had acted like funnels when heavy rains flooded their open basements, Councillor William LeGross commenetd that the Ajax sew: ers were as large or larger than those in any other Ca- nadian town, did not know what ~ council could do about the situation but suggested that people residing insurance policies against wat- er damage. Councillor Reginald Wright said the town engineer had in- formed him that construction crews in the new subdivision had knocked off some (man hole) covers and some sewers had been blocked by dirt, Deputy Reeve John Hall con- cluded by suggesting that if the victim was not insured he may be able to sue someone for the damage, TOWNSHIP Nomination rogram Monday, November 28th, 1966. ciniansemmmemenaiaa NOTICE OF WHITBY RESIDENTS You are invited to see the New Municipal acing. 3 Brooklin during an "OPEN evening to be held following the OUSE"' Meeting on Councillor Wetherall said he in low « lying areas check their Refused Salary WHITBY (Staff) -- The On- tario County Unit of the Em- ergency Measures Organization was described as "A farce from start, to finish' by mem- bers of County Counell in a heated session involving co ordinator §, F, Wotton Tues- day, Council voted 25 to 11 to re fuse the co + ordinator a $400 pay increase this year with a review of salary on Jan, 1 of next year, He now receives $8,135 for annum, Pickering Township Reeve Cliff Layeox said his labor re- lations committee disagreed with the pay increase and said he refused to become a rub. ber stamp for the Ciiy of Osh- awa which has already approv- ed the increase, NO INFORMATION Reeve Laycox said he had never received any information regarding the duties of the EMO co-ordinator even though he requested them several months ago. Stuge,; Tennehip Reeve V Aldred, who brought the re. port hefore a committee of the whole council said that the co- -|suggested the co - ordinator's salary raise was due two or three years ago. Several council members complained of no Jeaison be- tween the EMO co - ordinator and their municipalities ordinator went "around and around in circles", Pickering Village Reeve Ross Murison said the EMO was that Council members did not know an ig about, Reeve Laycox said that when the EMO was called during a serious flood of the Rouge Riv- er two years ago he was ad- vised to contact the Red Cross for aid, n0e member suggest ted that the federal gavernment spend the $25 million annual NO TRUCKS Reeve Laycox reminded coun- cil that there was no sight of the EMO truck when a baby hurricane struck Frenchman's Bay three months ago, Ajay Danutv Reeve John Hall admitted that EMO did "a lousy administration job", but suggested that Council tell the SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. See . 597 KING ST, DIAL 728-7567 | | JOHN RIEGER E., OSHAWA BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wed., Nov. 16th 2 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. -- AT -- CANADIAN LEGION HALL BYRON ST. $., WHITBY y_ had future , andin doing #0 they would build young men and women of quality and cha- racter, Professor Long said fi- nally. Graham Willan, chairman of the Whitby District Family YMCA eaid they were making history in no small measure. "This will be the last YMCA in the first century of our country and the first in the second century of Canada's growth," he explained. He outlined the development of the Whitby YMCA and said its first year's operation had been very successful. Their pro- gramme was mainly on the physical aspect of YMCA work and they now needed a full- time secretary. CHARTER PRESENTED Mr, Brown pr TOWN OF Notice Re By-Law Number 2349 WHITBY | TREASURER'S SALE LAND FOR TAXES CITIZENS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT IT IS UNLAWFUL TO DISCHARGE FIRE ARMS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY, Clause 1 end 2 of By-low Number 2349 reads as follows: 1, No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged ony gun, rifle, pistol, revolver or other fire arm or any air gun, spring pun r any class or type of spring gun within the bound. aries of the Town of Whitby, except in an area designated by resolution of Council from time to time ond in such manner end with such safe guards os are approved by Council for the purpose of holding rifle and shot gun shoots under the auspices of @ chartered Whitby organization in conjunction with and under registration with the Dominion Marksmen or other ap- proved national organization 2. The recipients of an approval of Counel! os set forth in section | herein shell carry such liability insurance os is ap- TO WIT: the Township of Whitby the taxes and costs are TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of seal of the sald corporation bearing date the 29th day of August sale of lands in arrears to taxes in. the Township of Whitby will be held at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS in the Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless under his hand and the Township Hall, sooner paid, Notice is created for wartime measures|? and was doing a lot of work|® proved by the Council Vernon MecCart, Chairmen, Fire and © ity Services Committ ter to the association and wel- them into the family of the YMCA's, "This is in every sense of the word a real birthday party," he said, and ted a char. |b. WHITBY MEAT MARKET MORE AREA NEWS ON PAGE 12 One-Stop DECORATING _-- ond Murele if rerte ACCOUNTS Chequing Privileges RED & BLUE - AT -- DISCOUNT PRICES! Blade Roast « B'7c | Short Rib Roast" ww CROSS CUT ROASTS . 09! Les, 1.05 TULIP 3 us 89° HOMEMADE --. COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 3 .; 95° | BACON moe PIZZA PIES LARGE 2 FOR 1.59 wow -- von 99F OPEN MONDAYS No Service Charges WHITBY MEAT MARKET We speciolize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting and Wrepping . . . Ask About Our Prices WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby Phone 668-6941 @ All Meats Government Inspected e hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd. day of September 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Tages office, this 12th, day of September A. ©. Craigie, Treasurer, -- f= ghe.- Chama Hall, Brooklin Ontaric Monday, November 28, 1966 From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for'the purpose of nominatinating fit and proper persons for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, three Councillors for the Township Council! and three Public School Trustees for the Public School Board of the Town- ship Area of Whitby. All electors are hereby required to take notice of this nomination meeting and govern themselves accordingly and if a greater number of candidates than are required to fill the said offices are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be open in the following places: (1) Mr, Robert Austin residence No, 2 Highway west of Almonds Store) (2), (3) & (4) The Dr. Robert Thornton School (5) Sinclair School (4th concession) (6) & (7) Community Hall, Brooklin (8) & (9) Meadowcrest School (10). Myrtle Community Hall (11) Ashburn School In the said Township of Whitby on Saturday, December 10, 1966 and will be open from 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon until 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. Wm, H. Wallace, Returning Officer, Township of Whitby, Box 160, Brooklin, Ontario. ve j ba 0 do ; had, "It's not clean { e te Murison to agli conference recen t was obviously not interested in what EMO had to offer, When the motion to adopt the report asking for the salary in- creases was put to council. it that | Etre Bitct tc he commie vr | i | ENTERTAINMENT | a IHORST uve as women eso run | Also =~ Second Feature Attrection T sie Ek mae LIFETIME! We Have To 'Clear The Decks' fo Make Room For Incoming Trades!! If You're Looking For A Late Model - Exceptional Good Used Car-Take A Look At The Following Tremendous Savings... 1964 BUICK Le Sabre Four Door Hardtop Fully power equipped, with radio, Lie, 318586, °2395 1964 Chevrolet tmpele Twe Door Hardtop 6 cylinder, radio, immeocu- late condition, Low milreage cor, Lie, 111098, 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian Seden '8, radio, whit Standard trans. sion, 483977, ~ 1964 | Chevrolet Bel Alr Sedan "a, ete., Le, Ff V-8, automatic, rodio, power steering, Lie. H77920, 1964 PONTIAC Strate Chief Twe. door, 6 cylinder, auto. matic, immaculate, Lic, H81430 1968 CORVAIR Monze Coupe 4 speed with radio, White walls and dises, Lie, H89932 *1395 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedan 6 eylinder, automatic, Lie, H83689. 1963 FORD Country Seden, 9 Passenger Station Wagon V8, @utometic, radie, power windowt, "Like new eondition. Lie, 2310. 1962 BUICK Le. Sabre equipped, Lie, H82344, 1962 Chevrolet Impala Convertible Btn mttn natn 8 be Mateus beers eee H99023 *1495 1962 RAMBLER Two Door & eviinder, etiek ehift, Lig, J7347, °795 1962 PLYMOUTH Twe Door 4 splinter, cadte. Le 70486 1961 PONTIAC Strato Chief Sedan 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, perfect condition, Lie, H78738. ........0008 *995 See One of These Following Salesmen For Your "Deal-of-a-Lifetime" -- at Dick Pontiac ROSS HARRIS-JOHN MAJCHER--FRANK LOWRY -- KEITH KAINE H. Dick Pontiac - Buick Ltd. GOODWILL USED CARS 1006 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-4911 103 DUNDAS ST. E. 668-5846