30--Automobiles for Sale |34---Automobile Repair 38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events a Re pete: Aga day ig Ox. a8 . Licence 185080, Wellman for Ni aie " TA-7351. pal Loy t og Gonseite, 30,006 io, snow 4. ' y tales, privat, Best "onter, Telephone| 2428 after 6. 1 fe yi erent: four-door, ar ee power steer brakes, fadio, wi ie, hese daca Tele- 4 HERCURY, 0 wh A i A PO teoriee one. broke #5 dan rar PN ir Yelepnone and el rm, $175 Seat elie, oe ene etsitea VA Viva Surburbon V-8 (truck ,"1$,00, stilt ne 1,995. 196) Buick arto V4, peo ic, tow iit Apply Hayes tat Store, L& hardtop, Rewer steer Ing 394 Cubic motor, or y mi extras, Aig condition, pri 723-0050. '7 CHEVROL if, two door wanting to trade Fad s P57 Oldmobiie, or ne other car, Telephone 728-0840 after pm. Needs some body Also 1996 Olas "3 and fi roe offer, Telephone bee i" or bes 1325. 'automatic, 900d condi. 19 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, a with radio, new *ealtt lob, tion 668-6782, 198 ¢ Paix t evlinder standard } pong bd ee Als inning condition, Telephone 723-8748 tet Fon a ite DODGE four door, Running con- dition. Sound body, ¢ clean, 728-8450, Bel Al "four speed, 275 HP posi lon, minion Royal Master tires. maa. wheels. excellent con-; dition, 725-4079, j | 487 MERCURY hardtop, 352 motor, four- bai carburator, radio, discs: G runner, $100 cash only, 725-3864 1-6: %| Bm. ims "ENVOY Epic. Oniy 9,000 miles,| under warranty fill Nov. Ver, This car is me as new. Lady driven and | 075 or offer, Telephone Whitby | \3 | automatic, radio, |-- ag body. Must seil, 'adio, snow hy focatore 78-" tires; $50 or best" yg 'Vi 5455, 1958 FORD Fairlane V-6, $50, aiso one | SOS wheel trailer, 890 oF best offer. Telephone 9 7 OLOMMOBILE 98, four-door hardtop, | fully equipped, good condition it, " Telephone 725-3107, 3, G00d bod rd oni Aire' wrk, $350, 623-7672. ry Centre St., Bow- }bI is | 3 phone 728-4522. | LOST -- Cal, male, white with grey " ack A rs moke' |tine, FIBREGLASS FENDERS FOR MOST CARS NOW change those rusted out fenders to New Rustproof Fibreglass. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY '57 Pontiog. .....+. 19.95 "58 Pontiog ..ees0s 29.95 '59 Ponting .,.+0++ 33,75 "SO.GHOY bi iivnc cds s S878 OTHER SPECIALS '62 Pontiac Taillight assembly ., 15.95 '64 Pontiac Taillight assembly .. 14.95 '65 Chev Grill New .. 18.95 '63 Pontiac Headlight rim ...00. 19.95 '64 Pontiac Headlight rim ...++. 13.50 '65 Pontiac Headlight rim ...... 24.95 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS 1175 Nelson St. 725-2162 ~ FRED STONE a Brookiin Prone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service, S---Lost and Found _ Tele-|LOST -- In Bowmanvilie arena, silver colored Wittnauer wristwatch, and wallet ith personal papers. Reward, Teleph e James MacDonald 725-9704 or Bowman: | ile Police. T. Small white Samoyed di live-Grandview area, Child's pel. Stripe markings. In area of Ath 35. 6--Legal manville, 1 two-door hardtop, Port Perry, 985- OR, 'geod al all round condition, | ievyY ii, V6, "tear shift, radio, omer winterized, new tires, new) motor, Telephone (668-4262, 11 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, stick shift, four-door jan. Rebuilt motor, radio, aa Apply Ferguson's Fy nue, Oshawa will not be responsi! any debts anyone on or after this date, Novemi | 14, 1966 without my written consent, HOWARD J. Hughes of 594 oie Ay Ave- contracted In my na Howard | 4 Hughes 7--Auctions a Auction Sale SATURDAY, NOV. 26 from Tele- le for Central Council of Neighborhood Association BINGO AT OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, NOV. 18 Over $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500, Snowball $150. Special Game $1,000. Escalator 20 Regular games $50. pill 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 ea, Admission $1.00 (receive one cord for regular games), All games 25¢ double card-- except jackpot. DOOR PRIZES All games will be played on double cards, Shore the Wealth--7:15 p.m, Regular Games---8:15 p.m. BUSES Leaving Bond and Simcoe St, 6:30 p.m., 7:00 pim., 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Available After att OF SUNNYSIDE CRYSTAL BELLS BAZAAR Saturday, Nov. 19 2:00 P.M, Tea Room. Home Baking, Fancy Goods, Candy. ST. MARK'S CHURCH roth and Stevenson Rd, rth, RUMMAGE SALE, Unit 2, Centre Street tae eae Friday, November 11, at seein, r BINGO, 'SH. George's Hail, corn- r of Albert Jackson, Wednesday, November 1%, i p.m. Lunch and prizes. binGO, vie Pigg Bulalie Avenue, Thursday, leguiars, Share the Wealth, oa Piece, Social esday, November 17, t 8 p.m. at St, Hedwig's audi- beg Ha 411 Olive Avenue. Refreshments. BE SURE TO ATTEND the Rotary play (more than meets the eye), in Town Hall, ip spe bb December 1}, 2, 3 at ap, Proceeds for Crippled Children. $T. MATTHEW'S FALL FAIR, Wilson Road South at Hoskin Peoples dg November 18, from 2 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tea Room, home taking' Chctatmas Hhovelties, etc, BIRTHS SMITH ~- Ron and Joan (nee Zub- kavich) are happy to announce the birth of aml poet Jacqueline Patricia, | oH Mondey, November Oshawa Ger ° Bee 4, i, "at "the pital. WHITTINGTON -- Michael and trene Whittington (nee Altken) of Alexandria, Virginia, formerly of Oshawa, are thrill- ed to announce the birth of their son, Michael David, at The Alexandria Hos- pital on November 1, 1966. A brother for | Kim and Stephanie, and first grandson | for Mrs. William Niven Aitken of To- ronto, formerly of Oshawa, DEATHS CAMERON, Williams Angus At the private patients pavillion, Toronte | aati Hospital on Tuesday, November 15, 1966, William Angus Cameron late of | Norland in Nis 84th year. Beloved hus band of the late Alfa Hogle and dear | father of Lyla of Columbus, Norma (Mrs Fred Winterburn) of Norland, Coral (Mrs, Richard Williams) of Oshawa, |} Ruth (Mrs, Fred Weight) of Sudbury,/ 'James of Oshawa, Jessie (Mrs. John Deremo) of Brooklin and Ralph pre-| deceased. Resting at the Platten Funeral | |Home, Fenelon Falls for tuneral service! jon Thursday, November 17 at 2 p.m. |Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Nor-| COYSTON, William James lat his late residence, 291 St. Eloi Street, William James Coyston, In his 83rd year, | |beloved husband of Edith May Hudson By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP)--When Ray Boucher took off his striped jersey for the last time last year he knew he'd Have trouble trying to watch a foot~ ball game without uncon- sciously reaching for a whistle or a flag. "I'm still refereeing every game I watch," says the 48- year-old RCAF veteran who spent 12 years aS a game official in the Eastern Foot- decessor, the Big Four. "And I really miss being out on the field for the Ha- milton-Ottawa games," Boucher also retired from the RCAF last year, ending a 25-year career with the rank of flight lieutenant. But he's probably more active in sports today than at any time in his past, even though he spent his last four years in the RCAF as a sports officer. Now he's working oa giant sports program for Ca- nada's centennial. "We're going to have a tremendous year for sports," he said in an interview in his federal centennial commission office where he is project of- ficer for the program. RETRACE TRADE ROUTE The sports program for 1967 is already impressive and continues to grow. Be- sides international or. world championships in lacrosse, ski jumping, fencing, badmin- ton, yachting, water skiing, power boating, motorcycle racing, lawn bowling, ten- nis and target shooting, the list includes special programs for universities and another for elementary and secondary a school students from six to 18, Also on tap are a number of special events, such as the | Voyageur canoe pageant-- tracing the 3,500-mile route of the early fur traders to Mont- ball Conference and its pre- Boucher Still Active Despite Retirement real -- and a Yukon alpine mountain climb where teams will try to scale 10 peaks in the Mount St. Elias range. His job in these programs is basically liaison--"the in- dividual organizations or na- tional sports bodies are run- ning their own show," But the job won't keep Boucher away from football . games at Ottawa's Lansdowne Park, or the TV set for out- side games. Boucher started his career in football by accident, As he tells it, he was sitting in the stands for a high school junior game in Ottawa in 1945 when the head linesman failed to show up. "Hap Shouldice, who was refereeing the game, called me down and asked me if I wanted to make $2." PAY WAS MODEST Boucher did, and officiated on five other occasions that year to make a total of $i7 for his first. season, He con- football for the next several years--"handling every- thing. from peewees to col- leges"--and finally broke into pro ranks with the Big Four in 1954, He worked in 10 games his first year, quickly establish- ing himself with the league and going on to work in eight Grey Cup games during his 12-year career. He was senior official for two Grey Cup games. Boucher has ferences of coaches and sportswriters du- ring that span, but says he has no regrets, "I was a.nondescript ath- lete and football was good to ina? However, now that he's out of the business. he makes no secret of the fact that he feels Canadian officials are underpaid. had his dif- opinion with As an example, he points to. the Grey Cup final--a game that grosses' close to $800,000 with the referee getting only $200 plus expenses, For regu- lar games, Canadian Football League officials are paid on a sliding scale, starting at en for the referee and dipping to a minimum of $90 for the others. TOUGHNESS NEEDED He admits the pay /isn't really out of line with the U.S, pro leagues, 'but it just can't be a full-time job." Berta | football has to remain a hobby." Boucher's only playing ex- perience was in high school where he was an offensive centre--snap in those days-- and linebacker, He stili has a and linebacker. He still has a fondness for linemen in the game today. He singled out John Bar- row of Hamilton Tiger-Cats as ihe "greaiesi team capiain I ever' met--a man who con- trols his players." Controlling players, Bou- cher added, is a big problem in refereeing and the only way to do it is to crack down from the opening whistle. "If you don't call the first roughing or piling-on penalty, how can you call the second, or the third?" It was rough play that made him decide to get out of the game, but strangely enough the incident occurred last year in a junior game-- not in the pro ranks, "On the first play of th game one boy kicked another in the face . .. and by the time the game ended I had thrown 12 players--six from each team--out of the game.) "After the game I said to | myself 'this is crazy' and | after thinking it over for a while I decided to quit." linto 1967 in this 3-pe. suit with ja |3e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 16, 1966 39.5 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS : 4838 SIZES 12%--24% STYLED TO SLIM By ANNE ADAMS Look slim and smart now and GLAMOR SET By ALICE BROOKS Smart together or separate- ly% Knit of beige or mink-color mohair; brush for fur, Add 'elegance to an outfit, with capelet and hat of mo- hair -- wear each separately. Knit, purl stitches form bands, Pattern 7279: sizes S, M, Thirty ~ five cents (coins), for each pattern (no stamps please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, 60 Front Street W., Toronto. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, af- ghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, fashionable longer jacket. Sew it now! Printed Pattern 4838: Half sizes 124%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% jacket, skirt 3 yards 54-inch blouse 1% yards 39-inch. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps please) for each pattern, Ontario residents add sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times 60 Mo N ste a dear father of Fred of Oshawa, | The Estate of Mrs. Charles | brother of Florence Hooper of New:-| Spencer, 505 Byron St. S. |market, Mrs. Frank Leaming (Laura)| jof Oshawa and Mrs, R, Cochrane (Ethel) Whitby. A full line of (good) lof Galt Resting a Meintosh - Anderson , lr ome, 1 in Str Household Furniture. Some aight In ine chapel Thurkday, Novem: | Antiques of interest to deal- ber 17, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- | ers, Sole ot | p.m. Terms tery. Cash, Loyal. Pogue, Auction- eer. See Bills, Tel. 668. A271, TWO JACKPOTS 54 and 57 $500. in 52 Nos. or less $200. In announced Nos. $25 Consolation. Prize. $10 per both games $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS.OR LESS $150. SPECIAL GAMES $50. DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN $10 ca line both gomes | YOUNG -- In loving memory of a dear | husban nd father William Young who $175. Jackpot BUSES LEAVING __ |possed away November 16). 1964, ; FOUR CORNERS AT $20: per line. $75 full card His smiling way and pleasant face Are @ pleasure to recall aeRERe $ : 7:00 AND 7:30 P.M. 1965 CORVAIR Monza hardiop. bucket} 29 Regular $20 games pay seats, radio, tinted glass, automatic, white) . double in 17 Nos. or less. Children under 16 not admitted | He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by ali walls, Just lke new only 3,000 miles, $1,895. Brooklin | wh rr Five $30 Gomes Someday we hope to meet him Someday we know not when 'a VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, 'aires, good condition throughout. $600. Between Eorly Bird Gome 7:45 P.M EXTRA PRIZES a | Every Thursday | |ENTERTAINMENT at the Sadly missed by wife Emily and daugh new snow fires, $675. After 6 p.m., 6 SPORTS bile ih] |ter Linda, 8186, j '60 VAUXHALL station wagon, excellent directly to interference BUSES LEAVING | - Ps FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 mechanical condition, Good body, snow and 7:15 P.M. tires, $275. 13? Harmony Road North And Returning after Bingo gifts. 2 Free Patterns. Send 254 today. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts -- complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt- ing motifs. Send 60c, Send also for Quilt Book 1-- 16 complete patterns. 60c, Front Street W. Toronto. FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS -- lively school, sport, career, glamor styles, all sizes, extra features in new Fall - Winter | Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in Catalog -- choose one free pattern, Send 50c, €, six cylinder, automatic, po $295 of best offer, Telephone 725-7647, Oshawa Bowling Results Cathy Jubenville 232; '9 CHEVROLET Boi Alr, six, standard transmission, Winterized, good condition, fo rust, snow tires. Asking $550, Apply 163 Burk Street, WE PONTIAC two-door, standard six, tires, excetient transportation, $250. 'elephone 723-7492. i984 METEOR two door, power steer-| Ing, custome gauges. Good condition. Ap ply 139 Oshawa Bivd. N. "49 CHRVROLET, four door sedan, Va automatic, radio, power steering, power! br four he esi wall tres, 33,000 SUNDAY SOCIAL LEAGUE OLD COUNTRY CLUB LEAGUE ; Done Pascoe 227; eam standings: Aces Up 48, Bottoms] Points Taken: Cellar Dwellers 7, The|Barb Minaret 250; Earline Keeler 244; 39, Red Liners 36, Head Pins 33, Jeeps | Dutfy's 5, Handicappers 5, Corner Pins|Edna McGhee 238; Mar] White 256, 226, HUGHES, HAZEL 132, Dummies 32, Dum Dums 27, Spit-,2, Dead Losses 5, The Nuts 2, Geordies 2, |240; Isabel Calder 298; Isobel Biglin 256 Entered into rest in the Oshawa General, fires 25, Top Six 24 and Wild Cats 20. 'olling Stones 5, Hit and Miss 2 andiand Mary DePratto 231, 217. Hospital on Monday, November 14,. 1966, High Triples: OD, Fuller 735 (320, 232);) | Skittles 0 | Hazel Arthurs, beloved wife of Ernest|T. Hobbs 703 (244, 239, 220); H, Zimmer | High Triples: Bob Shelley 198, 205, 208 Hughes, mother of Mrs, William Bowler 702 boa git F, bagryaet agate gr | (4117), Ron ae | 244, 175, 231 Cis, | (Mary) of Perth, Mrs, Richard Cooper | 220) kidmore | Stan earn 185, 272 (630); Ernie (Glenys), Giles and Ronald ot Oshawa,| T. Parish 640 (315)) D, Duncan 657 (249, |Mellwraith. 268, 188,214 (640)s, Allan |r Hill Los 38, 'aap ain aida male te Harold of Newcastle and Eric of Wind. |218); M. Klaus 648 (261); J. Griffin 644 | Cooper 225, 206, 177 (608); Marg Hall! Go Getters 24, Alley Cats 19 and Lucky | H sor, sister of Mrs, Jackson (Nellie) of| (224, 224); and Ps Hansen, 642 (237). ' {138 is, 197 (640); and Lillle Finch 207, \sirixes 18. ingston, Mrs. A. Hawkins (Marion) and; High singles: J. Hansen » B. we 70, 160 (637). Mire N. Parrish (Sadie) of Athens, Mrs,|238, 8. Yandt. 234 G, Tromley 230, W.| High Singles : Mona Air. 241, Keltte| aot, %i0} , "Bt, aretng ore thea 2; A. Hogan (ida) 9 of _ Battersea,| Guindon 229, J. Marlel 229, L. Parish And ys 2, Alex Air 225, Brenda Baron | Car Burrill 662 (230, 224, 208); Ga Russell Arthurs of Espanola, Clarence of|D, Smith 223, $, Smycnuik 219, D. Bill Faries 210, Betty Whitmarsh p de (306, 201); Maurie Shorten 642 (251, Bee Webbwood, and Ernest of Etobicoke, in) 216, Bil Veitch 210, Ron Lougheed 229, Bob| Teresa MacKinnon 635 (278); Cliff Hutch her 57th year. Resting at the Armstrong \Pe nton 244, Kathy O'Flynn 227, JO@lison 429 (220, 218); Pauline Bell 427 (224, Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral | OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR Fin ch 205, Edna Alderton ae Phil Ad/o93); Frank Sweet 626 ae 202); and service in ~ ciapel Thursday, Novem-' No. 1 section: High A Bo ad vd |aington 212 and Eric Lioyd 2 Audrey Burrill 625 (251, 292) ber 17 et 2 p.re interment Mount Lawn | Knight 839 (403); (304, High Singles: Carol Gendron 251, Leo Cemetery. (/n lieu of flowers, donations 297); Greg | Element Ron' MAGILLS MIXED LEAGUE Gorman 244, Ralph Jennings 239, Beaner be made to the Living Memorial Bragg 761 (263, 264); Harry (ailterd 760 | 4 D i may be Men's High Triples: L, Arsenault. 661) Smith Barb json 237, Marion a ea Hse taraye. stan st. Louis 728. (258)) | 204% 228, 219) 8. Bastarache 634 (200, | Turesk! "BBs, Mille White 233, Peter: Rut |495" (202, 255); Terry. Smith 490. Cet, |? k ey Love Shomaen Score TS a8 San, She joule, 72% (255)) |239)4 and B. Southwell: $99 (223), |tan 222, Silm Bell 222 and Jackle Smith | 226); Bob Logeman 671 (288, 243); Rus-|Kernaghan 7, a Modern "Ophestering lhe 09) ¢ ¥ Coan High Triples: D. Bedding 614/220, sell Black 638 (265, 220); Rick Brooks |* | No, 2 section: High Triples: @. Rom ia! . Siblock 507; and 4. Nosal 47 | High Averages: Rick Wilson 217, Frank 1399 (251); Mike Roakes 623) (225, 221); nuk 764 (306)1F. Eccles 749 (302, MN | (222) | Sweet 214, Ewen Moreau 208, Pauline! Wayne Hubbard 615 (250); Richard) Bantams: [ne Noakes 740 (291); D, Shirk ra ds, High Singles: $. Siblock vg ae Rice | Bell 209, Bill Harding 205, Harvey Singu- : Whitely 60) (22%, 280) and = David | Gall lGarry Gwilliam 747. (257, 250); Lloyd |20% 4+ Owens 218 and B. Ross [lar sg Wetina Bh dire 202, Ralph Jen- Schneider 601 (214) jee Corson 720 (298)7 T. Hammond 719 (3189) j ning 98 Abramoff igre Bill] Juniors: High Doubles: Girls: Bever- | Sho in? Smith in and permanent Tureski 1 Ish Kirkham 390 (228); Cynthia Mitchell and a Clark 258 FUNERAL CHAPE E. Rose 719 (287); Paul Skidmore 708; | 289 (198); Beverley Hodgson 331 (204); 390 KING STREET WEST j end C, HICKS 703 | Jane {Dinoman 324 (172); Denise Kornylo Telephone 728-6226 | 1304 (16 and Dorothy re i 303 SOMETHING DISAPPEAR? Place a loa ad in Classified to reach the finder, Dias 723-3492 for an ad- writer now, MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUB 400 Games: Fairley Le i yg (208, 279)) Norma Bri rn 472 (299); Celle Bishon 250; High Tripie, 0. Bishop 989; | Wigg 47) (270, 201); June Fh vg) 459 (219, High ware J. Goodman 366; High| 240); Mee Jamieson 20); riple W-H, Stogwin 877; High Single, |Dobbins 426 (250); Kay -- 40 rene Camp- WH Re Cowshtan 340. (229) and Vi Rorlson 46 High Triples: A, eene 708, 200 Gam bg 00, Hanson mB. Sitnop aes ie ? bell 228, Helen seasrite 223, Pelow 'High "Single, PH 390, Betty Bleck' gon iid . Janson bi Mabel Mose 208, ay fv. Stinson Ot ena Me 4 Men's Wear team 3 tandl ge: Ki MeL Jonn | 14 River Hal easy r Pat| 2% Swe ean 201, H Masilt 909 (391, M0, 26007. Rick' mltenel Hh te on af 1, Sorgen' "ay toe carvers 17, 24437) and Coca Cola 14, 24,250. League Leaders: High Average, D. WIRE AND HARNESS The Flyers won the first section with RTEOR bar , 990 cuble Inch | barrell carb., three speed' stick shift, radio, good body. 723-9137 after 6 | 38---Coming Events -- isS CHEVROLET, 327 motor. Ciose ratio three transmission, Bosl- JAYC ES, smear Monster ig" FORD Galaxie, _eoveriba, RR act six Tis 31--Compact Cars for Sale BE BINCO MOTOR SALES LTD. Admission 50c Two Jackpots Volkswagen Sales and Service 55 and 58 ONE MUST GO 334 RITSON RD. 7 $500. 3-3461 Open Evenings _ IN 50 NOS. or, LESS $200. In announced Nos. MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LEAGUE pepe ~~ High Tripies: P tated 200, 203). Boys: Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW jon 61 % aH TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUB a dee Team Standing: Untouchables 30, |Cheerlos 21, Jokers 18 Hermits 17,/ POST OFFICE LEAGUE Anchors 17 and Swingers 17. | Standings: Jim 45, 27,249; Points Taken: Go Go's 3, Alley Cats 1,| High Triples: Audrey Hepburn ' 693,| Laughlin Blvd. 'e, OP aa) Mister TV 108). Untouchables 3, Spitballs 1, Aces 2, Sure | Barb Reh oi py 18 po geri eens rg re ter. Cane 365 (218); things 2, Sober Six 4, No Point Specials 0, | Mari e sabel Calder 625 and | 34, 26,586 ite Stars 3 66 awa | High 'Triples: Herb Butler 779, Geo.| Sobel Biglin 636, Auto Trim 26, 24,985; Hambly Block 23,|Adams 342, (200); Robert Hutcheon "a Moss 661; Reed McConnell 689; Frank, High Single: Audrey Hepburn 228, 281;|24,921; Motor City 19, 25,063; Wood.| (180)? Ricky. Hyderman 341 (191); Foley 604; Eric Pearce 627; Ena Pearce | | Randy Rector 336 (211); Bruce Hubbard mB Hype Stiliman 600; 322 (220) and Bob Sleep 322 (195). Te THURSDAY, NOV. 17 Clear and Fast Don Orr Hoskin 615; Joe Vasko 6277 sher. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claiming) Set Soo, Coombs X11! woot Kozzatz 675; John Gibbs 608. i (3,500), Maiden two year olds, One mile, Also. Eligible: LAMBERT -- In loving memory of a| i ol 8 Gled Hill id dear brother, Johnathan Lambert, who) Schrai lz Callison passed away November 16, 1963; also a Gibbs Pn Pat Kunkel 225; leek Bure | (4), 'eds, Coombs X118 Ann's Reply, No Boy A-119 A-Short and W Waterman Entry. DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Branton te 328); SEE MORE IN COLOR 4 5); Ron| There are color TV sets in 4 vie Mi ( Robert Murcheor jabout 15 per cent of United States households, compared with six per cent early in 1965, \k VOLVO & PEUGOT %& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service B i] Jake and Bill's Garage = 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 s BENZ, 180, guest, $300 elephone 728 | 't4 MALIBU Chevelle SS, planes dive, | hh with radio, Telephone 648-8655 after! 0) p.m. dear sister, Margaret Helen Kayes, who! gess 268. passed away November 18, 1965. They are gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of them are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound Is healed, UAW LAIDES' AUX, 27 High Doubles: Ellen Burrus 403 (233), High Singles: Isobel McFarian 260. Rock Knight, Gordon 113 Points Taken: Misfits 3, Tin Lizties|Near Perfect, Robinson 110 |0 Jets 3, Alley Kats 0, Union Girls 3, | Pickle King, No Boy A-119 | Dumb Bells 0, Injuns 2, Motor City 1. | Churchill Bill, No Boy 113 But they little know the sorrow gg Standing: Jets 24, Injuns 18 Ousters Mark, Bowcut 113 That ties in the heart concealed, Kats 16, Union Girls 14 Tin Liz Musicquill, No Boy 115 Always remembered by sister Elena un "a Dumb Bells 9, Misfits 8, Motor | Little Quail, No Boy A-110 and brother-in-law Asa. |Anns Gem, Grubb X108 | jUnday Cruz, No Boy 110 UAWA LEAGUE Oliphant, Fitzsimmons 113 Standings: Group 1: Dines 19, Clints| Big Phil» Walsh 113 17, Tumey's 16, Gochs 15, Flemings 15,/A-Faicon Stable and B Sweney entry. | Durnos 14, Rogers 14, Active 12, Harry's 10 and Parts 8 | . SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim- Group 2: Home App. 22, Tony's 17,;ing (3,000), Foaled in Cda. 1 mile (8), Houdaille 17, Motor City 16, Mackies 15,; Sail Along, McCauley X114 The 27's 15, Cadillac 13, Final 11, Berg's |Fip B. Good, Brownell X111 9 and Bell 5 | Royal Emoassy, en X104 High Triples: D, Hodgson 811, D. Hill! Jiveolt, Coombs X107 | 788, G. Staley 771, C, Heath 764, D, Moss | Caledon Colonel, Moreau XXX105 1740, W. Kelly 739,-R. Stovin 737, R. Mur- |Mr. Goo, Corrick ape | ray 721, L. Sabins 707 and &. Jordon 705, | Maytown, Grubb X114 "Greek Tar, Swatuk XX THIRD RACE -- erin (3,800), 01). |Be An Angel, No Boy A YOUNG -- In loving memory of a dear | | |J, B, Good, No Boy 110 crany Bozzetto, Dittfach 118 faiher and grandfather, William Young, | OBITUARY reamyJo, No Boy 113 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, Farle (5,000). Two year olds. 7: furs. Lord Post, No Boy A-112 {Blue Forest, No Boy A-110 Power Court, Fitzsimmons 107 Pacific Heights, Harris 112 Pink Phantom, Coombs X100 Portree Gem, Grubb X102 iv? Hill Acres entry | SIXTH RACE Purse, | (4,000),- Three year oids. 7 furs, | Tomboy Pete, Gordon 111 |Worthy Craft, Brownlt |Pretty Wise, No Boy 108 Paraguayo, No Boy \t6 Fortunatus, Grubb X106 Dream Peeper, No Boy A-108 Righteous, Grubb X100 ied Mark, Inovye 111 Its Fordem, Harris 101 |A-Kane and Ziegler entry. SEVENTH RACE | Edisto" Allowances, jand up. 7 furs, (10), jNo Reasoning, Gomez 114 |So War, Dittfach 113 | Victory Myth, Dittfach A-120 | Windkin, Fitzsimmons 116 | Butterscotch, No Boy | Strayed Inn, No Boy 102 Icy Reply, Fitzsimmons Brief A' Kornblum X105 wel, Grubb X113 1d, Farm entry. $25 Consolation Prize Claiming. (10), SPECIAL 3-PCE DOUBLE KNIT SUITS TEN PERFECT CHANNELS the finest in Purse $3,000. Three year olds Reg. 35,00 now 25.00 1953 HILLMAN convertible, Perfect run: fing condition, $100, Telepnone 725-0155. 32---Trucks for Sale . Relayed home via P i U your free i J EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim- Ing (3,000). Three year olds and foaled jin Cda. 1 mile (Divn of 2nd) > Wallace. Coombs X108 'Champs, Norris X107 Royal Doctor, Kornblum X114 |Chopstick, Grub Valley Town, Grubb X11! Gum Swamp, Brownell X110 Fair and Lovely, McCauley X10. |X-5 Ibs, AAC: XX-7 Ibs, wae XXX-10 j Ibs. AAC: 'Post Time 1 p.m. e€ $6 G.M.C., model V-552, five-ton, long wheel base dump truck. Combination box S and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear end, OP. axle, five-speed. Clarke trans mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires, Best offer Telephone 723-5387, 1! am. - 4 p.m 1955 CHEVROLET haif-ton. Best. offer over $275. Also tandem trailer. Telephone 728-4549 after $ p.m 1986 GMC Van Very good running order. deal to convert to camping van. Teie- phone 728-2882 .0r 723-6030 1958 PICK-UP Chevrole' truck. penne 725-7442, 1957 CHEV." Sedan delivery, best otter | or exchange on good outboard motor. Telephone S561, 108 GME, HALF TON In good condi! a $250 or best offer. Telephone 725- 264, "A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL. PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements fog, all occassions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 Phone Now and place your order for Cable TV Wildly practical wool doubleknits; tie-neck blouse, chain buttoned jacket with braid trim, fully lined skirt. Honeycomb, heather, flat or boucle knits. Blue, red, green. Sizes 10-18. Children under 16 not admitted. LIONS BINGO PHONE 723-5278 TO-NIGHT | Oshawa Cable TV Early Bird Game 7:45 | --~ JACKPOT 52 and 55 ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King and Simcoe Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m. SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR Thurs., Nov. 3-8 pm. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Deoler and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res 725- 5574 who passed away November 16, 1964, if | had seen you at the tast, And heid your dying hand, ' | And heard the last sigh from your hear N. 1 would not have felt so bad W. J. (JACK) MeCLELLAND a ie Fi aah 1 only know you went away The death occurred suddenly | waily Rondon, Brownell X112 pete ellie nee io as the result of a motor ac: jLyric Lass, Bradfleld XXX105 No one could see me weep, cident, on County Road 7 Sou. | Eon's, Picton ball 108 tht dea Mogull ecb shed gog Island, Oct. 26, of William Galante, No Boy 115 e r Sadly missed with. fond memories by/John (Jack) McClelland. Meth Be sbid re A bed : alter Tne deceased was born Mar. } - hele m aee ee '12,° 1944, in Oshawa and e-| ing (900). 'Three. year" olds vob yt 25 ived his education in the Osh- {mile (4 ' awa schools. He was a member} ne, Gomez 119 | Golden Bubble, Platts Xxxi03 of the 8th Oshawa Cub Pack! €rin Pan, No Boy 119 and later became a member of | Unlerix, Swatuk XXx112 Royal Regret, Ditttach 106 the 8th Oshawa Sea Scouts.|makrt, Barroby ne. He was a member of King | Hartion, perk ° t ' Con-Jo, Barroby Street United Church, Oshawa. \coreaale, Grobo x08 He had been an employee of, Sultan's Treat, Brownell XX105 General Motors since 1963. He| "TY ®randy: Berroby 116 {was a member of eb Lodge, No. 75, Port Perry. iste MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS Mar. 20, 1965 to the oat Sharon L. Crozier and resided | Rinse RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), mre Ales Started) Wheres Geor altt® odd Riddell, Lord wipe and "'tatt 1. mourn: Wis" passigg| tetra ttete' «7 483 1|teve tae Sn en' * are his wife Sharen, and son, |&Queen Castle, Dyes BB pos |ggStXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse Madill 3.00 2.40 2.20) 3.30 2.60 | Also Started: Armbro Ferr. ao ge John; his parents, Mr. | Louise, Bonnie Kim, and House of Com- |5-Smash | Brooks, an MIs, William. McClelland, | mons. iEoens Som Crowe ie Oshawa; his sister, Nancy Jill,) seconn race ~ yor ar, Coke 2.80 (Pace).| Also Started: Arawana Danny, Red also of Oshawa; his grandpa-|Purse $800 (8). 17 St. Gregory's Auditorium | | | SHAW AUTO WRECKING co. bought, parts for sale. iron and mietais! bought. ad Bloor Street East, 725-231) OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted Ce for wrecking. Tires and parts for sa Vi7S Nelson Street. Telephone 725 ne WANTED -- Cars tor wrecking. No charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549 Revert Nichols. whe Tea Room--35e Also Started: Cooke Pick, Chris yeasn| Bive Mist Anderson, Lorna Rhythm, and') 14.60 7.60 4.40 Chatham Adios. 15.10 6.10 | 4.50); EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile (Pace). Swanie | Purse $1,000 (8 Crystal Frost, and/3-Ben's Boy, LaRush 8.20: $.00 3.50] 10,70 $40 2.90 cara! W'ms 9.20 7,00 4,20 Scratched, Tart: Hunter |>-Kayiee, Murphy 3, PAID $7.40 McQuigge, Whitby, Also Started: Long N_ Lovely, King| '. Mile (Pace), urse our Douglas Crozier, Scugog. | Gymbow Grat friends, neighbors, and relatives for the 8-Marshall Saint, Corbett Every Wednesda Y y |ding anniversary was evident. in the many floral $%° 1 Mile hey 'Boy C, Adios hae and verry Jean, endale Jerry, CARD OF THANKS)": ™* and ats 8 8 aioe ano , also loving} &Tay Towne Lena, LaRush 3.20 ' 'a «ine EVENTH rae - son = in = law of Mr. and Mrs, poe pe Sister Q, Dick's Henly, and| $800 (8) SLUTE -- We wish to thank aire Bey iD ¥ 4Guy Protector, Feagan 4.10 i 2.40 > t C AND 3, PAID $45.90 3Mary Ann C, Carrol a" messages of Congratulations, cards and He will be missed by a host . | gifts. on the occasion of our Golden Wed. Of relatives and friends which| THIRD RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse $ } ~--Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute §-Burgundy, L'Heureux shown here, just one of five styles offerings, 1-Mac's Margaret, Marsh } The funeral was held Oct.| Ales Started: Arenbro Frosty eo Fashions since 1867 Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa Police Association Jubilee Pavilion All proceeds to charity See Tues. Ad ?-Lady Spring, Copas Proceeds to Cerebral Palsy School and Treatment t Centre 29, at McDermott + Panabaker'|vatiey, Fleet Song, Funeral Home, Port Perry, with | jDora Jo Diplomat, the Rev. George Tesky of Scu-| | FOURTH RACE -- |808 Pastoral Charge conduct- 4 be $800. (8) the servi Echo Ridge, McD'! ling ce, lent Widower, McElory Pallbearers were: Art Van|3Timothy Meadow, Johnson 4.00 lCamp, Robert Gledhill, Also Started: Dell Humes, Lady Vio |Cochrane, George Bruce |iet Direct, Ezxras Rose, Two 0 One, and Oliver Jr, | Volo M, Queen, | Gerald Goreski and James Mec-| giery race -- 1 Mile (Trot) Cabe $800 (7), Interment was in Pine Grove |$Merch Van, Corbett §-Proxies Boy, Johnson Cemetery, Prince Albert. @-Marianne Riddell, Millman | | } 7-Pat Sultan, Ellicott 2-Calndeboye C, Feagan Also Started: Galion Maybe, Arleen, Swift Cavalier, Armbro Gladiator, and| Dilly Dally Gene, NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). $900 (8), 4-Mollie Ralac, Davies 6Micks Girl, Archdekin 1-Karen Sota, Whales Started; = White Mach Schnell and Danny Bee Volaw. For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS ee See 1 Mile (Pace). 6.70 4,00 3.4 4.30 3.50 : ~~ dOR SWITCHES PER MONTH | SALVATION ARMY | The average man vetween 20 end 2% The oo of this BAZAAR {can expect fo switch jobs six or seven pn elie }times. In many cases the change will be " je Will Be Held ; [to @ totally new career. yeor. Too smail And the pl riday J j Diace to look for the best jons! to be noticed? Friday, November 18 wine "Help Wanted" column in The You're reading ot 4 » | | Times' Classified Section, Whether you'r Fancy Goods -- Aprons unemployed or ie for @ better \ob, wh Tee Room | check "Help Wanted" Purse | 53.90 16.80 6.00) 9.10 4.40 2.80 Ankles, Jan's Gaylord Grattan, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Purse p.m 723-3492 3.40 3.40 4.60/ Attendance 2,786, Total Pool $184,905, 5.40 3.60 4 ' seein ranean ee