THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 16, 1966 29 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. 20---Real Estate for Sale GRIFFIN 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole -- JOHN F. 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER | 20--Reel Estote for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale LINDSAY -- VLA. near down, Sr aes, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 EXECUTIVE HOME 1, It is our privilege to offer a numberof Custom Built execu- tive homes, Among them we in- vite your inspection of o fine split level design on popular Jone Street, No expense hos been spared to provide utmost comfort throughout this lovely home. Please come ond soe for yourself, JUST LISTED It. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, clean, beautifully decorated with ottrective lot, nicely land- soaped with many trees ond shrubs. Excellent financing ---~ owner holding the first open sortaaae for 7% with suitable monthly payments, Priced ai only 315,500. LOT FOR RANCH BUNGALOW It], 125 ft. frontage, locoted between Oshawa and Whitby. Close to Public and Separate Schools, Quiet residential dis trict, Call our office for more particulars, DUPLEX IV. A really good investment in preferred rental area 2 com. pletely _ self-contained apart- ments, Stove and fridge, auto») motic washer, Asking only $17,200, BRING $1,000 V,-and you con own this older, | insul-brick home. | 2 bedroom Located just off Ritson Road South. Has « good furnace in o full basement. Large kitohen. Asking price only $10,000. NOT TOO MANY VI. There are only o few listings to meet the needs of the home- seeker with a low down payment and quick possession, This 1a storey, 3 bedroom home with garage, very close to school and transportation, meets all these requirements, Your early inspec- tion: urgently Invited, FAMILY SIZE DINING ROOM VII, A big room for the fomily to gather for meals end games together, Really the centre of the home, Cosy living room and three bedrooms, Close to Albert Street School, A bit of paint and you'll have on economical home of your own, Priced right at $10,500, Call us tonight. BLOOR STREET EAST VILL, An, older home brightened with new aluminum = siding. Three bedrooms here, large kit- chen end seperote dining room. Asking $12,500 with $2,500 BROADLOOM AND | PANELED LIVING ROOM 1X. 'The extra touches to make @ house @ home are here. Roome| ere spacious, location converi- to school and bus. Only 16,700 with the extras in- eluded, Carries for under $100 @ month with @ good down payment, BLOOR EAST OF WILSON ROAD X. 6 room, 1V storey home with 4 bedrooms, Very lorge kitchen, finished --s recreation room, two bathrooms, T.V. tower, rotor ond controls, pri vote drive and a good garage. PAY $80 A MONTH Xl. on this 2. storey home, lo cated in the heart of Oshawa Move in downstairs ond collect $85 from your upstairs tenant Td inspect call us now, 1 ONLY XI, 10 acres, excellent site for your, country residence within posy commuting distance from downtown Oshawo. Asking $6,- 500 and vendor willing to ac- cept a low down payment. NEAR ATHOL & DREW XU, Very large 4 bedroom brick home with o family sized kitchen 14' x 12', in fact all rooms are large. This home is in very good condition having @ garege and Veneer Will give inmedists > TO SEPARATE SCHOOL session, CLOSE XIV. Lovely split home on Athol Street East. Only | yeor old, com- pletely landscaped yard. Cor port ond paved drive, Make gure you see this One todoy, CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. XV. Large 5 room brick bungs low situated the preferred North East area of City, close to public school living room and kitchen, 3 mos ter sized bedrooms, > Owner transferred ond must sell custom built home. Look! osk- ing only $17,900 full price Don't wait and be late, call to hight for inspection JUST LISTED XVI, 2 storey brick home. Ex cellent ploce for income, 2 kit chens, good location, close to downtown, school ond bus House in very good shape. New oil furndce, new TV. tower ond aerial, plaster in good condition new cupboards in kitchen. Let us show you this home today WE LIST TO SELL WE AIM TO PLEASE We charge 4% on exclusive listings only if sold List with confidence with Guide Reolty Ltd. Realtors 16 Simcoe Street > 723-528) Open daily from Fem te Pam 3 bedroom rear in ath | | | private drive,! j j | j } Good sized) his! | | \ |RENT THAT VACANCY through LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM, to 9 P.M. PRICE REDUCED INCOME HOME This is a good money moker with @ low investment, Older home which has been com- iy modernized and in ex- cellent rental area, Full price only $15,900 with a low down payment, $16,900.00 NORTH WEST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Eight year old home has to be sold now. Close to schools in good residential area, We require substantial down pay- ment to take over Original N.H.A, 6% mortgage, of we with "a lower down payment, Give us a call to-nite, $12,300.00 FULL PRICE Very clean and nicely decor- ated three bedroom bunga- low In the east part of Whit- by. This lovely home is only 8 years old, Owner has' been transferred to another city, so must sell, Come take a look, it's a good buy $14,800.00 NEAR DR. PHILLIPS SCHOOL Only one block from school, yet far enough to hove peace and quiet with very little trof- fic, This is a large one and a half storey home with family room, Ideal for someone work- ing ot hospital or interested in O.C.V,1, ete, Only $2,500 down and one mortgage for balance, SUBURBAN BUNGALOW Lovely two bedroom home on large lot just on the outskirts of city with low taxes, Owner moving to east coast, so will "listen to offers, Priced at only $14,900 "SENIOR EXECUTIVE" RANCHER Lovely six yeor old custom built ranch bungalow with two cor garage on o large 84' x 121° lot in the desired North West, The grounds ore professionally landscaped and, oh yes, it has o beoutiful swimming pool plus change room on tower level with doors leading directly out- side, Fireplace in Recreation Room with Bar and all other extras a home should hove. Broadioom =and Corlon throughout main floor, Good size Hollywood Kitchen, plus large dining room, You must see it to believe it: Call now appointment. OPEN HOUSE | N BEAU VALLEY SATURDAY & SUNDAY OPEN FROM 1:00 HH 5:30 p.m, For sie saciid call 723-2265 728-1066 623-5638 728-2233 725-9345 725-8300 728-5205 723-1358 725-3867 Bill Johnston Meal Dale Maible Boudreau Ed Drumm Mike Belmonte Irwin, Cruikshanks Marg Hall Irene Brown Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 340 King St, West Free, easy, safe parking W. L. Dougan Cc REALTORS FHP SII AA /Z)-\1UY $117 PLT. Compare this with your pre- sent living, For this monthly payment with only $2,000 Down you con move into a smart brick, 3 bedroom with fully modernized -- kitchen. $, J, Phillip's school oreo, MUST GO $17,500, red brick bungo- low. Try $5,000 down. Owner would hold OPEN mortgage, $91.00 P & | plus toxes, Real value, finished rec. room, spare bedroom in basement Broadioom, Fenced = yard, paved drive. Owner trans- ferred to Toronto at Christ- mos COUNTRY 13 acres, 2 storey: house and barn. 6 miles from Oshowa. House in excellent condition Part of lond zoned R-2. Real investment, try us with on offer THORNTON RD. N 15 acres ond house, Located immediately north of subdi- vision. Fenced and treed, Ex- cellent investment land. Ask- ing $26,500 After 9 P.M 725-0343 725-2214 725-1109 723-5467 Lioyd Gord. Schofield Bill Dougan Bob Wells Lafoy LOOK MUST BE SOLD $17,500, full price, detached solid brick 6 room. bungalow 3 yrs, new, carport, finished rec, room, 150' lot, N.H.A. mortgage, Owner must sell now, @ renl bargain, Mr, Kane. BE AT HOME FOR XMAS $15,900. full price with low payment, 6 room bungolow, large lot, carries $134, month including toxes, Mr, Brooker, STOP! LOOK! READ! Owner. transferred, must sell, 3 bedroom detached bunge- low featuring Hollywood kit- chen, large living room, huge master bedroom with 2 pc, ensuite, Partly finished rec. - fom, Full price $18,700. low down payment, N.H.A, mortgage, carries. for $i3i. month including toxes! Mr. _Millison. ennnn NOWN.- §avey ever: $15,900 FULL Detached bungalow with of- tached corport, Panelled live ing room, Hollywnod kitchen with built-in stove and oven, colored vanity bath, 3 bed- room plus utility room, Im- mediate possession, Mr, Grad- well $16,300 FULL PRICE 6 room detached bungalow, 3 years new, Hollywood kit- chen, 4 pe. tiled both, full heated basement, , private drive ond garage Carries $117, month, including tax- es, | open mortgage, $4,500. down, Mr, Wilks OWNER TRANSFERRED 6 room, solid brick bungalow, featuring oversized kitchen, finished rec room, etxar large lot ideal for gardening. Care ries only $121, month, in- cluding texes! Low down poyment $17,500, full price. Mr, Blair LUCKY YOU! $2,600, down, 6 month new large 3 bedtoom bungalow Carries $134, month includ- ing taxes, Yours for only $16,900, Mrs, Brown. All the above mentioned homes are located in Bay Ridges, minutes from down- town Oshawa and are to» doy's best values. Close to schools, shopping and new commuter train n't miss inspecting them! 942-2611 PMA: REALTY LTD. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. 515 Brock St. S,, Whitby Rem Ads, it's BASY. Call 723-3402 tor an ad- writer tedey, 668-5853 $ LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU = $ Invest in this 5-Plex, All one bedroom self-contained apart- ments. Fully. rented, Located in downtown Whitby, Now asking $35,000.00 For fur- ther porticulers call and ask for Pouline Hobbs at 668- 5853 or 668-8725. NO MORE TEARS When poying the rent, Own your own 3 bedroom home for less. Ranch bungalow feo turing a. 10° k 9" Hollywood kitchen near schools and bus. On special. Call Marie Wil- son 668-5853 or 728-3937. CAR-WASH And gos pumps in Whitby This is a good opportunity to have your own business and a' good income, Contact Olive How, 668-5853 or 723- 0085 evenings. "WHAT'S NEW PUSSY CAT?" This lovely three bedroom bungalow with separate din- ing room, huge Holbywood kitchen, attached garage, near schools and shopping. Call 668-5853 or 668-4088, FREE AS THE WIND That's how your family will fee! on these 10 acres near Uxbridge. Two storey older 3 bedroom home, with new oil furnace, 20' x 25' knotty pine living room, 3 pe. bath- room, good-sized = kitchen, gorage, small barn, green- house. Asking $12,500.00 Call Audrey Moore, 668- 5853 or 668-4088 for fur- ther information VERY CHARMING OSHAWA Ranch | type bungalow with many. elegont features, Perfect setting for privacy, Featuring Hollywood kitchen with built-in china cabinet, natural fireploce in living room. Eastdole Collegi- ete area, For on appointment to inspect, call and ask for Pauline Hobbs at 668-5853 or 668-8725. REAL ESTATE OWNER SAYS SELL! 4-bedroom = modern brick home, remodelled, 10.8 acres with troctor and Try newly implements included your offer, or will trade for home in Oshewe, 723-8123. DeWith | ALL AUDREY AND SEE | * Excellent home with 4-piece bath, Wa- town, CAESEREA, Colonial design Real Estate Ltd. 14 Frank Street Bowmanville, Phone 623-3950 PORT PERRY. 7 Roomed ter softener, Close to down- Price $8,500. Call: Tom Donnelly, 985-7264, 9 roomed home with oil fur- nace and bothroom, Acre lot. condition, Asking $15,000. Call; Tom Don- nelly, 985-7264, ° *. ORONO MAIN STREET. 7 roomed home, oil heated, 4-piece bath, Very well kept, with barn on 4% acres future building lots. Only $5,000 down. BOWMANVILLE. New 5 P-trtel hunmalow. Oil heated, 4-pc. bath, beauti- ful kitohen, Well built, Ask- ing only $16,000, Terms, PORT PERRY. Three brand new brick, 3 bedroom bunga- lows Excellent locations. Priced at around $18,000. Call: Tom Donnelly, 985- 7264 NEWCASTLE, 1 year old, brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Hollywood style ___ kitchen: Portly wall to wall floor cov- erings. Nicely landscaped Priced to sell EAST OF BOWMANVILLE, 4 Bedroom, brick bungalow, 4 piece bath, oil heated, stone fireplace. Garage. On 4 cores, Paved road, Priced to sell EXCELLENT HOME. Large ranch style, brick bungalow Electrically heated Many, many extras, Over Ya acre, portly wooded lot, Priced to sell, After Don Mountjoy Tom Dornelly Hours Please Call: 623-3614 985-7264 KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Realtor $17,900.00 --- N.H.A, re- sole with 3 bedrooms, recrea~ tion room, fenced yard. As- sumé the 5% mortgage. $17,900.00 --- 7 room brick home with 2 bathrooms, gar- age and private drive, good north end location. $16,900:00 - Duplex with 12 rooms, Walk downtown, low down payment consider- ed. $16,000.00 --- 6 room mod- ern bungalow on large lot north of Oshawa. $15,500.00 --- 8 yeor old 3 kadeaam brick bungalow with aluminum storms, recrectier room and bar, $11,500.00 -- 6 room home in Hampton, oil heating, 4 piece bath, garage and large lot, $11,500.00 --- 6 room home in good condition, west end location, CRYSTAL LAKE Cottage AO x 23 ft, ona 110 x 400 ft, lake front lot $8,500.00 ~~ 9 room village home, low down payment. INCOME PROPERTY ---- In excellent condition with finished rooms in the base- ment, 2 bathrooms, garage and paved drive, Will con- sider trade on smaller home, $42,000.00 -- 120 ACRE form about 8 miles from Osh- awa, 9 room. house with bathroom, large barn, imple- ment shed ond mostly work- able. 10 ACRES --: near Raglan 600 ft, frontage $6,900.00, Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Ross Davidson, Bethany 30r2 Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, ONLY ONE LEFT Lost chance to pur- chase a 4 bedroom) back split for $18,- 500, with $3,000.) down, East end street close to schools, Im- mediate possession.) Call Doug Trivett now) 728-1656, | $1000 DOWN | $90. mnothly, 2 bed-| room bungalow in} good condition near} French School, Good} size lot -- 123' deep.| Call Doug Trivett 728-| 1656 for inspection] of this one, | Lovely 3 bedroom back split home with carport on quiet resi-) dential street in North West, Carries for! $95.57 monthly, Coll Bill Hubbell at 728- 1678 for appointment to inspect DINING ROOM This lovely twin home has separate dining room. Finished recrea-| tion room, 3 good size bedrooms. Nicely land scaped garden. Com pletely fenced in Asking $16,500. For appointment to ins) spect coll Bill Hubb- ell 728-1678, "DIRECT FROM | BUILDER | 1! | Presi ige nomes Harmony Village Walnut Court Florell Drive, Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate. "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Lorge ravine lots with yeor round stream @ 2,300 square feet of finished floor area @ 400 squore feet of recreation room with netural field stone fireplace @ Sep- erate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in liy- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two cor attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention off PRESENT HOME | ~ TRADE IN YOUR | NO CASH NEEDED | | pen 9 am, to 9 p.m. "BUY NOW | SAVE $2,000 | K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 MONEY 'CONSCIOUS ? So are we! Bring us $2,500 down payment now, and we'll help you purchase a brond new bungalow in Oshowa's desirable N.W, area, 644% N.H.A, mortgage too! 3 to choose from, but hurry, call us right now. WE GUARANTEE You'll agree, that this 3 bed- room bungalow is the most immaculate you can find any- where = Carport, mahogany kitchen with built-in stove and oven, fenced and landscaped lot --- Call us now for your appointment to inspect. This home must be sold now, CAN'T COMPARE Anything new or resole on the market today with this com- pletely finished 2 storey, 4 bedroom home. North West location, all landscaped, paved drive, Rec, room finish- ed and electric heated, and Just Look! Only $115 month- ly includes taxes. Take a look --= Make an offer -- Call tonight. NORTH WEST Excellent 3 bedroom bungelow with large family-sized kit- chen, aluminum storms and screens and deluxe aluminum sidling, really large lot, close to schools and shopping Hurry to HYMAN'S ---- This one won't last long, Open 3 am After Hours en Hann Dick Barriage Glen MacKinnon Les Hall Frank Smith to ? p.m, Call 723-7963 725-6243 728-6750 728-5513 723-3533 PAUL RISTOW LIMITED "YOUR REALTOR" Brand new 3 bedroom bun- golow with 2 bedroom full apartment iower level nearing completion, Let us show you how you can live in this home for $70.00 per month including taxes, Ask- ing $25,900 with trades con- sidered, on V.L.A. 6 room ranch bungolow 7 years old, in excellent condi- tion, Large garage and over half an acre of productive gorden: soil. K-Mart area, close. to all conveniences. Owner retiring. See this to- day! ESTATE SALE This property must be sold to settle estate, 8 room brick home, private paved drive. Presently used as income home with tenants wishing to remain, No reasonable down poyment refused, Call now! RAVINE LOT Located on Wakefield Cr. with ponoramic view of city, 56 x 190 with full grown trees, An ideal setting for your dream home, Only $6, 900. Hurry on this one! Paul Ristow Ltd. "Your Realtor" 187 King Street East 728-9474 Evenings: Call Tom Hurar 728-5422 Vern Morton 723-8327 Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 NORTH OSHAWA 612% N.HLA, Resole, three year old split-level with walk- out basement. Three bed- rooms, glass sliding doors to terrace overlooking ravine. Carport, professionally land- scaped lot, Carries for $92 monthly. Immediate posses- sion. Call to inspect this home today. Please ask for Shirley Moskal. FULL PRICE $15,100.00 Owner transferred, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full bose- ment, good view of the lake, priced to sell with o down payment of $3,000, Call to- doy, Ethel Tranter, RIVERSIDE DRIVE _ 3 bedroom, fully decorated, landscaped, patio, north loca- tion, $2,500 down and: open for offers, Phone Vince Jare vis for further details, NEW LISTING 3 bedroom brick bungalow on fully fenced ravine lot in choice is - Attoched qorage and paved drive, Completed recreation room. Beautiful spacious hollywood kitchen and broad- loom throughout, Asking only $19,900, To see call Thelma McMullen, CENTRAL LOCATION See this 5 bedroom brick home with qgorage near schools ond only a few min- utes walk to downtown, Cor- ries for $100 monthly, Must be sold, $2,500 will handle, See it today, Ask for Tina DelGobo NORTH-WEST Just listed, Older 1¥2 storey brick home, Oi! heat. 3 bed- rooms, $2,000. down will handle, Spotless, Owner. trans- ferred and must sell, Call Dolores Ross now, Opén 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. MEMBER OF 0.D.R.E.B. GORDON Realtor | LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU | 48 SIMCOE ST, S., OSHAWA Dial 728-5157 218 DUNDAS ST. By WHITBY Dial 668-8826 --8 room Pickering Beach home has low taxes, In- cludes freezer, dryer, elec- tric stove ond other extras. All newly decorated and clean. Inspect and make offer, --Three bedroom bungalow near Pickering with large lot, low taxes, shade trees on fenced property. Many extras here and moy bought for $1,500. down for a price of $12,500. 50! lot in Whitby for only $3,300, Call about this now for spring building. Plex near Shopping Centre, newly decorated, Over $500, monthly -- income, Inspect and make offer. --JInvestment property con- toins store and apartment in neighborhood Shopping Centre. Excellent lease os- sures income for many years, A call to our office gives all particulars. --1Y% storey four bedroom home in Pickering with 51' by 180' lot close to village. A wide awake buyer may see possibilities here so act quickly at this price of $11,900. Metca REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Reduced fpr your advant- age, 3, 4, 5, bedroom bunga- lows, oil heated, completely finished, ready -for your oc- cupanty before Ciwisimnes. Don't delay, prices stot at $21,200, Let's hove a look. FINE HOME In a fine location, all paved streets, fenced lot and 174 ft. deep, with a lovely garden, 3 bedroom, 3 year old bunga- low, paved drive, nice land- scoping, large hollywood kit- chen, good sized living room, 4 pe. tiled bath and oa full painted basement. Broadioom in living room, Asking $18,- 900. with $4,000, down, Im- mediate possession. CLOSE TO SOUTH PLANT 2 storey semi detached brick home only 8 months old, close to shopping, bus at your door and not far from suo' plant. Asking $16,200. CADILLAC AVE. S. Very nice 2 bedroom, brick bungalow ,close-to the Boys' Club, paved drive, one finish- ed room, plus a 2 pc. wash- room in basement, awning over front door and very con- venient to shopping, bus and schools, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John Osborne 728-5836 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive ond MLS. Real Estate Ltd. 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville, Phone 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed bungalow, All modern con- veniences, Priced at $11,'500 ORQNO MAIN STREET, 414 acrés, large home, oi! heated, 4- bath, Excellent state of 'repairs. Born. Future building lots, Only $5,000.00 down, RANCH STYLE, New brick bungelow with attached double garage. Over Ya acre, portly treed lot, Priced to sell, PORT PERRY, Three new § 5 roomed brick bungalow. Very modern. Nice locations. Priced ot around $18,000. Call; Tom Donnelly 985- 7264. NEWCASTLE. 3. bedroom, new, brick bungalow on large lot, All modern conveniences. Loundry tubs. Very well kept, and clean. Nicely landscaped, 4 ACRES, with 7 Roomed home. furnace and bathroom, Fruit trees. Asking $16,909. Terms. Call: Tom Donnelly 985-7264, OSHAWA, 5 Roomed brick bungalow, Oil heated, with 4-pc. bath. Finished rec, room. Roofed patio, Priced to sell BOWMANVILLE, new, 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, beoutiful kitchen, All modern conveniences, Well built. Laundry tubs ete, Asking only $16,000, Terms, We have o great demand for small farms, homes and acreages, We sell Exclusive, Photo M.L.$. and FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board LAND & FARMS 60 acres with Christmas trees, Mosport area, $4,000 full price. 10 acre parcels, partly wood- ed, near Blackstock on New Highway. $3,700 -- $1,000 down. 10 acre parcels neor Bow- manville, on paved road $5, 900 with $1,500 down, 40 acres with stream and cot- tage, beautiful trout pond near Castleton. This secluded hideaway cannot be duplicat- ed at only $12,000. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Pat Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Andy Keys 728-0196 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 George Beaton CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR Corpus Christie School 3 bedroom bungalow with at- tractive finished basement apartment, Easy walking dis- tance of south G.M, plant. Try your offer on this one, Wilson Rd. near King 3 bedroom bungalow in ex- cellent condition with large finished rec-room and nicely landscaped ot, Close to schools, bus ond shopping. Try your offer on this one, North-West Ranch Style $4,000 down, Custom built 3 bedroom home of excellent quality. 4 large finished rooms in besement, attached garage, deep lot, corlon floor- ing, beautiful cut stone fire- place. This home has to be inspected to appreciate the quality, For complete infor- mation call at once. LST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 668-2291 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-5221 $14,900.00 -- BRICK BUNGALOW, bedi c of Whitby. Low down pay' terms. Cat! trwin Cruikshenks Schotield-Aker Ltd. only $2,500 down a DEWITH Port Perry 985-2987 OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY nine! cel- at 728-5205, ARLINGTON AVENUE, near hospital, Yhree-bedroom heme, plus family room, nd one open mortgage for the balance, Call Bill Johnston, 728 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. Solid brick home on. small acreage, fruit trees, spring, drilled well, Double. living room, 2. fireplaces, family room in knotty pine, librory,. modern bathroom, bed- rooms, oil heat, garage, large barn. $5,000 down, terms. OSHAWA VICINITY New bungalow, 18' living room with fireplace divider. Mahogony panelling, dinette area, modern kitchen, bath- room, Aluminum storms and screens, Beautifully landscap- ed acre of ground, patio, gar- age and lorge garden. RETIRE IN KIRKFIELD Furnished, stucco 4 bedroom home on | acre minutes from lake, Low taxes, privacy, close NINE-ROOM house on three-acre Newtonville. All conveniences, 576-1325. i) brand new of Call self remode| SIX-ROOM, two Available now. phone 117 MONTHLY, Come and homes on Waverly . Thrée bedrooms, Fully rated. Cec Ko So see these St, south . We can offer early 728-1656, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd, PRIVATE -- One and ao halt old, sixroom bungalow. Close fo shopping, Very reasonable, 723-9503. OUPLEX -- CENT = contained Priced to sell with very reasonal payment and terms, Cail kitchen, fully decorated, fully volt Immediate possession. Telephone Seu tin ease apartments, lied and rented for $90.00 each, wan fae shanks at 728-5205, Schofleld-Aker tia. 21--Farms for Sale $16,000 BUYS 137-ACRE beet farm with good five-bed: Excellent 'ro from. room home. Stream. Commuting distance awa. W. ©, Martin, Realtor, 728-5109, to shopping. Owner. will con- sider exchange of properties. Asking $10,900, terms. Contact Eva Johnston, Lind- say 324-5772, H. KEITH LTD. * REALTOR BOLAHUUOD BROTHERS LIMITED SPECIAL -- $8,900 Windsor Avenue. 4 room bun- golow with garage, two bed- rooms, living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, low taxes. Own- er moving from City, Imme- diate possession. Very clean home, Must be seen. Call Roy Yeo, Evenings 725-2217, DUPLEX LOTS Located just west of Oshawa Shopping Centre. 2 to choose from. Asking $7,200. Fully serviced. Must be sold ot once. Call Jack Appleby. Evenings 723-3398, 101 Simcoe Street North 7128-5123 H. KEITH LTD., REALTOR Photo L.N.S. Listings Wanted COURTICE --- ONE ACRE Five room eluminum siding bungalow suitable for V.L.A. A sacrifice at only $13,000 with terms, Also many 10 acre lots available. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. 22--Lots for Sale 12 LargeL ots 2 miles from city, in attrac. tive. area, Some treed Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL LOTS King St. East 57' by 107', Wilson North 60' by 135' Both serviced. NHA ap- proved, Builder terms, Coll W, SCHATZMANN Reoltor 668-3338 or 668-3253 \ced tots. own terms, 723-1194. miles from city. Vendor will a sonable down Waiter Mittler, Realty Ltd. EAST END lots, fully serviced, Telephone 728-5061, 723-4522, Phone 728-5579 NINE CHOICE CMHC" approved serv- orth end of city. Name your BEAUTIFUL jO-ecre lots With creek, five rea- iccept payment. Full details trom 728-7083 of 723-5281, Guide a ing- dale Avenue, off Keewatin Sireet bouth, APARTMENT SITE for 120 suites proven area along with house and pre liminary drawings. Telephone 728-1: or 23--Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED* L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 668-8941 668-6762 URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural property for cash buyers: DON STRADESKI. REAL ESTATE 63 King Street West BIG HOUSE -- CHEAP Situated on Va acre of good garden soil with a snug pony born, House needs some de- corating, that's the reason for the low price of $7,900 terms only $65 monthly, Im- mediate possession, Call Doug Carmicheel 723-7463. 723-4651 LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 WHY LIVE LIKE A CLIFF DWELLER or Reside in Boxed Quarters ? Have Windows facing Four Directions ! Rent Upper Duplex Containing 5 rooms, plus bath, electric heat, storage, laundry facilities, Suit Adults, All for $135. per month, Phone 723-4404 or 725-5574 CHRISTMAS bargain, neat éroom house, two bathrooms, Centrally located, very low price, down payment, monthly pay- ments and taxes, Call Arthur Weinberger Real Estate 725-8851. CHOICE NORTH AREA, attractive five room brick bungalow on large well land- scaped lot, Close to schools and shop- ping, many features, Carries for $117. per month, PIT. Immediate possession. To Inspect, call Murray Boyle, 723-4270, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. NORTH-EAST AREA -- three-bedroom bungalow, three years old. Large living room, family sized kitchen, This beauti- fully decoarated home was custom bullt for present owner wha has been trans- ferred out of city. Possession 30 days. Asking only $17,900 for quick sale. Can be seen by calling Dick Young, 723-7183. Guide Realty Limited, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-8281. LARGE nine-room brick home, two bath- rooms, fireplace, centre hall plan. Nat- urat oak trim, oll heat, 2 driveways. Call Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. $1,000 DOWN buys this Tive-reom brick home with family-sized kitchen. Three forced air oll furnace. little extra space is needed. For inspec- tien call Dick Young, 723-7183. Guide Realty Limited, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-5281. NEAR Donevan High School, large bung- alow, with attached garage, natural fireplace, built-ins, patio, two bathrooms. Many more features, Contact Joe Craw- AE a Joseph Bosco Realtor, FIVE bedroom modern home and Co age on lake frontage with beach. Try one thousand dollars down, Call Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. ONE YEAR OLD bungalow, in choice area, close to schools, over size kitchen, liv room, 3 family-size bed- Hod bath with vanity. 444 per cei je, Call Murray Boyle, 723- 2 Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, $1,300, DOWN, triplex, is all we are ask- ing for this real money maker, Situatcl! in the north east area of city. Three separate apartments, three separate en- trances, three separate bathrooms, Look, only $19,500. full price, Quick call and ask fe) 723-7183. Guide Realty Limited, 723-5281. FOUR bedrooms, beautiful home, large rooms. Central, Whitby. Garage, paved drive, Only $18,500. Terms, Call W. Schatzmann 3338 $500 WW bonus. One only, quality built bungalow In choice east area, NHA financing, low down payment. on approval, Contact Joe Crawtord, 723- 1021. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, COUNTRY three bedroom modern, brick nm Pp garage, patio and 3 room apartment with bath to rent out, Call Perry Real Estate, 723-0123, _ We ACRE with Sroom, Ie-storey house, garage, green house and fruit trees. Sult- able for V.L.A., lust north of Whitby, ie aad $15,000, W. ©. Martin Realtor. S103, SUBURBAN HOME, 2 acres. Spacious 9 room, storey, bedrooms, spring creek, trees, quiet area, excellent tor large or two families, $10,500. or offer. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-465! MUST SELL! Attractive, new 4-bedroom split level home, decorated, fireplace.' 4-pc. and 2-pc. bath, den, balcony, walk- out basement, 2car garage, sodded front and back, terrific view -- terrific buy. Asking $21,900, try any offer. Move right in. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651. DOWN. Vacant. one and halt storey home, garage and paved drive, Call Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Metcalf Real Estate. 3297 McDONALD Street, Port Perry. turd: lot, rooms. pil and some tile floors. Close ind downtown. Full prive $9,000. Must be cash. Please feel free to come out and talk business. Credit Union folks must welcome. Apply above address. $5000 DOWN buys good commercial bul'd- ing which consists of store and equip. ment plus five-room L, py t. Carries al for only $150 per mon Bill Jonn- ston, 728-1066, Schofi utd. or f able rent. Lease to suit tenant. a rent-all store, Move in| tw, ty two- meyer, who has Call Willard Johnston 728-1066, Aker Ltd, 1 NEED, reasonably F shee home, right or for @ 8 fair amount of cash. Schofie! Ie 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON QSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 STORAGE inside clean dry. Boats tent trailers $15 full Soaain, ita 623-3243, $16 Ww, GARAGE FOR RENT, ideal for phone 723-3211. store, buzy, central locatio! 668-8807. signi it. Mal and Adelaide area. aie. STORE FOR RENT, suitable for office in, Reason ides! for 25-----Houses for Rent IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Lerge six room bungalow, north-west area, Patio, fenced in garden, $140 monthly, Telephone 723-7164 NEW executive home, three erences, /26-zue "atier 5:30 TWO-FAMILY HOM ideal for two apartments. 725-7009 or 725-8677 atier 5 p.m. CAESAREA -- three-bedroom | . B. Martin, 4 Waxwing Place, Miils, Ontariyy HY 41054. i! partly furnished, one-half basement, [ood A hae: $170 month 48. Hi reet, able immediately. Telephone 723-060 9 a.m. and 4 p.m, for THREE-BEDROOM house for rent. room house, no Telephone THREE - BROOM house on 5 p.m, 942-2401 Ajax. three - bedroom brick bungalow, awa. Telephone 723-7843. large dry basement, 752 Also water supplied, 728-7288. near Duplete, Available December Telephone 723-1644, TWO-BEDROOM house fo phone SUBURBAN conveniences, ~Fbedroom bungalow, attached garage, ing, ly, Vacant, Telephone 725-1846, bedrooma, two bathrooms, sliding patio doors, color- ed fixtures, attached garage, quiet resi 'dentall area, Close to schools. $160, Ref- Two kitchens, bathrooms, etc, garage, close to schools, elephone ree-bedroom home, on three lots, with option to buy. Write Mr. EXTRA LARGE, six rooms, three bed- rooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, SIX-ROOM house, 6) John Street, avall- 1 bee mediate possession. Telephone 728-219, $45 MONTHLY, & Nassau Street. Sie furnace or hot. water, 725-0332, or 723-9210 after 4, Street, Oshawa, Call between 8 Sav oe COMMUTERS -- $110 monthly, New lot on paved highway, 30 miles Ton Gale FOUR ROOMS with three-piece oat four-room apartment, heat, hydro, TWO-BEDROOM house on Howard Street 5. for rent, $8 monthly, Apply 29) Viola Avenue, Tele- 723-0192. all Va acre land, $115 monthly, or sell with low down peayiren'. Don Stradeski, Realtor. 723 FIVE-ROOM bungalow, garage. oll heat, is | ta yard, near schools, s! rge nope bus. Will sell for $11,500 or rent $115 month- You are one of Thousands who read The Times Want Ads Daily. e