| 22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 16, 1966 RUSSIAN LEADER DIES Nikolai G. _ Ignatov, above, one of the top Soviet communist leaders under Nikita Khrushchev, died to- day at 64, it was announced in Moscow today. No de- tails were given. At the time of his death Ignatov was President of the giant Russian Federation, the largest of the Soviet Re- public. The job gave him very little political power. (APWirephoto) China Honors Canadian MD TOKYO (AP)--Meetings and rallies were held in Communist China to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the death of Ca- nadian Dr. Norman Bethune Nov. 12, Peking's New China news agency said today. The agency, in a broadcast monitored here, called the sur- geon "the great proletarian fighter who gave his life for the liberation of the Chinese people during their anti - Japanese war." Bethune went to China at the head of a medical team and ar- rived in Yenan in the spring of 1938 to help the Chinese people in their war of resistance against Japan, it said. He served the Chinese Com- munist army and the people for nearly two years, but con- tracted blood poisoning while binge | on wounded soldiers and died in Tanghsien county, Hopei province, on Nov. 13, 1939, "More than 1,100 Chinese marched to the tomb of Dr. Be- thune in Tanghsien, Serine portraits of Chairman Mao, banners and copies of Quota- tions from Chairman Mao Tse- tung. tomb amidst the singing of the Internationale." New Law Might Halt Building TORONTO (CP) -- The legi- slature's select committee on conservation was told Tuesday that new expropriation legisla- tion could halt conservation, school and hospital construction programs throughout Onterio, Thomas Beckett, chairman of the Hamilton Region Conserva- tion Authority, said the legisla- tion could also result in provin- cial cabinet ministers being called as witnesses in expropri- ation hearings to justify pro- grams they have already ap- proved. He described as discrimina- tory the new legislation which requires conservation authori- ties, universities and hospital boards to go before a county judge and prove need of land and receive a judge's order be- fore being allowed to expropri- ate. The legislation is scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1. Mr. Beckett said the power to acquire land should be implicit after ministerial approval, and for the judiciary to review these decisions is to "involve the judiciary in government polley."* Mr. Beckett suggested that if some additional procedure is necessary to protect property owners it should be in the nat- ure of a political rather than a judiciary hearing. Printer's Court Appeal Fails TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Court of Appeal Tuesday dis- missed appeals by three strik- ing printers who were claiming 1964 vacation pay from Tor. onto's three daily newspapers. Three judges declared the court was disqualified from in- terpreting a collective bargain- ing agreement between the newspapers and members of the Toronto Typographical Union. The printers went on strike July 9, 1964 against the evening Star and The Telegram and the morning Globe and Mail. The papers have continued to pub- lish, In a nine-page judgment, Mr. Justice Arthur Kelly said any decision on the printers' vaca- tion pay claims involved inter- pretation of the collective bar- gaining agreement. If the printers wished to pur- sue their claims, Mr. 'Justice Kelly said, they could invoke the machinery provided in the agreement which requires that such disputes be dealt with "A wreath was laid at his through a grievance procedure and 'ultimately by arbitration. eee eee ee ee ee ee Pe we be ere yee eee FOS ee oO ee Ye yy SAVE 4 ~ BOKAR COFFEE Hr 83. Mt ay 39 SAVE 16: SAVE 4: 8 0'CLOCK COFFEE re! 75: 493 YF ng SAVE 20: ™~ WHOLE BEAN COFFEE SALE! r. management of A-P What we are about to say is not new. Matter of fact, it's been our policy from the start. A&P IS DEDICATED TO BRINGING THE M@ST GOOD FOOD, TO THE MOST PEOPLE, FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY. That is the basis on which our company has grown and prospered over the years. We think it's important during this period of time to reiterate that pledge. We want there to be no doubt in your mind about our policy with respect to food costs. We want you to know we are concerned. We want you to know we're doing our level best. We want you to know that ~ above all, "We Cate... About You." mes Fresh Produce! Valencia, Outspan, Sweet & Juicy No. 1 Grade "ORANGES =69: NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Ontarie Grown Cooking, Brushed and Polished No. 1 Grade ONIONS sscusncdh Be NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AQP Ontario Grown, Melntosh, Faney Grade APPLES NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Maryland, New Crop, Curly Leaf, No. 1 grade @WREAI A #1 Aa W002 . wriiwrnwit 864 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AGP ASSORTED COLOURS, LONG BLOOMING CYCLAMEN PLANTS "pant $99 PLANT 3.18 CELLO BAG 3 9. at , ; "it, -- Good Buys on Fine Groceries! -- <--) ANN PAGE BEANS (WITH PORK, BOSTON STYLE OR VEGETARIAN STYLE) SAVE UP 20-FL- TO 120 - A emi y, 0. een a a 2: TINS A«Paniny APPLESAUCE BRANDS AP aniy TOMATOES SAVE UP 28-FL 39 BRANDS SAVE UP TO 1bo OVER OTHER BRANDS «59 A«P WHOLE BEETS Cholee Quality bebe uP oven. OTHER BRANDS Ag HEINZ OR 'GERBER -- ALL VARIETIES EXCEPT MEAT -- STRAINED POPULAR BRANDS | GiGARETTES Better Meals Are Made With "S BABY FOODS R 4MFL-OL JARS ag ¢ CARTON OF 200 3 69 Super SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AND SAVE SIRLOIN STEAK, PORTERHOUSE +. WING STEAK or ROAST PORTERHOUSE ROAST Three Wey Cut Ib. 996 LAMB CHOPS ' TURKEYS MAPLE LEAF BRAND BOLOGN SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY BUY THIS FAMILY PACK AND SAVE~CUT INTO 9 TO 11 CHOPS PORK LOIN w=: FRESH, GRADE 'A'--5 TO 10-18 AVERAGE WEIGHT OVEN- READY BEEF LiEFAD TC wi S ais--ane & : oo 79 49: 39: A5: BEEF BY THE PIECE SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY SLICED PORK LIVER SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE BURNS RINDLESS VAC PAG SIDE BACON b43< vil pko 5 De JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE SAVE 19¢ Reg. Price 49e each LARGE SIZE PIES SHOPSY'S BOIL BAG CORNED BEEF 2 20: rhs Oe dane Parker Reg. Prine each 606 -- SAVE 106 PECAN PIE soutien tare size pie 5 Fc Jane Parker Reg. Price each 590 -- SAVE 10¢ LARGE ANGEL CAKE «49: Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 240 -- SAVE 7a BREAD CRACKED WHEAT 93 24-02 loaves @ Se Jane Parker -- pkg. of 8 230 -- Save 60 SAVE 6c HAMBURG ROLLS 200233 Jane Parker Reg. Price each 790° SAVE 10 COFFEE CAKE v0 cn 69 dane Parker (3 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg. 29¢ -- SAVE 9% CAKE DONUTS = 2eic:cine hG All prices in. this ad guaranteed through Saturday, November 19th, 1966 -- Oshawa, Whitby & Bowmanville bOQe VAC PAC BURNS WIENERS MAPLE LEAF BRAND VAC PAG COOKED HAM 6-02 pkg 5 Ox SCHNEIDER'S SMOKED HAM STEAKS sorpks 5 Ze ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS, Ne. 1 Grade SIDE BACON ib pkg = ib 59c CHILD CARE ENCYCLOPEDIA NOW ON SALE AT AéP WRITTEN ENTIRELY BY DOCTORS. ANSWERS TO 11,000 QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK YOUR DOCTOR iF YOU SAW HIM EVERYDAY. BUY A BOOK A WEEK -- 12 DELUXE VOLUMES. each ]-09 VOL. 2-12 of, = va only 59 ™ SOLVE YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS WITH Aa@P GIFT CERTIFICATES FOOD 18 THE IDEAL GIFTI Now, right before the helideys, your A&P makes lt easy fer you te send "just what they wanted' te friends whe would eppreciate a gift of food. AAP is making avaliable gift certificates in $8. and $10. denominations redeemable in any A&P Food Store in Ceneda. Yukon Club--Canned No Extra Charge for Low Cal, BEVERAGES 0:01 24 toH-oztin 1.69 Reguiar -- Ginger Als, Lemon-Lime, Kola, Orange or Rant Beer Low Cal -- Ginger Ale or Kola 4 185, 99¢ css = 2 2 eee " ow 7a VAG rac VVFree Zibiit iw w Furniture Polish & Wax Reg. Price tin 850 ~-- SAVE 60 PLEDGE otnson's 6v-flozacrosoltin 7 Qe Cadbury (5 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg. 300 -- SAVE 4c CHOC. BISCUITS sorphs BOE Spanish or Chicken Style Reg. Price pkg. 390 -- SAVE 4e RICE-A-RONI Bor phe SOC Kurly Kate No, 303 Reg, Price pkg. 450 -- SAVE Ge POT CLEANERS pkg of 3 3Oe Plain or Chocolate Reg. price jar 72c -- SAVE an extra Se OVALTINE (7¢ OFF DEAL) 12-02 ir 69 Colgate Reg. Price tube $109 -- SAVE Me DENTAL CREAM tomily size nde BDc (Se Off Deal) SOLO MARGARINE = >»s 99 Cheeolete Chipe er Peonut Butter Chip. Reg. 57a -- SAVE Ae DARE BISCUITS ub oko 5 Be Dunean Hines Reg. Price pkg. 490 --- SAVE 4e CAKE MIXES ke 5 (BUTTER PECAN, DEVIL FOOD, MARBLE, SPICE, WHITE, DEEP CHOCOLATE, LEMON SUPREME, SWI88 CHOCO. LATE OR PINEAPPLE SUPREME) Billy Bee HONEY A&P (Pre- Priced) Reg. Price jar B8e -- SAVE de PEANUT BUTTER | s6<z:cebox ir AQ Purex (White er Coloured) PEATURE PRICE! TOILET TISSUE rkg of 2 rolls Be Pink Letion VEL LIQUI Furniture Wax PRESTIGE Halr Dressing Reg. BRYLCREEM Right' Meats! 8 59! TURKEY CUTS HALF TURKEY -- BREAST QUARTERS --LEG QUARTERS Neck and Giblets Removed 0d P peek ia FOR stHec. WEAR -- @ALAMALON XY ef EAL FOF NYLON SALE SEAMLESS MESH 400 NEEDLE RUN RESIST Guaranteed First Cc Quality 100% Nylon PAIR Available at most A&P Stores, DETERGENT (60 Of Deal) 24foz bil 69% Reg. Price tin Oe = GAVE Ge 6-fon serecel te B Ye » Price tube S80 == SAVE ite king size ibe I Qe RIB and LOIN > Frozen Foods! Eos McCains; -- 3 Varieties Reg. Price bag 33¢ SAVE 40 VEGETABLES --_vezbeitinboo Bc McGaina -- in Butter Sauce Reg, Price bag 48c -- SAVE 140 BRUSSELS SPROUTS =: 29 LAKE PERCH FILLETS 59% Sea Seald Haddock 16-02 pkg 43: FISH & CHIPS Sibbox 1.39 Ocean Individually Frozen Fillets. Use what you need for PERCH FILLETS a ee the balance frozen. vavav Support Canada's ava Centennial Projects ,, BUY YOUR GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW. f- AP 2c? Reg. Price btl. 792 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 100 |