Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1966, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 18, 1966 November Is Hunting Month.. Hunt For Bargains In The Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY Building Trades Mortgages Sales and Service 'tear an Chartered ered Accou i aw Prince Street, Suite 4, awa, Ontario Telephone 723-1281, Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs ~- Alterations Additions --- Remodelling For all Construction leeds --~ CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS oe OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Custom Built Kitchen---Bath- TOOM ---« rec, rooms =~ and all G | Repairs, Barristers me GREER AND RELLY, Rarrinierss @ Sint 4 hy Bal ac, 2) Thomes HW. Jermyn, BA, "LLB, See ee ah JOWN i co tt agri mu Barrister and Salleior, 'i 'ah fain re ide hg TeveNy si seen te mae reel, aah, et ee barra end other first mortgage available, Josten *. s MANGAN,» Ge E tollelior, Money to loan, Office, 14Ve King Street voshawe. "70-8032, JA | MACBBNALD, BA BA, tte. RA, ULB, Barrie. ter and solic! Jal Bulidl a Kine Sweat Sauce Ontario, ¢ an parking avall- able, 7254716 or 725-47! Smart CLASSIFIED RATES j Peggle 1 insertion of 34 word, ney soe te | Method of Coun Less than 24 , wee wre erdsr eech werd, i mh fpore or abbreviation counts as | ane werd: phone umber counts two * comine aVENTs Calapiay)) 1.78, tor, the iret words and é¢ en thereafter SP i] aT eeh : PER INSERTION. DEADLINES yore o3 Sam ey Previous iT LI Orr, ABR Pee uncicarion IRTHS AN THs H tn ayoree PUBLICATION Uinbe Oe, HANES Spm BAY previous CLASSIFIED DISPLAY . 1 column -- 4 p.m, dey previous) & eo! uma or larger = 10 a.m, day previous. CANCEL mane AND CORRECT! 9 am, pat OP PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled peatton will be charged on da! BOX NUMBER RENTAL 81.00 rary cote wit be made to forward replies to box numbers to the Thabitny tn respect ot. less 'or ore a arise through Cy wore by nea net et The Times will not be held mare sence Wie responsible) that which the actual iTS BASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Catt Classified Direct 723-3492 mle wei Cooper-Smith Co. H, McKOY Prop. 725-8576 EXPERT PAVING, Free catimates, in ludes grading and fill, two-year guaran: fee, 1) years In business. Terrano Paving, 723-504) CAREERTEY -- ~ ew ana und 'Tepaire, bieck a PA TainiNe and iron aigowerkte remodelling, reoreoms. Free opt mates, A, C, Wood, 728-3420 er 72. Watts cis Wome Tmmprovernenta. general ree, roomy remodelling, Free talimates, "raeaoe 4 NT, Cy ivew ox cen fq. ft, All work J 4 4 Years, 7 723-028), REC ROOMS. Grder now for Chrisimas. Guaranteed workmanship, Free estimates call Don collect, 985. ay Port Perry, -- ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types or cement work, sidewalks, slabs, stoops, Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 455-3061, Your (ee chimney cleaner, Chim neys bullt, red, gas linings Instatied, roote repel Free estimates, 723-2997 ACL YYPAY BUILDING REPAIRG -- roofing, chimneys, ert fire pan manonry, Gord May. nity, wy hot ter and ae and anal! Roofing Construction Carpentry 1 'work, rat, rooms, ana ateire, Free esti 'elephone 72: CARTAGE OF ANY KIND @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS Anything Demolished or Re- moved Reasonable Rates, 728-7020 --- 728-1892 Pinet AWD SECOND Breet 'Ni FiReT ano we agreements purchased a Hennick and Menniek. Mparrisierse ne "cing Street Rast, 720-7232, roll, rhythm and _ bl western, Clark's Studio, 10 St. MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for fret ond second mortgages. Open mortgages, No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased, dak CWADTZ 26% King St, East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Vast and 2n ortgages PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why not consolidate al] your payments with a low cost mortgage loan, For complete details call DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Mon- oger, BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King Street East, Oshawa, Bus, 723-1157 Res, 725-6210 INVESTORS FOR SALE --- Prime Ist age, $8,300 will buy $9,800 ist mortgage, good covenant, 714%, good pay- ments, excellent property in Pickering area, For further Information call; JOHN KOSTENIUK 723-8144 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES ~~All Classes ERL. SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N., 725-3568 mortgages avell: 1 Sennen Realtor, 114 Brock » Wi 1, 668-3938, Musical Services WANT TO RENT A SANDE Rock end try a Richmond Booking Agency, 728-0802. Dentistry me, oR, a Dental Surgeon, appointmen oe 2. 'eee Surgeon, 172 oe shreot f-3 a For appointment, 728-5171, oR! Ne, suits, coats, dresses, 8: oy eet allpe covers, drapes, Mra, T BRESSHAKING, slain, -- B07 aaa pany Mra, uaitemen EXPERIENCED" DRETEMAKING, alterations on a end gents' Weat aren, 728-929) Gardening and -- an "Winter Ideas" WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT PURITY DOG MEAL PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITANNIA MALT FLOUR CANARY SEED BUDGIE SEED FLOWER POTS STRAW 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312--723-1139 Delivery Service . established d_1909 SMITH'S TREE FARM ®@ Cedors for Hedoes @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) © Dry fire wood cut to suit posts and poles. Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 TOP ng 4 FILA. for sale, Beatty Uality, 3 yas. and INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS +--Wamen's Columa De Pers S--Sportemen's Coteme Motorcycles 2--Real Lnangy | For Sale ir teeerm for Haulage, 725. be gn a ED ye. ane on tks MANURE, saat TREE , TRIM? Gall Sim, oF Fi on » Free estimates, 725-5118 or Wan? wine age te guitert Lestont now availa! nm rrier, Te aE ohene WONT ty un ce le oe = Dilis at reasonable interest, You credit with steady employ: a test and Mortgage money avelionte, Phone _anytione, Ved Money | to Lean TWRE LOAN joo we te ee ate rate of interest te consolidate Optometrist #. RICHARD yt Mr For| Street North, Sulte 4, Oshawa, 728-844). 7Ay-4l91, Photogrephy BLACK, 00, iis Telephone PORTRAITS ART SUPPLIES CUSTOM FRAMES CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY 668-4497 je WHDEINGS, | parties, s, children, in bieck and white and colo rates, Tater AI oy" own home at no extra cost, r, Most reasonable ROOMS wih "paying mu a pa Biat 723-9492 now for an ad-writer 0 help you phrase an ad, Plumbing end Heating PLUMBING MART SOLD DIRECT 20% OFF a steel Copper pipe, pumps, piece beth, steoiniess sinks, vanities ete, Hours --- 12 p.m, to 9 p.m Sat, -- 9 am. to § pm. Closed Wed, 149 Brock St. N, , Whitby | 668-6601 ALL TVPRS OF REPAIRS end remodel ting, new and used materials, Reasonadie rates, Estimates tree, 723-1191, J. Foley ALC" PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. eae Pn wg 725-3521, Harold H, Stark Heating and Engi ine. we "mene Street South, Rug - Up Upholstery "Service We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest cost, FREE ESTIMATE call, 728-3651 INTERIORS by WINDOLF 39 Stmeoe St, N. For PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick.Uin and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728.6254 CHESTERFIELOS re-uphoisrered anc restyled, Free estimate, See our mate rial fer recovering, Silp covers made to order, amet Upholstering, 73 Charles Street, 723-7212. REUPHOLSTERY by experis. Estan- Reet 20 years, Workmanship guaranteed Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- hetstering, 7 Dean Avenue, 725-031). WIDE COVERAGE at low cont get with Classified Ads. Dial | ow ter an ed-weiter, Sales "end 'Service APPLIANCE. REPAIRS Expert repairs to all mokes of washers, dryers, ronges, ete, 7 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ your bills er 'er anv other om mgood purpose providing vou are ste: } ployed and have geod credit, man | For RESULTS Classified TIMES ACTION ADS 723-3492 | }- j } { i ALCAN | FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. -~ Oshawa Telephone 723-001} Harris Aluminum Sales Taunton Road E. R.R. 1, Hampton Phone Oshawa 725-6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn- ings, stonework, railings, 16 yeors experience Siding Experta. Lowest Prices, | Weal, Whitby, 668-2563, Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN 79 Simeoe St, N., Oshawa Telephone 728- 2921 GUARANTEED REPAIR io ail viringer were and aban Free estimates, Call olla nae nes, NeW, USED -- vacuum, p palra 10 all, mokes. New dack Lees. 7 Septic Service _ SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Surveyors ; WO RLIM AND FROLLOPE Ontario ona urveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone 725-608), u : BDONBVAN AND FLBISCHMANN, On fario Land fariy reat, aS aeo2. blue itr SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK $)K INCHES FROM AP 40 Ti, ----= Some spacing oF PEN GUING WAVE WHITE: PATCHES ATONE, BACK OF WENECK AND SOME HAVE, PLUMES on ME crest, WOW MAKY BUSMELS oF GRAIN dO Ray DESTROY BACH YEAR IK TE Ws 7 200,000,000, By R. J. SCOTT || 8--Articles for Sole I nt Help Wanted 4 18---Male Help Wanted BARBECUR w with gr rng bo few: golt this rane pant / mmm wate temp and "cin al ae 143 Harmony Road South, 4 eae WveNnine 6 Baas walst, dark brown crepe skirt, size 10, oye 728-6522. GENTLEMAN'S black one" winter excellent condition, size 42, poe Sy cocktail dress, nearly ze 16a, 723-7244, SNOW TIRES, | Fil Cha 'Apply 106 Connaught Mean Bong $40, hrc Mead oy Cred rain 5 ny, 20, Telephone' 72 ae cARPaTiNOS several area broadioom rugs for sale due to freving. All cleaned, condition, together with under Pad eine. Very reasonable. Telephone ' Ne eca uM WAS ONCE MAYOR oF BERLIN, prints 1) Ontarto: 1 725-8692. TV--Radio ) Repairs -- "for perfect tv reception on 10 channels with no antenna get cable tv call 723-5278 moose, Tel rhe tara vr fom, _-|Well Drilling---Dig WELL BIGGING hine lalng_ in SO-ineh tile, wt Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668 ine special W. Ward, 204 Chest: 2--Personal Removal of saith pens Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov, 21st, 22ihd, and 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel on these elt s for appointment, LECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Sent /THar VACANCY through Rent SY. cul 72-3472 tor an ad 3--Sportsman' a ( | Column ey HUNTING LiCeNCES, new end used bse bought and sold, Baver skate ex- chang new and used ew 3 A 0] -- Creek, V4 iT wore and TA | good craftamenahip, Contact *Richard Flewell, RR 1}, Claremont, 5--Trailers TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS, HEATERS RE- FRIGERATORS. Authorized Service on trailer heating and Refrigerators. MILLER HEATING 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR. OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD, TAUNTON RD, E, Gust East of Ritson) ve 8131 - 723-8132 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Leu, TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division "TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Call Whitby -- 668-5679 _ T.V, Rentals New. Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S, TBO i TY TOWERS COLORED Vv or black ond white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 _RAE'S RADIO & TLV, seas CITY TV televisions, radios, service ond repoirs, Service dept, open 7 doys a week. Also T.V, towers, color and block and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors. installed, _ and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p. 248 Quebec St. Call 52s. 0500 All work guaronteed, COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work quoranteed T.R.1.0, TELEVISION 728-5143. SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am. to 2 om jROS TV TOWER and Aerial service i i j | | "STARCRAPT" new Traveller Evinrude motors, weekends, Ltd, Brooklin, 455-9641 USD ALUMINUM car $150.00) 14', $195.00. Wilde rental 3 Way WINTER STORAGE, Boats, motor Wilde Rental, | Whitby 448-3: RECONDITIONED 5, 7 and 18 HP out 7--Swap and Barter INKS AND VANITY basins, $10.) tubs, tings, pressure systema, repairs and gation tanks, WOW TO GBT IT: {1 you ao not find the. item you want in the Want Ads, "Wanted" ad ang get it! Dial now, 8--Articles for Sale Free estimates, all work guaranteed. For fast service call 468-4761 or 728-487? at) W4A Byron Street South, Whithy NEED HELP INA HURRY? Piece o the Wanted ad now by dialing 782 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE =» RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot ot 401 and 28 6--Marine 'Equipment -- 8~---Articles for Sale RUTHERFORD"S 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms, Immediate delivery or loyaway Rutherford's 156 Simeoe St, South BARGAINS FLOOR COVERING Thousands of yards of discontinued potterns from 29¢ Wilson's Furniture 20 Church St, SNACK BAR wipment: grill, French fryer, coffee maker, cooler, milk shake machine, cash register, potato peeler, fire extinguisher, cocoa mat runner, Man's suits, overcoats, Telephone Mra MeMillan, 723-0124, BEAUTIFUL KOLINSKY" quarter length, Size 16-18, dition, 723-4402, FREEZER, GIBSON DELUXE, ju. ft, with arborite counter top; 80-ft, slot car track with cars, ete, Teble tennis table, Snap-on tool box, Registered male Dachshund, All very good buys C 839-1516, DOUBLE BOOR WARDROBE, mirrors in the doors, Full set of drawers along one aide, Almost brand new, Telephone! 723-0370 after 6 p.m. err, gets BOGGS sheet metal brake, var. Portable spot welder, no wine % V.Aw new condition, 728- 7677 after 6 p.m. BABYS CRIB and carriage, $20. Tele phone 668-6549, FIREPLACE, jacket, three. xcellent con: all accessories, any finish, $35, Mcie) 725-2470, FURNITURE, "three compiet two months old, Best efter. Peal myoiie after 4 Bm. PIANO -- S2 inches high, excellent con- dition, on concert pitch, no moth, Call ramen Hohmann after § p.m, 725 mahog: SRaTTY Pur ¥ and party dresses, size 0 sie evenings Marine Storage rg econ 668- 226, board motors; also 2 engine teat tank as new, Long distance 'Dunbarton 1-639- va. i PIGREGLAS BOAT, tilt trailer, 7 Evinrude motor, electric stert, shift, extra gas tank, horn, lights, etc +6683, | TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- S-ioot tower Electra units, $9908) stainioss steel sinks, $11.50.) tollets, laundry tubs, piping, fit- H, Chinn, 288 Hillside, lace 8 33492) ¥' NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE * WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel 'alignment, inspect ond correct costor and camber, glign toe-in- and toe-out to correct condition . $6.88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, e RRAME SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quelity Royaline, 4 wheels, 2 WHEEL. BALANCE SPECIAL ewe weights per Mae SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 "USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1 portable dictoting ma- chine with carrying case, model PBR, @ | time moster transcrib- ing machine, moxie! TBJ6. Less then 2 years old, will sell ot V4 price, Contoct: J. S. BOYLE 364.6136 668-8811 Toronto Whitby wi VACUUM REPAIRS, Bil brush 3 to 6 and other accessory items. Fine 725-8233, makes, hose es, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering, APARTMENT SPECIALS -- peds $6, Gressers $10, cribs $10, stoves $19., $15. 16 Bond Street vos 4 Bond t Valley Creek 728-440) CONTINENTAL 80D BARG tresses half price, Finest qual turepedic Perma Foam, Headboa! third off, 723-2809, We BUY, SELL AND EXCHAN ed furniture or anything you have. City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe 'street South, 723-1671, $, mar My Pen Pos- . One: structure, all-channe!l antenna installed, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road. GAS FURNACE, like new. Set of laun- dry tubs, Pellet gun. 191) slide projec. tor with various religious sides, Other antiques, 728.5217, WY SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE by Bomber. dier, world's largest producer of soft sol! vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, how on display, United Rent-All Marine, S35 King St, E, at Wilson, 728-5565. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end tables, one coffee table, two _: ree. All in good condition, Box 572? ewe Times, 3 CHESTERFIELD --"contempor six months, barely used, Custom holstered, 1 Telephowte _Claremont, Gant, LioneL , ALRCTRIC TRAIN wet, very 'Gol recorder and Long distance Dunbarton | 1839-1742, BUY AND SELL -- Good Used furniture and appliances, One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simooe South, )_ 729-3771. GUITAR, G Gibson Southern emia, nice condition, Telephone 623-29 BOv's | BICYCLE, am ea maroon and Telephone 72: iANDARET Soir $257 portadie, $35.2 adding machine, $25.) cash rome. ter, 835.) electric multiptier sr SRATER rer aac ca a Also "Crone bargain oad hockey sic, yele ane 204 Bond Street, 725-43 Teco SPACE Taree with fan, large size, bs ar of heating four rooms, Like new! Telephone 22 739, h chair, double bed and three- drawer dresser, Apply 465 Crerar Ave- nue atter 6 p.m, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree, Guaranteed trouble - free winter if you a from Western Ol) Company 725- mattis REGS Bai RGAT ARGATNG. All Den a Ci ma Nesta ah oe on wal mattresses, $9. ih bunk beds, slate roll Boamwit cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Chureh Street. usto Fi Fines. most all sizes, © Goodrich, @8 King Street West, 725-4540. SyPEWGTTaRES ta $8. No Mone' es $2 weekly, Adders, cashiers, file New, used, -- service; trader if Hamilton, Raglan. GUARANTEED | TE wringer washers, televis! refrigerator, etc, $4.50 and a Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011, Kear WHAT INT Caulking and weather for all types of bulidings, Pri- tri Free estimates, vate or Phone FURNITURE -- Three rooms, new qual- ty Ly bend only $299, Includes com- plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en- semble, Pay only $3. weekly, Undeatadie values! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe South. PASTEL MINK bolero, worn "One, 3g thal valve $1,200. Telephone 7 'after 6 p.m, emeraid set ngs, ', sale, male and female, Have mes HOY's and girva ¢ cloth . Sines 8 io AD ie, lea 4 Tv TOWER SPECIAL -- aes a veer antenna, $50, TRIO Televinion, 9-- Market Becket CORTLAND APPLES, ing, or freezing, only $1.50 pros yurate containers. 173 Garrard Rd, N POTATORE Yo Tor wale, tree delivery, Tole phone POTATOMS, Ontario No.1, seventy pound bape fellvers Telep! 3996 or 739 APPA ~ aTeieaR $1.50" per and up; Spy, $2, per bushel ond. f Cortland, belicious, Russet, Sweet and pears, Algoma Thickson's Road Nori. Whitty 10--Farmer " Co Sng mae Deer & Moose PROFESSIONALLY SKINNED CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER, TELEPHONE 728-1487 DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock 5 pick: ed Up promptly. Margwill Pur Farm); Tyrone, Telephone _ ect Hampton 263- 272), Licence 4-C-66 1i--Pets « and | Livestock K-W RANCH Ail types of horses for sale, $25 down, Easy terms, Trial rides, hay rides, sleigh rides, Ride daily Mon, = Fri, $9. Spacious box stalls. Ask for Joey or Ted, Pickering 942- i 101, HILLTOP RANCH Horses boarded, bought ond sold, HANCOCK ROAD NORTH just east of Courtice 728-7768 or 728-5738 BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDOINS, READY for training, talking strain, Apply T. Broad, 114 Elgin Bast, COZV-J RANCH, Reg'd, German Shep- herds, pups, Show mare in foal to quarter | now Pinto, saddles, |"°™ equipment, clothes, Ashburn, 655-4662, LABRADOR RETRIEVER crossed puppies, five weeks old, sale, Tele phone 725-6585 after 6 pm, »|TONTING KWLS. REGO, black Miniature Poodle pupples from chamesenatin Stock, Also black, silver white stud _service, paged and Prank Shewring. _Telephone 72 39-5930, GERMAN SHEPHERDS, Conade's finest purebred, If you are if own & dog, buy the best, gd character, Blastenderg Kennels, 942-4409. REGISTERED Chihvehua | pu Ter ae needles and also have medical papers, Telephone 725-5279, i LARGE GEESE, ; aie hens, one ton of hay, year-old pony, Angus helfer, about @00 Ibs., all to one hettak $200 for quick sale, 823: 7369 a fer TWO registered qui 'sa stallions, four and three years eld, Quarter in --, game horse, nine years, My tered loose mare, four yi penned tilly, three months, 'Quarter' 'horse horse, Pony, Western | grade mare, 723-0169, after § p.m. PUREBREO Dachshund puppies, "bieck and tan, ten weeks, best blood lines, Telephone 668-6506, GERMAN SHEPHERD needs a country home, House trained, affectionate, good watch dog, female, spayed, with shots, $20, 728-1335, REGISTERED Chihuana maie, and white, 9 weeks old, reasonable, 728- 9172, Registered Poodle, female, black, 2¥a years old, Good ie cai Re sonable, 728-2065 after 8 p.m. PUPPIES Tegistered, white 7 poodles; also Chihuaha, one male Pomeranian, Some ready Mow, others ready Christmas, Deposit will hold, 726-9122, COLLIES, Scotch and Toy and Tervurans. Also 1 each house trained Welsh hee a brown Osh-| Labrador and Walker, $35, fo $75, Nvered, Phone pes ads, avis. 12--articl MECCANO and Lee bits and pieces, 725-82: "| @00D USED FURNITURE, What he ave rg, Valley Creek '6 Bond Street West, GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, Highest ene Call anytime, Mneehiot's Furniture, 668 4526, WANTED used oil burner, small, Reason: able, Telephone 723-9696. 13--Articles For. Rent Tebles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, fee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Weer, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 403 Ritson Na, 3. 7Z9- at SNTERTAINING? eh Lay ns tio que! ~ Bo sg weedines: parking, | Par giN Whee ChATES, esghel bese beds. 4 Ald "ental 1 TOS Bi USS Boniricn, Tar" "Hevea 14--Business Opportu Opportunities SHELL CANADA LIMITED has a serv- ice station for lease on a busy artery. Better than average income, minimum investment required. For information, &.. Van Zant, 728-642), 15--Er nployment | Wanted Ny bere Bar, iat Orchards, er : vIMPLa MONEY "TALK: inne a nn" DICTA TYPIST Accurate Dicta « Typist | required. Duties may also include other typing and some figure work, Busy Ajax wholesalers office, good salary. Own transportation needed, REPLY BOX 67, AJAX, ONTARIO. SEWING AAACUINE VW TE OPERATORS Experienced or willing to learn, Also light factory help. APPLY BOX 57732 bh: Ad a COSMETIC REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Why. not phone 725-5151 to discuss joining us in promot. SHOWCASE COSMETIC te geen ie Gaperionced, for tee time employment 40 hour week, Sal and commission, ov The Mayfair pid ton 120-0662, HAVE | you A PLEASING personality? prgeriue) ity sand an interesting career as Beauty iselor, Earn ya you learn, Call Ihre Grose,' 7 725-8235. WOMAN OVER GF to come in =) ming three children, one age. ne housekeeping, five-day week, 7 a. Bt Bulalie » Central Park ares, ie FEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP Wont ed, Apply Smith's Coffee Ber a Sim- coe Street sl 8, Telophone Wilson Weldi Are You Interested In a Rewarding Career ? HERE IS WHAT Zeller's Limited OFFERS YOU IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT * Good storting salory * Excellent training program * Rapid advancement for those with industry and ability Liberal benefits * Company policy of promotion from within Opportunity for high-level income tr Uei*stitg Sia Stiive environment Strong expansi pregram pita pens | opportunity for progress Apter Must. Be Able Relocate Periodically Junior Matriculation is Essential Ploose Direct All Replies To Box Number 56313 Oshawa Times ~ CARS -- BUSES All western cities, Florida Colifornia, AUTO DRIVE AWAY CO. Toronto 1, Ont, 362-1391 __137 Yonge'St, (Arcade Bldg.) WELDERS AND FITTERS REQUIRED BY Ma. Seve 324-5212 EXPERIENC TENCED | ne girls wanted, Telephone 942-22 WAITRESS neperisncea ns nights § to 1:90 ry ge In persen South End Restev- ron 4 RELIABLE ¥ SAN wen wanted to care for one gay boy, Some tight house- Good salary, Five-day week. giving raferences, details to Box shawa Times. PA rf > TIM receptlonat" wih Welna abllity for Real Estate office, Saturdays % to 5, also avaliable to work evenings from 9 In future, Apply 40 King Street East, thi you don't need sell cae lal 723-3492 tor 18--Mole Help Wonted _ LASCO LAKE ONT. STEEL CO. LTD. AN EXPANDING -| MODERN STEEL PLANT IN WHITBY, ONT, ELECTRICIANS Must have experience on AC and DC controls, Experience on Electronics on asset, $3.15 per hour plus fringe benefits All applicants must be be- tween 2] and 45 years of age, in god physical condi- tion, Only those with good work history will be consid- ered, All applications may be sent, detailing previous work his- tory, and listing all qualifice- tions in complete confidence to: J. H. Van Der Male Lake Ont. Steel Tatas: Lt P.O. 330 HOPKINS ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. OR PHONE TORONTO 364-6136, WHITBY 668-8811 cosmnannpeneonapianpeonnsepti> REDENTIAL and commercial -- floor and maintenance, ] floors sone and refinished, Scuft-resis- tant maintenance free. F estimates. Contract lnvited. 725-1885, NORTH-WEST AREA -- Will care for one or two children in my 'Yeu five Gays week, Telephone 728-187) bene gneay "AVAILABLE for aa ere re ot or _two children, Telephone 723-1435, ae "MAN, 19, "having returned te school, requires weekend Good welder, will accept anything, Tere: phone Michael 72S S72 atter 4 pm. EXPERIENCED parts man needs part or full time job. Preferrably GM agency. Phone 725-8008 after 6 p.m, Oshawa, MOVING? CALL ROBCO. Reasonable rates, Free estimates, Rake leaves and haul away same, Handyman services. BRAND New stones set rayerié. TWO GIRLE* coats, sie 89; beige | orien | fur, Teen heen size 7, new, Two girts'| dresses, one red wool, one plaid, sire 14 Nylon party Gresses, size 7B, 225-3016. PIANO, girls' bike, electric breom, a! j most new, Also set of antique dining | room chairs, Telephone 723-2078. | USED HARWOOD filled veneer, 2 x 4! HReasonable, Telephone 723-P404. white on ioe Tetephene | ' 7a8-2002, 723-6030 anytine, Was, PER MONTH The cost of this ad, daily for one year, Too smol! to be noticed? = reading 1 EXPERIENCED HARDWOOD FLOOR LAYERS Apply To: UIC SELLNER LTD. 47. BRUCE ST. KITCHENER Wer! Box 88672 for Bil ACCOUNTANT For senior position In ute. mobile deolership, Must be experienced in dealership oe counting. Send resume to Box 57564, Oshawa Times. "O/SHLL AND SERVICE mind Ro Electrolux (Canada) Limi arttime. Car essential, sg By me a Call 723-4163 or Mrs sca wi WANTED tor ot yar oe Wnien dose not rewire 'senitet Personal confidential ine terview, need apply, For a Ernie bei gap 57 or 725-9750, J. a roker, PORTER vomit required yy oer Hotei, 19----Male and Female Help Wanted TAXI DRIVERS: Part or full time, Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-477) cARGe MODERN Reai I Biateiettice ree ve licensed Estete agen! proven Noa at and sales, For Confidential interview at Schofleld-Al Z| McFeeters ker, 123 24s days or oF TM, deo Baden. Ma 20--Reol Estat Estate f tor Sale" | Sale GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE Mg 155 SIMCOE ST. 723-8144 NORTH LOCATION Rancher with recreation broadioom, built-in oven stove, patio, carport, plus -- plus, Carries for $io3 in: gute iy {by gr 6% inancing, appoint. = only, Phone Vince Jer va, $2,500 DOWN $13,900 full price for this spotless tow, poved drive, 'broadieom, a Grapes amd curtsins, !des! for retired onem. To see call Helen Bryant. BY WHIT § 000 down will take this condition with full high dey basement. pe see, coll Thel- ma McMullen, $1,500, FULL DOWN Seven room brick home, 24 storey with private drive and must be seen to be ed. Call Pouline Beal, NEED EXTRA ROOM ? Then see this 4 brick home her g aorage. Featuri rae holly. wood kitchen, 2 rag tes tiful view of the city plus mony extras, Priced to sell and must be sold. For ap- pointment ask for Tina Det. Gobbo. FULL PRICE $12,900 Just listed this dutch clean bungalow neor French school. This home has a nicely land: scoped lot with garage, fully paved driveway, Coll Ethel Tronter todoy appoint. ment to see. V.L.A, APPROVED 134 acres of scenit property with The rooms, . bath, hi room and kitchen Nicely decorated. Garage. Call tedey ---- tomorrow may be too late. Ask for Dolores Ross to 9 p.m. ONTARIO Open 9 o.m, Pp. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B,

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