__TH8 QPRAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 14 1966 wm ANN LANDERS 'Mother Goes Beyond Reason With Questions a ef: Ai : fet i all i : IF he ne if : E be rt | i i g A 1 =e? F E i I s 5 2 zg 5 9 = £3 sé ob ue He at: a is Begs i ot stay in college and get my degree, Our daughter was mar- ried at 22, after four years at Brandeis University. ! P.8, You are right. It's easter to give advice than to take it. Confidential to Loused Up Lou Who Needs Words To Live By: At least you know you are loused up, so all is not hope- less, The best words T can give you at the moment are bor- rowed from W. J. Boeticker. He said: Most people in trouble are victims of the Mis. chievous Misses: Miss Under- standing, Miss Information, Miss Interpretation, Miss Rep- resentation, Miss Conception, and Miss Behavior." ef the name of every date because you ve introduced each She also should know are going for the . But the other questions No. 8, are indee ib and I' don't blame you resentful. Your mother should stop play- 20 questions and display confidence in your judg- ftir 3g 8 z & ful! more ment. Dear Ann Landers: I am up about that asinine letter to Dottie--the girl who CHILD GUIDANCE Asking Questions Helps Young Child To Think By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD ae So mot of = o< When you listen to the ques-|moves faster, the long hand or tions asked by a child under §|the short hand? Why can't a or 6, you can see that he often |Parrot carry on a conversation is thinking, reasoning. Some-|@5 you can? Do we eat water or times he asks a question calling| 'tink it? Is the sky below your for the name of some familiar|feet or above them? Can you object, or some. other questions|Squeeze water out of a stone? 'whose answers may be found in|What's the difference between a books chain and a rope? Why could you not see as well as you do now if your eyes were in your But often you had never heard the question before or the an- Hl et a4 is #2 § branch. Hultcrantz who studies econom-|Ple, when we went to the Swed- A replica of the stage coaches used during the gold rush period in British Columbia leaves the gold- mining town of Barkerville for a 540-mile journey to thy CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Victoria along the Cariboo Trail. It was one of many events marking this year's 100th = anniversary of the By ESTRILITA FOR TOMORROW THE STARS SAY pitious periods for new romance and (or) marriage in January, May and August, Domestic con+ cerns should run smoothly for About 1,400 children a year become wards of thee Saskatchewan health de- partment, says 0. H. Driedger, Generous planetary influences continue to smile upon all your affairs, In job and finan- cial matters, new ventures, '}launched now, give high prom- ise of success and, along per- sonal lines, domestic, social and sentimental interests should prove unusually pleasant. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a pro- jos md ce a but a great deal will depend upon your co-opera- tion with superiors and business associates, As of early last week, entered an excellent fin period--on which will last from four to five weeks, Next good cycles for monetary concerns; the first three weeks of January, the first 10 days of February, early July, mid-August, next Septem- ber and October. Don't offset gains, however, by indulging in extravagance or risking assets liraugh, speciation -- clally during March, the first two weeks of April, in beter 4 or next November, Best peri for job advancement: The weeks between now and Dee, 20; also during the latter half of January, throughout May August, September and the first two weeks in October, Where personal matters are concerned, don't look for ar exciting developments in senti- mental affairs for the balance of 1966, but 1967 will offer pro Tables - Choire Chine - Cutlery - Glosses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Buffet Pieces » Trays union of Vancouver Island and mainland of British Columbia. ---CP Photo Taking Opportunity Advantage Creates More Automatically By ROBERTA ROESCH | Sweden and why they should When you také full advantage| visit the folks back home." of the opportunities available to} Quick letters to Rotary clubs you, you create more of them/in this country brought a big automatically. So say two young| enough return to make it possi- Swedish girls I met last sum ble to plan a cross-country trip mer. \for the girls, with local clubs One is Helena Wadsten, a law|taking care of expenses while student at Sweden's University|the girls were visiting their of Stockholm and a part-time) town. worker for the civic department) 'Once we were set with these of Radio Sweden's television|arrangements, many other op- |portunities were created for The other is Ann - Charlotte|us," said Helena, 'For exam- jes at the Stockholm Schoo! of|ish American Line we were of- heels? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS "Beavers live near here," said the fisherman. How could he know: this? Could a horse wear your father's shoes? Who ts older, you or your grandfather? Does your hair grow on your feet or on your head? "Here's how I lost my jack- knife," said Phil, as he turned his pocket inside out. What did he mean? How may you know when a person is angry with you? Which will stretch more, a rub- ber band or a string? When we read a newspaper do we look or listen? How do you know that ice is lighter than water? Billy said: 'These pants I wear are getting too small for me." What really had hap- pened? "The hinges on this door should be oiled," said Mr. Mul- ligan. Why did he say this? While riding in a car one night, Walt said: 'There has been a skunk around here." He didn't see a skunk and no one told him. How did he know? These few questions have been culled from among many similar questions of an article which I wrote for a children's magazine. They are printed here with permission. Any resourceful parent or teacher should be able to make up similar questions for stimu- lating creative thinking in your children. ASWERING QUESTIONS | Q. What should we do about the child who often must wear hand-me-downs? A. If possible, see that he gets an occasional new clothing item. Or if the hand-me-downs often come from an older child in the family yoy might contrive a} way for this older child te re. ceive some hand-me-downs. Think Mink -- Think Mink -- Think 5 think i mink" MINK. Stoles --- Boleros -- Jackets. s| TUXEDO RENTALS Sargeants ' swer connected with it. You may never have seen the ques- tion or answer in a book. In reply to his question you may find yourself recalling cer- tain experiences of your own, imaginging, judging, comparing and then working over these ex- periences in your head to arrive at an answer, You may not even be able to give a good answer; you may have to seek help in order to do so, As the youngster asks you or me a question, he may have many things going through his head. He may be doing consid- erable thinking himself. We can derive much insight into the ability of the child 3, 5 or 8 to think as we ask him some sim- ple questions he can answer. In doing so, he recalls experiences, judges, compares, and works ever these experiences. He is engaged in creative thinking. Suppose you ask the young child some questions whose an- swers he had never heard or read. Some illustrations: Can a fish swim on the ground? Do you walk on your hands or your feet? Have you ever seen the wind? Why don't tiny babies go to school? Do you make more noise with your feet when you Tun or when you walk? WHERE ARE YOUR EYES? Are your eyes below your chin or above your chin? Is a radiator always hot? Do you smell with your nose or with your tongue? What part of your face acts like pincers? How is radio different from television? Which can fly higher, a hen or a@ robin? How may we know when another child is very WOMEN STICK AT IT Women change their jobs about three per cent jess often than men employees. Le) WIFE PRESERVE Moving? Get a carton with bottle dividers from the gro- cery store to hold catsup, vine-|¢ : RENTALS 2] gar, salad dressing and sauce/£ 463 Ritson S, 725-3338 Fa bottles. Think Mink -- Think Mink ---- Think Samm: FIBREGLAS PPNGCe dey ERP ARL SeRNRARIDLIIA For All Your DRAPES ini 1.99 Selection iat | fi vim sex. HOUSE of FABRIC | Prints || ambitious people may start any | |] TUESDAY or THURSDAY eve- if six through high school | -- Then oct | Dial 725-3375 | Business and who a year ago|fered passage back and forth. wasStockholm's Malar Queen,|A visit to a Swedish auto manu- cross-country trip, and a gaso- line company gave us a credit card for all the gas we would need. TRIP ARRANGED "The Swedish National Tour- ist office and the Swedish In- formation Service, through their New York outlets, had our itinerary ready when we ar rived for the trip that took us from New York to San Fran- cisco." As they travelled across the country, what impressed both young girls most, they said at the end of their trip, was the vast amount of opportunity and ambition they saw everywhere. "Here there is more oppor- tunity than anywhere else in the world," they said, "and people of all ages, by taking advantage of this situation, automatically the Swedish designation for the|facturer yielded us a car for our create more opportunity." city's beauty queen. "Both of us had a driving de- sire to visit America," the young girls told me, 'so we put our heads together to create an opportunity for this, even though we had no money. TALKED TO EMBASSY "The first thing we did was} to ask for a chance to talk to/ the cultural attache of the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm," Helena said, "Then, we made use of his advice to call on Ernst Breit- holtz, first, vice-president of Ro- tary International, in Kalmar." "Mr. Breitholtz thought about FOOD SERVICE "SOCIAL CATERING CALL 728-7305 _ CATERING MANAGER our problem and came up with | a perfect solution," added Ann- Charlotte. "Since 'this is Homecoming | Year for Sweden," she ex-| plained, 'the whole country has/ been making an effort to invite) the Swedish people who had! emigrated to America to return to Sweden for a visit. "So, as we talked things over, we decided to take advantage of that situation and try to open up an opportunity to visit Ro- tary clubs in America in areas that have a large Swedish pop-| ulation, | ENCOURAGE VISITS "We thought we might work as 'goodwill ambassadors' and | PRR : (Ou You con see the prettiest and most practical fashions for boys and ae te At YOUNG AGES Wedding Cakes, Sargeants RENTALS 463 RITSON LOCKED UP IN JAIL An Englishwoman was im- prisoned briefly in 1962 when she trespassed on the all-male sanctuary of Mount Athos, Greece, 725-3338 , partners) being shai most of the year, but be careful to avoid friction in close circles during May and (or) June, Ex- cept for short trips, travel does not seem to be much of a part on your agenda during the com- ing year, but if you do want to make a longer journey, the most auspicious period will oc- cur between July and Septém-| jie ber of next year, A child born on this day will be endowed with lofty ambitions and a shrewd mind, but will have to curb tendencies toward with family, friends and associates gener- ally, : child welfare director, These ine clude neglected and abandoned children and those of unmarried mothers: Most go to foster homes, of which there are about 1,200 in the province. THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building EXQUISITE 3 BEDROOM SUITE jovember Possession) {N Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA sae Family Cleaning IS OUR SPECIALTY SAME DAY SERVICE at CLEANING CENTER Country Club Guelity et neighborhood prices DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER Did you know we have the fast processing color machine? Retouch Color -- 2-5 minutes Retouch Bleach -- 5-10 minutes Open Daily for your convenience She ; 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. 728-0662 infants to size 14, r stock has never been as great) LAYAWAY FOR | CHRISTMAS NOW! "The Best Costs Less At... YOUNG AGES Oshewe Shopping Centre tell people about modern|= | haute coiffure ... YOU... con increase your | power--Begin a earning quire new employable skills & knowledge ot the OSHAWA | BUSINESS COLLEGE NINE CAREER-DESIGNED DAY SCHOOL COURSES from which | international If to choose -- Registrations ac« | i cepted os graduating students f} make space available, 725-4531 EVENING CLASSES | . . cer = |] Modella Hair add to your education --ac- #} 4 european stylists coiffures 7) celina st. oshawa, ont. ning. Choice of subjects. SPEC. 1AL COURSES FOR HOUSE. WIVES. Attend mornings or afternoons. Choice of subjects. SHIFTWORKERS--Attend both day and evening class. Choice of subjects, SATURDAY MORNING JUN. | 1OR TYPEWRITING CLASSES | for young people from Grade | @ SLIP COVERS @ DRAPERY FREE LITERATURE ovoilable || upon request ~~ Get the facts Simcoe St. $. at Athol 10 Simcoe Street North -- SINCE Custom-Made or Ready-To-Hang Draperies = Ale oo OSHAW. INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S @ BED SPREADS HARDWARE 'A'S 725-1151 1919 -- HARASS RAHA RS SS eS R Fvistmas" BANQUETS GROUP SOCIALS Highlight of the Yeer AT CHRISTMAS Celebrate the yeor with a delightful even- ing 'spent at the Flying Dutchman. Your guests will thoroughly enjoy themselves we are sure. Pleasant Surroundi Easily Located on Hwy, 40 Just 10 Minutes from Oshewe on the Bowmanville Interchenge (No. 75) We at the Flying Dutchman are especially proud of the prestige which hes been achiev- ed through the personal and meticulous con- sideration which is given to the minutest detoil of your function. For Reservations Phone 623-3373 LICENCED UNDER L.C.B.0, @ wet ~~ aoe DRAPERIES m nea ® HOWARD'S AS A MODERN HOMEMAKER | HAVE MORE INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO THAN WASHING WINDOWS, PUTTING OUT GARBAGE CANS, SHOVELLING SNOW or RAKING LEAVES. I'm MOVING TO PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS WITH HUGE SUITES ond BALCONIES FREE INDOOR HEATED POOL STEAMBATH FREE HYDRO and WATER BEAUTIFUL EASILY CLEANED PLASTIC LINED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS NUMEROUS MORE FEATURES. MOTOR HOTEL Highwey 401 Bowmanville Interche: 7s 623-3373 RENTAL OFFICE Open 2 p.m. te 9 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 17 @.m. te 7 p.m. 1221 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-9934 OR FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 725-9934 DURING BUSINESS HOURS ee ee a * aoe | A ata a A Some" od