Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1966, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, THE RADIO'S WEAK{ 0 Seturday, November 12, 1966 TM AFRAID 1. CAN'T ANN PONY BOY Fea" ey eae, 'Distribvtad by King Peatuven tree St, 2 agate MEO I So rar tamer ag enentcessctllle te: ete Rane me na BERREL| ET LRESER! ER ECEEPERAEES MUGGS AND SKEETER GET ANYTHING so06 PERFECT RECEPTION AH HAIN'T BRINGIN' NOTHIN IN CEPT "OPERATION PREEZES!-NOT TO TELL ME. ABOUT YOUR, OPERATION J? SECRET AGENT X9 LIBUT., COL. PERSONALLY PILL. - BOX WIT) INNEDO DOWN MACHINE GUNS NEAR jot WIPES A H GRENADES , THIS 18 FLAGSTONE 601 ON GUARD, WAYRAKE 503, TVG GOT A CLASSIFIED MESSAGE FOR CHABLA VD, ESPANOL 7 TLyvers Hi be UN Tr FSSAGES ! 1'M ORDERING "pn" ci NY TO ATTACK 'THE TRENCH Re Sova Wick METAS A L. ATTACK Ty RADAR STATION . s+ eTihe 10 CHANNELS 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) HELLO, BLOA...UH,..GORRY, TLL CALL YOU LATER, I'M NOT MUCH GOOD AT PUBLIC SPEAKIN'/ NO ANTENNA There's More To See With Cable TV THEY'RE TRYIN' TO PIN MB DOWN! WONDER wher GENERAL PAZ ts T'VE GOT AN AWFUL ITEM UNDERNEATH MY CAST RIGHT NOW AND I NEED SOME- THING TO KEEP MY MIND OFF OF 1S THAT SO WELL, WHAT WOULP YOU CO FOR SHADE ON A HOT BAY? AND WHERE WOUL.P YOU SET UP YOUR HAMMOCK F | You WEREN'T THINKING WHEN 7" ANP YOU WEREN T THINKING oR You WoULP ) HAVE PLANTED EVERGREENS! ) TELEVISION LOG Channe! |1--Hamiites Channel 9--Toronto Channei &--Rochester Channel ?--Buftale Channe! ¢--Toronte Channel 4--Buttale Channet arrte Channes 2--Buttaie _seeeesaomcrme SATURDAY BV, 5.00 P.M, li-My Favorite Martian Harness Racing Sweepstakes 7--Wide World of Sports 2--Horse Race +6-12--Frankenstein Jr, 5.0 PLM, ii--Flipper &--Gadabout Gaddis +612--Bugs Bunny * 2--Buffalo Jamboree 4:00 PM, l--Littiest Hobo %--Thunderbirds §--Flipper 12----Life and the Land 4--News, Weather 3--Lost in Space 2--Death Valley Days o:30 PLM, 12--Love on @ Rooftop (1--Canadian Football 9--Flintstones @--Movie 7--Monroes 6--Sounds '67 4--News 2--News 7:00 P.M, %--Jackle Gleason 4--Round Table +6-12----Beverly Hillbillies 2--News, Weather, Sports ne PM, 12-1 Spy 7--Shane 6--Tarzan 4--Jackle Gleason 3--Tarzan 2--Flipper 8:00 PLM, Academy Pertermence 2---Please Don't Eat the Daisies a: P.M, l---Dance Party 7--Lawrence Welk 2-4--Get Smart 4-Pistols 'n' Pett Coats 3-6-12--Hockey 9:00 PLM. 4--Mission: Impossible 24--Movie 9:30 PLM, \k--@reat Music 7--Hollywood Palace 10:08 PLM, %--Combat 4--Gunsmoke 1e:15 PLM, 3-6-12----World of Musi¢ Ye: Pm, 1--Movie 10:48 PLM, $4-12--Sports Profile iw PM, 7--Movie 9--News 4--News 3-6-12--News 118 PLM, o--Talk Back ae & Movie 2--Movie SUNDAY 7:00 AM. Nn France 7:98 AM, 1 | 1--Mademoisetle De Paris }--Herald of Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 8:00 A.M, 1)--Sacred Heart 8--SHHHI Children ?--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life 2--This is the Lite 8.30 A.M, 1--Oral Roberts 7--Reany and Cecil 4--Comedy Capers 2--Funny Company $:00 ALM. Cathedral Chlenes Cartoons T--King Kone 2--Porky Pig 9:90 AM | \=tfatten Journal F--Linus 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2-Church Invitation foe ALM, Caraselle | 9Stingray Faith For To-day 7--Roacketship 7 ded | 10:30 AM, 9---Cartoons 4--This Is The Life 4--Look Up and Live 2--Insight 3--Hymn Book | ee AM. |11---OHA Junior Hockey | P--Meta 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show 4--Church service 34-12---Church Service 2--Falth for Today ni A.M, %--Wish You Were are $--Social Security in Action JemDiscovery '66 2--Youth Searches 4d AM, | &-New Horizons | 12:08 NOON Lt oe Humberd Loe in Album ball 7--Superpal Club 4--Du Cote de Quebec 3-4--News, Weather 2--Sum and Substance 118 PLM, 4----T. B.A, 3--Living Wore 12:08 PLM, 1--Pather Meehan 4--Nature of Things 4--Living Word Herald of Truth Movie 12.48 P.M, 4~--Gadabout Gaddis 1:00 PLM, 12---Calvary Calls 'Continental Miniature 9--Spectrum &--Pro Football 7--Movle | 346--F. DB. R. Documen- | tary | 18 PLM, 12--Cartoons | 4--Pre Foothall | 1: PM, |}1--This Space Age 9--Platform 3-6-12--Country Calendar } 2:00 PM, 11--Up with the People | %--Pro Football | 34--T.B.A, | Buffalo Bills Preview 22:98 PM, 7~Billy Graham 1l--Open Mind 2--Pro Football } 2:00 PAM, | 7--Rayal Challenge | a: PLM, V-Horst Koehler 7--ABC Scope 3:45 PLM, | 4--Pro Footbal! 4:00 PLM. Ves the 7--Chalienge &--Meet The Press 34-12--Pro Football | a PM, tl--Tiny felent Tine 9--Daniel Boone 8--Fiim Feature 7--First Name. Only 5.00 PLM, HTarzan &--Wild Kingdom T--~Movie 5.90 PM %Brand New Scene 24--GE College Bow! 3--Flipper 6:00 PLM, &--Tom Decker | 2--Conterence Call 4:8 PLM, 3-6-12----T.B.A, 248--News Report 7:00 PLM, ll--Walt Disney o--Mankees | 7--Voyage To The | Bottom of the Sea | #4-12--Hey Lendiord | 4--Lassie 7:38 PA, oF.B.. 4--It's About Time 3-4-12--F lashback 24--Walt Disney ft 2M, 1hMovie 2--FRI 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan Show 0:0 PLM, %--|_ Dream of Jeannie 2.8--Disneyland | *:00 PLM, | %~Peyton Place | ?--Mevie } 4--Gerry Moore | 23-68-12---Bonanze woe PLM, 0--W.S 411--Candid Camere 3-4-12--Sunday Me-dndy Willams 10:30 PLM, 4--What's My Line li--Mark Saber 1:00 PLM, 2:3-6-6-8-9-11.12-New | "Weather, Sports ern College Foot. ! 0) PLM, | 4--Movie 1:38 PLM, \}1--Open Mind tf--Johnny Carson Movie V8 PLM, 6--Movie 11.40 PLM, 9--Insight 12--Alfred Hitchock 48 PLM, 7--Movie v2:08 PLM, 1--Spectrum MONDAY 1.0 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroe 0 AM, ll---Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 0:88 AM, %--Dieling For Dollars, Girl Talk 9.00 AM, 12-11-3----Ed Allen | %--Uncle Bobby &--Smile Time 4--Bonnie Prudden 2----Boto's Big Top 9.30 AM, 4--Meta Schools &--Dialing for Dollere 3-11-12--Ontario Scheele a--Jack Le Leanne 10.00 A.M, litte a Match %--Fractured Phrases ye Guess 3-6-12--Ontarlo Schools 4--Candid Camera | 10.38 AM, |\}--Merning Time [Pe=T.V, Bin | &-2--Concentration | 7Donna R 4--Beverly Hilibiliies | $6-12--Friendly Giant 11,00 AM, | 12----Romper Room \l\l---Marriage Confidential | P--Mr, and Mrs, | @-2---Pat Boone | 7----Supermarket Sweep 3-6--Butternut Square 4--Andy Griffith 128 AM, 3-6--Emergency Wara 1¢ nai nie Pe jt fe Douglas Tere Court 7--Dating Game $-2--Hollywood Saqueres | 4-Dick Van Dyke | 12,00 NOON | 12---Cartoon Party %--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy | 4--News and Weather 13.28 FAM, 12--Movie | §-2----Swingin' Country | 46=Searcn for ;_ Tomorrow | News, Weather, Sports 12:45 PLM, | &4---@ulding Light | 1.00 PLM, 1i--Theatre 9--Movie Dialing For Dollars | 'Girl Talk | Ben Carey | 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie | 2--Merv Griffin | 1.90 PM, | Let's Make A: Deal j 8 The World Turns 20 PM, $-2--Days of Our Lives 7--Newlywed Game n4---Password 290 PLM, | 12--Calendar | 9--People in Contlict $-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 4--Coronation Street | 4--Linkletter's Party | 3.00 P.M, | &--Werds and Musie | &2---Another World 7--General Hospital 4-To Tell The Truth 346-12--Take 30 2.25 P.M, 4--News 4.90 PLM, 1--Little People %--It's Your Move $2-You Don't Sey %--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM, \i--Funny Company %1 Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12----Communicate | 2--Mike Dougias | 4:30 PLM, \--Fireball XLS | \--Mavie | &--Yog! Bear | +--Mevie | 36-12--Forest Rangerag? | boy's beard because CROSSWORD ACROSS 43, Style . Throw of art , Short for 44, Tolerable ammuni- DOWN tion 1, Warm . More drink rational for . N.Z, native invalids Glazier's - Poker stak compound . Clique 3, Stings . Attempt . Fish . Large North reading Atlantic desks fish » A servant . Immense; » Witty saying 8. Beaver State 9, Talk: slang DIAL 723-5278 15. R i : fA in sia 'anes & ship's (AGEISMOINIE MMC | rigging [OIP] ABU TOle 18, Matures pee a OR oe, Ree RIE ID 20,Throw [Ri REIS SIEIPI BIO @ 22. Prohibi. (SIPIOI! I SMO i EIVIOIE BEOIDIE [RI] one Sci SIL or Yesterday's Answer elm 25. Evening: 32. Musical poet drama 26, Favorite 35, Resting baked dish 36. Ares' in Boston sister 27, Unfastened 38. Eggs 29, Mark on 39. Belonging skin toa 30, Oriental nurses 24, Delivers 26, Purch 28, Sacred writings of Zoroas> trian religion 31. Half ems 82, S-shaped molding BRIDGE (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. North + South vulnerable, NORTH Opening lead + ace of hearts. This hand occured in. the match between Argentina and the United States in 1958. At the first table, with a U.S. pair holding the North - South cards, the bidding went as shown. North having limited his hand at one point by showing willingness to stop at two hearts was then able to cuebid the ace of clubs and king of diamonds in an effort to cooperate with South's slam tries, West led the ace of hearts and shifted to a diamond at jtrick two, Declarer took the diamond in dummy with the king, finessed the ten of hearts, cashed the ace of spades, ruffed a spade, cashed the ace of clubs ruffed a club, ruffed the jack of spades, and ruffed another jclub. He then drew East's last trump to make the slam for a score of 1,430 points. At the second table, the Ar- gentine North - South pair also arrived at six hearts, but they went down one. The bidding went; North, Pass, 3 hearts, 5 dia- monds; East, Pass, Pass, Pass; South, 1 hearts, 4 NT, 6 heasts; West, Pass, Pass. R00 West led the five of dian\onds. South, took it in dummy) with the king and led a heart, finess- ing the ten, West won' with the ace, returned a diamond which East ruffed, and South was down one. Hands such as this one often make the difference between winning -and losing an impur- tant match, There was a tre mendous amount of luck in- volved in the deal, and the U.S. team had all the best of the luck, The Argentines lost 1,530 points on this one hand, but the loss was distinctly out of pro- portion to whatever lack of heir West 'ed at the first table by leaving the ace of hearts instead of a diamond. Clearly, the punishment did not fit the crime, SALLY'S SALLIES 38, Affirma- tive vote 34. Clone to 35, Anthro» YOUR HEALTH af BDOWSE WHEE Dear Dr. Molner: My older; |. son who is nearly 17 is what our | calls a "late bloomer."' He was | nearly 14 before he was pubes- } cent and even now has a very / scant beard and it. is very blonde. His younger brother, now 15, was pubescent at 11 and re- turned from a three - month! camp two summers ago with a} precocious (and atrocious) in- cipient black beard which I made him shave off. His beard is thick and fully adult now and he was proud to be the only Grade 8 student with a real beard. Now he shaves daily and often again if he is going out in the evening. My question is not important} but I am curious, How unusual! is it for a boy to produce a} beard so young? And isn't it odd for brothers to mature so) differently?--Mrs. M, B, The older boy may be a slightly late "bloomer," and/ the younger is a slightly early) "bloomer," but neither is out-| side the range of being normal. Differences in age of matura- tion are seen even in non-identi-| cal twins. I would not use the word "precocious" for the younger "preco- city' is used, medically, only when secondary sexual charac- teristics appear much. earlier} than in his case. As to whether! Brothers Mature At Niffarant Ages By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | vesicles the beard was "atrocious," I) wouldn't care to say, but I'd! prefer to avoid the word. Your problem, I think, is to avoid letting the difference in ages become an issue. See that young blackbeard has 'a good razor and blades and let there be reasonable silence, Empha- sizing the "virility' of the younger boy could scar the other boy psychologically--and, the dark beard shows up more} than a light one, Ride the situa-| tion out quietly, However, and here is another point to remember, accessory ducts may also be present and if these are not discovered and tied, sperm can still flow through them, Therefore the man should always be checked after the operation to make cer+ tain that no sperm is present. I would presume that if any thing had been wrong with his operation, you would have be- come pregnant before this, so I would see the doctor to check for some other cause for your suspicions, And just' to be certain, your husband should also be checked to see whether, perchance, his operation was not fully effec. tive, Dear Dr. Molner; What would soften hard. toe nails so they can be trimmed?--P. E. Soaking the feet in warm water will soften them enough to make trimming easier, but there is no way to soften them permanently, When dry, the nails become harder (and some- -- thicker) as we grow older. Dear Dr. Molner; My hus- band had a vasectomy seven years ago but never returned) to the doctor for a checkup, We have six children, I am only 34, and I think I am_ pregnant again. Could this be? -- Mrs.) Cc. A. Vasectomy (cutting or tying the duct which carries male} sperm) is an effective means of preventing pregnancy, but there are several things you should know about it. | First, the sterilizing effect is| not instantaneous, There are! small structures called seminal) which - retain some | sperm, and the sterilizing effect! is not obtained until these have had time to empty. \¢* vasectomy, no further sperm reaches these vesicles, so in BRAEMOR BEAUTY SALON Oct. Special! "Delightfully Yours" Cold Wave FOR YOU ONLY $8.50 Reg. $12.30 'or Your Appointment Call: 728-3781 381 STEVENSON N. time impregnation no longer is possible, »*

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