Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1966, p. 23

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MODERN GRILL (formerly known os "QUEENIE'S" Presents . . . DIXIE LEE FRIED CHICKEN Places, Chicken 3,pleens Chien icken jeces Chic! Gold Brown hips, Roll, Shoe" TOE] | Exon' 1,26 Montessori Plan Used U.S. School GREENWICH, Conn. (AP)-- 7 ; te 2 An educational revolution is) : under way at Whitby School in| came this wealthy Fairfield County|/aa 9 community, So far it involves TEEN TALK McLaughlin Collegiate And Vocational The McLaughlin Amateur Ra-jspeech from Mr. George L. dio Club, now in its fourth suc-| Roberts, superintendent of sec- cessful year, has been re-organ-'ondary schools. ized this year. | Top student awards were Established primarily to help| presented to; John Elliot, grade members obtain their commun-'11, Anne Lioyd, grade 13, and ication licenses this year the|Sharon Smith and Christina electronics class, under the)Szulak of grade 13. only nine pupils sponsorship of their teacher,, The MCVI band played SeV-| 'These students, and the 200 Mr. Thomas, will repair old eral fine selections after the high schoolers who will even-| radios before trying for their commencement exercises, Al tunity be enrolled in Whitby, are licenses, jdance and reception was held/ing first in their ake group 4 Our fifth annual commence-/afterwards to complete 8 most!the United states to be taught ge ant tng penn vote memorable evening. under the Montessori system. |' SES 'geeounves received. (heir Named after Maria Montes- diplomas after an inspiring Paul Grady sori, the Italian educationist Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute Method emphasises tree phyee method emphasises free physi- Central's major event last;of the modern woman and the cn bea ond week was the school's annual challenge of the world to gra-| Whitby is a private, co-educa- commencement where most! duates. tional school administered by graduates were on hand to re-| Evidently those early morn-| pony Catholic laymen, It has ceive their diplomas. Congratu-|ing risings and hastily - snat- used the Montessori 'method lations goes out to all these'ched lunches to attend rehear- since it started in 1958 with 18 people. } |sals, have started to pay off pupils. There are 200 students The first presentation of dip-|for the senior band. lat the school now. All but the lomas for the four - year course| The band was asked to play nine in high school grades are| was of special note that even-|at the cenotaph for memorial) ,nrolled in erhatete 7, Shh ng. ' services Nov. ii. This wiii be Ape ney Clayton Allison played a bar-|their first appearance. ag ggetd ive th itone solo as the feature musi-| Examinations start hool," says John P. BI i 4 cal selection. Valedictorian San-|Thursday. Good Luck. LY She einaiy Kee dra Fry spoke about the role --JOAN SMITH Bowmanville High School one During the past two weeks,|tions for each dance and social Oy f our nies, Be building has been! function. DIRECT ACTIVITY Feceiving some subtle changes.) No more dust, no more cob- The Montessori method leaves The attic of the very oldest' webs -- just a nice, quaint, pupils. more or less on their part of the building is being guitar setting. All musically-|°W", although under the guid- y ° be Central's Girl-Premier transformed into working aréa|inclined guitar players are go- the cucatattie who Lagan o,° for the guitar club. ing up in this school and hav-| rat environment an T B Y t F P l t , |direct activity and functi It was formerly used by the|ing a great time too. | patlecity, y cig | OO usy eB or '@) 1 1cs Art and Publicity committees} , AWcHUK.| At Whitby, the high schoo! to make posters and decora- BARRY KRAWC "| 4 ¥, the high school! _,,,. tian? ' . : : pupil works with a one-month' There isn't that much to Anderson High School, Whitby "contract" outlined by the|!eatn about municipal polities teacher, telling what the pupil|s® | won't get concerned with ir | q is expected to accomplish in a\it yet," says Susan Lovelock,|/20 years : é ing released first in Britain, Bo gon hg Nilay iy rene Ay hg posit ceepival. variety of subjects, P " Central Collegiate's student} Susan said a teenager's taste| 'I like long hair on boys but November 4, with music pro-|Every day prizes are given DIXIE BUCKETS 12 Pieces Chicken, Chips $ Feeds 4 = 6! Great for Families. . 3,95 Ask for "QUEENIE" 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 LINDA MOYLE DARLENE CRAWFORD GLIZABETH BOWER BETH OfORGE LEW PRITCHARD TOM BERGSTRON Each place has what the other needs, I personally don't. see why this amalgamation couldn't take place imme- diately. It's badly needed by both."" Tom Bergstron, Grade 10: "I think that they should amalgamate. It would be good for both communities, It would definitely aid in the de- velopment of the township toun ih anaes Soha hie ond town if Sieas where Sot that the township has the money." Darlene Crawford, 10B: "The sooner the better. If they did, maybe they would go ahead and build some community facilities for the teen-agers. There just isn't 'anything for them that's worth mentioning, they have to hang around the corner store to meet people and find things - to do." Elizaheth Bower, 9C: 'Certainly they should do it as soon as pos- sible. If they could get some community spirit, maybe the teen-agers could get some- thing done for them, Any- thing would be better than standing around the corner." Beth George, 9C; 'I've only been in Canada for a while and I can feel the lack of. community facilities for the younger people. In Scotland there are plenty of places for the teen-agers to meet and enjoy themselves, It stone them from hanging around corners." Lew Pritchard, Grade 11; 'The township has the land and the town has the money, it's as simple as that. Should Whitby amalgamate with the Township of Whitby as soon as possible? Six stu- dents at Anderson High School, Whitby, were asked this question during a teen poll, They said: Linda Moyle, 9B: "Yes, I think that they should amalgamate as soon as possible. We don't have gh community centre fa- iitics in Whithy and I think that an amalgamation would aid 'in this problem. Whitby needs the land for develop- ment, and the township wants to develop and I don't think JIMS STHOE WN 4 Heer The Exciting Caiypae Rhythms of the Ricky Francis Quartet "MUSIC AS Like IT" are limited in certain ways. The township has the natural resources and the town the capital." next! a |ton, 33, the school's headmas- ter, "it's a movement."" Whitby "has become a leader, in the | national reappraisal of the|,, science of learning.' : you Ce ue a Cn Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, FULLY LICENSED minded than their Canadian brothers. It is a matter of fashion be- "Women are more active in business now but their feminin- ity has increased in the last It is up to the pupil to work|council president. jin music is guided by what is|I can see a principal's point of vided by the Warlocks. An en- |things out for himself, He can Susan says she has _three|traditionally expected of him or|view in requesting a neat ap- joyable time was had in sur- roundings decorated with bales of hay and cornstalks, Marryin'| Sam and record prizes were featured throughout the eve- ning. Later in the year, we are hoping to obtain the services of a big name band in order to have a dance that everyone will jnesday, | | away and one lucky class won their teacher's weight in choco- late bars---198 pounds worth, Bishop Stirling of Montana delivered an interesting ad- dress at an assembly on Wed- neglect chemistry, for example, |¥¢a"s before she is eligible to for a tims to concentrate on Vole. | another subject. She is more interested eb ter tcay3 se --- other things right now. "IT love all kinds of sports, Beatles Den hut basketball is my favorite y |I belong to the drama club and |will be joining the Folk Singing lclub.. With these and homework, in Andersonites are now prepar- | ing for ETP (exam time panic), | | which will strike again on No- her. NO FAD SEEN "Kids like both classical and pop, but, when adults start crabbing about their choice in music, they tend to be one- sided. They don't listen to class- ical music because they're not pearance," said Susan. As president of the council, Susan says Central may raise funds to build an animal shel- ter on Thickson Road. "If things work out, we will have a dog pound that will be open weekends and will train people in the care of wounded supposed to,"' said Susan. "And there isn't as much fad following in Canada as there is in the U.S." She was in Britain last sum- mer. Susan says London teen- animals," she said, The project will be extended over a period of time for al- though a committee has been set up, it has not yet decided what means will be taken to raise funds. \I'm pretty busy, sald the presi- long remember. vember 17. | Split Rumor \dent. Anderson is now busy selling LONDON (Reuters) The| magazines in order to raise LYNDA RUTHERFORD, |Beatles today denied wide-| FORMAL EDUCATION ° |Sspread rumors they might split} "Formal education is not Dr. F. J. Donevan High School up and said they are trying to|what a person should be look- Donevan's|tumes were awarded to Susan reshape their career, jing for in life, unless that is . The four Beatles, who sold|what satisfies them most./"e°'% ®"@ not more fashion- was held.|Peacock (best girl); David} 100,000,000 records in their me-|Others can find a rewarding awards and/Peacock (best boy); Jeannie|teoric rise to world fame from|life without it," said the Grade ] prizes were presented to de-|Russell and Sandy Nellis (best)a celar club in Liverpool hint-/13 student aspiring toward a 4 serving students. The guest/couple); Dave Hare and Jenni. /ed they would make no more|Science course at Western Uni- + speaker was Mr. T. S. Roe-/fer Johnson (best couple); and/over-seast tours for the time| versity. buck, from the Ontario Depart-|Barb Brown, Rhonda Bryant,|being at least. | Susan said women are now ment of Education, The or-|/Pat Rudka, and Jim Fetchison| In a full-page interview in the|accepted in business as a re- chestra, under the direction of|(best group of four). jmass-circulation Daily Mirror,|sult of better education; but Mr. Alan Reesor, played var-| Now, with the football season | the four said they are reassess-|they will never be at par with fous selections, including high-jover, boys' junior and senior|ing their future. [the businessman because the lights from the Sound of Music.|baskethall teams are being) George Harrison was quoted latter tends to follow a pattern Afterwards a reception wasjformed. |as saying: "Everything we|where "man is the provider held for the graduating class. Remember, only four days|/have done so far has been rub-|and master of the home". She The Sadie Hawkins' Dance,/before "E" day. jbish as I see it today." |continued: October 28, was a great suc- ignan ve cess, Prizes for the best cos- JANE MANNING. | a O'Neill Collegiate And Vocational O'Neill's hard working news- the Christmas Frolic, Crippled paper staff has published the|Children's Christmas Party and first issue of Ocavite this week.|the Bridge Club were formed More than two months of wait-|last week. Another was organ- ing was rewarded with an in-jized to revise the school con- teresting and inspiring paper. {stitution before the end of the} Features included a boys' and|school year. | girls' sports rundown and an| An emergency Parliament) interesting fashion item. Al|sitting was called to deal with teacher interview proved to bejunfinished business, Monday. A a fascinating idea. We are look-|lively debate on the question of ing forward to the next after- | democracy ensued, exam edition of the Ocavite. | Parliament committees CAROLE HOOKER. | Henry Street High School, Whitby Henry Street High has done,dracki and Scot Laurence were {t again. Its drama club, underjgiven special mention at the the direction of Mr. Z. Fisher |festival while Andy Hiscox and and assisted by many other|Richard Kaczkowski were the teachers and students present-|stars of the Whitby perform- ed Shaw's St. Joan to an over-jance, capacity audience at the school; Adrienne Haas, in the heavy last Friday night. and demanding role of St. Joan, The air was humid and the/gave an enthusiastic and origin- seats uncushioned but a spell-|al portrayal. But essentially, it bound audience remained even|was good team work through- after two intermissions. out. The club competed in the; At Orono, Mr. Fisher's Orono Drama Festival the fol-|capable direction was acknowl- lowing Saturday, and although/edged when he was awarded in the adult ranks, were highly |the best director award. praised for their performance. Ronnie Smith, orbert Kon-! -- Swinging -- -- Rollicking -- STARLETTES Four Gorgeous Girls ee Entertainment a HA tc iietoes, bee 4PM, te 6 PLM, ENJOY AN EVENING OF SOME OF THE WORLD'S FINEST MUSIC BY ONE OF THE WORLD'S FINEST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS OSHAWA CIVIC - AUDITORIUM Proudly Presents {. TORONTO SYMPHONY Ss Seiji Ozawa, Music Director & Conducior UNDER THE BRILLIANT DIRECTION OF 30 YEAR OLD SEIJI OZAWA, WORLD ACCLAIMED CONDUCTOR SUSAN LOVELOCK «+ » Kids Like Classics Last Saturday, commencement Scholarships, * @= Mr. Bonney's Showcase presents SPOTLIGHT REVIEW 300 lb. T.N.T. MR. T.LN.Y. (Al Mason) Big Laugh Comedy and Song at its best AN EXTRA PLUS MISS CINDY LOU-oooh ! 'xciting Exotie Dancing Mr. Ozawa, whe has been eround the werld in @ series of engageménts ab guest conductor with major orchestras, conducted the Toronto Symphony et the Commonwealth Arts Festival in Greet Britain in the Fall of 1965. He opened the 1965-66 Toronto Season es his first year es permanent conductor. RETURN ENGAGEMENT WED. NOV. 23 7:45 P.M. TICKETS ON SALE AT OO, @ Auditorium Box @ Merty's Record Ber Office @ Centre Smoke Shop Bolaheod Spertsheven Alex Bishop's Sporting Alex McGregor Drugs Goods Bowmanville Dise Shop (Shoppi Crest 4 Centre) Port Perry for TOMMY DANTON, M.C, and THE IMPACTS featuring WAYNE McKINNON, orgen The CADILLAC HOTEL 6066600006068888880080 RESERVED TICKETS @ ADULTS ... 2.50 2.00 1.00 ® @ CHILDREN .. BUS SERVICE Leaving Downtown Osh- awa corner Simcoe St, ABC's Stage 67 Shw i ' ark: still Has Many Backers LINDA INSPECTS "SCAN" HOLLYWOOD (AP) Can| The Tokyo-born actress, win ade ap ahead og lay a So lait. okttee Academy , aagrtivag te cor respondent Many serious-minded follow-| admitted that she was not a fan| {oF the Youth page of The ers of the U.S. television scene|of television either as a per-| Oshawa times, examines the hope so, despite the anemic|former or viewer. Before Noon! surface of a photograph , ratings of the Wednesday night) Wine, her appearances in the) through a microscope in | anthology series. Rod Serling)medium had been limited to the engraving room Before sees it as the season's single brief excerpts from Romeo and| 4 picture can be used in | hope that quality programming |Juliet and her Broadway play! 'the press room, it must be | can find a place in television./A Gift of Time, plus a reading| reproduced as a scan plate, | Another booster for Stage 67|with Bette Davis on Hollywood) 'The clearness of the repro- {fs Olivia De Havilland, who} Palace. came from Paris to appear in} "I don't like to watch televi- IZZA IN ELECTRIC Cc CK Phone 723-0241 OG her first television drama as .; ; " part of the series. The play, sion, either here or in Paris. HEATING or 728-0192 If TRIO EPI'S (the thing 5 ks for Itself) AND THEIR COMEDY ROUTINES which was taped for showing |S" Temarked. "Watching TV is Nov. 23, is from a Katherine ® passive activity, and I would Anne Porter story called Noon/rather be MORE THAN 10,000,000 WATTS OF ELECTRIC COMFORT HEATING SOLD Wine. It also stars Jason Ro-|is active, bards, Per Oscarsson and The- ter, BY US IN THE PAST 8 YEARS! SH TICKETS. EARLY CIVIC TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT _ duced product depends on the size of the "'dots" that compose the picture. Linda is checking to see what the dots look like. 9 to Midnite in the Dining Lounge APPEARING TONITE AND NEXT WEEK "THE VINTAGE ROOM" The Fabulous Music of DANCING Gee NIGHTLY Awards Tht LEADERS RES IPSA doing something that Such as writing a let- reading a book or just odore Bikel. |thinking. "The fact that ABC would/~ bring two performers from Europe is evidence ofthe net-| work's serious intent," said Miss De Havilland. "I came from Paris, and Per| & left a revue in which he was! appearing in Sweden. I was de- lighted to come; the script is ail fine as anything I have read On recently. "IT sincerely hope that ABC can make a go of Stage 67, It seems to me that it is a brave | and serious effort to do good things on television. It deserves all the support it can get." ' e LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD, SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. CLIP THIS COUPON IT 1S WORTH OFF ON A GUITAR LESSON eoupon c presen' of thie off on @ leston, Reg. priced tetion you et $1.50. CLARKE STUDIO 10 Richmond $t. £. 728-3892 wit reesive 306

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