tit HAN VAR AHR RN Hg A runny thang tte gE RN tt TORONTO SYMPHONY HERE NOV.23 The Toronto Symphony Orchestra will make its. second local appearance in one year at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Wednesday, Nov, 23, It will be a gala occasion for lovers of symphonic music -- not only has the TSO emerged in recent months as a sym phonic group of true inter. national stature, it will be under the baton here of Seiji Ozawa, the Japanese conduc: tor (who was called a genius by fellow classicist Leonard Bernstein). The soloist will be Anton Kuerti, the international con- cert pianist whose credentials are ar impressive as those of the TSO, Following his recent recital in London, England, The Times critic wrote that "Anton Kuerti has a searching musical. intelligence which probes deeply into the music, , » » Whatever he played, it al SEIJI OZAWA WILL DIRECT TORONTO SYMPHONY HERE «+sHe Has Led The TSO To International Fame Gerona ir mL bi i men RAN D- 150 Screen Acclaime HOLLYWOOD (AP) Re+,sued Oklahoma on film 70 milli- member the 12-by-15-foot screen|metres wide -- twice as wide of silent movies and early talk-|as the previous standard, jes? Other 70 - mm systems fol- In 1952 cinerama, using three |lowed -- ultra panavision, super cameras and three projectors,|panavision, super technirama took happily screaming audi-|70--and 35-mm vista vision. ences down roller - coasters and) 'The latest is dimension 150 or across mountains on a massive}1.150, the brainchild of two men screen twice as wide as it waS|who say it's the first new pro- high. cess in eight years and gives the The next year CinemaScope/highest fidelity yet in picture unveiled Marilyn Monroe on ajand sound. wide screen, and the year after} United Artists Theatres, which that Todd A-O, challenging cine-|own D-150, Inc., are installing rama's three } 88, is-ithe syst in th uit neces teat PU i movie!man vision. showed an exiraordinary ity. of conception and musical insight of an exceptional order, The Telegraph critic shared this enthusiasm, and wrote; "Superbly assured in tech: nique, Kuerti is an artist who sees music on the grand scale," Mr, Ozawa has chosen the following program for his con- cert at the Oshawa Civic Audi- torium, Verdi -- Overture Siciliani" Chopin--Pianto Concerto No, 1 "Vespri Moussorgsky -- Pictures at an exhibition (with Anton Kuerti as soloist) The Toronto Symphony, with many houses sold out, is ex- pected to play before 245,000 this year, The emergence of the orches- tra from a local to an inter- TSO's Origin Dates To '08 The Toronto Symphony Or- chestra actually had its start in from the Toronto Con- servatory orchestra played to- gether under the direction of Frank Welsman. This group was disbanded at the start of the First World War, It was reorganized in 1923 and directed by Dr, Luigi von Kunits, Dr. Ernest MacMillan was appointed conductor when Dr, von Kunits died in 1931, The orchestra made its first visit to the U.S. in the 1051-52 concert season. Sir Ernest MacMillan. retired in 1956 after 25 yeara of associa- tion with the orchestra, Walter Susskind was appointed Music Director and. conductor. Apart: from his activities in this posi- tion, Mr, Susskind founded the National Youth Orchestra, di- rected the Canadian Opera Company, and was conductor of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Seiji Ozawa succeeded Walter Susskin last year, Under his direction, the Tor- onto Symphony represented Canada at the Commonwealth in Great Britai houses. Film Daily has said D- gh gan ghd eae its ror 150 "has everything that ha8)ymphant debut in Paris and been claimed for it," and critic Lyon, Later that season, the Bosley Crowther acclaimed its|orehestra visited the Lakehead, "stunning projection," Sault Ste, Marie, Sudbury, Win- MADE BY SYSTEM nipeg, Kingston, Montreal and Ottawa, The Bible, an $18,000,000 spec-|/ Niklaus Wyss, the TSO's as- tacle, is the only feature so far|sistant conductor, is 'lso---ay made in the system, accomplished pianist, His num? What's Dimension 150? Thejerous activities include the 180 stands for the number of|Children's Saturday -- matinee , concerts, the Metro Board of degrees' spread {t can photo- Education converts, as well as graph--nearly the field of hu-la subscription concert-pair in 7 Februar THIS. EXCITING. NEW RESIDENCE, LO- CATED IN OSHAWA'S FINEST RESIDENT- IAL AREA 1S DESIGNED FOR QUIET COMFORT, AND GRACIOUS LIVING. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT US, AND TO RESERVE NOW FOR EARLY OCCUPANCY. national attraction has been more evident The orchestra a engaged to make a series of Ozawa won first prize in the Besacon, France, From then zine described his performance recent months, |1059 International Competition|at Manhattan's Lewisohn Sta- lready has been|of Orchestra Conductors atidium: "as exhilaratin as the final accelerando of Tchaikov- records for Columbia for worldjon his career advanced rapidly, |sky's Fourth Symphony were the distribution, Generous grants|He conducted and studied in|dancelike body movements from Metro Toronto, the Prov-|Berlin with the famous Her-|with which Ozawa conducted it, ince of Ontario Council for the|bert von Karajan, He impress:|His expressive left hand seem- Arts and The Canada Councilled Leonard Bernstein so muchjed everywhere, searching out have assisted in covering the costs of these tours, However, the people who pay for the tickets have been primarily re- sponsible for underwriting the success of the orchestra, The symphony, which com. prises a company of 90 out- standing instrumentalists, is celebrating its 45th season, During the 1966-67 season, the TSO will make three tours in the United States ----Michigan this month, Florida in January, and Washington and New York in April, In honor of Canada's Centen- nial, the orchestra will per- form special programs in num. erous Ontario centres, SON OF DENTIST The Sl-year-old Seiji Ozawa is the third son of a Japanese dentist whose basic problem is shared with many Canadian artists ---- he had to go far away from home to achieve fame He was born in Hoten, Man- churia, Sept, 1, 1935, when that Chinese area was under Japa- nese rule, His father, a Budd- hist, was fond of Eastern music, His mother, a Christian, was fond of Western hymns, which she gang constantly 'as she went about her work, he was asked to become an assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic, He also won the coveted Kousseviszky Memorial Scholarship for con: ducting at Tanglewood, Mass., in 1961, Ozawa has spent two sum: mers as music director of the Ravinia Festival at Chicago and has guest-conducted in such places as London, Paris, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto, In his initial appearance in Toronto in 1964 he was accord: ed a fantastic 20-minute img O¥ation, 7 {ro nf the critics, and, eventually, a three-year contract as perma: nent music director of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (starting last fall), Ozawa has an infectious en- thusiasm fot his work, Violin: ist Isac Stern, who plays in the TSO, says; 'Seiji has a most wonderful quality, He's terribly enthusiastic about the music itself, He simultaneously makes music with a soloist -- he doesn't just follow, And he doesn't try to show off how well he knows the score," In July, 1963, TIME maga- the lyrical underpinnings of Borodin's Second, He found them, and the New York critics unanimously agreed that mual- cally little Seiji was a giant in the making." In front of an orchestra, Ozawa is 125 pounds of con- trolled energy, compelling crit- ics to use words as electrifying, dynamic, breath-taking, dra- matic, Away from the podium he ts gentle, unassuming and looks young enough to be a teen ager, His features are dominated fihv a shock of black hair and by unusually magnetic eyes, His hands are expressive, draw- ing quick triangles in the air as he talks of conducting, A finger jabs at his left ear lobe to emphasize a point about the tonal difference between Wert- ern and Oriental muaie, Ozawa made his British debut in the spring of 1965, with the London Symphony at Royal Festival Hall, He won special praise for his conducting of the Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, & work he will record on the PIANIST ANTON KUERTI IS TO BE GUEST SOLOIST +o» He Made His Debut At Age of Nine Columbia label with the 'Toronto Symphony next month, dest. TORONTO SYMPHONY HAS WON TOUGHEST CRITICAL PRAISE FAR FROM ITS HOME BASE OF TORONTO «ee England, Scotland and The Continent Marvelled at Their Professional Virtuosity Photo By Robert J. Bridge Port Credit, Ont, Chisase es a Jood Special Businessmen's 12 NOON TO 2:30 P.M, NO. 1 $1,00 fog Roll, Sweet and Sour Pork, Chicken Chop Suey. NO. 2 $1.25 fan Rell pa, Ch and Sour Chow Mein, 10% OFF ALL TAKE OUT ORDERS 4, CENTRAL HOTEL GRILL 7 KING ST, EAST Rosaslynn Arnis Apartments 743 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH PHONE 728-9724 NEXT WEEK'S AC , (ii Has Formula NEW YORK (AP) -- It % Britain's Petula Clark. iat For Success woman international hit parade. juve ttc ttn | ON THE TOWN Harry's Hideaway, the downstairs lounge of the Hotel Genosha, will have The Trou: badors back with their spirited Country and Western |hard to figure whether Petula}Best known in North America Clark was born--or minted, for three smash successes in a Every time the teentsy-/row -- Downtown, I Know a weentsy strawberry blonde Brit-| Place and My Love -- she has lish singer lifts her voice in song/later she has become a one- she makes echoes in the bank. | sold 25,000,000 records through- | She sang first at the age of|out the world, more than any jseven and a quarter - century|other woman vocalist in history, PICKWICK Cleaners & Shirt Launderers 434 Simcoe South 728-513 Sanitone is more than just dry ie * FF It includes special finishes for softness and bedy . , , scl \ expert pressing on professional eq ae tifie spot removal gentile handling and attention to minor repairs, Call on us today for this complete professional fabric care. Home Delivery and Cash & Carry Service H TIES AT THE AUDITORIUM NOVEMBER 13th to NOVEMBER 19th Sunday ---- November 13th 10:00 a.m.---1:00 p.m, U.A.W, Hockey 11S p.m--3:15 pom, Family Skating 4:00 p.m.---6:00 p.m Duplete Hockey League 7:00 p.m.---10:00 p.m Oshawa Senior League Monday ~= November 14th 11:00 a.m, --~ 2:00 p.m GM. "Chevelle Hockey League 6:00 p.m.--8:00 p.m. Oshawa Minor Hockey 8:00 p.m----10:30 p.m, G.M. Office League musical renditions for a third week, starting Monday, Den- ise, the GoGo dancer, will again support the quartet (led by Michael Doyle on the | mould for organ and assisted by Michael Kennedy, Tom Ronan and Gene Dubreuil), Gene Du. breuill ls the composer of a new song, Time Will Tell, which the quartet has | recorded for public distribu. | ton, HOTEL LANCASTER The Ruth Forbes Trio ts packing them in at the Blue Horse Lounge of the Hotel Lancaster, So the popular Country and Western group will be back for an additional week start. ing Monday night, They are cut from the right the Blue Horse patrons who like their Coun- try and Western with plenty | of showmanship, They have a wide range of selections and oblige with request num- bers |GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL The Chuck Allen Trio, which specializes in comedy, music and dancing, will start its second week at the Vint- age Room of the Georgian Motor Hotel Monday night. Tuesday --- November 15th 6:00 p.m, --- 8:00 p.m Oshawa Figure Skating Club 8:00 pm, -- 10:00 p.m Oshawa Miner Hockey Wednesday----November 16th 8:00 p.m 10:00 p.m Public Skating (Adults Only) Thuraday -- November 17th 6:00 p.m.---10:00 p.m Oshawa Figure Skating Club Friday =---- Nevember 18th 718 am, CCNA Bingo $5,000.00 Prizes Saturday ---- November 19th 7:00 am.-12 neon Oshawa Protestant Church League 12 noon----2:00 p.m Little N.ALL. Tyke League 4:00 p.m Under accom 2:00 pm Children's Skating 14 (parents may pany) tat Ham- 7:18 pom.--Junior Hockey Oshawa vs. itten ICE RENTALS AVAILABLE: 728,.5162/3 COMING Wednesday November 23rd Toronto Symphony Orchestre EVENTS They fit in well with the | Posh atmosphere of the room, which also features Sessions for patrons, The Vintage Room features a different type of entertain. ment than most lounges, going in more for modern jatz groups and = romantic | singers, dance /THE CADILLAC HOTEL Songstress "Sandy" Sidwell and "Christine," (described as "the queen of the ex oties" will conclude their cur. rent three-week engagements tonight Mr, Bonney's Showease and Spotlight Revue will present "Tiny" Al Marson (300 pounds of comedy at its best) in the Coronet Room. start ing Monday night, Miss Cindy {Roughriders that | broadcast aS DENISE « At The Genosha eek Wits also be co-starred, There will be plenty of variety entertainment with musical background, SPRUCE VILLA, WHITBY Frank Motley and his fours piece band will take over the podium at the Spruce Villa, Whitby, for two weeks 'start. ing next Monday night. They feature popular and modern numbers with unique -- skill and emphasis on swing, Gary Summers will be at the drums, King Herbert on the sax and "Curley" at the con- sole of the organ, This will be Motley's initial appearance at the Spruce Villa, but the others have appeared on pro- grams there, Elaine, the ex- otic dancer, will also appear, TELEVISE WFC GAME WA (CP)--State Secre- tary Judy LaMarsh said Thurs. day the CBC is investigating the possibility of the Saskatoon CBC television affiliate leaving the CBC network briefly to carry Western Football Conference playoffs involving Saskatchewan wil) not be by the CRC. The > of. three playeff between katchowan and Winnipeg Blue Bombers opens Sunday in, Regina,