' WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Northern Missions Discussed By Panel pane! of four ladies, Mrs. Kift, Mrs, Fred Mae- , Mrs. Re = Fm and Mrs, er Maxy- Senlut, with Mrs, William Andrews as moderator, tened members who at- tended the meeting of Faith Baptist WMS on 'The North: ern Canada Evangelical Mis- sions," It was learned that there are 190,000 Indians who live in 600 bands or communities or 2,000 reserves, In many different ways 120 full-time missionaries serve these Indians, There are five indian radio broadcasts, four in Cree and one in the Ojibway. language, There are two Indian Bible schools and ana hama far children Missionaries travel by canoe, dog sleigh and plane giving out the gospel by preaching;; gospel literature tracts, also by laying records in their own language. A Hai en) There are 40 languages plus many dialects spoken by the Indians, A lively question and answer period followed which proved to be most informative, Mrs, Gilbert Williams, secre- tary, read a letter received from the Groves, who are mis- sionaries, thanking the ladies for thelr daughter, Joanne's, birthday gifts. A Mc? Christmas offerin for issionaries Hick an Groves was taken by Mrs, Bert Young and Mrs, Dale Milburn. Mrs, Roy Fallow's group was in charge for the remainder of the meeting with special pray: ers offered for missionaries, Mrs, Jack Stuart and her daughter Carol sang a lovely duet Ms Giro more Grace," Mrs, Fallow thanked her group for taking part and closed with) prayer, | Light. refreshments and a /time of fellowship was enjoyed, 'by the 82 ladies present, Kinettes Will Aid Needy Family "Mother's Night' was - held last Wednesday by Whitby Kin- ettes at their supper meeting at the Spruce Villa Hotel, The president, Mrs, Broughton, welcomed mothers and three guests, A draw of a floral ar- rangement for the visitors was made, The winner was George Chariton, Members made arrange: ments for the distribution of a Lois the --- parcel to a needy | skit, This was followed by card mily, Plans were discussed for the| enjoyable evening. Auxiliary Plans Christmas Meeting The newly elected president of Sth Cubs and Scouts Mother's Auxiliary, Mrs. Thomas Spel- len, chaired the meeting and 'welcomed a new member, Mrs, Kenneth Chatterton, Arrangements were made for the Dec, 13 Christmas meeting when a pot luck supper will be served following the meeting at 8:30 p.m. in St, Joseph's meet- ing room. Members will ex- change gifts and a program has been arranged. Mrs. P. VanGils, phone con- Physical Education Mrs. Gerry Creighton, presi- dent of the R. A, Hutchison Home and School Association, addressed the group briefly and said that the centennial project for all Home and School Asso- clations will be 'Canadian In- dians." The May 1967 meeting will be devoted to this centen- ala) project. The meeting was preceded by a home bake sale which other! draw to be held Mrs. | |Dec. 14 Christmas meeting) {when members will exchange| gifts, Kinettes Lois Broughton and Marj Gartshore, past pres |dent, will be in charge, Tickets were distributed for 23 Christmas cake at Selgrove drug store where the cake will be displayed in the window, Kinettes Sylvia Snelgrove and Simone Hood were in charge of entertainment, Mem- bers performed in an hilarious ithe Dee, |games to terminate a most) vener and members of her committee will contact all members and invite them to attend the Christmas. meeting. Tentative plans were made for several projects, These will be discussed at future meetings and arrangements made, All Saints' Anglican Church Mother's Auxiliary has invited | 5th Whitby Auxiliary to attend its Nov, 28 supper meeting. Tea hostesses were Mrs, Dan O'Hagan, assisted by Mrs, Robert Gagnon and Mrs. M, DeHaas, w w Program Explained The new treasurer, W. Snoddon, was introduced, Ray Oliver, physical educa- tien consultant for public Centenary Seeking Suggestions WHITBY (Staff)--- Whitby's)considering include holding ajcan help with some of the main |days of July, But the Centen-|mas tree and subsequently nial other activities, sponsored byjendar of activities on display| new various groups, will carry onjin Whitby, throughout the year, | lish a brochure of all | planned activities, It is prepar-| the Department of Tourism and! This weekend the committee will be appointing a secretary to handle correspondence, and help in co-ordination of the dif- ing town's organizations to fill and return, for the greatest interest in patients, the most effort in class and the best behaviour on the grounds, All three are from Whitby. Oshawa Times Photo from left, are Mrs, Ber- nardina Bax, who won the prize for the greatest effort and interest shown in theory and practice; and Carl Bremner and Mrs, Audrey Sellers, who won the awards aneny Vanes THE TOP THREE mem- bers of the class of nurses' aides and attendants re- ceived awards at the gradu- ation ceremony held Thurs- day afternoon at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby Seen, Committee centennial celebrations) Tag Day (with Centennial/ projects, iit be held during the last)Pins), building a Centennial) eek of June and the first few| Emblem for use as a Christ cal-|cause of shortage of time. member, Mrs. Committee hopes many/an emblem, and putting a Those suggestions came from| Wednesday night, The committee hopes to pub-/K. L. MecQuiggan, from the ing Wedn 7 oS the Centennial Planning Branch of NAME SECRETARY the| Information. in| Committee Chairman Vernon |MacCarl says the committee Suggestions the committee is|hopes Whitby's. high schools questionnaires for ferent sections of work, schools, spoke on the subject and showed a film, Mrs, Anton Kozak presented a cheque to Mr, Oliver to purchase gym equipment. Leonard Pride thanked Mr. Oliver, There will be no meeting in December. The next meeting will be Jan, 10, 1967 when a proved to be most successful, WHITBY PERSONALS The Whitby Women's Insti- tute and friends met at the home of Mrs. Fergus Curl, Tuesday, for an evening of euchre, Prizes were won by. Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Drury, Mrs, Robert Rents and Mrs. Earl Ward, Proceeds from the euchres are to be divided be- tween Whitby General Hospital and Women's Institute pro. jects. A pleasant lunch was "Fathers' Night" will be held. fa Mr. and Mrs, phrey and F. W. Hum- family, Freddie, Ann Marie, Marybeth and Kevin, last weekend were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Bonneville, London, Ont, On Saturday evening, with their house guests, they attended a af St. Sebastien school where Mr served by the committee, The next euchre evening will be Nov, 29 at the home of Mrs,/ Mildred Seaborn, Dundas Street West. | Mrs. Geneva Curl is spend-| ing @ few days visiting | friends at Little Rock, Ark. | Mrs, Phyllis Norris, presi. dent of Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, and Mrs,| 'Dorothy Ormiston, secretary, | will attend the Veterans' ban-| = Nov, 11 at the Legion Hall, | branch has also invited) the ladies to parade to the cen-| otaph Nov. 11 and also to take! part in the parade to Ali Saints' Angiican Church Nov, 15, Mr, and Mrs, James Mina-) ker, Fenelon Falls, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. | and Mra, Roger Houghton, 73 Elizabeth Crescent House of Windsor Chapter, IODE, is holding its Christmas tea Saturday at the home of) Mrs. John Davies, 8046 Henry Street, with Mrs, A. M. Glenny, Mrs. Donald Wells and Mrs. Clarence Freek in charge. for two years Almonds United Church Women's bazaar and tea is be- ing held Saturday at the church, Mrs. Rea Armitage is} general convener, assisted by Mrs, Lorne Atkinson, Mrs, Carl| Missing Youth Found In Scarborough Area five-day Thursday for the Fitzpatrick! @partmen Fairlort. phen day. tensive police search had been, launched, borough, He was unharmed and dance and buffet sponsored by| not even hungry. Humphrey has been principal after going out to get some! | 'pop' {ple combed the moorland area jnear his home Wednesday ;woman, whose son Stephen had }met, recognized him from aimore I can take!" range a public meeting in uals will be invited. Joyce | Burns, attended her first meet- Rides And Attendants Receive Certificates WHITBY (Staff) -- Twelve graduates of the nurses' aide and attendant course received pins and certificates at a cere- mony Thursday afternoon in the auditorium at the Ontario Hos- pital. The instructor's prize for the greatest effort and interest shown in theory and practice was won by Mrs. Bernardina Bax; while the prizes to the alde and attendant who showed the greatest interest in patients, the most effort in class and the best behaviour on the grounds went to Mrs. Audrey Sellers and Carl Bremner. James Sheedy, assistant di- rector of nursing, presided, Pay Offer a ee nald LNSUIT WHITBY (Staff) Repre- sentatives of 22 Ontario Hospl- tals Wednesday turned down the first government offer to raise the salaries of nurses' aides and attendants until a new contract can be nego tiated, The Civil Service Associa. tion of Ontario is picketing Queen's Park to protest low salaries in these two cate: fories, Off-duty Whitby mem- bers will take part next Mon-! day, | The government offer includ: ed a four per cent interim in: crease retroactive to Jan. 1, 1966, forwarding negotiations for the next contract from CYCLIST INJURED BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A 20- year-old motorcyclist, Barry E. Wright, of Lot 84, Conces- Rabbi Celniker gave the invo- A cation tnt De Lowes, Gane teen le mee bruises Thurs- intendent of the hospital, de- * ered ge hg iP! day when his machine was in volved in collision with a car iss V. E. Pickens, director|at the junction of Highways 7 of nurses, presented the cer-|and 12 at B . The driver, tificates and Miss M,. D.|Bertha McBrien, of 68 Win- Roberts presented pins, The|chester Road, B was presentation of Red Cross First | unhurt. Aid certificates was made by R. VanHorne, chief attendant; while the presentation of Red Cross First Aid Pins was made by 'Mrs. D. Kidd. a ardina Members of the class were: Mrs, Bax, Carl Bremner, Tjeerd Rintjema, Mrs, Therese Seeley and Mrs. Audrey Sellers, all of Whitby; Miss Leowna Ferguson and Miss Ruth Haugh, both of Oshawa; Miss Lin Harris, Zephyr; Robert Layzell, RR 3, Uxbridge; William Loates, RR 3, Port Perry; Mrs. Carol ope Uxbridge and William Wagner, RR 4, Port Perry. Course Planned For Leaders AJAX (Staff) -- An all-day basic training course will be held Nov. 12 at Uxbridge for all leaders of Brownies, Guides and Rangers. The session will start at 9 am. and last until 4 p.m, Leaders will be attending from Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby and sur- rounding districts, A variety of six courses is offered, In past years this full day of basic training has proven most profitable, 1S ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR RELP CAL'S LTD. HONEST Here are three modern, di r Sl ter Slow' wear art ie ba teres ce for t 'd ex te le COMPLETE et HONEST CAL'S. -- -- April to Jan 1, 1967, and a one- year contract instead of two \years, | Owen McElhinney, CSAO district Cobourg director, said --~|the offer was rejected because the four per cent ingult."' The representatives voted in favor of strike action if a suit- able offer is not made by. the CSAO annual convention at Toronto next Wednesday. They decided to ask dele. gates at the convention to give authority for a strike or 'work to rule." Mr. McElhinney said he hoped negotiations with the de- was "an Hugh Pryce-Jones has had tO partment of health would con: as resign from the committee be- tinue, A! WHITBY 'The committee intends to ar couple of weeks, to which all interested groups and individ. "KNOW HOW" OUR TRUST OFFICERS HAVE THE TRAINING | BAY RIDGES (Staff) -- A poe? age tre og er | diand told the detective in her) oer building. -- Metro| olice subsequently picked up) mily .of 681 Victory Drive, |the hoy and 'return him 4 Eleven-year-old Ste Fairport. * ee I}AND THE EXPERIENCE Fitzpatrick was found) What had the la en up to} ter being missing since Sun-|since he disappeared? His! SO NECESSARY .FOR jmother, Mrs. G. Fitzpatrick, | THE EFFICIENT AD. The boy, for whom an in-/said today she could not getii MINISTRATION OF AN much out of him, but he nad ESTATE phen le eel gy VICTORIA and GREY TRUST sleeping in parking lots, He) WHITBY 668-5897 turned up in Scar: Stephen vanished -- shortly; had no money but claimed he had eaten, | Stephen went missing once} before, but only overnight, and/ got no further than Ajax, His! mother said of his adventurous spirit; "IT don't know how much | Sunday, About 30 peo- The next day a Scarborough et 7 and 10 p.m, ATTEN Evening Programs Start 7 and 8:25 BROCK Last Complete Show at 8:25 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpeper and Murels @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ CLL, Pointe end Varnishes @ Benjemin Moore Peints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 © Attractive 6-Piece BEDROOM GROUP @ Durable Arborite Top 5-Pee, CHROME SET 493* NOTE - PERSONS UNDER 21 yrs. No Co-signer Required if yeu are under 217 years of age, if you have @ good eredit rating, GIBSON APPLIANCES _ $100.00 Down 39.00 MONTH 10.00 WEEK TECHNIGOLOA Co-Starring Joan kre @ Shown 8:35 Only TION!! Peter Smit of "Peter Smits Hairstyling for Men" wishes to announce that is back from a three week vacation and the shop is now back to full staff. We wish to thank our many customers for their kind co-operation during the period while Peter was alone. For the finest in men's haircuts and styling... See... PETER Pascoe, tea convener and Mrs. Fred Otter, bake table, Association Plans | Three Concerts WHITBY (Staff) -- With the aim of bringing good music to the citizens and encouraging | Canadian talent, the Whitby) Concert Association has ar: ranged three concerts to be) presented at the Ontario Ladies' College in coming! months, The first of the concerts, to! be presented Nov, 15, will fea-| ture the University of Toronto | Men's Choir and the | Bartholomew's Boys' Choir, Subsequent concerts, in Jan- vary and April, will' brin Jacques Abram, pianist and) the University of Toronto Fac-! ulty of Music Ensemble to Whitby. St. Corby's ROYAL RESERVE Sipe Mish Family Home on Beaufort Ave. - Oshawa For © particular client interested in o better city locetion, This popular east end location with the friendly neighbors will give you and your fomily @ feeling of always being here Situated on @ wide 65' frontage corner lot to give plenty of light end swing yet not toe much lawn for the busy executive owner to trim end keep trim. Extros galore here including red wood fenced yord, generous patio, hobby bench, built-in china cabinet, built-in stove ond oven, ond even @ better built double swing for the kiddies, You will appreciate the cory open fireplace ond the deluxe humidifier to keep the pleasent worm cir healthful end invigorating Don't discount this beauty for $24,700 with @ 6% interest mort gace if you need a 3 bedroom home! GORDON CSBORNE REALTOR & OFFICES TO SERVE YOU 218 Dundes Se. E., Whithy 49 Simeos St. $., Oshawe Phone 668-8826 Phone 728-5157 (2 doors east of Whitby Post Office) (Opposite Oshowa Poat Office) HAIRSTYLIN Ww YOU WISH TO MA Phone 668-2053 102 Byron St, South -- Whitby his father, Mr, Jan Smit, SMITS G FOR MEN KE AN APPOINTMENT mine TALKS GARS There's A Secret To Pleasing Women Car Buyers It's os simple os it Is effective; you've got to EARN their confidence. More then eny other single a! attitutde thet typifies © tend to i on MODEL 1466 2291; CASH & CARRY » the is it in this male-dominated industry. Women buyers today, according to re- cent marketing research, are becoming more expert in outemotive know than previously. But they ore on the defensive in their buying habits end reoct very adverse selling. Women love to shop end they Women ore more budget-conscious than men and are generally better credit risks They ore more safety concious alto ond show little interest in horsepower and high gines. Their choice of cer varies with their ope ond marite! stotus but they universally prefer power steering, brokes end automatic transmissions. The studies show women und See Honest Cal and Save During His Re-Opening ly to so-colled 'high pressure shop mere carefully then men. en. thelr new in better condition. Lastly, women. are more loyai tonger to become 'sold' in the f deal with Northside, ear warrenty more then men ond ere more punctual in keeping up werrenty dates, Ae @ result, they usually keep thelr core them foirly and. honestly, though it moy have taken them often make better buys becouse they are more likely to con sider service and integrity os well os price. Be on the Sofeside d end appreei bechipg, why Pus Re Honest Cal's Ltd. Corner of John and Ash Streets 205 John St. E., Whitby Ph. 668-6361 ne to @ dealer who has treated irst place, For this reason, a DODCE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, November 11, 1966 § usb