@. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 11, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Liberal Leader Bars Retirement Rumors TORONTO (CP) -- Andrew Thompson, Ontario Liberal he might retire beca health are. premature. 4 He has been at his farm north of Orono for the last four weeks, recovering from what his staff described as influenza, high blood pressure and exhaustion. Earlier reports Thursday said the Liberal leader, who repre sents Toronto Dovercourt in thé legislature, was suffering from a heart dition, Mr. Thomp- son' re to confirm this, =~ "Tt is premature to say I" won't be fit enough so carry on * as leader of the party," he said. One of Mr, Thompson's aides, Tom Ford, said the doctor 'would complete further tests be- fore recommending any work change -for the Liberal leader. Party. sources said Mr. Thompson has been warned sev- eral times to slow his pace. | Bear Upsets Him | PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)--The\savage head injuries. sight of an 800-pound black) whimpering at her feet was her bear directing traffic a Alterrier dog. aul parking lot so upset : Peerage Rejected ANDREW THOMPSON . 'reports premature' Tucker Thursday that he: crashed his car against the one in front of him. Nobody was injured. The bear was Kelly, @ 56, 99, announced Thursday he performing animal whose)i, reiecting the peerage he in- owner has it on a tour. lherited from his father, Lord Father Killed Sinisy st acess ¥ Sunday at age 63. Young hoya . Pa. ( ia succeeded his father as head o Bo Mee a Moni birth |@ Publishing - department store Thursday to a son, her second| empire that includes London's child, in Meadville city hospi. Harrods. tal. An hour later, she was in- formed by the army that her i husband, a 26-year-old lieuten- Parole Violated MONTREAL ant, had been killed in South Viet Nam. | Tetreault, 25, sent to prison fol- lowing a 1963 bomb incident in Woman MD SLAIN Montree!. was returned there Thursday for parole violation. CHESHAM BOIS,' England (Tetreault, a former newspaper (AP) -- Police Friday reported; man, had been released condi- finding the body of a woman tionally from confinement Dec. doctor murdered while bird-| 29, 1965, and now must return) watching in the forests of Buck-| to serve 652 days that remained inghamshire. Dr. Helen David-'in his sentence. He was sen- son, 54, HERE and THERE AGRICULTURE MEETING RE-ELECTED Harry Rawluck, of Newmat-' pon Hadden, of Blackwater, ket, will be the speaker at the was re - elected a member of annual meeting and banquet of|the Ontario Federation of Ag- the Ontario County Federation) riculture, to represent Ontario of Agriculture, Nov. 29, at Ux-| County, at the annual convention bridge. His subject will be his of the federation. experiences behind the Iron Cur- tain and conditions he found) there, VANDALISM Beset by vandalism, North) GUEST SPEAKER American Steel Equipment Co., G. R. Campsall, inspector of Ltd., Whitby, has requested) special education of the East|the Whitby Town Council to} Central Area of the Ontario|share in the cost of the erec-| Department of Education, will|tion of a fence. Council will) ) bo speaker at the meeting Study the firm's request. of the Ontario County Associa- tion for Children with Learning| SCHOOLS HELP Disabilities, Nov. 24, at Kath-| Ajax Public School Board) Jeen Rowe School, Whitby. His/held a special meeting Satur-| subject will be "The Exception-| day to discuss ways of helping} al and Perceptually Handicap-|the recreation committee now ped Child." |that it lost the Ajax Commu- nity Centre, in the recent fire. LEASURE THREAT The recreation committee is to On Thursday, Nov. 17, The present a schedule of its func- Canadian Club of Ontario Coun- tions to the board, which will ty will feature as guest speak-)give it as much use of the er, vice principal of Bishops/school facilities as possible. University, Dr. Anthony W. Preston, MA; DCL. Mr. Pres- CIGARETTES STOLEN ton will speak on, "The Threat' WHITBY (Staff) -- Someone of Leisure in Canadian Life." broke into the Dominion Store at the K - Mart Plaza, Whitby There ar ae ide obits Township, wednesday night and Oshawa fire department's new stole 30 cartons of cigarettes, 90-foot snorkel |worth about $100. The thief en- ladder which} ; |tered by smashing a glass pa- has been on order for several nel between the entrance and months. 'Maybe we will get it exit 'donee to the store, The next week," said a fire spokes-| break - in was discovered when man. "We are hoping. ithe store was opened this mor- HIGHWAY WORK ning. Whitby OPP are investi- pater sewey coaparection gating. é district is in the offing. It_was announced this week that BEDROOM FIRE sufvey crews at work laying) An estimated $300 damage out the design for the north-|was done Thursday in a bed- ward rebuilding to four lanes|room fire at the 354 King St. E. of Highways 115 and 35 fromjhome of William Derushe. the Highway 401 junction to the| Damage was confined to a bed junction of the highway, north|and mattress; 2 fire spokes of Enterprise Hill. Iman said. guilty of placing a bomb dur- ing a terrorist campaign by the Front de Liberation Quebecois. Banker Dies MONTREAL (CP) -- N. George Runians, 77, a promi- gent Montreal banker, died Thursday after a brief illness. Mr. .Runians was born in Brampton, Ont. and joined the Merchants Bank in London in 1906. Following the merger of the Merchants Bank with the Bank of Montreal, he served in a number of branches in the western provinces. CAPE KENNEDY, Fila, (AP) e Gemini project, a major bridge to the moon, reaches the end of the trail today with the scheduled blastoff of a vet- eran astronaut and a rookie on a four-day flight that may de- termine man's physical limita- tions in space. The pilots, Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force Maj, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., slept in preparation for their big day. Adjusting to hours they will keep in orbit, they went to bed about 2 a.m. EST today and were to be awakened about 11:30 a.m. The Gemini 12 doubleheader was to start at 2:08 p.m. with the blazing liftoff of an Atlas rocket to hoist an Agena target satellite into orbit. Lovell and Aldrin were to ride into space at 3:45 p.m. atop a Titan II to start the five- mile-a-second pursuit of the Ageia. Visit Planned | Troubles with an automatic VA Gemini Project Success May Lead Man To Landing On Moon pilot system in the Titan Il forced the original Wednesday launch date to be delayed 48 hours. The problems were cleared up Thursday and the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration flashed the go-ahead for the mission to start today. EXPLOIT LESSONS While sweeping 58 times around the globe in their tiny space chariot, Command Pilot Lovell, veteran of last year's 14-day Gemini 7 flight, and Aldrin, making his first space trip, are to exploit lessons learned on nine previous two- man Gemini journeys. Major goal is to learn if man can work effectively outside an orbiting ship in a pressurized suit, Space walkers experienced troubles moving about on the last three Gemini flights and raised a question whether 'onauts will be able to. per- fae liater space flights. PARIS (Reuters)--Soviet Pre-| |mier Alexei Kosygin will make} a state visit to France Dec. 1-9,| official sources said Thursday. | Communist party chairman) |Leonid Brezhnev and President} who died |, (CP) -- Roger |. was found dead withitenced in 1964 after being found; Nikolai Podgorny will visit Paris next April or May. tying Argentine Quakes ,, OTTAWA (CP)--Ancient rules parliamentary procedure are include a pension increase for BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)--|being reviewed in government/the needy, tax increases, the A sharp earth tremor early|quarters in the light of the cur-|Bank Act revision, the Railway thousands of northwestern sent | Thursday the }persons in jrent stalemate in the Commons, | Since the session resumed Act revision, collective bargain- ing for the civil service, unifi- Argentine cities of Mendoza;|Oct. 5, the House has managed cation of the armed forces, GLASGOW (AP)--Hugh Fra-|San Juan and San Luis hurrying|to P' |into the open. No casualties or major damage were reported. DETROIT NEWCOMER Peter Mahovlich is one of this season's newcomers to Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League. He is a brother of Frank, a star with Toronto Maple Leafs. --CP. Photo CADDIES SMALL BUT NOT FRAIL TOKYO (AP)--Japan is famous for its cute girl cad- dies, so there were a few giggles Wednesday on the eve of the Canada Cup matches when a notice in the men's locker room be- n: "All caddies are young ladies, who are frail and small." Contestants were asked to leave all unnecessary items out of their golf bags, in- cluding rain gear if the weather remains good. Small the girls are. But frail they are not. Most of them are teen-agers as strong as baby bull- dozers |months' jail, ass only one government bill. The measure, now before the Senate, would set up a feed grain board to help livestock farmers in Eastern Canada and British Columbia. Four other bills received. ap- proval in principle, but still re- quire lengthy detailed study. Most of the time since Oct. 5 has been taken up by drawn- out debates on medical care in- surance--eight sittings--and in- terim supply for November-- nine sittings so far. With only about 25 sittings left before the Christmas recess, MPs face a massive backlog of legislation and spending esti-| mates for the fiscal year end- ing March 31. Lewis Pleads For Tilco Two OTTAWA (CP)--A plea that the last two Tileo demonstra- tors from Peterborough be re- leased from jail before Christ. mas was made in the Commons Thursday by David Lewis (NDP --York South), Solicitor-General Pennell said he would take the question un- der advisement. The men, sentenced to two were among 26 demonstrators arrested last February during a demonstra- tion outside the Tilco Plastics |\Ltd. plant in Peterborough. Housing Act amendments and | Pension boosts for veterans, in |addition to the highly-controver- |Slal medical care plan. /13 REMAIN The estimates of 13 depart- ments remain to be passed. Under new rules introduced this year, there is a 30-day limit on money debates and 24 sittings have been consumed to date. The government is expected }to propose several rule changes jearly in the 1967 session to shorten other debates and sim- plify procedure. New Democrats have been seeking a special all-party com- mittee to study the rules and recommend changes, but the government is cool to this idea. Liberal informants say: sim- ilar committees failed to agree on any significant changes in the past. The government pre- fers to draft its own proposals and present them to the Com- mons. of the preliminary resolution stage for money bills. He also favors the advance allocation of debating time for each item of government legislation. these changes, saying they would sap the rights of Parlia- ment to scrutinize and question the actions of the executive branch. Just Published--1966 At HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN BONDS AND STOCKS This practical, ten-lesson home-study course describes and ilius- Home-Study Course in et trates C and securities, | procedures and their wise use in the investment of your money. Based on questions of hundreds of Canadian investors and the experience of leading investment deolers, this course includes « 325-page text book, illustrative material, self-test questions and a free question and answer service on all course material. Total fee is $10.00. For descriptive folder and registration write to: "A t terms, principl lati: of Canada 55 Yonge Street, Toronte 1, Ontarie NnAaay ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING Aluminum Awnings Porch Enclosures Storm - Screen Doors - Windows Prime Windows CMHC Accepted Aluminum Siding Jalousies 'Storm Window troubles forever... install Showroom and Factory PHONE 728-1633 Sliding Gloss Patio Doors Aluminum for Frame ond Walls For bodies of Trailers ond Pickup Trucks Re-glazing and Re-screening Aluminum Door please you every ti 45 me, You-can count onit. The easy taste of 5 Star whisky will It pleases us, too. But when it comes to making 5 Star, things are a little more difficult. We select whiskies from our 1, 2,3, 4, 5 distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has 5, by the way). Then we blend and re-blend them to get 5 Star's easy taste. Is the taste worth all the trouble? Easy for you to find out. end Window Inserts 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSHAWA 5 Star. Easy whisky. | Parliament Hill Stalemate Forces Procedure Review Forthcoming and pending bills} Prime Minister Pearson long) has advocated the elimination |- Conservatives strongly oppose) /Ontario, Mr, Lainson added, WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) = Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m, Synopsis: A north westerly flow of colder air now covers all of Ontario, Skies are cloudy in this cold air and snowflur ries are occurring in the north, Skies will clear tonight across the northern and central por- tions of the province. alps will be mostly sunny but cold, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Ontario, Halibur- ton, Southern Lake Huron, Windsor, London, Killaloe, Hamilton, Toronto; Mostly cloudy and colder today. Satur- day sunny with a few cloudy periods and continuing cold, Winds westerly 15 today and north 15 Saturday, Northern Lake Huron, South- Geaveian Rav; Maettiv cloudy and colder today, A few, snowflurries day variable cloudiness and con: tinuing cold, Winds north 15, | Northern Georgian Bay, Ti-! magami, Algoma, North Bay,| Sudbury, Sault Ste, Marie:, Mostly cloudy with a few snow-| | | s+ overnight, Satur- Socreds Planning Possible Merger TORONTO (CP) -- Harvey Lainson, president of thé On. tarlo Social Credit Association, will discuss a possible alliance with the Ralliement des Cred. istes at its annual meeting Fri- |day, The discussion will centre on Creditiste leader Raul Caou- ette's announced intention to start an organizing campaign in The association will also choose' a successor to former Ontario leader Dr. William Trelford, who resigned last year, REJECTION STANDS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court refused Monday to reconsider its rejection of an appeal by Ralph Neely, profes- sional football player who wanted to continue playing with Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. The U.S, Cir- cuit Court in Denver ruled the contract Neely signed with Houston Oilers of the American | Football League is valid and en- forceable. Cold Weather Continues Sunny Periods Predicted flurries and turning colder to- day. Saturday sunny with a few cloudy periods and cold. Winds northwesterly 20 today and light Saturday, White River, Cochrané, West ern James Bay: Mostly cloudy and colder with a few gi flurries today. Sunny with a few cloudy intervals be cold on Saturday, Winds north westerly 20 today and light Saturday. Ottawa: Cloudy with a few brief sunny periods today, Sat- urday mainly cloudy, Turnin colder today. Winds vey 1 today becoming light tonight. Forecast temperatures Low tonight, high Saturday LHUBOT ss eveesenes rr 3s St, Thomas 35 London ...s45 Kitchener Wingham sissssvees Hamilton ...ssseeee Bt. Catharines v.45, TOPONLO vi civecaies Peterborough v.55. KingstOn sicsccaees Trenton ss Killaloe ... ee MuUskok@ visscsaees Mayor Threatens To Press Probe KINGSTON (CP) -- Mayor Robert Fray threatened Thurs: said Thursday the association day to continue his campai, against department on the floor of the provincial legislature. the attorney-general's The mayor, who is demand. ing that the attorney ~ general make confidential report on the ad- ministration of justice in King: ston, said he will ask a member of the legislature to bring up the matter, public a two-year-old He named no member, DISCOURAGED IN NEED OF HELP? LIFE-LINE" 728-2111 SERV ienced, technicians on every day... for quick service. guaranteed. Bustos 43 KING $T. WEST, OSHAWA _i. 725-3581 Want Competent HEATING ICE? Call 723-3581 We have our own staff of exper- fully qualified heating call 24 hours Radio dispatched All their work. is en, North Bay ssveseees & Sudbury ..., Earlton eee intl 5 Sault Ste, Marie .., 10 Kapuskasing ..... +10 White River ...... -10 Moosonee .... NEED ANEW ACE? No Down Payment--First Payment PERRY Day or Night... 723.3443 FOR PRICE SAKE YOU CAN CROSS: HIGHWAY MEDIAN From the Legal Department of the Ontario Provincial Police IT IS LEGAL TO ENTRANCE or EXIT TURN ACROSS THE TURN IN! CROSS OVER! SHOP & SAVE AT Oshawa Discount House LTD, 1038 KING ST. WEST at GARRARD RD. Do you know _ the name of your insurance company? Don't be surprised if you find it's the "Royal", After all, it's the largest general insurance group in Canada. Chances are you didn't know thatl You see, the Royal does not have salesmen, It deals through independent agents, like us, We are neighbours to you; we're impartial» the best kind of insurance men to ; know your needs. It's an arrange- ment that works well for you. 4 LIMITED Insurance Of All Classes DEER HUNTERS--Now is the time to buy accident insurance, 73 KING EAST j OFFICE iDEAL TiME to iet paying 4* % 1% 10 years, ments. and Bowmanville. Friday 9 -- 8 Central ~~ Oshowa A REMINDER that interest Is paid in the fall and it's the Central Ontario Trust take the TIGHTNESS out of YOUR money by on CHEQUING accounts peid end compounded quarterly. No charge for cheques written, when invested in our GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 5 to SWITCH NOW to your Community Trust Company. Earn 50% more interest on your Savings. Enjoy the longest Saving hours in Oshawa Monday + Thursday 9 -- 5:30 & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St. North 23 King St. West Bowmanville -- 623-2527 you on SAVINGS accounts paid and compounded quarterly | | | Authorized Trustee Invest- Saturday 9 -- 4 Ontario Trust -- 723-5221 Lo = } - | I 1 ] White 1 ij BUTTER ... lb. 62+] MILK ... 2 for 29¢ | | OsHAWA, 723-5251 -- NO END TO LOW PRICES t SPROULE'S! Open To-Night and Saturday Night Till 10 O'clock FRESH SHANKLESS SHOULDER ROAST OF 3 eI PORK SUPER SAVE--Full 24-oz. Loaf BREAD 3-98 SELECTED BANANAS 9 Heinz Strained INFANT SUGAR . 10 lbs. 69°} FOODS . .4 jars 45¢ First Grade Creamery Tall Tins CARNATION SEE OUR PRICES ON FREEZER BEEF SPROULE'S Corner KING AT RITSON Ample Free Parking eee ee ee oe val .