24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 11, 1966 CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS Sand, Crossovers, Grants At Debated 'Evans Loam and Gravel 'Supply were awarded a con- tract by city council this week supply Oshawa with 4,500 tons of screened sand at a cost of $2.10 per ton. The Ontario Municipal Board will hold a hearing in the city hall. council chambers Jan, 23, 1967, at 11 a.m, to determine compensation to be paid to Mrs. Luella McMullen for prop- erty expropriated by the city, Mayor Lyman Gifford, the icity treasurer, clerk and com- missioner of works have been instructed and authorized to Sigma ana is iis ite ths Te partment of highways the form- al petition for interim payment wof the statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act based on total expenditures of (91,101,320 made on roads, streets, bridges and culverts this year. A pedestrian crossover will be installed on Fairbanks Street at the crossing on the west side of Simcoe Street, Calvary Baptist Church was not granted permission to erect church directional signs at var- ious street intersections. The request was studied by the traffic and public safety com- mittee, Council agreed to purchase a lot on Taunton Road West owned by Thomas Wiggers for By Coun parks, property and recreation committee agenda, The Christian and Mission: ary Alliance church will be informed that a small parcel of land adjacent to Hillsdale Pub- lic school is owned by the board of education, The church had enquired to tae city con- cerning the property, Council. will. reimburse privately-owned equipment. lost in the recreation department's Gibb Street fire which destroyed the Oshawa Recreation Centre, Lack of funds prevents the construction of a concrete foot- path on Park Road Souin be- tween Marquette Avenue and Hibbert Avenue, A gravel foot- path will be constructed instead and $600 transferred from the sundry appropriations account to the public works department to cover the cost, A $300 grant will be made to the Polish Millenium committee of Oshawa, towards the cost of the memorial which was re- cently dedicated in Chopin Park, subject to the approval of the city solictor as to the legality of the grant, in The Financial Post was pur- chased by the city at a cost of $1,350, The publication will be presenting a second tabloid. size feature report on the city, Council was told by the finance committee that 72 per cent of $4,400, The property is needed for the proposed wideni of the street and in the construc- tion of a new bridge over the Oshawa creek. The city parks department has been directed to develop and improve the land on the east side of Ritson Road North (city dump) for possible use by the fair board in the future, The industrial commissioner has been requested to corres- pond with city hall department heads directly on the question of reservation of industrial lands for possible future use by the city. Ivan Perun withdrew his offer to purchase city-owned land north of 541 Nipigon Street. The 1967 parks, property and recreation committee budget will include $500 to cover ex- penditures for Oshawa's partici. pation in the Canadian National Exhibition flower show. Authorization was given to No, 420 Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force association, to add to and improve the building the association occupies at the Osh- awa airport subject to the ap- proval of the city building engineer. Council also decided occupancy by the association would continue on a year-to- year basis. Mrs. Isobel Jebbett, 520 Nor- mandy St., and others request- ing that a winter ice rink be made at Chopin Park this year will have an effort made to grant their request. The parks, property and recreation com- mitte has recommended § a} skating rink for the area. A request from the Board of Transport Commissioners ask- king for council's submission regarding the sounding of diesel engine whistles on Oshawa streets was removed from the the Fi ial Post readers are claimed to be investors in the industrial field, Capital Forecast and budget submissions by civic depart- ments, local boards and com- missions will be filed with the city treasurer not later than Jan, 6, 1967, The city's sick leave bylaw will be amended to include a recent amendment to the On- tario Municipal Act to provide for certain payments upon trans- fer of sick leave, H. G. Chesebrough, welfare administrator, W. D. Johns, superintendent of Hilisdale Manor, L. R. Barrand, secre: tary of Hillsdale Manor Man- agement Committee and a rep- resentative of the Ontario De- partment of Homes for the Aged were appointed as a committee to investigate the need for additional accommodation at Hillsdale Manor and report the number of resident spaces re- quired, The city agreed to pay Mrs. Annabell MacDonald $18,700 for - property at 11 Fairbanks Tentative approval was given) to the board of education for construction of a senior public school at an estimated cost of $490,000. The school is expected to be constructed in 1967 on Cedar Street. W. M. Sears was granted a transient trader's licence to operate a second-hand store at 762 Simcoe St. 8. Council agreed to pay Peter Dryburgh, 158 Centre St., $30 in lieu of the replacement of a fence along the boundary of his land which was expropriated for the widening of Centre Street. Trans-Atlant ic Mariner Plans Westward Crossing ST. .JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)-- Geoff. Godwin, the Englishman who sailed to Newfoundland in a %5-font fibreglass boat last summer, says he plans to lead an armada of three similar vessels in a westward crossing of the Atlantic next year. These, he hopes, will become the nucleus of a charter fleet for Newfoundland waters. He has already formed a vacation charterboat company in co- operation with interests here and at Corner Brook. "We estimate that it will take . Policeman Urges . s . Fingerprinting VANCOUVER (CP) --Every- one should be fingerprinted, says Vancouver Police Chief Ralph Booth. Fingerprints are the only posi- tive means of identifying human beings. They are essential in police work and they will even- tually be used for business pur- poses, Chief Booth said in a speech to a service club, "The time has arrived when we must throw out the old bogey that fingerprints have only one good purpose . . . in police work. There is no doubt in my mind that they will have a more prac- tical use in the near future in our everyday business world." The police chief said he un derstands the electronics indus- try is working on the develop- ment of a machine that, upon contact with the-print of a single finger, will codify the finger- print characteristics, feed them into a computer and almost in- stantly identify the person to whom the print belongs. about $40,000 to set up this three. boat nucleus of a charterboat industry," he says, 'There'll be nobody get rich quick out of it but the possibilities for expan- sion are very great." His 1967 voyage from Fal- mouth, Engiand, wouid involve four persons, two in each of the 25-foot craft he plans to bring across and himself and a pho- tographer in a bigger 35-foot model. Auxiliary engines and two- |way radios are planned for the flotilla in its crossing to New York, From New York, Mr. Godwin plans to head his fleet to Mont- real and Expo 67. vole: Yorve A full-page of advertisement) cillors The city solicitor was directed io withdraw the appeal filed with the Ontario Municipal Board in connection with the purchase by the board of edu- cation of land on Wilson Road North, and. the payment of service charges in connection with the application be waived, The commissioner of works was instructed to no longer re- quire the payment of service charges by the board of edu- cation and the separate school board on consent applications before the committee of adjust- ment, The city zoning bylaw was amended to permit service ciwna to build and oceupy buildings in industrial areas, A bylaw to authorize the issue of debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $1,734,000 was read a second time and passed, Debentures totalling $100,000 will be issued for the purpose of purchasing sites and con- structing certain extensions of The Oshawa Centennial Com- mittee's approach to Separate School Board To Study '67 Request "T don't support this project, the| We have set aside $450 for our + ial contributi but it separate school board to help response, tival project, the children's) tance for its two performances May 26 in Oshawa, The public and by the centennial co-ordinating) committee to share the costs, Before it was referred to the! executive committee of trustees voiced non-support, finance a Museum Children's|is to go toward our centennial Theatre was received at the|music festival in May, There is Wednesday night board meet-|too much handing down of re- R ing with less than enthusiastic ja og said Dr, George Scluk, A government subsidized fes-|agement committee, chairman of the man: 'We only have 25 per cent attraction requires $485 Assis-|o¢ the funds the hoard of educa- tion has, Why should we be separate expected to split the costs," school boards have been asked| said Trustee Michael Budka, sald the centennial project is 'too the|much to pass up" and he all board for a fuller report, some) gested the committee sit down 'and talk it over, Trustee Ernest Marks WINNIPEG (CP) = Competi:| tion and new synthetic materials bu says the president of Western Canada's largest tanning firm, ion Tanners Ltd, is going mod-| vacate its old four-storey tan-| factory, for a new $2,000,000 the -- electrical system of the city, The traffic regulation bylaw was amended to designate Mary Street a one-way street, be- tween a. point 122 feet north of distribution nery, originally built as a ld plant, The tiew plant is expected to |process about 50 per cent more cow-hides' a month,' bringing total production to about 500,000 square feet--enough for 250,000 Although highly automated Adelaide Avenue East and the south curb line of Wood Street extended on the east side of the traffic island, for northbound traffic, A suggestion by Mrs, Eliza view of the increase in rents and cost of commodities, the rent paid for a polling booth should be increased, was re- ferred to the finance and assess- ment committee, A separate school board re- quest that trustees be permitted to sit in on the discussions preparatory to setting up the city's policy with regard to pre- service charges on newly ac- quired school sites was referred to the public works committee, Mrs, G. Kapeluk, 242 Bloor St, E., requested council give re - consideration to the "no parking anytime" signs. in front of her property. She informed council that it would be difficult to lease her property with the regulation, Mrs, Kapeluk's re- quest was referred to traffic and public safety committee, Radio Station CKLB informed council it intends to broadcast election coverage at the Dec. § civic election and requested permission to use the council) chambers. It was referred to| committee for study, Milo Pultz, 154 Prince St,, old counetl nothing had been done regarding his | previous petitions to city council re- questing signal lights and a crosswalk on Brock and Church Streets, He appeared with several neighbors who supported his petition, Council had earlier decided not to erect a signal light on Prince Street but told Mr, Pultz a crosswalk would he installed, Council endorsed a City of Cornwall resolution requesting the Ontario Legislature to enact legislation requiring the man- ufacturers of motor vehicles to treat all metal used in motor vehicles to prevent corrosion caused by road salt, A request from the centennial co-ordinating committee asking council to provide $5,000 for decorating civic buildings and certain sections of the city for centennial year was referred to the finance committee. |Nakonecznyj, pairs of shoes, | techniques will not be used, the | building is designed to allow for) them in future, | Pigskin tanning will remain at jabout 250,000 square feet a }month but work will be done in seven, | The new tannery will have a | staft of 120 compared with the present 90, | Dominion imports all its pig-| skin for the Winnipeg plant} from the United States, It gets, jabout 50 per cent of its cow: hides from Manitoba packing plants, | The company sells about 15 per cent of its tanned leather in the U.S., Central America, | Hong Kong and Britain, PRICES MAY RISE | But the president, C, &, Riley, says international sales are not as profitable as: domestic sales, He admits the quest for more of the domestic market led to modernization, | Mr. Riley says increased pro- duction will not mean lower prices, . "Since the price of leather has remained relatively con-| stant for the last 20 or 30 years, | it appears it may tend to rise| in conjunction with other prices, rather than drop," theties are replacing leather-for | certain will lead to the downfall of all) stance, 80 per cent of shoes now t the most efficient tanneries,|produced are not soled with Modernization Keeps Tannery ve In Modern Aae commodities. For leather, . To avoid such a fate, Domin-| 9.4 But Mr, Riley says that with: the ern, with the accent on effi-| Shoe trade would be wholly de-/than the 'bark' tanning pro-| cient production, It is going to| Pendent on leather man-made materials and he! cess, Works Office Contract Let Mel-Ron Construction td, was awarded a $49,500 contract Wednesday night by city coun: cil to build an addition and make alterations to the public works department main division yard office building on Ritson oad, In awarding the contract council decided that $7,200 of the ae would o Sees 2 the civie property developmen fund and mtonniane the 1967-68 council that it reimburse the fund from the 1947 publie works department budget, Full cost of the improvements to the publie works department building is estimated at $52,500, 'The contract is subject to the approval of the commissioner of works, : | Other tenders received by council included; Bathe and MelLellan Construction td, $52,500; Van Hoof Construction Ltd,, $51,088 and Goulding Bros, Lid,, $49,584, Gounia if inere Waid Be to go around, Innovations in the new include a gravity-emeth of emptying tanning vats, now done by hand; conveyor belts to replace carts and elevators for moving hides and leather and a chemical-mineral rather lant jers employed by aulo WASHINGTON (CP) --- The Canadian region of the United Auto Workers union is the fast: est « growing branch of the De- troit » base: union ade The UAW signed up 0,128 new members in Canada, the United States and Puerto Rico via cer: tification last year, Says the union publication UAW Solidarity: "Shining jewel in the UAW's organisational crown has been the Canadian region whose di: rector, George Burt, points to an unbroken streak of certifica pig ig which now stand at 47, , "The Canadian UAW mem: organization, the! Ont Canadian Region Of UAW Fastest Growing In Union a ed makers, the aerospace industry and farm implement companies, with Canadian di: rector Burt located at Windsor, The UAW statement makes no reference to any influence of the 1065 Canada-U,8, auto production agreement, synchro: niging North American output on the basis of duty-free mover ment of vehicles and parts across the border for producers, One object of the agreement from Canada's standpoint was expanded production for the North American market, UAW Vice + President Pat bership in recent months has topped the 100,000 » mark for the first time in ita history, averag: 1 for the first half of "Five years ago, it was 62,440, The Canadian UAW was certi- fied on behalf of 6,051 fn |members in 1960, in the fi half of 1066, the count 04, iIn both years, the Canadians |have led all other regions," Moat of the UAW Canadian membership is centred in On: tario with some in Quebec, BURT 18 DIRECTOR The union apecialives | ih work: en Allison, 355 Mary St, that in|five days a week instead of 4 He says tanneries are in dan: ger of losing markets to substi- tute products, Although leather will always be used because of its unique qualities, some syn- French Class Demonstrated © Guest speaker at the first meeting of St, Francis, Catholic Parent-Teacher Association was assistant superintendent of the department of education, To: | Tonto, Noel Bennet-Alder, | "Mr, Bennet-Alder used a class of St. Francis Grade 7 pupils to demonstrate the meth: od of teaching French without text books or speaking English during the class,' said secre- tary Stephanie Nakonecznyj, Inspector for separate schools) jin Oshawa, Whitney C, Hum: phries spoke briefly on the in- | troduction of conversational French into the school, | "During the business of the jassociation, it was moved to ob- | tain s charter, A card party was |planned for Nov, 22," said Mrs. | RENT-A-CAR WEEK -- MONTH } --~ sas DAY - } 8.00 PER DAY 725-6553 | RUTHERFORD'S | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa Public Service Reading Bargain in Town? if | and aula Greathouse of Detroit, director OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! 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OSHAWA TIMES carrier salesman that's who! . Right now for a limited time only you can take advantage of our your money saving.... ECONOMY. READING PLAN OFFER! YOu PAY ONLY 75)° PER WEEK FOR YOUR NEWSPAPER AND YOUR CHOICE OF MAGAZINES PLACE YOUR ORDER.... JODAY, Nor Tomorrow Pry RHEE. (Weekly) om (Renewals Qnty) ) MOOK MAGATINE TID) NARPER'S BAKAAR .cens 2 ym CID) SPORT MAGARINE CE] eeed HOUSEKEEPING PLEASE ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE -- GROUP B Gi seenes 2H a ye ae Be a) saane A Sf A A | S| SAT TTT DO NOT WRITE HERE ADDRESS VES cas 3.18) aly) Ratio ed dh he - os | | | | | | | | | | | L a8 CITY since This gives me the (Please Print Plainly) Se ease eaees ZONE SP ea eae eaeeenes ORDER TAKEN BY ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [1 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER (]. PRESENT NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER of total UAW membership rer eruiting, says; ser nd un et a a aa (than in he. UB), iy ves you an ining on either side of the bor DRIVE TO EXPO REGINA (CP) Antique car owners in Saskatchewan plan- for their own centennial proj- ect a drive to Ottawa the Montreal World's Pair in 1987, The 16 Saskatchewan drivers expect to join forces with a McLAUGHLIN 723-348 | We 87, W, CUE) TY QUIDE (Weekly) rrr ELLERY GUEEN'S CE New PoRITY TE) TY RADIO MIRROR ic enes BoP [) EO) CAMPING JOURNAL 4.4... 8 FH Newapaper Delivered By cass ccecnnecnnes Carrier's Route Ne, «.. Please enroll me as @ member of The Oshawe Times, Oshawa, Onterio, Economy Reading Plan Oshawa Times for 36 months and the magazines checked above to pay 7Se weekly for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full payment et present rates for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper, Vaasaseseeeares saacee PROVINCE cavalcade Fase Vancouver, meena A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D, OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721. CALL ee (Detective Megeringd caso. 2 pre sysesanns BR Date visiss aesenn privilege of receiving The | agree PHONE Ne. ., APT. No, Vee eneeees seeeeeeeees A ee ae Oe