20 'FHE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 11, 1966 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants ccountants, Licensed Trustees 0 penta st S24 Simcoe Street North, ihawa, 7 WOPKI ABLN-EREG8,- Charter ed ae ee hat Trede oe Whs0h * ay) HE, WILLIAM" Cy WAL! 9 Lesoogiy ie ce 'i Osh 7284 AY, ceria General BORDON mo 08m, Oshawa Shop ping % ioe" GLANE VS t ACCOUNTING Service. bookk ee ery' tes V6 ai coe tie Street North, Teo. 729-7605, jent Einsi, Telephone | 723-48 ALOERT HOSMAR, Chi hartored Actoun: tant, 4? Prince Street, Suite 4 Osh- awa, Ontario, Telephone 723-1221, isters 6 AND KELLY, Be Barr citors, ete. 14° Kin 729-2278, Residence pl QC, 725-9968; Terence V, oi Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725 266) i ate RTE a pk NEE UB; Barrister ond Saleen King Street East, Suite 307, 72-0197. enidence 725-005), NB. MeLAUOHLIN, B.Comm. rae and Solicitor, 'ny King St, 723-223), Res, 723-0944, MPHREY OVCHYN end HILL. Mane ee ve King Street Boe, R,_D, Humphreys, Qc: G. ped y "ac, BA, LLB, Office Mth residence: 725-4604) Whitby, 468-276)) 720-4326) 7255133, NWA and other first ne funds le, - aC, Solicitor. " |ANGAN, «| JOuEPH motte 14' King Street 0232, Money to loan, as TAME ALD, BA, LLB, Barris-|6 ter and solicitor ye Notery T Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Rug - Upholstery Service Residential weed _ 725-4126 Commercial Industrial Repairs ---- Alterations Additions --~ Remodelling For all your Construction JAMES ALLEN & SONS "Winter Ideas" WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT PURITY DOG MEAL repairs, estimates, 728-206), ATLANTIC' PAVING and concrete. Get your driveway paved b) 20 cer 8q, ft. All work Custom Built Kitchen-- room <= rec, all General Repoirs, 725-8576 ee, My vere 58 = linww PLAS sidewalks, remodelling, 1 aia A. C, Wood, any. protect Your snow, Have your garage 6" slab, overhead door, ne Bau monthly payments arra YOUR LOCAL" chimney ci roots repaired, Free estimate EARPENTAY = New and reps repairs ment stim OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS ~Bath- rooms = and H. McKOY Prop. EXPERT PAVING, Free estimates, In: ay rate and fill, twoyear in business, Terrano shu py soed Free ree rooms 728-3420 of 728 ALL" TYPES BUILOING REPAIRE roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire masonry. Gord May, Whitby, ROOFING, hot tar and Raval, repairs, large and amail jobs, L. an Roofing and ( construction, 725. wir Ro irom ice" and built now with and painted, 723- inged, FLOUR CANARY. SEED BUDGIE SEED wéran. FLOWER POTS STRAW block 7680 ier. Chin Per aie ae ney: built, repaired, gas tint TREE TO TRIM? Coll Slim, or "| PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITANNIA MALT Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312--723-1139 Delivery Service established 1909 TOP SOIL AND FILL for sale. Beatty Haulage, 725-2156 RRS MANURE, good quality, 3. yds, and up, $4.00 yd. Top soil, 4 yd. and up, $2.25 .|yd, Delivered, 725-0697, Ti eat 'jthem down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or ot 728-0610. NELLIS WOME | rec. 286 Kine. veer 9 jal Bulldl ing 5 Ganawe,. Ontario a, parking avail: able, 7254716 or 725-47! da Smort Business People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Action Ads CLASSIFIED RATES 24 words, 91,08) con $2.88; ittonel words 2c, ALL RIND" oF odd job: 3, pairs and eaves trovghing. cleaned aa, sningten rooms, "remodel | ay ba ~ Guaranteed Workmanship, Free estimates cali Don collect, 985-26 ROOFING, CHIMNE ceme _Port Perry. types 0 F r Basements ind white washed, Roofing and lald, Call Harry or Gord, 655 Instruction BALLET + BATON twirling, Rese "7 pm, daily, Hervey Dance cademy, Shopping Centre, 725-6 "FO PLAY the guitar? Le now available, on no barrier, Telephone 942. 9a}-5282 or q Money t to Loan TWIT TOAN' > you a) yo $5,000 reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or 'or any other. worthwn purpose providing you are steadily em: = ployed and have Good credit, 723-4691, peor =,10,00 ear aaaitionel eharee Carpentry ti gg mene? ae Coun me ee FR \ ira To re bs aeerevistion counts as e's phone number counts than 24) recrea' REMODELLING, trim work, dupdos rooms, and stairs, Free esti mates, Telephone 7257044, Cartage rds, nan peani $2.25 per insertion with 2 cents addi tlonal Soree Wt not paid within 6 days. MORIAMS is the first 38 words -- te. each thereafter plus We. per ot verse) 25c, paattions! charge it net y pald CARTAGE OF ANY KIND Anythi moved @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS Demolished or Re- easonable Rates. within © cays, 728-7020 -- 728-1892 CARD OF THANKS firet 38 'and Sc, each istry Sersoter wn 2Se, additional charge It Denti not paid within 8 days, nang Ps sour . ate pene rgeon, t Bast, Oshawa CoMIN® ave Teoniay 8. 8; n tee the] For at eopointment," 728-5171 ts first 2 wores and ereatier BALAK, as @ ae eee Surgeon, Simeoe Str: a. ir (Word: AAS topointinent, Tassean er Res vcr! SALes Sa Pek INEH PER INSERTION, Dressmaking DEADLINES ORESSMAKING, Expertty fitted suite, WORD Ad! coats, dresses, Beautifully tallored silp- 3 B pm. DAY PREWOUS jt AND FOUN i Fem. DAY OF Se Nas AND DEATHS a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION IN SReneRins one CARDS OF THANK Spm, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 pm, day previoun) 8 cob urns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous. SANCELLATIgNS AND CORRE 9 am. pis a PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pud- jeation wit! be charged on day's insert ton, BOX NUMBER RENTAL 81,00 While every endeavor will be made to forward repiles to box numbers to the edvertisers a3 s00n @8 possible, we ac cept no flabillty in of loss or damage sileged to arise through either fallure or delay in forwarding such re piles, however caused whether by negli wg or otherwise, The Times will not for replies tor a a % days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsidie for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing fot for more Yhan one insertion of any advertisement nor Deyond the price charge for @ single insertion in which error occurs, The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification, tr the cased of ispy advertisement: The Times will no! be held responsible tor more apace then that which the actoa error occupies, The publishers endeavor aevert 2 rectiy, bu Viability of adver. tiserment. if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, TS EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 covers, drapes, Mrs, GRESEMAKING, alterations 'West area, 728-3 i ge aa and Supplies alterations. Toms, 668-2372 Suite etc. Work Cone hoe BUY Freshly dug Shrubs @ So Green @ Evergreen Stop in today forall garden needs 1015 King St. €. 725-6551 BULBS NOW For Color in the Spring Plant Now ! Evergreen and Flowering FERTILIZERS LAWN SEEDS your RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Werner's Column sonal Mar ne Equipment "Swap. anc Boerter Articles for Sale S--Markel Basket W--Fermer's Column 1e-Business Opportunttios 1$--Emaioyment wanted ona ents Wanted r=Femaie Mein Wanted ele Help Wanted eaMele or Eomae Help Wanted 2--Reai Estate For Sale pa wer Properties Perms fer Sele --Lors tor Sale Real Estate Wanted Pe--Stores Offices and Storage Fall Sale of $5 Glovers Rd. 725- 1720 @ Cedors for Hedges @ Manure 'cow, sheep o @ Dry fire wood cut to posts ond poles 2S--Houses for Rent 2e-Apartments for Rent 27--Roeoms for Rent Room end Board = Wanted to Rent SMITH'S TREE FARM TOP SOIL, SOD NURSERY STOCK HARDSAND LANDSCAPING r horse suit r¥ vt, | Call collect Newto 7 B6-22B3 | me wtonvilie 786-2283 | ci-yypey OF REPAIRS ane "remodel: M--Auromodiies for Sale $ PER MONTH Si--Compact Cera tor Sele The cost of this ab be a ad, daily for one Tn AU rernati es Wanted LamAutormonile Repair Found --Coming Events Notas i yeor. Too sme!! to be noticed? You're dl reading ~ MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages, No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased, M, F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Ist end 2nd Mortgages PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why not consolidate all your poyments with a low cost mortgage loon, For complete detoils call DOUG, TERWILLEGAR, Man- oger, BRANCH REALTY ~ INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King Street.East, Oshawa Bus, 723-1157 Res, 725-6210 INVESTORS FOR SALE Prime mortgage, $8,300 will $9,800 ist mortgage, good covenant, 744%, good' pay- ments, excellent property in Pickering oreo, For further information call; JOHN KOSTENIUK 723-8144 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes-- ~--City, Rural, Vacation-- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N 725- = FIRST AND SECOND mortgages able, W. Schatrmann Realtor, sais Street North, _ Whitby, 668-3338. FIRST AND SECOND vy mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Mennick and Hennick, Dorriters. "n King Street East, 723-7232. Ist buy Musical Services WANT J RENT nor a and FAV THO un We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest cost, For 728-3651 INTERIORS by WINDOLF 39 Simcoe St. N. FREE ESTIMATE call, lished 20 years, Workmanship guarant Free esiinates. Credit terms, We bike ve-bullt, furniture refinished, Osh holstering, 267 _Bean Avenue, ns 31 Sales and Service jeed, 880s U A GIRL oF tik CELEBES CARRYING CORK 10 MARKET UM FORMS A GOLDEN CROWN ON HER HEAD, By R. J, SCOTT PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service ry Free Pick-Up and Delivery yh Fe ¢ LAVY ROCKS HOLD DOWN Angus-Graydon Wow Muck op | URYmeneneamen EAC THE ROOTS OF HE. 7OR.AISA WE WORLD'S CROPS BARBECUE BEEF MORUAPARESL i ae ARE EATEN UP BY 7 gy HOLDING A MUNK a CHESTERFIBLDS --re-upholsiered and WsEcts INTHETERTH AND restyled, Free estimate, See our mate CUMING AWAY ALL. ode, Dalton. Utkoistering" My charles eH Buta Brie. , Street, 723-7212, i ORE = TENTH, NOWLY NEVER NKK RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estad-| [ue a THE NOSE.» 0 ing Fem Bresson tam 1148 Weld apis om 8--Articles for Sale 12--Articles Wanted YOUTH BED with : spring mattress, Natu: a and varnis Top condition, stain 233. ie of mat: mat: PREG) Furnace cleaned, adjus Guaranteed trouble - free sinter' i! fer from Western Oll "Company MATTRESS BARGAINS, All ses, all reduced, § tresses, $29.) crib mattresses, $9.08) mat: tresses for beds, $16.08) roll-aws cots complete, $19.68, "Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street, from saw, sawn to our speci- fications . , , Cut your Elm before the disease till Be," Peacock Lumber Ltd, Oshawa MECCANO and LEGO, compieie val bits and pleces, 725-8233, denis Used Tikes, yet all sizes, B. F, Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543, TYPEWRITERS, vi No Mone $2 weekly, Adders, cashiers, MKle "cob ob, Raglan. GUARANTEED USED" Wringer washers, television, Fore ete, and up. on tu gd New, ros rentals, service, trodes, Bili '900d ture and Appliances, 452 y GOOD USED FURNITURE. What Sean, | Yas vay Creek '6 Bond Street war WANTED -- is K.V.A, Weider, In| 9598 condition, Penn a 7677 after: 600d U EAT ies cna Granine for all types of vate <. contractors, Free Phene 7 5 and weather lidings, Pri- esti wanted, New or and not SUNRITOR = three rooms, new qual ity furniture, only $299. Includes com: plete room, living room, kitchen en- semble, Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatable Home Furnishings, 424 values! Barons' TORED ANTIQUE SOPA -- over io" years old, red valvet. 725-1343, GUITAR, Gibson Southern 9 Jumbo, nice BOY'S eicvere 28" ani maroon and White, Telephone 725-1950, ip 1 TV--Radio Repairs APPLIANCE REPAIRS of washers, etc, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE ALCAN dryers, 45? Simcoe S, -- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Taunton Road E, R.R. 1, Hampton ings, stonework, years experience railings, Expert repoirs to all makes ranges, FURNITURE and APPLIANCES Harris Aluminum Sales Phone Oshawa 525. 6064 Siding, windows, doors, ae Siding Experts. Lowest Prices. |~ TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Call Whitby -- 668-5679 CITY TV t levisions, radios, service and repairs, Service dept. open 7 doys a week; Also T.V, towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- fas, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN 79 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 GUARANTEED REPAIR 720-1742 or 723-0011 REPAIRS and services (tow ary examination and estimations. to 10.30 Phone 725-7489. washers and Hh a Free eatinoten, eat rates), sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, ren- ges and radios, No charge for pretimin- work guaranteed, call evenings only 6.30 725-0500, All work guar- Bis Ao Pum ian ein enol T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. 723-0011 COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work quoranteed T.R.1.0. TELEVISION 728-5143 All 8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We 'correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor ond camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition. . , $6.88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion ber adjustment extra, e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars, First Quality Royoline, 4 wheels, WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each .. $1. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES Surveyors TELEVISION DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, terio Land Surveyor, prints, 1) Ontario Street, 725.5 HW. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, urveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. 725-688), On- Commercial dive! - io and Phone 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. G'S TV TOWER and Aerial service, ----;| Free estimates, all work guaranteed, For fast service call 668-676) or 728-6879 at 104A Byron Street South, Whitby, TV--Radio Repairs Well Drilling--Diggirg for perfect tv reception on 10 channels with no antenna get cable tv call 723-5278 Optometrist iP. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 1M Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa.. Telephone 723-419) Painting ¢ 'and | Decorating -- PA ITING ene ene paper , he enging, tr tree es timates, Telephone 7! 00. Photography WEDDINGS, parties, and white and coler, Most reasonable rates, Taken. in your own Rome al no extra cost, $76-1047, Plumbing and Heating Children, in black PLUMBING MART SOLD DIRECT 20% OFF Copper pipe, pumps, three piece both, stoiniess steel sinks, vonities ete, Hours -- 12 p.m. te 9 p.m. Set. -- 9 am. to 5 pm Closed Wed 149 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-6601 T.V, TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! +81,0. TELEVISION Ng, New And used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates tree, 723-119), J, Foley. | Corner Bond ond Division ALL PLUMBING AND. HEATING sup.) piles, Telephone 725-352), Harold H. Star *] Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, | 35S Simeone Street South oscibaenite | VMPLE MONEY TALK: Clastitied Aas! seh things you mn? need for SPOT CASH. Dial rz 2 tor an aedewriter | jnowt i 728-5143 Rust T.V. TOWERS fu COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 3-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & T.V. refrigerator. Siete ate. enmntorsepty, OSHAWA 1 V Ample cupboard space. 725-4990 after § . . am, : SUPPLY LTD. 6--Marine Equipment TAUNTON RD. E "STARCRAFT" new Traveller boats, Gust East of Ritson) evecee meters, --_ evenings and} week ari ane 8131 - 723-8132 [ii Brooxin, ssssene sey USED ALUMINUM car top 1? boats! $$$] 00 re stoscoo, "Wide Rental ast: HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED --_|2286_Wnitby WELL DIGGING by machine special lzing In 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chest. nut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668: 3809, 2--Personal NEW, USED -- vacuums, pollahers. Re- pairs to all_ mal ew hoses, Phone 17 Park Rd. S, teat Rinne dead SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Phone 725-6511 Septic Service Fast T.V. Service TNE teow ine sate at SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service RUTH ERFORD"S West Whitey sara et eet] DOMINION 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, '$599, $699. Easy terms, Immediate delivery or loyaway. Rutherford's __156 56 Simcoe » St. _South CLEARANCE | of Aluminum Storm Doors and Windows at 1% price. ZELLER'S Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Noy, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3--Sportsman' Column -- HUNTING LICENCES, new ¥ and used guns, bought and sold, Baver skete Cok change, new and wu sk Valley Creek, 16 Bond St, Ww cut and wrai ap deer Telephone 668-8745 or yanoien. prices, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BARGAINS FLOOR COVERING Thousands of yards of discontinued patterns from 29c, Wilson's Furniture BR 20 Church St. SCRAP LUMBER > Lead your own truck, any Size. 4--Motorcycles 1963 MATCHLESS 750 CC Twin for sale. Excetient one meny extras, Tele- phone 723-3347, $3.00 per load 725-1181 PRETTY PLAY and party dresses, aire 5--Trailers TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS, HEATERS RE- FRIGERATORS. Authorized Service on trailer heating and Refrigerators, MILLER HEATING Be. Tudor St., Ajex, 942-3491 3 to 4, and other accessory items. Fine condition. 725-8233. VacuUI ® AIRS, y makes, | etc, Pick-up, Re 942.0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. APARTMENT | SPECIALS -- 5 deds $14, dressers $10, cribs $10, stoves $19, Heke $15. 16 Bond Street West, 4 Bond Stree Valley Creek 728-440 CONTIN NTAL BaD 6 SARGAINES- Gut mat tresses half price. Finest quailty Pos- turepedic Perma Foam, Headboards, one third off, 723-3889. RAMBLER" TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundoys 2 - 4 P.M, BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 40! ond 28 HOUSE TRAILER FOR SALE. Reason- ably priced. For more information tele- phones 728-5725. We PALEON house trailer. svat leetrie 8 br 'and tollet, Propane stove, WINTER STORAGE. Boats, motors, etc. Wilde Rental, Whi (668-3224, }ONED S, 7 and 18 HP out. beard motors; also 2 ine test tank es new, Long distance Dunbarton 1-839- va 1 SPRINGBOK Siuminom boat, one year old. Good condition. Apply 1239 Meadowvale Street 1s' FIBREGLAS BOAT, tilt trailer, 75 Evinrude motor, electric start, Electra shift, extra gas tank, horn, lights, ete, 668-6653. % 7--Swop a end Barter ans no SINKS AND VANITY units, | $39.95) basins, $10.; stainiess steel sinks, $11.50.) tubs, follets, laundry tubs, piping, fit- tings, pressure systems, repairs and S00 gallon tanks, H. Chinn, 288 Hillside, 4OW TO GET IT: tt you Go not find th Dial 723-3492) _ [FUR COAT, grey Persian lamb, site 14 item you want in the Want Ads, place aj" WE BUY, SELL AND "EXCHANGE TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower all-channel gir Installed, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust | east of Ritson Road. moving! 2)" television, RCA Victor: Westinghouse refrigerator, drapes, ex- tension ladder, Boy Scout hat and shirt, skates china cabinet. 235 Eulatie, Pol SPOT WELDER, 110 volts, r.S K.V.A., new condition, & Brown sheet rene brake, 18 guage, 728. after 6p. EWERTERFTELD. white leather, in fect condition, Reasonable price, T Phone 728-2537, GAS FURNACE, like new. Set of laun- Gry tubs, Pellet gun, 191) slide projec- tor with vers religious sildes, Other jantiques, 728-5217. 1967 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE "by Bomber- ier, world's largest producer of soft sol! vehicles and "Mecultoch chain saws, now on display, United Rent-All Marine, S35 S King St. _. at Wilson, 728-SS4S. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end bles, one coffee table, two table lamps. hin Q00d Condition. Box $7293, Osh- awa Times, TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- @ ff. structure, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele- vision, 728-5143. chesTERFIELD ~ <= contemporary style, six months, barely used. Custom up. bolstered. Telephone Claremont, 649-2188. LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN' set, very jcomplete, Tape recorder and tune Long distance Dunbarton 1839-1742. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances, One location onty. Pretty Furniture, baal Simcoe South, 723-327) ANTIQUES -- Settee in red velvet, three junfinished settees, bed, rocking chairs, corner whatnot shelf, and frames, 723-1693 after S$ p.m. picture 16, excellent condition, $125. Telephone 7 i "Wanted" ed ano ge? it! now, STANDARD typewriter, $25.7 portable, $35.) adding machine, $25.7 cash regis ter, $35.) electric multiplier snap, 723 FURNITURE -- complete four roo Telephone +4403 or 55 Celina Street, REVOLVER, 22 calibre frontier model with Hollywood fast draw holster, $55. Telephone 723-8493. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC STOVE, and 10 cubic foot refrigerator, Both new condition. Used six months, Telephone 725-2683 after 5,30 p.m. WALNUT FIVE Ce kitchen -- suite, $45; electric riddie, $6.) drapes, two pleated panels, 72" x 84", $20, 574- 2675. SKATES! A iarge selection of new and used, Also hockey equipment, bargein priced hockey -sticks, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street, 725-6344, TECO SPACE WEATER with fen, lerge size, capable of heating four rooms, Like new! Telephone 263-2759, MOTOR FOR SALE, 1962 Pontiac, 283 "|WANTED -- Sixdrawer mechanic's tool chest, T 723-4039, WANTED -- Used mi hinery, @ ality fype of woodworkii and sheet metal chines, Top "ahaa paid. Telephone Te. 7677 after ¢ pm 13--Articles For Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS _ 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 _ HALL FOR RENT ®@ Dances @ Weddings @ Stags @ Bonquets @ Showers, etc, Stage ---- Bar ---- Kitchen fa- cilities, Accomodotes up to 300, y C. Borun 725-9718 P, Soltys 723-4332 ENTERTAINING? Filiy to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis "ep for ban. Gusts, parties, weddirigs, parking, 723-7726. WHEEL CHAIRS, | hospital beds reducing machines, sick room sopptien, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, 14--Business Opportunities SHELL CANADA LIMITED has a serv- \ce station for lease on a busy artery Better than average income, Bar, kitchen, WS oan hee chool age, I 'es age, In my home, Ti z hile ive children seeelane. after November Is Hunting Month.. Hunt For Bargains In The Want Ads 17--Female Help Wanted "WANTED" cae See ee ann, a "Hardwood lumber. green [£08 street . Telephone Sissy, renee ROMAN tevin ond care for three children, school phone 107. iad REL IAB iain pop ah required Tm a Bay vei Ave marery shu ine ork aor ts SLE WANYSITTER To care Tor Nn work Potaphemn" bet eg ee "hele Help Wanted Are You Interested In a Rewarding Career ? HERE IS WHAT Zeller's Limited OFFERS YOU IN RETAIL. MANAGEMENT * Good starting salary * Excellent training Program Rapid advancement for thost with industry and ability Liberal benefits Company policy of promotion from within Opportunity for high-level income Interesting and active environment Strong expansion program creating unusual opportunity for progress Applicant Must Be Able To Relocate Periodically Junior Matriculation is Essential Please Direct All Replies To Box Number 56313 Oshawa Times * o- * Inch, V-8, automatic transmission, Alex 942. 3678, is CHAIN SAW OE,? Priced for quick' sale, Telephone "me 3086, Oshawa, BRIDAL 'Gown, TN white" peau le AE heavy duty cena. good condi. ton, $50, Toronto 668. | 4rea, serving good Industrial and trans. port accounts, Tiorean Inspection ar 56887, | OPEN tO For Information J.B, Van Zant, 720-642), ; WELL EST, HED, equipped auto motive parts and machine shop, RESTAU 7 vi qui Choice corner location, 'Adloins Fabri- cating plant employing over 100 = sonnel, aie pecan i Fag the serious buyer scrambling his Mistel book, Call Bill Gordon, 263-8875, P. EB, Gravelle, breenn 623-3341, CHILD'S PEDAL" " " boy's Judo sult, size 6-10, $47 boy's hockey skates, new, size 5; lady's cocktall dresses, size 13-14, 668- $432, te PIANO -- Re-conditioned and r ed. Telephone 942-2702, TAPE RECORDER -- tapes, $265, best offer, four aquaria, $40, Re player, $45,, Colonial style cradie, 723-5038 Hast BOOKSHELF, end table, drop-leaf kitch- en table, book rack, space heater, sew- ing machine, 16' awning, ete. Telephone 723-7617, cord $20, cook Bring CORTLAND APPLES, good eating, ing, or freezing, only $1.50 bushel, your containers. 173 Garrard Rd. North, 723-0379, Yor sale, tree delivery. Tele|- 306, T Ontario No, pound bags, delivered, 3996 or 7234 9439, APPLES -- Mcintosh, and up) Spy, $2, per bushel and up; also Cortland, Delicious, Russet, Tolman & Groner 1, seventy-five 10--Farmers' T Caluwen Deer & Moose PROFESSIONALLY SKINNED CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR PREEZER, TELEPHONE 728-1487 DEAG AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721, Licence 4C: SMALL WARM stalls, Oshawa 4463, SRE 5 enue _ T1--Pets and Livestock _ ~ K-W RANCH All types of horses for sole. $25 down, Easy terms. Trial rides, hay rides, sleigh rides, Ride daily Mon. + Fri, Spacious box stalls, Ask for Joey or Ted, Pickering 942- 1101, RN three box einity, Telephone 723- HILLTOP RANCH Horses boarded, bought ond sold, HANCOCK ROAD NORTH just east of Courtice 728-7768 or, 728-5738 GOLb AND White OLLIES, | Scotch and Toy. Also house trained. Lebrad livered, 985-2645. UREBRED registered German wae for sale. sire rd ported from England, 214. ~ Shep- and dam, im- Telephone 723- BunGiEs strain, BEAUTIFUL BABY for training, talking Broad, 114 Elgin East, COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Sheo- herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, equipment, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4 LABRADOR RETRIEVER » READY Apply T crossed puppies, five weeks old, for sale, Tele phone 725-8585 after 4 6 om TONTINE KNLS. DB. black Miniature Poodle puppies oe it Stock. Also Diack, silver white stud service, Elaine and Frank Shewring, Telephone 723-5 $300, PUREBRED REGISTERED | nish- floors sanded and refinished, Scuff-r jan' r a CADY WISHES housek Tommhessine position for Telephone 728-| ) T 81,50 per bushel and miniature sheep dog. $35 to $75, ae 15--Employment Wanted RESIDENTIAL and commercial floor and = window maintenance, hardwood maintenance hg Free estim: invited, 725. elderly Voth ep in Oshawa area, Tele- phone MAN aK "VARIED EXPERIENCE in Construction and building trades wishes supervisory position with local o company, Write Box 58201, Oshawa mes, Witt 6 DAY CARH fo children in my home, north end Oshawa, 723-2880, Apply 120 Nonquon Rad, T AREA -- Will care ire for one wo children In 4a pees ve days \ "week. Telephone 728-18 ; MOVING? CALL ROBCO. "poasanabia rates, Free estimates. Rake leaves and Lene same, boi services, Im- phone 728.3981 aiter 5 WOMAN WILL TAKE CARE of children in her own home, five-day week or Sat- urday If preferred. Near Mary Street school. 576-3626, WOMAN AVAILABLE for day care of oneor two children, Telephone 723-1635. WILL CARE FOR child, 24 and over, Soke $15, Playmate for mine, Near Centre, $76-2675. 17--Female Help Wanted A&W DRIVE - IN 1327 Simcoe St. North REQUIRES CAR HOSTESSES EARN EXTRA MONEY for CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Part time help only required, day and evening, Thursday inday. Free uniforms, private transportation to home after mid-night. No ex- perience required, -- training POWER'S SUPERMARKET REQUIRES - AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK *% AND AN EXPERIENCED BUTCHER Good starting rate, usual company benefits. Apply to the manager, 564 King Street East. EXPERIENCED MACHINIST A growing company in the electronic industry re- quires additional help for its machine shop. Fringe benefits, profit sharing plan and steady employment. Contoet: MR. C. TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. 500 BEECH ST, WHITBY, ONT. program dilable, Married women rere but not es- sential, Must be nect, pleo- "i courteous, between __ TELEPHONE 728-5731 SALESLADIES ee se Full or part time for exclusive ladies': sportswear shop, Ex- perience in selling desirable, Pleasing personality, good ap- pearance ond references es- sential, Good solary in ac- cordance with ability to sell. Apply in person to: SEIGNEUR'S Sportswear Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre Poodle puppies, 10 weeks old, Solld colors, black, \ sans white, Very reasonabie. 725-1343. GERMAN SHEPHERDS, Canada's finest purebred, If you are going to own a@ dog, buy the best. Excellent character, Biasienderg Kennels, 942-4469. HAIRDRESSER FULLY QUALIFIED FOR WHITBY SALON YOUNG MAN Required. by the accounting department of © progressive furniture manufocturer to assist in the compiling and analyzing of product costs, Position will provide opport- unity for advancement. No costing experience necessary, however, applicants must have completed Grade 12. Please apply in writing to; MRS. RIDDELL SKLAR-STANCOR 617 Victoria St, E. Whitby Good opportunity for right le, male and female, Have had some needies and also have medical papers. Telephone 725-5279. PUPPIES, part Border Collies, six weeks old. Tan with white markings, $5. each Telephone 725-4394 PONIES FOR SALE. Various sizes. ideal gifts, Will hold until Christmas, Tele- phone °23-2593. PERSIAN KITTENS, cream and bive- cream, Also 'one black one. House broken, Full grown and six months. Telephone 723 0734 REGISTERED HACKNEY HORSE. Nine |dren, 985-2226, Port Perry |TWO FEMALE TOY terrier puppies, six years old, quiet to ride. Used to chil- weeks old. Telephone Blackstock 984 PUPPIES tor sale, mother purebred §t.| Operotor, Phone 668-3061. Bernard, Very good with eMleren., Ae Mrs, Hughes. mate, $15, toriels. Telephone 72 REGISTERED Chihoshva ay | aareoaateR: experienced, for tull children, Opportunity for an interesting career as a Beauty Counselor, Earn while you learn, Call Mrs. WOMAN OVER 25 to come in and mind| three children, housekeeping, five-day week, p.m, Eulalie - NEED EXTRA MONEY -- Studio Gini offers exciting and rewarding positions for full or part-time employment. a . experience necessary, Will train. East of Simcoe Street, Boys BS gaa Good Condition, Tele-|100 WHITE ROCK capons, $4 each, live.|west of Simcoe Street, phone 876-1456, Ashburn, 655-3606. 668-2685, time employment 40 hour week. Salary and commission. Apply The Mayfair $e. ton 728-0642. RELIABLE baby sitier to live in, two Pre-school, Newcastle. Tele. phone 987-4237. WAVE YOU A PLEASING personality? Grose, 725. $235, one school age. 7 am, Central Park area, im u om Ne Oshawa, call 725-5186 ALSCO Openings for 2 to 3 salesmen, Leads supplied. Highest commission, poid weekly. Call MR. W. CLARK 735-3313 'danitor Wanted Calvary Baptist Church Phone 723-0601 between 9 and 4:30 Oshawa, call for appointment aieh tne rm '