Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1966, p. 19

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s : ASGRBaRaReaRanaeneannl tailers Forecast Record 1 sO TG OO 15 DL GY A HO a Ek Rh a PH ' Re i. 2 merchandise line ex-|by company = (Los ] hen show the tt per-fin cont , : per-jin the neigh . | In Christmas Season Sales enage gah me nS . over a year ae Santa Claus will be busier|/Thanksgiving week. Some 13/also are relying on junior and EXTRA DIVIDEND than ever this year -- and the|per cent of the merchants in-|women's ready-to-wear, men's| Directors of the Co., nation's retailers will have ajdicate they will start their toys, a andjof Newton, Iowa, MARKET TODAY ae mri teen rl aa eng. fren dl Nov, ee, at BUSINESS SP 0 This is the almost unanimous|!st year. to score high gains over last/cents a share Thi * oro' 10:40 Net opinion of 230 retailers in 101| Larger advertising invest-|year, extra and regular | MDnirwutea by cr Sting igh Low asm. Cre | one ' cities queried by the Bureau of|ments are planned by 42 per $0 'conta ore "payable Dee, Toronto 1 ree ee me Ti : Advertising, ANPA, through its|cent of the retailers; the median to shareholders of easton In 1 all bom & fret, 1 os ae oe esponse @) ran 1 ] member newspapers, in Canada|increase is 10 per cent. ar 1, For A year, the * panes, Net change ta) © Hermgeld 400 22k, 225 ae ay and the U.S, about thelr Christ-/0ne Per cent plan to mainta was $1.95 a } fram 'previous board-lot closing sale. | Gdn ole et : F mas season business expecta-|@dvertising at last year's level,! Rainbow Chemicals Ltd., ajwith $1.90 in re MINES Charter 0 400 Sao." 320" 370 " tions. and only six per cent expect! subsidiary of Cyanamid of Can.|Yearend extra was 90 cents. mamic aio ME) + Ss or anaaair to trim thelr ad budgets. tee Fagro 1300 265 pe Eighty-seven per cent of the ada Ltd., announced in Watford, Steet ales igh Low eum Ch'pe ee Be ob retailers think that this year's} More than half of the retail- Ont., Thursday {t plans to con- NAMED FOR HEROES wa, ee BB Int Helium 2200 385 385 385 | | MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana-|of sales activity that is ex-/the giant U.S. - based General/Christmas sales will top those|¢?s responding to the Bureau struct a plant here for 0 The Liberty ships of the Se lo 113 113 13 -- S| Nba" ate a #0") 3 laair Ltd, largest airplane man-|pected to increase its present|Dynamics Corp., Canadair bylo¢ last year, The median_sales|f Advertising questionnaire are|® produ cond World War, 9,708 in 'all, am ss: & N Davies $000 16 16 16 ufacturer in Canada, is having|work force of 6,000 to 10,090 by|agreement cannot duplicate re-|increase forecast ts 10 per cent.|department stores. Other store|tion of li ee = i dry fertilizer. . hee Hee saa | me, Be ee a business boom but had to|1970 and set the firm on a solid search projects of the parentlonty three per cent of the re.|t¥Pes include furniture, men's|Thomas vicespresident|Were all named for famous $400 6h 66 te ae a a te rket|long-term basis. company but must create its] snondent ' and boys' wear, discount, of operations, & said expenditures| Americans. Petrol 9000 64 look beyond the home marke rs pondents expect a sales de- ; oo nh on on | Blee O 300 a) 2 38 3 Ite achieve it, All in all it has been "'a suc-jown "exclusives." cline and 10 per cent think busi-|Women's wear, appliance and|s ". 4000 30 2 Rover "3000 288. 42.88. '1| Hit hard when Canadian gov-|cessful response to transition,"| Among these is a "'reconnals-|noss will be the same as last|Vatiety stores, Mg ght MS 0 HNO) Scurry Rn 8275 519% 10% 194+ lernment orders began running|says Canadair President Fred-|sance drone"--a craft designed) year, BASIC MEDIUM Grou! Reet 1000 22 22 22 --1| gpmoner 400 93 9) of! =! lout three years ago as the CF-lerick R, Kearns, "We're an ex-|to fly out on reconnaissance!" 7) 01. op three of the re- : " ut of re-| To meet this year's strong Brunswk 400 905-900 905 +5! 'Triad ol 1756 193 19 193 --2'1104 program ended and orders|port-minded company now. flights after its flight has been)... anticipate a profit gain tition, the retailers ques- Eomp cho 100 tm So oo +5] W Gelity 90 io gio aio 410 [for the CLe44 dwindled, the Pine forecasts. export sales,|programmed in advance by A motion proht novensy "etlienia eect oa ocd exety Sen 'Nito '500 te pe eg |W Deen w 780-155 14 188 +1 huge firm looked abroad for see per gle ogra ig research budget of/@i8ht per cent tg expected, - qany newspapers as their - rkets. total Ss year, W! je coe wo oh INDUSTRIALS Meny diversifying its products|per cent in 1967 and an even-|$30,000,000 financed jointly by|Nineteen per ceht of the mer-|basic advertising -- medium. enn wake q 40 $10V4 1014 10 Phy A to foreign custoiners, tual peak of about 70 per cent.|Canada, Britain and Germany,|chants queried expect profits to| Sixty-eight per ong plan to - Goch wil 200 197 Te? P| Alte Gan T 200 H1, We fi, [Canadair entered a new period! A wholly-owned subsidiary of rain ay eh A sg ena yey poly ms papa ol ast Tulnues o4 bekewe . Coniagas 1000 54 84, 54-1] Algo Cont 250 88% 7 87 7 : ay it s¢ well. land four per cent are un-/daily newsenanere 96 ner cont %-- ee tie U.S. conte nas ore Alan 0 irs i. FA ad s " Contracts like this one rank| decided. will invest from 90 to 99 per € fo moo oh aa $10 | Argue a sista 8 ts tain ess oteel Firms high among Canadair's major) Continuing the trend to early|cent, and 11 per. cent of the tite nome spondents will invest all their € Rambler 190 190. 190 Argus Cor 430 S10K 10m 10% ; long-term programs but sales|Christmas promotions, six per|'espon r pPlacd g N00. $70," 70." 570 Altuver 25 $9 Sle Sao e are no longer dependent on the| cent of the participants say they|®¢ dollars in newspapers dur- Seo Cites se te ie ee +1) Bonk Wn a Pl annin Price Incre ase Canedien i hdngee wre mae will start their promotions be-|ing a cebu om _ pe y th its history of feast-or-fam-|fore November 21, the start of! Color television sets are the Cowich WW We Bathrst A 25 $56' Va 56Ve g w ; Craigmt 200 811% 11% 11% Bathrst w 200 oa 875 «(875 ine orders over the years. Srowpat 100 3" 3 fh -- Ws] Bell Tr So SS 8 $1'| PITTSBURGH (AP) -- North) Eastern Stainless Steel Co., in| puns AMPHIBIOUS PLANE cee ne a tt | cee a" ts Gah ae ae America's stainless steel indus-|Baltimore, says it will announce!" Now unusual products such as Discovry 100 156 156 156 =--2]| Brazilian 1300 $9% 9% 9% try, faced with rising costs atjsignificant price increases in a new amphibious utility trans- a ae a Whe Be Suarp 200 f17% iu ia--~ {a time of strong demand, ap-|the near future. port, 'the CL-215, used for crop Frobex 2414 260 350 350 +8 | BCPh 4% p 220 $81Ve BIYe BV pears headed for its first gen-| Canadian nickel is vital to the Bostlan and water bombing, sell an" nT | com" a Bas on oem eral price increase since 1958./production of stainless steel. |first in countries as distant as Granisie 300 $25 525 25 == § | Can tron 275 $16% 16% 16% The industry has indicated it|After International Nickel Co.| Japan. Hesuney aio 837 | 1] Gon Perm 250 SOM Tone. Tose may follow the lead earlier this}of Canada and other Canadian; But diversification at Cana- Heath 2000 10 10 mi rag Aig sd -- FP os week of Allegheny Ludlum Steel -- Dre ees peal dair has eeaades ey sider High-BI 30 700 485 mw ry \ " .|Corp., which increased its base) prices by almos per cent the | products related to the aircra BANQ UETS Ho nb $00 Hi oH i € ine bog S00 Ht ive ine " price and extra charge on Stain-|stainless steel industry moved | industry. Int Bibis T 2100 92 9 92 +2) CIL 235. $16% 16% 16% less sheet and strip an average |quickly to review its effect. One| The Canadair Dynatract all- GROUP QUETS bn? yo an 'm+ | € Betrotin $25 S04 10m im' lof 2.5 per cent major producer estimated that|terrain vehicle now is in a state ir y V . 4 if ee, ae HS Ee SE I I the new nickel price will add/ot advanced production engl : % about $12 a ton to the cost of|neering, with a target comple- Bice appt hts] Gees ae at at | STOCK MARKET jpretucns tun en ston dia ttt Wg enn aa 4 Dufevit 1780 iv 12% 12% -- Ve} Con Paper. 350 $392 e 3% + 1. Cc. cu <S, \° akehead ©1500 28a 28 8 Cons Gas 2920 $14 14a 14a TORONTO (CP) -- Industrl-/anq '$700 a ton. ing curtain walls for apartments L Osu 390 18 Wee 18 + Val Coomes 100 $114 11% 114+ We) als and western oils highlighted d other buildings, are also La tus 100 $20 20 «620 +V| Crestork 495 495 Stainless sheet and strip isjan gs, oo sis 15. 15 + [trading Thursday on the Tor- selling well, company officials tin, Wy ae te og] Sram Im aeaTh lw jw" "Tonto Stock Exchange as the|sna) Petry, Mindustrien in| sty. aC ass: . ' 100 $12 12% 12%-- %4| Market advance " fi west do Te G4 | Bel ee 38 Gee ae wee | The Industrial index, gainedleciomotive "and architectural Ahr a8 ait fay ttt fs] BB" as £0 to 144.82, following the trend] rm NET EARNINGS Maybrun 1000-208 = ie va} Dom Coal 100 A 0 on the New York exc ie 'anne 0 Pr Pt gy io ion ia i od Moore Corp. climbed 2% to By THE aa gee Hal tee 5 5 4 Domier 10% Ar vy oe w+ att png ag as BP DIVIDENDS ate o* my '30: 1968, Highlight of the Year a is % to : . 30: % le Dopo tre Sar 6 is ites Re undoes cancel higher| By THE CANADIAN PRESS /f1,650,633, 85 cents a share; we ge en SE ae Ea ™ ' 1 wel year-end earnings and Inco %| D. A. Stuart Oll Co. Ltd., 30/1965, $1,736,304, 93 cents. AT CHRISTMAS New Bid 2100 2 2 2 ercuite w 300 120 1 ' to 83. cents, Dec, 1, record Nov. 17.| penault Ltee., 12 weeks ended Ne 'dave 'aay « ' : ' Grom, ar | Be orom ae ue gh gh) Wester oll fumpod 258 on .ueae Co: Lad, 26 conta extre((ign ent PTO: 10s gel Bg ee gg iM . 7 . 098. yi N ioe 10 18 ee Gove, Env 'i wn oe sien oe nee foe al 25 cents, Dec, 15, record Nov.| Canadian British Aluminium Quests will thoroughly enjoy themselves we N Senator 150 20 WF 18 Greyhnd 380 $194 194 Ila + bow and Zama Lake regions of|2¢- Ltd., year ended July 31: 1966, are sure. Norbeou 2900 #3 #81 1! Hawker 8 100 390 990 9D --F | DON Alberta, Hamilton Cotton Co., common) ¢4,663,465, $1.17 a share; 1965, Pleasant Surroundin 500 10 Hayes. stl 30 cents, Dec, 1 d Nov. Norlex MS 26166 |Home A 17 Sa M+ %) Scurry Rainbow moved up 2))5. po $1 oy rein. econ $4,743,977, $1.19. Kesily Loceted on Hwy. 401 erpex, «000 8 8 f+ M4] Horne Pit 00 250. 250 290 +8 [to 18%, Dome 1% to 28%, Cana-ina, gs 'Montreal Locomotive Lt 4. Just 10 Minutes from Oshawe ve ee od lili su 3% B+ "dian Superior 1 to 26% and!" Noranda Mines Lid., 45 cents,|"2@ months ended Sept, 30: on the Bowmenville Interchenge (No. 75) Noringat 200 485 480 480 «+ B | Husky C pr 50-856 «56 56 +) Banff % to 13%. extra 15 cents, Dec, 18, record| 1286, $133,000, 17 cents a share; We et the Flying Dutchman ore especially Patino. Ria mie Ti) eS IRR Banks were weaker with|Nov. 17, ' 1985, $78,000, 10 cents. proud of the prestige which has been achiev- e 1000 24 24 24 Ind Accept $00 $226 22% 226 Montreal off 1 to 53, Nova Sco-| Hollinger Consolidated Gold} Clairtone Sound Corp. Ltd., ed through the personal and meticulous con- Placer 260 $25%4 2504 25% ind Miner! 280 $8 9 tia % to 61% and Royal and/Mines Ltd., 25 cents, Dec. 29,|Mine months. ended Sept. 30: sideration which is given to the minutest Que Li" Too 200 200200 --10 | [tend Ges 220 90% "ne "" Toronto-Dominion % each tolrecord Dec. i. " '{1968, $74,195 net loss; 1965, detail of your function. Q,uattom' sss 8 IMC, aa | 6614 and 5634. Barex Trust, 914 cents, Dec,| $134,554 net loss. For Reservations Phone 623-3373 R 200 135 195 135) 1] Int UM $25 " Noranda moved up 1% to 48%/1, record Nov, 21. Canadian Petrofina Co. Lid., LICENCED UNDER 1.C.8.0, Rie Sa Pr Bs Oe en Male | OSA ase arene ime Ae in base metals after announcing} Bruck Mills Ltd., class A 30/nine months ended Sept. 30: p ' Rio Aig € WwW 25 Sll¥e 11% 11% We) James St 500 485 an extra dividend of 15 cents.|cents, for arrears 60 cents, Dec. |1966, $5,782,000, 58 cents a Rockwin = 850 125. 125. 128, ett 42s fans "7M '2M -- Va Dome Mines skidded 1% to 95/15, record Nov. 15. share; 1965, $5,735,000, 58 cents. Roman 600 815% 15% 15% batt is $8 pF iL . od M hs Ms id eae ae ttt tit] trces, me me Me, [tn goles as mas Satelite ous oo oY Balt a at On index, golds were off 1.08 otk ee ae ae 8) leu Pn le Ot to 138.57, Base metals added .12 Sir Eureke 300 118 15 NS +9] Che invwt 100 a0 a0 20 90 |At 89.69 and the TSE .71 at Sivenés Beis 300 0 7" aa | SCA 1H a4 ™ sa 138.77. Soest ea ee Sh) RSet ae ae ah | Volume was 2.800.00, shares omes DU Teor ¢ 'i mo nm nm ry Ht Lo 0 8 pr a om 4 = -- with 3,059,000 Wed- sta Tome Oe 6 9. 9." Me Ud Mo tans ae aE MOTOR HOTEL inn peat a" oa )| Remes B Bae Line a ¢ a c]| ie SE' BONS nce Cal:: i'd ae zg a | Reh ee + "ss Weel Mine "200 450 430.480 (oor, ot favs fas les | _ TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Ua Kone 2100 25 20 4 +8 Norenda Bh save ae tia + ¥| dian bond market was off % Uren @ 300 2 Nor eM 486 iS Sah 40h point in quiet trading Thursday. . .. and every year the bills seem veoger 4 2 p 4 yd Nor Phone a4 tia a cua an Short-term Government oi Oshawa i oe ,| Canada bonds closed off 15 é Wer hare sett 'i wi ad a0 sno ee _-- cn a cents with the 4\%-per-cent Oct. to get a little larger eae and there s ear - Pri Cc 100 s12% 12 id Yukon € 14400 118 a 110 +7 gh oa 'me $1096, 10981088 Se at 98.70 bid and always more of them. Reveistk a500 38% 8 8 Long-term Canada and pro- ae OILS, GAS ve Rovel"phk 193 seave a6vh Gavh vincial bonds were off % with a : Salada 127 $10 -9¥4_10 e Government of Canada 414- - i hearers "fee i a .. secur Cop 1) 200 3) Ib per- oy ting: ' i 108, ae cies. Let money making Times "Act- s Save 225 $)1%e 11%e 11% ng a 4 and 8 asked. 7) see Srey Too Wes tas us Liar cuney Tee ck ion" classified ads take the strain off BOWLING NEWS Sinter "st 380 $1010.10 5 per cent. ' Sister Awt 100 380 80 38 5) 'Treasury bills ended the day your pocketbook this holiday season. é m, RAINBOW igaoue oh Paving 300 $94 9 8A [at Sa an with the 91-day bills we Xa, Maroon' U2, Siver tos @ioe Ih vee. Re oe at 5.19 and 182-day bills at 5.33. It's easy and profitable to put "Act- Teer Uae nes | iaine room Br dr eee T 135 $644 im " Me) ee eg: this The cOlny 500 99 whe tut PRODUCE ion" classifieds to work for you, sell- rar us ; Tor iron 'W 100 $35 3% +) 2 Vike a? GaNY M Finer ais (a2) py + Bai 5 TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale; ing the good but no longer used <r ata Rg lg By oid = Tr Can Pip 25 $464 4614 46¥0 jto Bo borden be yng BOs ; entiey . Y weighte (20) B. Wight 405 (237) and 0. McDutt og BO 9 a ze i "oot Ftv: J al HESKET articles you have around your home nn! sin lea: ea: &. Hyman, 22, a. iveien a. a oe ae um -- %| Thursday: A large 66.3; A me-| Ee H iah Haver 2 Acontn fio FoMuguan| Wai' Slats gata tw mt be 61.2; A small 483. | ,,./s. another reason ; right now. . ferson a] ay _ oa kat | Wiis, 1 IA "| GREE toleale, price, te) why most people listen to GLENHOLME SCHOOL, Leaeus ioe ; me H ; eSier Sateen] Canes He "a tn aa CERB Now is the time to_get. started Lee 295, Wayne nee 250, Jenn dies ers: Extra large 61; large 58- FR SB} ALL LA SES ONE | LOW ews Winan ke (Rebar Panam, 0, Cero] aig to 11:00 cm Sse 59; medium 53-54; small 42-44; after the extra cash you need, so make ator 9 AL ess Karen O'Boyle 1a, POREION TRADING B 42; C 35-36. oe SO Pre Ha NES honed LaRian 300 and Margeret on ae 8 8 3S ame. prices: Agricultural ;\ colons, 0 cnoost FROM a list of your "seliabies" and call ¢ ion board tenderable wom Torin n t30, See leche Beane Ker Aaa fe Miu iw Tu <0 earlots: buying 40 score 59; Times "Ad-visor" at 723-3492 tomor- rene B. Mary Pelecek 1) and Rioy Un'keno 900 448. 320. 380. "ye | Buying $9 score 58; selling 61.! Pe 0. Intermediate Ne ol (2): Jimmie Brown 1, Freddy Johns! 130, ge eens 190, David orevie 3 33, > Terry Clerk 160, Boris simeaky whe oe AND DOLLS MAJOR nighters "Seer Perry's Pests 4 to win Jan Cans over Bail Lows 3 of 4 and Sabers over Casseilites 3 to 1. Bishops rolied the high teem -- 3626, and Knightefs scored the og 1387, ® the Guys: Harold Batiem 837 (371, a. with Paimer Knight close behind, $18 (351). In the over 700 class were Ron Bragg 789, Ron Swartz 7846 (300), Wilf Ville me Lioyd Sebins 775 (310), Dave be yd ™ (329), Jim Cassels 725, Bed Lavergne 704 For the Dolls: It was Lorette McLean heading the parade with 802 (354), follow. ed by Joyce Bell 764 (305), Janet Peel TiS, Joan Nesbitt 712, Shirley Smart 697, Lorraine Murphy 691, Marion Hutchins 484, Mavis Taylor 644, Helen Pinch 664 High vorages os oo My Harold Ballem feeds with and Palmer Knight tied at 254, phe rott 250, Dave Bishop and Lioyd Sabine 247. Pe ag --- it Is still Bernice Buday with St, dere Bell jumping into second piace 217, \tsabetie King, Janet Peel, Mave 7 Twyler end Bee Kotetko ef] tied FRIENDLY % | Singles -- Rose' Anderson 247, | oP sstaahe Quesne! Eight Canadian whiskies use the word "Gold?' So don't be dazzled. Taste sets Hiram Walker's GOLD CREST WALKER'S GOLD CREST row, A 24 word ad costs just 84¢ on our low six time rate. Times "Action" classifieds put the fun back in Christmas gifting . . . so take away the fuss . . . and leave the selling to us. action, @ FOR WOMEN BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE --@ FIRST QUALITY LENSES... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED \@ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ WE PILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRIST PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICE. 17 BOND HOURS: ST. E. MON. te SAT. 2nd Fleer os PHONE 723-3492 PHONE 728-1261 Wednesday

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