18 THE OSHAWA Times, Friday, November 11, 1966 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER . InN NO ie f CAN GET RIO OF. YOUR PESKY nn get O IN ap et niat Standing by itself, the hand has all the values necessary for an opening bid, but once the no- trump bid comes in, the best thing to do is keep quiet, 2. Double, Since we have a notrump bid of your own, forti- by the knowledge that our strength lies over the opening bidder, we should clearly dou- ble. There are not many high cards ieft for the next two char: acters, but the hope is that partner will have most of them and be able to pass for' pe alties, If partner responds with MIS-USIN' TH'SOKUM NVR KNEW DUKE eee eres WAG MIXED UP IN es 'n* \ SMUGOLING/ IF , I HAD, ID MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER PERFECT RECEPTION 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) 10 CHANNELS NO ANTENNA There's More To See With Cable TV WHEN ARB You TWO GONNA START GETTIN' ALON TOGETHER 2/ AS SOON AS WE BOTH SEB THINGS AS THBY SHOULD BE SEEN. TLL TAKE CARE "38 GENERAL PAZ, MYSELF 1 WON EVERY ARGUMENT | 1 GUEGS JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY HAS AFEW FAIR-WEATHER FRIENDS... +. BUT WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY BAD-WEATHER FRIENDS... TELE Buftele Barrie Buttale PRIDAY 6:00 PM. 12--Rocky and Friends li--Family Theatre @--Superman 7--Leramie 6--Fiipper +Vovie 0 PL. $: 12--F Troop 6--Leave It to Beaver 6:00 PLM. 134-4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy T--Movie é--Run, Buddy, Run %--Seaspray 6:39 PA, 12--Iron Horse ll--Plerre Berton 9-6-3--News, Weather Sports 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News 7:00 P.M. 11-It'a About Time | 9--Prults of Southampton Wonderful. World &-TBA 2--News, Weather Sports 4----People Are Funny 7:20 P.M, y--News, Weather, Sports 7:38 PM, 12--Rat Patrol i 'atro! 4---Wild, Wild West 6:00 P.M, 36-12--Get Smart %--Time Tunnel 6:20 P. 28-11--Man From U.N.C.L.E. $-It's Your Move 3612--Tommy Hunter Show 9:00 PLM. 12--Movie 9--Mission Impossibie 7--Milton Berle é--Movie 4--Mavie 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.B, | 3-Sin li-Rat Patrol 2-4--Halimerk Hall of Fame 6 08 PA, 11----Merv 'Griffin 2-4--Laredo %--Run tor your Lite 7-12 O'Clock High 3-Time Tunnel 0 PM, 11-9-8-7-4-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports This PM, 2--Johnny Carson 4--News, Weather, Sports 1:20 PLM, ! Viewpoint Nis PLM, li--Plerre Berton 6~--News, Weather, Sports 11:38 PM, &--Johnny Carson 7--Memory Game 12--Bourbon Movie 45 P.M, %~--Royal Winter Fair P.M. St. Beat SATURDAY 6:00 A.M, 1}--Outdoors Unilmited 2--Clutch Cargo $--Davey and Gollath 4--Captain Kangarce 6:38 AM, To-Rocketship 7 Cartoon Playhouse li--Sennitzel Hevee 6--Three Stooges 2--Hercules 9:00 A 4--Fun to Learn 8Secret Squirre! $--~Stingray 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Frankenstein Jr. fr. 10:30 A.M Vi--Hobby Time oa tereye and Gumby 7--Casper é--Cousin Bill 4--Superman 3-On Sofar! 11:38 AM ll-Your Home and Garden @--Skipper Sem 7--Maaille Gorilla 9--Beatles 2--Jetsons 4--Lone Ranger 3--Greater London Crusade 12 NOON 12--Physics é--Uncle Waldo 24---Top Cat 12:30 P.M, 12--Ontarlo Schools 9--Movie 4--Beagles f per é 3--Ernie Lindell 2-8----Smithsonian 12.55 PLM, li--Saturday Afternoon at the Races 1:00 P.M, 3-46-12--Champlonship Snooker 4--Rural Review 24--Animails Secrets Wis PM, 7College Footbal! 1:30 P.M, Movie 4--Science Reporter 2~Sea Hunt 2:00 P.M. 4--Car 54 3-4-12---Sports Presents 2--Topper 2.3 P.M. Ni--Outdoors Unilmited 4--Bat Masterson 2-Movie 3:00 PLM, White Hunter 4--Forest Rangers %--Hi-time 3:98 P.M. Ni--Donna Reed 4--Sclence Fiction heatre. 4:00 N--Wrestlirig 9--After Four 8--Brighton Rolloffs 3-6-12--Wrestlin, 4--N.F.L. Countdown 330 P.M. " Highlight: DIAL 723-5278 | th THAT DION'T BOTHER YOU THEN, THE BOSS YELLING AT YOu IN FRONT OF YI SHOULD HAVE STOOD UP AND YELLED RIGHT BACK AT HIM, THATS WHAT I SHOULD TRY TO SLEEP, TS 2:00AM YOUR HEALTH CROSSWORD across 4, Traps 5. Spirits and water 9. Metal 10, Back 11, Small cut 12, Selected 14. Grows Csr rr STE TR] (OlR] a) EIDIUICIAT IE] RIGISITILIE |S} AIRINMNPIAISISIAIGIE] mA saa Oa (REPIR MNCL IAI IS INIAL! ma [OlUlT iS) SITIT INIT MEAIGIRIETE) EIGIGIVMEPIEIAIR] BEST BROKEN-FIELD RUNNING I'VE SEEN ALL SEASON! NOW MAYBE JUNIOR WILL SHOW YOU GUYS HOW TO KICK THE EXTRA POINT! 36. Calendar abbrevi- ation 38. Decays 40, S-shaped molding 41. Bacchanal Dear Dr. Molner: What causes stones in the parotid glands? Does any kind of food or too much calcium have any- thing to do with it? These little stones are white and chalky, and cause infection in the gland until they pass out through the duct.--Mrs, H. E. B. Stones forming in the ducts of the salivary glands, usually the submaxillary or pafotid glands, can be a considerable nuisance and at times very painful. When the stones shut. off the flow of saliva, swelling and pain are the result, As with stones in other or- gans, we do not know the whole story of why they form, al- though we do have some facts in this case: The stones usually form if there is some obstruc- tion in the duct, or if the saliva becomes unusually thick. There is no indication that calcium or anything in the diet has any effect. There is one home remedy which may be effective when a stone is lodged in a duct. Tak- ing something sour (lemon juice, a pickle, or something of the sort) will incite a strong flow of saliva and this some- times will force a small stone out. If, however, it does not expel the stone, then the increased saliva makes the _ situation worse until the stone is re- moved. When a_ stone cannot be teased out by such a method, surgical removal is necessary to relieve the- congestion and pain. Dear Dr. Molner: My wife puts a couple of squp spoons of vinegar in an aluminum pan two of any suit, a pass becomes automatic, There is almost no chance for game. we only 11 high points, the distribution indicates that there is not only a possibility of making a part score but also the possibility of making 8 game. A suit overcall against 8 notrump opening necessarily implies good distribution and reasonable safety. It invites partner to go on towards game, even in the face of the open- er's known high - card etreng- 4. Double, The question is whether to double or bid twe hearts. The double is probably better because partner may fen in which case we are ikely to collect a sizable pen- alty. Of course, if partner re- sponds two of a minor, we ibd two hearts, 5. Pass, Again the safety principle applies, as in the first hand. A double could bring a two - spade response from partner, and then we'd be in the soup for good. You have to make compro- mises in some hands by doing nothing, even though you real- ize that inaction may cause you to miss the best possible result, Thus, you have every right in this case to feel that your side can make a part score in one of your four - card suits, but it is too dangerous to invest- igate the possibility by elther a double or a suit overall. The chance of making a ra is remote, and you should not risk a large penalty when only a part score is at stake, Randall Predicts Ontario's Future SARNIA (CP)--In the next $4 years Ontario's yearly gross provincial product will increase more than 6% times today's fig- ure, Stanley Randall, the pro- vincial economics and develop- *;ment minister, said Wednesday Pickle May Oust Stones In Gland By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD No hazard. If you don't like the flavor, your wife can clean the pan with boiling water and vinegar after she has finished cooking, Easier yet, she can use one of the modern kitchen cleaners, However, neither the vinegar nor the staining of alu- minum from cooking does any harm | Dear Dr. Molner: I have a case of Parkinson's disease, more in my right hand than the eft. Any cure for it? Have heard it starts from a can- ---- somewhere.-- No truth at all to that "'can- cer" rumor, Mild Parkinsonism (trembling) can be controlled successfully by medica tion. There is no cure but in certain cases brain surgery may stop the shaking even though it does not correct the basic cause. Dear Dr. Molner: I am shocked by your reply to L. B. that "hormones in proper doses will not cause cancer; however, they may accelerate' growth) of a cancer if it already ex- oo rere : night. Mr. Randall said the value of goods and services produced in the province will reach $130,- 000,000,000 a year by the year 2,000 compared with the 1965 figure of $20,700,000,000. He told the annual fall dinner meeting of the Sarnia Chamber of Commerce that the prov- ince's population would more than double to 17,000,000 from its present 7,000,000 and. the an- nual income in each household would hit $15,000 per year in the year 2,000, The present average yearly ie OP ANH be ante NCOME IS gu,vuy, He SaiG, SALLY'S SALLIES "I wish I had married an man so Medicare would pay the bills." that will put your mind more The only reason I am alive at ease. is because I am receiving hor- mones for the generalized can- cer from which I am suffering. I am getting injections of test- osterone (male hormone) three First, I said that hormones may accelerate cancer growth --and that is true. They may. They also may not. Second, there are many kinds times a week and female hor-j0f hormones, and they act in mones in tablet form three/ifferent ways, sometimes in times a day. These are intended essentially opposite ways. to arrest the development of the Being a woman, you are receiv- cancerous areas already preva-|ing male hormones which have, lent. About hormones, poet indeed, been useful in treating let me hear from you. It's ter- ribly important.--Miss E. D. Yes, of course it's important some types of cancer occurring in women, primarily breast eancer which is accelerated by certain of the female hormones. when she boils potatoes to keep|Evidently the words frightened/your hormone balance in that the pot clean. Is this a hazardjyou unnecessarily. There arejregard is being reversed in @ te health?--E. L. two things you should know'sense.